Return to the Past

Chapter 1

It had been a week since the incident in Arendelle. Luckily, no-one had been hurt; in fact, Elsa had noticed people rather excited about the whole thing. They seemed to be calling it the "Great Freeze" but she tried not to think about it. It pained her to think about how she must have made people feel. Especially Anna. She was still relieved that Anna's act of true love worked. She was glad she could now control her powers fully and she hoped she would be able to use them for fun without everyone flinching at the sight of them. It would take a while for even Elsa to completely trust the magic. But she could wait.

Currently, night had fallen and Elsa was looking up at the sky from her balcony. What was it Anna used to say about the night sky? The sky is awake, so I'm awake. Elsa smiled at the memory of her sister's younger self. She then shivered at she was reminded of the nightmare that had occurred the same night. No, I can't let my childhood frighten me whenever I think about it. She needed to focus on the positive aspects of it, but she was always brought back to that one night, that fateful night that changed everything. Elsa couldn't imagine how she could forget it, though. Even when she was happy, it just kept creeping back. There must be a way to forget something like that ever happened, right? She doubted she would ever forget nearly killing Anna.

Then she had a thought. What if it never happened? What if something had stopped the cold blast of murderous ice from penetrating her skin and freezing her skull- wait, wait, I have to stop thinking like that. I don't even know what it did in detail... Anyway, Elsa was trying not to lose her train of thought, but it had been a long day. What if I could stop myself from hurting Anna, then we could have a normal childhood. She would do anything to make Anna happy. Elsa knew just who to talk to about time manipulation. She slipped into her shoes and grabbed a warm cloak. She hadn't changed into her pyjamas yet so she was already fully clothed for the outdoors. She snuck out of her room and padded down the stairs and corridors, trying not to wake anyone or startle the guards. She headed to the library and pulled out a book on magical beings. Elsa shook it and an old piece of paper fell out. She put the book back and opened the paper. It was a map of Arendelle with a drawing of a troll in the map's forest. She felt another jolt as she remembered that her father had used the same map to find the trolls thirteen years ago. She wanted to bring her parents back to life too, if she could. Even though they had isolated her from the world, even her own castle, she knew they meant well. They were just afraid and unsure of how to stop it hurting people.

When she got outside, Elsa headed to the stables and roused her horse from his peaceful sleep. They galloped towards the forest, Elsa constantly looking back at the map. Eventually they were at the place on the map. Elsa remembered it exactly. She hadn't been here for thirteen years but everything about that night was crystal clear. She wondered if she would have to call on the trolls like her father had.

Suddenly, there was a voice. "Hey, there!" Elsa jumped. She turned to see a boulder with a face staring back at her.

"You're a troll, aren't you?" She didn't have to ask. She remembered them too.

"I am indeed. And am I right in thinking that you are a human?" He said it as a joke. Elsa didn't laugh.

"Actually, I'm not sure about that myself."

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Well, a lot has happened in my life that I regret and I was wondering if you could send me back to my past to change it."

"Woah, slow down there, you can't change 'your' past, only 'the' past," the troll explained.

Elsa hadn't thought about that. What if doing this would have worse consequences than her current past had? Nothing could be worse than what did happen, could it? Elsa continued.

"Please take me to Grand Pabbie, I'm sure he can help me."

"Pabbie? The old man's not here right now. He's on vacation. I'll send you to the past though!"

Elsa wasn't sure she wanted this troll to use magic on her. He was clearly quite young, about her age, and she knew what happened when someone her age had a magic outburst. He seemed excitable enough to do so.

"OK, then..."

"So, when do you want to go?"

"Back thirteen years." Elsa closed her eyes, not sure what to expect, and waited. She didn't feel any change but maybe that was what happened.

"Um," the troll said. "I need more detail. Like a date. And time."

"Oh, right!" Elsa felt a bit embarrassed. "It was just past 12 on the 13th of July. On a Friday."

"Alright, then." The troll closed his eyes and began saying something in a troll language. "Ucuduzhxhxjvkfjeebshdhcjvic..." Elsa couldn't work out what he was saying but she knew the ritual had begun. She saw the forest swirl around until it was just a blur of colour. The greenness became a pale orange and began to take the shape of her bedroom.

She looked around. This was it! It was just like it used to be. Except for one thing. Anna's bed wasn't back in the same room as her's like it was back then. Elsa looked up at the grandfather clock that was suddenly seeming rather tall. It was 12 all right. 12pm, that is. Great. The accident happened at 12 o'clock in the morning. The troll had got it wrong. She began to notice one other thing. The reason why the clock looked so tall was because she was so small. The troll had also made her thirteen years younger! Now what would she do? By this point, she had been isolated from the world. She couldn't just walk out.

She had to think of a plan.

A/N: So this is kinda... no, very different to my first story. I'm not just going to do One Piece stories so sorry if that's what you were hoping for. I will do some more, they just won't be the only thing. I've been wanting to do fanfictions for lots of fictional universes so that's what I'm gonna do. I was also thinking of doing some kind of crossover of all of them once I have stories for a bunch of worlds. Kinda like that LEGO Dimensions game that got cancelled... Anyone remember that? (To be honest I haven't played it in like a year or something, but the concept was pretty cool.) Anyway, tell me what you think of that idea, I don't know how I'll do it but we'll see what happens when we get there... Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this next fanfiction :) -(The smiley face will be a recurring thing through all my stories. I should probably name him. You can suggest a name if you want)