AN: Sorry this chapter took so long to get and that it isn't as long as the past chapters. I've been trying to get the fight the way I like it. Along with school ending soon been really busy working on projects and studying for exams.

Now like I had said in the previous chapter I'm not the best when it comes to writing fight scenes. I hope this one came out good and felt like there was some weight to the jaeger and mech. If it didn't please let know what I could do to make it better in the future.

Now I'm just gonna respond to some of the comments. If you want to read to see the response then by all means check it out. Otherwise I hope you enjoy the chapter. And let me know what you think and if you catch any errors or something.


spartan-140: How big is Gypsy Danger compared to the rest of the FranXX?

Response: According to the PR wiki it states that Gipsy Danger is 260 ft tall. So I have the FranXX standing at 250-255ft. In the is a shot of them standing by the mech and to me it looked similar in scale to the scale in Pacific Rim. Then in a shot of them in the head of FranXX there seems there is a less space. So based on that I'm saying they are slightly smaller. I don't recall the show saying anything and I saw nothing on the wiki stating anything on their size. If you or any or the readers think I have the sizes off, please let me know.

gold crown dragon & Indigo One (Both had similar comments. Only posting Indigo One's though.): I don't know...try to implement the Mk.6 Jaeger like Gipsy Avenger or even the most advanced,Mk.7 Jaeger Saber Athena, seeing it has the most feminine shape from all the new Jaeger in Uprising. And for fun,try to make the Franxx pilots to take a look inside Jaeger conn-pod for comparison.

Resonse: I was thinking about putting/incorporating Gipsey Avenger (that still keeps the weight) at some point and adding another jaeger. Saber Athena does seem like a good choice as it is the most feminine shaped one. I'll think on it for the future. And yes I do have a scene in mind of the FranXX pilots seeing the Jaeger cockpit compared to there and visa versa.

Gipsy stood there sturdy and ready for combat. Opening and closing it's hands and beginning to turn it's hand into the plasma canon but stoping before it fully transformed. Making sure all movement and function is there but not wanting to give away to many secrets just yet. Especially since this is just a spar, not a true fight.

After several minutes a blue female looking mech showed up in front of them. The face though seemed blank, like it was meant to eyes and a mouth but there was nothing. The machine was being pulled out by several smaller machines. The area where they were planning for this spar was surrounded by lights to give a designated area to be in. Then Gipsy mic was turned on, "This is Gipsy Danger, is this who we are sparing against? I believe your names were Hiro and Ichigo who are piloting, correct?"

The radio from the mech across from them turned on and they heard a boys voice, "Yes that is our names, just give us a second and we will be good to go". In the female mech, Ichigo fully got in position on her hands and knees in front of Hiro who was on a sea right behind her. After getting set up, Ichigo had controls come off the side of her butt for Hiro to use. That is when both took a deep breath in trying to activated the mech. The screen on the back Ichigo's suit turned on showing the strength of the connection.

On the outside the face began to show, shocking Gipsy's pilots. To them it looked almost like a screen slowly coming on with random pixels turning on before a bar came across the face turning all the of it. That is when a complete face showed up on the mech that was faceless. There was blue eyes and mouth that moved. The mech slowly moved it's arms testing it before a baton like weapon deployed from it's right arm. So Gipsy deployed it's sword from it's left arm in preparation.

Raleigh faced Mako, "Remember Mako, we are to take it easy on these kids. They are still very green and apparently the boy isn't use to using their mechs and has problems connecting to his copilot". Getting a nod he hit his mic, "Nice mech you guys got there. She got a name? And you guys ready or still need more time?"

This time Ichigo responded, "Thanks, yours isn't to bad looking to. Her name is Delphinium and we are ready. I'll count down to three then we will begin. 3…2… 1… Go!"

With that Delphinium began to walk forward towards Gipsy pulling the baton back to swing downwards. Where Gipsy brought up the sword blocking the swing with a resonating sound. Deflecting the weapon to the right side before swinging to hit the side of the right side of the mech. As the sword came across, Delphinium ducked forward but to the pilots of Gipsy something seemed just slight off with the movement. When Delphinium ducked it landed on one knee using it's baton to clearly keep it stable and not collapse. That's also when the pilots noticed the face. It seemed to be glitching in and out at random places. Clearly showing that something was going on with those pilots connection.

A few seconds later the mech's face regained back to normal before looking up at Gipsy and slicing the baton up as it stood. It functioned like there was nothing wrong. Gipsy blocked the swing again but just barely. It kept happening that way Delphinium would swing and Gipsy blocking each attack with not any problem. The face on the mech was clearly getting more and more frustrated. Then a few minutes something major happed to Delphinium and it happened when Gipsy finally decided to attack and not just be defensive. It happened when Delphinium was in mid swing when the glitches on the face happened again. Raleigh and Mako parried the attack with its left arm and then went in with a rocket powered up cut punch since the fight had been getting stale. It wasn't at full power and they figured there was time to dodge it but there wasn't. By the time they saw the de-syncing in Delphinium happening again, it was to late to stop the punch.

At that moment it was like slow motion for everyone. Every single person knew that punch will hit square on the mech's with no chance of being dodged or blocked even for a glancing blow. The fist made square contact with the chin of the mech launching it a few feet in the air and several feet back. The contact was so loud that everyone watching near by went to cover their ears in shock. Though Delphinium only traveled that far because it wasn't in control of it's movements at all and the punch wasn't has hard as it could have been. When the mech landed on it's back it slid hitting one of the lights destroying them, leaving a crater and ditch on the ground. At that moment no one and nothing was moving. The only thing that was, was the smoke surround the fallen mech. After several seconds Gipsy finally moved towards the other mech to make sure it was ok.

When it was finally over top Delphinium, Gipsy's mic turned on, "Hiro? Ichigo? Are you guys alright?" There was no response. Again the mic came on, "Hiro or Ichigo are you guys ok?" Again no response. That is when the people watching began to make their way over to get into the fallen mocha and check on the pilots. A few feet away Delphinium began to move but no where near the way it was just a minute ago. This time it looked shaky and almost stuttery in a sense. "Mako this type of movement looks familiar," Raleigh said to his co pilot and then turned his mic on, "Hey, stop trying to move, the fight is over no need to strain yourself".

Still Delphinium moved sitting up as dirt fell off it. Then after a second from it sitting up the mech took off. Out of what appeared to a skirt, rockets ignited launching the mech at Gipsy and grabbing it along the waist and pushing it backwards. This caught the pilots of Gipsy off guard and prevented them from planting in to the ground to add resistance. By the time they were able to plant it was to late and they were slammed into the dome and falling over with the other mech. When they were on the ground they rolled so that they would be on top of Delphinium pinning it down, telling them to stand down and that the spar was over. The ground were they had fought was had now been all torn up from them sliding.

In both the jaeger and mech the pilots heard Nana speak, "All pilots halt all actions both jaeger and mech are on the ground. This spar is over". Gipsy stood up but Delphinium just stayed there on the ground not moving again but this time it never moved again and the face on it disappear. Gipsy walked back into the hanger where both pilots shut it down and got out to rush to the fallen mech. By the time they got to Delphinium both of its pilots were already out. From the looks on those pilots, something major had happened in that mech during the spar.

Raleigh spoke to Mako as they walked over, "Do think they really came out of sync?"

"Yes I do think they fell out of sync. I wonder if the face was suppose to come on smoothly and not as glitchy as it did. Maybe you were right in that the pink haired girl should have been his copilot," she said as they finally arrived to the crowd in front of them.