"Kara sweetheart are you almost ready?" Lena asked her girlfriend as she poked her head into her room.

"Yeah sorry," Kara replied as she slid on her shoes.

"You look beautiful," Lena beamed as she kissed her lightly on the lips; Kara had chosen to wear black skinny jeans, topped off with a blue flannel shirt, that Lena always said matches her eyes.

Kara blushed as she adjusted her glasses, "so do you." She took in Lena's tight little black dress that showed off just the right amount of cleavage and ended a little below the knee also showing off her killer legs.

"Are you sure you want to go to this club? I know it's not really your scene," Lena asked her girlfriend as she took her hand.

"I'm positive, it will be fun," Kara assured her as they headed outside where a car was waiting for them.

The two woman held hands as they entered the club, the music was blaring as they tried to make their way through the crowd of people to get to the bar.

"What will it be?!" the bartender shouted over the noise.

"I'll have a scotch please," Lena answered as he then turned towards Kara, "just water is fine," he gave her a weird look before turning and grabbing their drinks.

"Thank you," Lena said as she tried to pay the man before someone spoke up, "let me get that for you fine ladies."

Kara and Lena exchanged looks before Lena spoke up, "thanks but I've got it."

"Why do you have to be like that?" the man slurred.

"I don't need a man paying for mine and my girlfriends drink, now scurry along," Lena snapped as she glared at the man before he turned and left.

"That was hot," Kara whispered.

The two women quickly found a table as they set their drinks down and took in the scene, there were people everywhere dancing along to the beat that was blaring through the speakers.

"This is a little overwhelming," Lena yelled at her girlfriend.

"I didn't expect it to be so crowed," Kara yelled back.

"Want to dance?" Lena asked as she entered her hand to her girlfriend.

Kara smiled as she took it and allowed Lena to lead her to the crowed dance floor; Lena pulled her close as they swayed to the music.

"This is nice," Kara whispered in Lena's ear as she pulled her closer as they swayed to the music.

"Do you want to leave?" Lena asked as she kept getting bumped in to.

"Yes please," Kara said as she collided with another couple.

Lena just laughed as she took her hand.

The driver pulled up in front of Kara's favorite diner, Noonan's, he held the door open for the couple as they exited.

"Figured you might be hungry," Lena said with a smile as she held the door open for her girlfriend.

Kara blushed as she walked pass and into the diner.

"What can I get you ladies?" the waitress asked as she smiled at the couple who kept shooting shy smiles at each other.

"I will have the turkey club please," Lena ordered as she then turned towards Kara.

"Let me guess pot stickers?" the waitress asked with a chuckle.

Kara blushed as she just nodded yes.

"Coming right up sweetie," the waitress said as she took their menus.

Lena reached across the table and took Kara's hands, "I'm sorry for dragging you to that stupid club, I thought it would be fun," she said sadly.

"Hey I had fun," Kara assured her as she squeezed her hands. "I promised you I would try different things."

Lena beamed, "yes you did. So can I convince you to try Kale?"

Kara made a disgusted face, "don't push it."

Lena just laughed as the waitress arrived with their food.

They ate in silence as Kara paid the bill and they left hand in hand.

"So where to now?" Lena asked as she turned in Kara's arms.

"There is someplace I want to show you," Kara said as she interlaced their fingers.

"Okay," Lena said with a smile as she allowed Kara to show her the way.

"This is one of my favorite spots I used to come to when I needed to get away," Kara explained to Lena as she led her into a dimly lit coffee shop.

"It's cozy," Lena said as she avoided all the looks of the people staring at the well-dressed woman.

"Don't worry about them, you look hot," Kara assured her as she kissed her lips and led her to a booth in the back hidden from the prying eyes.

"This place is nice," Lena commented as she smiled at Kara who seemed lost in thought.

"I brought you here for a reason," Kara said as she stood up and went to a microphone.

Lena turned in her seat as she watched with rapt attention as Kara began to sing. Tears welled up in her eyes as Kara sang a Thousand Years to her. She smiled as she walked back over.

"That was beautiful," Lena whispered as she wiped away the tears.

"I didn't want you to cry," Kara said as she reached over and wiped away the still falling tears.

"I promise they are happy tears," Lena assured her as she smiled.

"You just mean so much to me, and I wanted to show you," Kara told her shyly as she adjusted her glasses.

"I love you," Lena said as she leaned across the table and kissed Kara chastely.

"I love you too," Kara told her as she smiled. "Want to dance?" Kara asked as she stood up and waited for Lena to take her hand as she led her to a small dance floor.

"This is nice," Lena said as she laid her head on Kara's shoulder.

"I'm glad I could share this with you," Kara said as she kissed Lena's forehead.

"I'm glad you did," Lena said as she pulled away to stare into blue eyes.

"Want to get out of here?" Kara asked as she wagged her eyebrows.

Lena just laughed as she dragged her girlfriend to their waiting car.

Both woman laughed as Kara struggled to open her front door; Lena slapped her butt causing her to drop her keys yet again.

Lena wrapped her arms around the blonde as she kissed her deeply, "we should probably head inside before I have my way with you in the hallway," Lena purred in her ear causing Kara to shudder as she grabbed her keys and unlocked her door.

Lena slammed her up against the door as their lips met in a fiery kiss that left both women breathless.

"Bedroom," Kara said as she grabbed Lena's ass as she lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom.

Lena moaned as Kara gently set her down on the bed and crawled on top of her. "I love it when you take charge," Lena gasped as Kara left kisses up and down her neck.

"Mmm well then tonight is your lucky night," Kara whispered as she slowly began to undress the woman beneath her.

"Wow," Lena as she and Kara collapsed next to one another after hours of lovemaking.

"That was incredible," Kara said as she turned towards Lena with a smile.

"You did most of the work," Lena said worth a wink she kissed Kara's forehead.

"We both did," Kara replied as she pulled away and went towards the bathroom, not shy at all about her nakedness.

"Where are you going?" Lena asked as she sat up letting the sheet slide down.

"To take a shower, join me," Kara beckoned as she winked at Lena before diapering in the bathroom.

Lena threw the sheets off as she walked towards the bathroom.

"Come here," Kara beckoned as she pulled Lena into her and under the warm water.

"Mmm what's gotten into you tonight?" Lena asked as she arched her neck giving Kara easy access as she kissed her lightly up and down her neck.

"I just really want you," Kara responded as she reached her hand down in between Lena's thighs.

"Well then have me," she responded as she pulled Kara into a fiery kiss. Kara entered her with two fingers causing the other woman to moan as she gripped her shoulders.

"God Kara don't stop," Lena moaned as she tangled her hands in Kara's hair as she threw her head back and moaned.

"Mmm you're so warm," Kara whispered as she pulled Lena close and just held her.

"Well when I finally manage to catch my breath it's your turn," Lena responded as she turned in Kara's arms so she could face her.

Kara just laughed as she kissed her forehead; she suddenly frowned as she looked towards the door.

"Go, they need you, just hurry back," Lena said with a grin as she kissed Kara quickly before she sped off.

Lena just signed as she shut off the water and grabbed a towel.

"Everything go okay?" Lena asked her girlfriend as she set her book down as Kara entered the bedroom.

"Yeah just a robbery," Kara said as she slid out of her supersuit. She threw it aside as she crawled in next to Lena who immediately wrapped her arms around the other woman.

"Everything alright sweetheart?" she asked as she ran her fingers through Kara's hair.

"Yeah just tired," Kara hummed in response as she cuddled closer.

Lena just continued to run her fingers through Kara's hair till she fell asleep, she then shut off the light and joined her in slumber.

A/N: Make sure to review, they keep me motivated.