It's been awhile, but..

Diaries of a Tuba!

Day 1

New drum major. Celebrated by spraying a can of string cheese down his pants. Following reaction was most amusing.

Day 2

Band camp, woot! Ran up and down the football field 5 times with my sousaphone on my back. Got strange looks from freshmen. Ha! They're just jealous because THEY don't have such a manly man tuba!


Rolled down hill. Bad idea..bad...

Day 3

Made a bra and thong out of masking tape and wore it today. My counterpart baritone player joined me. Felt wonderfully free and....breezy.

Day 4

Had some barbeque. Dunno WHAT it was, but I never ask questions like that. If it smells like fish, eat it! That's one of my sayings.

Day 5

Trumpet on a sugar high! Almost beat me running up and down the field. Almost.

Day 6

Hmm, seems like Clarinet is extremely P.O'ed...maybe it's because Saxophone has rallied all her freshmen slaves around her..

Day 7

Ha! Drum major has been hazed! Alright! Nothing like this has happened in a long time! It's about damn time they started this! *sniff* Hey! Barbeque! Clarinet? Yes!

*sound of munching fades into background*