A/N: This is it! It's been so much fun guys but we've reached the end. After tonight's episode this is no longer canon, but I wanted to finish it anyway. To answer one reviewer, this story will have what I feel is a happy ending—mostly ;) After all, this is fanfiction! But I've tried very hard to keep everyone in character, so some things will end on a bittersweet note. If I get enough interest, I may write an epilogue, though I'm not sure what I'd put in it, ha!

A/N2: SPOILERS FOR S3EP20! DO NOT READ if you haven't seen the most recent episode.

I just want to go on a mini rant for a moment about tonight's show. FIRST OF ALL, no way in Hell have Chloe and Pierce been dating long enough for her to be THAT in love with him. And I understand she's an adult but it is WAY out of character for her to have sex in the evidence locker at work. Remember that flashback when Dan was her HUSBAND and he tried to kiss her on the job and she turned him down because it was unprofessional? Yeah. Secondly, broken Lucifer was so hard to watch—in a good way. Tom Ellis is amazeballs. But I ain't buying broken Pierce. I trust that dude about as far as I can throw him, and seeing as how I have the upper body strength of a double-arm amputee, that isn't far. And that promo for next week? Sheesh. They've been dating at most a couple weeks and he's proposing? I guess that's just my opinion, but has he even formally MET Trixie? What the what?

But anyway, I'm not the writer for this show. They can do whatever they want; I'll just write my alternate universe fanfiction! Bahah! Let me know what you thought of tonight's episode in a review, because I'm interested!


Thank you chashkieh, nira07, Daughter of the Equinox, shipwreck321, BeautifullyT6, EreshkigalGirl and my guest reviewer for your comments! I'm especially proud that some of you thought this could actually happen! That means I'm doing something right. Thank you again!



Lucifer and Pierce stared each other down, assessing what their next moves should be. Chloe hazarded a glance toward the door to the balcony. Maze was being uncharacteristically gentle with Linda's still form. She used two fingers to close her friend's empty eyes, then accepted Amenadiel's help lifting Linda's head and upper body out of her lap. Maze slid out from beneath Linda as Amenadiel carefully lifted her into his arms.

Maze never took her eyes off Linda's face.

Chloe felt like screaming, or sinking into a pit, but she had to keep it together for Trixie. It wasn't safe to feel their grief yet.

"Go, and take the kid with you," Pierce said, eyes still on Lucifer.

Chloe started to get up, holding Trixie's hand. Pierce's gaze shot over to her.

"Not you. Go anywhere, and I'll find you. Both of you. I've got forever." She could tell it was the deadliest of promises. Pierce looked again at Lucifer. "And he knows he can't protect you from me. Or your children, or your grandchildren. Trust me."

Chloe numbly squeezed her daughter's hand, then looked over her shoulder at Amenadiel. She didn't trust herself to speak. Thankfully, he understood.

"Get Trixie," Amenadiel said, his voice thick with emotion. Maze clenched her jaw and took two long steps toward Chloe, reaching out for her daughter.

"Mommy, I don't want to leave you—"

"I know, Monkey. I'll do everything I can to see you again," she said shakily, kissing the top of her daughter's head. She squeezed her eyes shut. "I love you, okay? Always, always, always."

"But why—"

"Maze, please," Chloe said in a broken voice. Maze wrapped her arms around Trixie and pulled her away. Chloe turned her face away from everyone, already knowing her daughter's screams for her would be burned into her memory for however long she had to live. She wiped under her eyes with her thumb, waiting until she heard the elevator doors close and the screaming fade completely away before she turned to look at Lucifer.

"Detective," he began, but seemed to think words were insufficient. His face conveyed all the pain she felt. His hand curled into a fist; Chloe thought he wanted to touch her, but it wasn't the time.

"There's more. Tell her," Pierce demanded. "All of it."

"Well, there's hardly time!" Lucifer said with a loud mocking tone. His wings slowly folded into his body until they were no longer visible. "Where should I start? Oh, yes! 'In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the earth—'"

"I'm getting impatient, Lucifer. If you thought you could save Decker tonight, you'd have already attacked me. You're not sure. And since she makes you vulnerable, you have to be." His eyes glinted dangerously, and he reached behind him into the waist of his jeans and withdrew a black, curved, sinister looking knife. Chloe thought it looked exactly like one she had seen Maze carry before.

Chloe knew Lucifer well enough to tell from the cautious tilt of his chin that he had respect for the weapon.

"Lucifer, just tell me what he wants me to know," she said softly. It felt odd to say his name. It meant something so different now.

Lucifer's nostrils flared.

"He wants to turn you against me."

"Wrong again," Pierce said amusedly. "It's becoming a pattern with you."

Lucifer narrowed his eyes.

"Very well." He hesitantly turned away, only looking at Chloe when he felt sure Pierce was staying put. When he finally met her gaze, his expression turned into one of worry and regret. Chloe reached out and took one of his hands in both of hers.

Chloe tried to keep her face blank to hide how her mind was racing. In the back of her scattered thoughts, she noticed ominously dark clouds had formed overhead.

This was either a dream and wouldn't matter, come morning—or she was holding the hand of the Devil in an attempt to comfort him. Should she be doing that? What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she bring herself to let go?

"My Father, he's—well, God." Lucifer grimaced. "God is real, Heaven and hell are real, angels and demons are real, I'm—"

"Real." Chloe finished breathlessly.

Lucifer paused. She caught him glance at her lips. He nodded.

"You know the story. I rebelled and was cast out into Hell. I've been there since the beginning of time. I...grew weary of torturing the souls of the damned..." he trailed off, gauging her reaction. She squeezed his hand. He cleared his throat. "So I left. I came to Los Angeles. I've been here, looking for a way to get back at my Father, and trying to find some kind of meaning. And then, there you were."

Chloe's heart thundered in her chest. It was amazing she wasn't dead after all her heart had endured this night. Lucifer blinked, choosing his next words delicately. By nature, he didn't lie, but he also wasn't prepared to tell her of the depth of his feelings.

"I was...happy. For the first time in my existence. But I discovered that my Father created you, and—forgive me. He created you for the sole purpose of my happiness." His eyes darted all over her face, searching for any sign she was disgusted by his confession.

Chloe took a slow, deep breath.

"What do you mean?"

"Your parents couldn't have children. He sent my brother—Amenadiel—to place a blessing on them. Then, you were born. Of course He knew I would eventually leave Hell and come here. Everything that's happened in our lives has been preordained." He looked down at their hands, his brow furrowing. His voice took on a bitter tone. "We aren't in control of our own destinies. All that bloody talk about free will, and God already knows every choice we'll ever make."

"Is that why...every time we..." Chloe's throat constricted, and she blinked back tears. She felt sick and demented that she was sad over not having a romantic relationship with the Devil. According to him, God had put that desire into her. It wasn't even her own feeling.

Lucifer nodded.

"I couldn't do that to you, Detective. I wanted to give you the choice my Father didn't want you to have. You deserve to live a normal life, not one tethered to evil incarnate."

Chloe looked for any sign he was joking, but there was none.

Light rain began to fall, making what would normally have been a peaceful pattering noise on the balcony floor.

She leaned forward, looking up to gaze into his downcast eyes. She started to speak—then made sure she really wanted to say what she was planning to say—and sighed.

"But I'm in love with you, Lucifer." His eyes immediately found hers. "Real or not...I don't believe I could fall in love with someone who was truly evil. And, if it's true that God planned all this...He must know you aren't evil. Evil people don't feel love, or happiness. Why would He think you could feel that way about me if He saw you that way?"

Lucifer's eyes grew wide and she saw a flash of hope in them.

"That doesn't change the fact that our feelings have been engineered. Without His interference, they wouldn't exist. You wouldn't exist," he said sadly.

Chloe swallowed.

"But...I'm here. I'm real. You're...real. I know who you are, and unless my memories of you aren't real, then falling in love with you wasn't forced on me. I...love you as you are."

As she said it, she realized she meant it. So she was probably insane, but it was the truth. Her face burned even though cold raindrops were sliding down her face.

Lucifer sighed sadly.

"I know you think—"

"That's your problem," she cut across him. "You think you know what everyone thinks. But that's God's job. Unless you're telling me you can read minds."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow.

"No. But I need only ask a human what they desire and they are compelled to tell me. Except for you."

"I don't need to be compelled. I'll tell you exactly what I desire most." Her eyes were shining with honesty.

Lucifer's mouth pressed into a firm line and he pulled slightly away.

"Let me guess. It's me, isn't—"

"I want Trixie to be happy. I want her to grow up and feel loved and safe. I want her to have everything she wants in her life."

Lucifer paused. Clearly he hadn't been expecting her answer.

She sighed.

"If God only created me for your happiness, then why aren't you my only desire? And do you think God thought you needed a divorced cop with a daughter? Dan and Trixie were my choices. Maybe God knew what I'd choose ahead of time, but he didn't make those choices for me."

She desperately wanted to convince him it wasn't all smoke and mirrors. But she didn't know what else to say. Lucifer would have to do the rest.

He started to speak, but then slow clapping interrupted him. They turned to look at Pierce, smirking and mock-applauding them. They stepped away from each other, both having almost forgotten he was there.

"Very nice. That wasn't so hard, was it? Kind of curious you couldn't show her your wings until you had to save her daughter, huh?" Pierce grinned, looking up at the Heavens, pointing upward with the blade in his hand. "I think someone's definitely got His eye on you. At this very moment, too. Rain's a nice dramatic touch."

"Is that why you've done all this?" Lucifer demanded, a light dawning on his face. "To get His attention?"

"Isn't that why you do anything, Lucifer? To get Daddy to notice you?" he said icily.

"He won't revoke the curse, Caïn. My Father—"

"It's like you said. He's got his plan for me. He's got plans for you two." Pierce twirled the dagger in his hand, stepping forward. Chloe stepped back, eyes searching for something she could use as a weapon. Lucifer moved between her and Pierce. "Now He has to decide which plan matters more to Him. Which one do you think He'll choose?" He grinned. "If He lets me die, great. If I get to kill you...that's almost as good."

He suddenly lunged forward, the blade striking in Lucifer's direction. He tried to back up, but he collided with Chloe; the demon blade sliced at his forearm, drawing blood.

Chloe staggered back inside the apartment, slipping on her wet sneakers, rolling her ankle and clumsily sprinting toward the fireplace to grab a poker.

Lucifer barely sidestepped another swipe. Chloe's presence was hindering his reflexes.

"Detective!" He shouted, ducking again as Pierce struck. "I need you to leave! You're making me vulnerable!"

"What?" Chloe said, already on her way back to him. He automatically glanced her direction as she returned, and it was a mistake.

Pierce sank the wicked blade into the right side of Lucifer's chest, near his shoulder. Lucifer shouted in pain; Pierce ripped the knife out of his flesh and stepped back, watching the blood seep into the collar of his enemy's white shirt.

"Lucifer!" Chloe gasped, watching his pained expression dissolve into shock.

Pierce started forward again and Chloe barreled forward, swinging the poker as viciously as she could at center mass.

He reached out and caught it before it could do any damage and chuckled.

"You can do better than that, Decker." He shoved the poker back toward her, the blunt end of it hitting her in the chest and knocking her on her back. The poker clattered to the ground beside her as she pressed one hand to her bruised sternum. She rolled onto her side to try to push herself up to stand.

"Detective, please go—"

"I can't leave you," she rasped out, finally climbing to her feet. She reached down to grasp the poker gain.

Piece just watched her with amusement in his eyes. Lucifer was struggling to his feet as well, his clothes now mostly drenched in blood.

"This is more fun than I thought it would be," Pierce said.

Chloe shook her head.

"Why did you even bother trying to get me to care about you?" she demanded, casting a worried glance toward Lucifer. "What was the point?"

"Because, Decker," Pierce said, twirling the knife, "I needed to know how important Lucifer is to you. Would you kill for him? To save him from a crazy stranger with a knife, sure. But would you kill someone else you cared about for him?" He stepped closer, taunting her. "For what it's worth, I liked you. Nothing earth-shattering, no offense. I don't get Lucifer's obsession. But I'm genuinely fond of you."

He lunged toward her; she jumped back and caused him to miss.

"Detective!" Lucifer threw his arm between them; Pierce struck again. This time, the blade left a long horizontal cut on Lucifer's abdomen. He grunted and looked down as his hand flew to the new wound.

Chloe froze. Something in the air shifted. She stepped around Lucifer.

His face was gone.

It had been replaced by the most shocking thing she had ever seen, wings included.

The skin was scarred and shiny like a burn victim's, but it was a gory red color, giving the illusion that he was bleeding. There was no hair on his head, and harsh creases everywhere. But the most disconcerting thing was his eyes.

Flame red irises, piercing black pupils. The eyes of the Devil.

Without realizing it, Chloe took a step back and put her arm up to shield herself, gaping. The wings confirmed to her that Lucifer was telling the truth; he wasn't human, and she'd thought she had accepted he was the Devil. But the eyes. The eyes made it impossible to deny. He wasn't an angel. He wasn't 'good.'

Blood still poured from the wounds Pierce had given him, but he took his hands away to slowly touch his own face. For a moment he looked relieved. Then he realized he was in the company of a mortal.

He turned his head to look directly at her, his hands dropping to his sides. He looked truly gruesome, with a scarred, blood red face and bleeding wounds. Chloe recoiled as he reached out one hand toward her.

"Chloe," he said, in a gentle whisper that didn't match his face.

Chloe took another step back. She dropped the poker.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'd never hurt you. You know that," he said softly. Like he was speaking to a wounded animal. "Don't look at me like that—"

He took a step forward, and Chloe moved away so forcefully she lost her balance and nearly fell. Lucifer dropped his hand.

Pierce laughed maliciously.

"Well, you definitely know how to render a woman speechless."

Lucifer ignored him. His hellish eyes bore into Chloe's, waiting.

She couldn't breathe, much less think. It was embarrassingly human of her, but all she could do was recall old Bible stories and marvel at how clueless she had been. The Devil and God and Heaven and Hell. All real. It was sinking in, and she couldn't focus on anything but the sheer magnitude of the truth.

And—her cheeks grew hot—she had kissed him. Lucifer. The actual ruler of Hell.

It was such a stupid thing to think about, but there it was in her head. She had kissed him, and she had liked it.

Of course, Lucifer had no way of knowing she was mentally incapacitated by thoughts of his kisses. He only imagined she was terrified of him.

Pierce made a bored noise.

"Alright, well, I've technically got all of eternity, but let's hurry this up—" He stepped forward and struck at the same time—plunging the knife into Lucifer's back. He let out an anguished yell through bared teeth, spinning to face Pierce. Lucifer's hand shot out and gripped Pierce by the throat. He lifted him off the ground, nostrils flaring. The knife remained lodged in his back.

"Lucifer," Chloe said quietly. "Don't."

The Devil still held his enemy aloft, though he lowered him an inch.

"He won't stop, Detective," Lucifer growled. "He will never leave you or I in peace. He will make it his mission to destroy us. I have to find a way to end this."

Chloe didn't like how ominous that sounded.

"But...how? He...he can't die," she faltered. But she could. Trixie could. And she realized Lucifer was right about how screwed they were.

Pierce gazed mockingly into Lucifer's eyes.

"He's right. There's really only one thing for you to do." He cut his eyes to Chloe.

"Me?" she gasped. "What can I do?"

"Lucifer was wrong again," he said, struggling to breathe as the fingers around his throat squeezed harder. "You weren't put here to save him. You were put here to kill me."

"No," Lucifer seethed.

"It's true," Pierce wheezed. "You know it's true. It all makes sense."

In a rage, Lucifer slammed Pierce's body into the floor of the balcony, cracking it;he knelt over him, still squeezing his neck. Pierce reached behind Lucifer and viciously tore the knife from his back, causing even more blood to trickle to the ground. Lucifer released a strangled howl.

"Stop!" Chloe cried. "Please!"

Pierce went to stab Lucifer again, but he was weakened from lack of oxygen. Lucifer knocked it away, where it skittered across the ground to Chloe's left. His free hand joined his other one around Pierce's throat.

"Guilt or no guilt, I'll take you to Hell myself."

"Be my guest," Pierce spat. "You'll spend the rest of eternity fighting to keep me there."

"Where's the downside?" Lucifer laughed darkly.

"You'll never see Decker again."

The words were small enough, but the second of hesitation was all Pierce needed. He lifted his arms up and rammed them down on top of Lucifer's, breaking his hold. Pierce kicked him forcefully in the chest; Lucifer staggered backward.

"How long before you bleed out, anyway? Those demon blades don't live up to the hype."

"Ah, tsk tsk, Caïn," Lucifer snarled. "Give a man immortality and he thinks he knows everything."

But Lucifer was moving more slowly, and there was a slight tremble in his hands. The demon blades wouldn't kill him under normal circumstances; he was the exception to the rule. However, with the detective so close...

Chloe noticed Lucifer's difficulty at the same time Pierce did. He sneered.

"You can end all this, Decker," he said. "You can still save him. He can return to Hell whenever he wants, but if he dies..." Pierce cocked his head at Lucifer. "I wonder what kind of personal Hell awaits you. I'd love to be a fly on that wall."

He moved toward Lucifer and threw a fist toward his face; Lucifer caught it, but wasn't fast enough to dodge Pierce's next strike. Blood sprayed through his gritted teeth as a fist collided with his cheek. He fell to his knees and hung his head.

Chloe saw an alarming amount of blood pooling at his knees. It swirled and blossomed into the water that had begun to collect on the ground.

Pierce stepped around Lucifer to stand behind him and jerked his head back with one hand. Lucifer, kneeling before him and out of breath, turned to look at Chloe for what he thought might be the last time.

Pierce fixed Lucifer's head tightly between his arms, braced to snap his neck.

Chloe knew he would kill him. It wasn't some kind of test. If she did nothing, Lucifer was going to die. There was no more time for contemplation.

She ran forward, stooping to snatch up the black dagger. In another second, she had the curve of the blade at Pierce's neck, pressing just hard enough to indent his flesh.

But that was what he wanted, so he smiled.

"Go ahead, Decker. You know you want to." He still held Lucifer's head between his arms.

"No! Detective, if you do this, the guilt will condemn you to Hell—"

"And you think I won't feel guilty if I let him kill you?" she said through clenched teeth.

"He's manipulating you—"

"I know what he's doing—"

"Don't do this, Detective—"

Pierce made a sudden movement; Chloe didn't know what he was about to do, but she reacted as though he'd been about to twist Lucifer's neck. She couldn't take the chance.

When she pulled her hand holding the blade away, Pierce froze. It seemed an eternity passed. His grip on Lucifer slackened. Then, from left to right, a thin ribbon of blood appeared on his throat. Then dark red blood began to ooze from his wound, soaking the collar of his shirt in seconds.

Lucifer sensed something had happened when Pierce's grip loosened.

"No!" he bellowed, wrenching himself away and falling on his side, twisted so he could look behind him. The rain stopped suddenly. There was an eerie silence. The humidity in the air ramped up the coppery smell of blood.

Hope, a strange look on a dying man, shined briefly in Pierce's eyes.

Then they dimmed. He fell hard to his knees. He collapsed in a puddle of rain that immediately took on a rusty hue from the blood pouring from his neck.

Lucifer glared at the corpse, his teeth bared. Uncontrollable rage overtook him, giving him the strength to stagger to his feet. He reached down to Pierce's body and wrenched his left arm up, ripping up the sleeve. The unmarked skin only enraged him further. Pierce's mark was gone. He was free.

Chloe let the dagger fall to the ground at her feet. She had a feeling they wouldn't need to use it again. The sound caused Lucifer's head to snap up.

In that moment, his face returned to the one Chloe knew. Pointed chin, chiseled cheekbones, laugh lines and dark hair. His eyes still seemed to scorch through her, though they were no longer red.

Lucifer dropped Pierce's arm, which landed with a disgusting wet thud. He stepped over the body. His eyes bore into Chloe's. He reached out tentatively, offering his hands.

She took them automatically. He looked at her for a long moment, summing up her face.

"Detective...I've failed you." His brows knit together. "I—I can't—"

Chloe put one hand up to his mouth but didn't touch his lips.

"Lucifer...we all feel guilty about something. I've had to take lives before to save an innocent person. I remember every single one," she said breathlessly. "But they don't haunt me nearly as much as the ones I couldn't save."

She stepped closer. He looked at her lips for a fraction of a second.

"It should never have come to this. And Linda—"

"I know," Chloe sighed heavily. "But Linda loved you, too. She would do it all over again. That's what family is."

He didn't look convinced. So she wrapped her arms around his neck. He hesitated a moment, then buried his face in her shoulder.

They stood there like that until Chloe realized she was getting Lucifer's blood on her sleeves.

"Oh my God! We have to get you to a hospital!" she gasped, moving to wrap a supportive arm around his shoulders. He shrugged her off.

"No need," he grunted. "As soon as you're out of the building, I'll start to heal. Be right as rain. Go and see your daughter. Make sure she's okay."

He squeezed her hand and then released it, walking with as much dignity as he could muster back inside to his sofa. Chloe followed closely, choosing not to ask too many questions. There was a lot to absorb already.

Lucifer fell heavily onto the couch and exhaled loudly.

"Thank you for rescuing me," he chuckled. "It was a nice change of pace, I suppose."

Chloe gave him a half-smile.

"I'll...I'll come back later, okay? I have to figure out how to explain all this without...explaining all this."

Lucifer closed his eyes and nodded. He crossed his hands over his chest.

"I've always found the truth to be the best course."

Chloe realized then that Lucifer actually hadn't ever lied to her. Ever. All along he had told her exactly who he was, despite knowing she didn't believe him. Believing he was crazy was the one thing that had made her distance herself from him.

But he wasn't crazy. He was only the Devil.

She knelt down and placed one hand on top of his, and pressed a gentle kiss to his mouth.

His eyes opened as she pulled away. He said nothing, only watched her.

She squeezed his hand and smiled.

Then she left.


Two months later...

Chloe kissed the top of Trixie's head, then smoothed her hair down.

"Have you got your lunch?"

"Yep. Right here!" Trixie grabbed her purple lunch bag off the counter. Chloe leaned down and hugged her.

"Okay. Listen, don't give your dad and Charlotte a hard time. She's his first serious girlfriend since—"

"I'll be good, Mommy. I'll see you Wednesday." She returned the hug and headed for the door. Dan was waiting in the doorway, smiling at them both.

"Ready to go, baby?" He said, putting a hand on her shoulder when she neared him. Trixie nodded vigorously.

"I can't believe Charlotte is going camping for an entire weekend," Chloe shook her head. "You're a brave man, Dan."

"I have to be," he chuckled. "I have a daughter."

Chloe laughed.


When the door closed behind them, Chloe leaned against the counter, wondering what she should do with herself. She had an hour before she had to be at work.

Deciding to make a cup of coffee, she opened the cabinet to get down a mug. Then there was a knock at the door.

She closed the cabinet back and walked to the door, twisting the knob.

"Did you forget someth—"

Lucifer stepped inside and immediately pressed his lips against hers, stopping her words. Chloe smiled against his mouth.

He broke away, then stepped around her into her home without waiting for an invitation.

"Why, yes. I seem to have left my dildo somewhere. I checked at Dan's but while he did have an impressive collection of his own, mine was not among them." Lucifer made himself comfortable on a barstool.

Chloe closed the door and rolled her eyes.

"No dildos here."

"How boring," he pouted. "I expected more from you, Detective."

"Well, it's hard to top wings," she joked. crossed her arms over herself and meandered over to him shyly. "What brings you here so early this morning?" Chloe stepped between his knees.

Lucifer gave her a crooked smile. He plucked an apple from the wire fruit basket on the counter.

"You." He offered her the apple with a devilish grin.

"Oh no," Chloe said, putting her hands up. "I've heard this story and it didn't end well."

Lucifer laughed deeply. It was a melodic, truly happy sound.

"Eh. Eve was a right twat," he shrugged, and took a bite of the apple. "But just so you know, it wasn't an apple. It was a pomegranate."

Chloe's eyebrows shot up.


"Yes. And I didn't appear to her as a snake, either. I was a tall, dark and handsome fellow much like the one you see before you. It's why she couldn't resist." He took another bite of the apple.

Chloe gave him a stern look, trying not to laugh, and took the apple away. She placed it on the counter.

"Have you found her?"

Lucifer's face turned serious as he chewed.

"Not yet. But she'll turn up one day. She's never lost anyone before."

Chloe nodded.

"It's so strange—I had no idea she'd fallen out with Linda. She never told me."

"Well, that's Maze for you. But when she's ready, she'll let me know where she is. I do have good news though." He stood up, wiping his hands on his black pants. "Amenadiel returned last night. He's been upstairs to see Linda."

"God must be a hopeless romantic," Chloe sighed, "to give him back his wings so he could see her."

Lucifer ignored the comment.

"He says she's thoroughly enjoying her philosophical discussions with her great-great-great-great-grandparents. All the people in Heaven and the first ones humans seek out is their boring old relatives." He rolled his eyes in disapproval.

Chloe wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her.

"We're a little bit sentimental," she whispered, her breath ghosting across his lips. She traced them with her thumb.

"Of course you are," he said, closing the distance between them.

Their lips met in a scorching kiss. Chloe's fingers played with the hair at the back of Lucifer's neck.

When she pulled away, Lucifer chuckled at some private joke.

"What?" Chloe demanded. He shook his head, squeezing her tighter. "Seriously, what!? I have morning breath, don't I? I did brush my teeth—"

"No, calm down woman! I was just thinking you're really an exceptional kisser." He playfully tugged on her hair.

"Why do you sound surprised?"

"I'm not. It's just funny."

"Why is it funny?" She asked, smiling despite him making fun of her.

His eyes softened as he looked at her. He ran his hands up and down her arms and regarded her warmly.

"Because everything about you has been exceptional." He shrugged. "But then, my Father made sure of that."

Chloe grinned broadly. She leaned into his chest, their lips an inch apart.

"Hmm. Chloe Decker: an exceptional human." She kissed him. "Can I get that on a t-shirt?"

"Keep doing that and you can have whatever you want."

Chloe hummed against his lips.

"I want you to stop talking now."

"Yes. Right away, Detective."
