Chapter 1

"What do you mean?!" Klaus raged at Kol and Rebekah as Elijah was on the phone, talking to the director of the bank. "Our money is gone?"

"Not all of our money." Elijah sighed. "They got the one for the everyday accounts."

"I thought that Peter and I…" Rebekah said sadly, tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Just wait until I get my hands on Amanda." Kol snarled viciously.

"Eva will regret ever meeting me." Klaus added with the same snarl.

"I'll kill Katerina." Elijah growled, eyes flashing.

"Peter will end up begging for mercy when I get done torturing him." Rebekah added darkly.

Two months later

Caroline was the quintessential blushing bride as she walked down the aisle to meet her groom - Andrew? Matthew? Richard. That was it. Who really cared what his name was so long as he was rich!

As she made her way down the aisle, her smile was fake as she stared at the groom.

They were about to say their vows when the doors were flung open and Klaus Mikaelson came storming up the aisle.

"Can I help you?" Richard and the priest asked.

"You can start by taking your hands off my wife!" Klaus said loudly and angrily.

"You got the wrong person. Bianca isn't your wife." Richard said angrily.

Klaus looked over the woman standing before her. She may have changed her name and died her hair black but unbeknownst to her his extra keen senses told him she was the same.

"She may have changed her hair and her name but she's still my wife," he said firmly. He turned his attention back to Caroline, "how much is this one worth? Did you know she intends to take you for everything you've got?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Caroline said in a Californian accent. "Do I know you?"

"Actually Eva you don't know me as well as you think you do. My brothers and I are not pushovers. Now I've had enough of this. You'll thank me one day," he said the last sentence to the groom before he hefted his belligerent bride over his shoulder and carried her up the aisle and out of the church flailing all the way.

"I'll kill you!" She snarled. "You ruined my dress!" she was hitting his back angrily. "Besides-my name is Bianca!"

"Nice try." He bit back angrily at her.

"Bianca! Bianca what's going on?" A bewildered guest yelled from the church steps as Klaus loaded her into the car.

"They're going to arrest you for kidnapping!" She said angrily.

He snorted as he didn't care. His eyes were pitch black as he looked at her, anger coursing through his veins.

Finally Caroline realized the seriousness of her situation and she began to show some fear.

"I'm going to kill you Eva-if that's even your real name." He spat out.

She sat there not saying a word and trying to look tough but her heart was racing.

"How did you find me?" She finally asked.

"It took a while but it was worth it."

"What do you plan to do?" She asked.

"Get the answers from you about why you're doing this."

"What is it you believe I'm doing?"

"Stealing and ruining men and women."

She looked away from him. This was the first time she'd been called out on what she was doing and it stung. It wasn't even her idea!

"Have nothing to say about it? About how you and your three friends enjoy ruining lives?" He taunted.

"We didn't even want to do this. You think that we like doing this? None of us do but our boss won't let us quit!" Caroline screamed at him.

"Your boss? So someone makes you go out and ruin people's lives!"

"Pretty much and none of us could quit. Elena tried once and the boss began stalking her to the point that she couldn't feel safe anywhere and he pressured her into going back to work for him." Caroline admitted. "If you want to find her-go to her favorite places and she'll tell you all what you want to hear."

"Who is Elena?" He asked.

"Sorry, I mean Katerina." She smirked.

Klaus took Eva back to his place where he tied her up in a chair while he called his brother.

"I learned two things you want to know. First, she's back frequenting her favorite places and second her name is Elena. I think that's her real name which means you're ahead of me in that respect. I am pleased to announce that after a temporary hiatus my wife has come home," Klaus smirked at Caroline as he ended the call. One of his bodyguards brought him a device. It turned out to be an ankle monitor and he fastened it firmly on Caroline's ankle before she could stop him.

"You're seriously doing this?" She asked darkly.

"Yes, remember how I tried to explain to you that my smart house would make your life easier and keep you safe? Well none of the exterior doors or windows will allow you to open them with that on."

"I could find a way to disable this and leave. You'll never find me again." Caroline spat.

Klaus flashed over to her. It was the first time he had ever done so and he growled.

"I really wouldn't luv if I was you. I would find you and I would not be as nice next time."

"That was nice? That wasn't nice."

"Neither was trying to marry me under false pretenses and drain me dry," Klaus said as dark veins began to appear under his eyes.

"A job is a job and I'm damn good at it."

"Well consider yourself fired," Klaus growled angrily.

She snarled at him angrily.

"Now who set me up?"

"You were an easy mark Klaus." She said with a self satisfied smirk.

"Well I hate to disappoint dearie but you only touched the surface of my fortune," Klaus said.

She snorted.

"Maybe the big bad boss can take everything that you ever loved and then your money."

"Who do you work for?" He growled.

"Can't say. Won't say."

"You don't know!" He scoffed.

"I do, just not gonna say the name...until you say the magic word."

He gave her a maliciously sweet smile, "please."

She shook her head.

"Nope. Nada. You really really need to mean it before I tell you." She taunted.

Klaus growled with frustration.

She smiled wickedly at him.