So... It's been a lil over three months since the last update. I do apologize!

However, there will no longer be any story updates to this, as, like I did with Home, I will be rewriting the series. I've been trying to write a new chapter, but it's just not working, so I decided to go back and read and oh. my. God.

I cringed SO HARD WTH like I still love it and all but there's so many plot holes and doesn't really make sense, therefore, I'm gonna rewrite it. It may or may not have a new name. If it does, I'll be sure to update here and tell you guys the name.

Don't worry those of you who have characters, you will still be in the story! It will honestly be fairly different from the original Eloquent Abilities and Phenomenal Mutiny.

I'm sorry for the long wait, and even longer wait to come, but I haven't given up on my stories! Just being an actual adult is more difficult than one might think, and I have a normal, 9-5 job, Mon-Fri now so I don't get a lot of time to write. And if you know me, you know that I wrote the most at like 3 AM and 4 AM, and I can no longer do that or I will hate myself.

Again, once the new story is posted (whenever it may be) I'll let you guys know here :)

Love you guys! I hope you don't hate me!