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moral of the story: steak sandwiches are fucking awesome.

So one day Steven was just sitting at his kitchen table doing whatever the fuck he does and he decided to go out and get a steak sandwich. So he walked out of his shitty cliffside house and he went into the town and he went up to the steak sandwich store that mysteriously appeared there overnight. But when he went up to the counter to get his steak sandwich he remembered that he had the autismo so he couldn't form a proper fucking sentence and he just stood there looking like a fucking retard. then a steak sandwich appeared in his hands so he sat down on the floor and he ate his FUCKING AMAZING STEAK SANDWICH.

Then after Steven ate his steak sandwich he went to go take a shit. Then while he was walking to the FUCKING SHITTER he saw the local homeless man moose tits. so Steven said hi and then moose tits asked Steven if he wanted any candy but Steven said no because pearl told him not to accept candy from weird people named after animal breasts.

Then Steven walked into the shitter but he saw Andy sixx there dropping his hot steamy logs all over the shitter and Steven decided he would rather shit his pants. So Steven left the steak sandwich store and he started walking home. and on his way home he saw a peridot being a FUCKING BITCH so he went over to say hello. but he still had autismo so he told peridot that she was a normie and she needed to get off of his board but peridot also had the autismo so she reeeeed at him and called him a newfag so steven ran away crying.

then he got home and pearl made him some chicken tendies and gave steven one good boy point. and because his good boy point chart was full he got a coupon for 50% off his next steak sandwich. then he got into his bed, opened up his diary and wrote "like this fanfiction or your mother will die in her sleep tonight" then he fell asleep and dreamed about steak sandwiches and killing niggers.

THE END?????