It all started on an early Wednesday morning.

As usual, Marinette had woken up to the sound of her alarm hitting the floor as she pressed snooze for the twentieth time.

As usual, Marinette had raced to school.

As usual, she had burst into class just as the bell uttered its last ring, Mme Bustier glaring at her with distaste.

What was decidedly not usual however, was crashing into the new the boy standing at the front of the class, clothed in a black leather jacket, blond hair swept back, observing her with mild interest.

Marinette would have liked to say that she had been enchanted. However, instead, all she felt was anger as the boy laughed arrogantly, and said

"I wasn't aware that this was a school for Klutzes."

"Adrien!" Mme Bustier reprimanded.

Adrien shrugged, and grinned

"I was taught to never lie."

"And how right you are Adrikins!" A single voice shrieked from among their audience. "You shouldn't let this peasant push you around!"

"Thanks Chlo" Adrien shot double finger guns at the rich girl.

Taking a deep breath, Marinette took a step forward towards her seat next to Alya…..

….Only to be promptly tripped by Adrien.

"What did I say?" He smiled smugly "Klutz."

And that, as they say, was the beginning of a beautiful hatred.


Two years had passed, and yet little had changed. The whole class knew of the animosity between Marinette and Adrien (Who had now been classed as a 'Bad Boy'.)

Another school year had just begun, and Marinette was, for once, leisurely walking to school with Alya.

"I can't wait, I can't WAIT!" Marinette yelled, throwing her hands up in the air "It's going to be a great year, I can feel it!"

"Maybe you'll finally ask out Luka." Alya laughed, Mari pumping the air in response.

Then Mari's face darkened

"And I bet I won't have to be in a class with him this year!"

Alya groaned, already knowing where this was headed.

"Every year from the moment he first joined the school, I've been stuck in a class with him! But no more! This year, I'm sure!"

Alya sighed, and shook her head

"Girl, I-"

"I hate him!" Marinette proclaimed loudly "Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate!"

Giving up, Alya simply said

"There's a fine line between love and hate you know."

"Fine line? Remember that time he put gum on my seat?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Or that time he put my bag at the top of that tree?"

"About that-"

"Or that time he-"


Marinette cleverly shut up.

"Look, all I'm saying is that it sounds like pulling on a girl's pigtails to me."

Marinette's nose scrunched.

"You mean he likes me?"


"Impossible." Marinette hitched her bag higher onto her shoulder "The day Adrien, arrogant bad boy supreme, falls in love with me, will be the day the world ends.

"So, what I'm hearing is it's gonna happen someday." Alya muttered under her breath.



They both entered the class, Mari deep in thought.

Sure, maybe she liked the guy a little.

A little.

But there was no way in hell that the leather-clad boy would ever have any sort of feeling toward her except hatred.

Let alone love.

"I'm in love with Marinette." Adrien told Nino calmly, as he leaned back on the couch in his room.

"Duh." Nino said evenly, pulling his headphones down around his neck "Was that supposed to be new information?"

"Well for you!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble!" Nino laughed, waving a bottle of bubble mix around.

Adrien just glared at him lazily.

"You're a real nerd, you know that?"

"Please." Nino leaned back "I'm not nearly as much of a nerd as you, Mr. Pining-hopelessly-after-a-girl."

"You have Alya!" Adrien accused

"I asked out Alya." Nino shot back calmly "I didn't lie around all day muttering about how beauuuutifulll Marinette is, and isn't she just the kiiiindeeest!"

"Shut up!"

"Dude, you wrote a poem"

"How did you find that?!"

"You really shouldn't leave those types of things just lying around in your room. Anyway."

Nino stood up with renewed vigour.

"It's the first day of school! New beginnings! Ask Mari out!"

"I'm ditching today." Adrien said shortly, spreading out.

"But the beginnings of rooomaancee"

"Drop it Nino!"

"I'll tell your father that you-"

"You know what, I miss the wholesome teachings that school offers." Adrien abruptly shot up. "Come on."

He marched out of the door.

The second he left, Nino whipped out his phone.

"Alya. He's coming."

After lunch (and suffering the crushing not-so disappointment that she was in the same class as Adrien again.), Marinette was on her way back to class, and just passing the broom closet, when she suddenly bumped into a familiar body mass, and tumbled backwards.


"Repeating two years ago, Dupain-Cheng?"

Adrien scowled down at her.

"Shut up."

As Marinette was about to stand up, a hand reached down and yanked her to her feet.

"You're welcome." Adrien smiled smugly.

"I didn't need your help."

"Mari!" A yell came from the end of the corridor. Both Adrien and her turned to look at Alya, who was waving frantically.

But suddenly, from behind, Mari was grabbed by the arm.

Twisting around, Mari was surprised to see that it was not, in fact, Adrien who had grabbed her.

In fact, Adrien was receiving the same treatment.

By Nino.

The door to the broom closet was pulled open, and both Marinette and Adrien were forced inside.

'Sorry' Nino mouthed before slamming the door shut.

Followed by the distinct click of a lock.

Turning to face, Adrien (Their faces were really close. This broom closet was far too small for Marinette's liking.), Marinette swallowed.

"So….What now?" Adrien asked, scratching his head. He seemed to be less obnoxious in this situation.

After searching her brain for every possible solution, Mari looked straight at Adrien and admitted.

"I have no idea."