In the night

"She should be fine, it just takes time for her blood to filter the venom. You should take her somewhere more comfortable, somewhere we can talk."

"I guess we have to go to my hide out on the Elven forest, we are half way there and, it will give us privacy."

"So we would keep going down this same road then, I'm fine with that snowflake".

They both shared a look, as if another conversation was taking place between the lines. Maybe if the poison was not affecting me, I might had picked up on said subtext.

They lift me up, my legs were weak, but I could stand on my own, I had to try, Skye kept her arm around me to help me keep my balance. Evie prepared her staff to fly, Skye had a raised brow and her usual panache, "We won't fit on the broom if you sit like 'that'", she pointed at the elemental's behind, "We have to do it...", she guided my body as a dance instructor would making me lift my leg with her own and her arm, "the fun way."

So we ended up the three of us mounted on the broom the way I first thought was the right way, one leg on each side. I knew this way was not wrong as Evie made it seem.

The broom commenced its flight. The usual vibration caused by magic flowing through the metallic body of the staff were now...more notorious. I could felt every single grain of magic vibrate also thru me, entering my skin by my…
I guess this is why she was not so adamant about me riding the broom like this, this was addictive.

My body tightly pressed between the winter witch and the voluptuous assassin made things better somehow. It was not just feeling their bodies brushing against mine, nor Skye's breasts softly resting on me, it was maybe that same feeling you get when you hold your breath for a bit too long or wrap yourself on a sheet to become a pastry cone, or, simply being inside a box.

The energy vibrations were not enough to get me to that ecstasy Evie had driven me last night, but it was very pleasant, no wonder the assassin was calling it the fun way. Its interesting how such a small part of one body, smaller than the brain, can have so much power over one self control. Last time we rode on the broom, my eyes were admiring the landscape from above; now, all I wanted to see was Evie's face enjoying this as much I was, yet all I could grasp of her was her lips and that low breathing calm rhythm. I dared also to look back at Skye, her dark skin, elven features, those lips, her breasts firmly against the back of my neck.

Was this heat normal, was it common for people to desire a stranger as much as I wanted Skye?
Is it still love if its for more than one person?

But the pleasure was accumulating on me, building up as we fly thru the night. All I can think of is Skye's hands on my rib cage, hugging me tight, so close to touching my breast and temping me to force her hands lower to where my aching want was wetting me. I wished to have more room and to be able to maneuver and kiss Evie...or Skye. I waned to be touched by them, by both.

I remembered how casual the two women were a few moments ago and my aroused mind could only imagine them sharing intimate kisses, touching each others beautiful bodies, driven each other to a pleasure beyond words could explain...and then-
We touched the ground, my eyes were open again, the broom stopped vibrating, I felt frustrated, I wanted it to happen, I need this now.

Maybe it was the excitement of the chase or the fact that we might have prevented a war, but I felt so energetic, a bit tired because of the poison but, I it was almost off my system now.

I got off the broom, no need for help, observed my surroundings, high mountains on the horizon, the biggest trees I had ever seen their tops blocking the moonlight, a smell of grass and life very distinct and unique, enormous mushrooms growing as tall as men on the trees and rocks; truly an enchanted forest.

"Oh my, Evie, look at your kitty cat, her trousers are a mess" a fake gasp and a mockery to pretend shock from the purple haired woman. My trousers were indeed wet on the crotch and it was all her fault. "I think this calls for a hot bath" again the two taller women shared a look, there had to be something else going on here.

We got in the hide out, a stone walled house, a lot less welcoming that the farms but still enough comfort to live in. Furniture made from old magic trees with intricate designs, a stove, bookshelves containing old books in a language I do not know the name of, a room full of food in form of magic paper.

I kept exploring the place while Evie prepared a bath for me, I took off my clothes and put on a bath robe just to avoid getting a cold, or that is what Skye said it was for, she was wearing one as well, although, it barely covered her body the intended way yet she looked like she was comfortable in it.

Evie called from down the hall, the bath was ready. The water was hot, it made my skin turn pink, I kinda like this feeling, its an unusual feeling, most of the time I bathe on cold water except on winter. The soapy water did the usual cleansing and relaxed my tired body. Until this moment of solitude I realized just how much stress I had gone thru today: the long travel on broom to the Magistrate district, packing up to travel away, chasing the assassin and the poison. My eyes got watery and heavy, I could fallen a sleep right there if I wasn't afraid of drowning.

I got out of the water, got as dry as I could with the towels Evie had prepared for me, they were warm and puffy. I kept my hair dry, I don't enjoy sleeping with my hair dam on a pillow.

Out of the bath room I could hear Evie and Skye having a conversation, but I was too tired to join them at the kitchen. Instead I found my way to the master bedroom...well the room with the bed, it was quite humble looking, no window, no door, just a bed big enough for two on a wooden base. Still enough comfort for my weary being at the time.

I was awoken by the sound of boots stomping on the floor followed by a body heavily and ungracefully collapsing next to me. I instinctively jumped off the bed with a shriek, uncalled it seemed when I saw it was Evie. She was wearing her black and blue outfit, except the boots that were tossed some where in the room.

"Not, so, loud please, my head is killing me kitty cat."

"You are the one who pulled me off slumber by surprise in the middle of the night!" I was moody, and how not be?

"It is past noon you sloth"

"What do you…? It's dark still..."

"Well there are no windows in this hideout"

"I-I… it's not my fault I was poisoned by your friend, y-you should be glad I didn't sleep 'till death!" And then I realized it, Evie went out all night, with her, where? "Speaking of which, where is Skye?"

"Oh, she is back at the Citadel delivering the woman to her client we-"

"No, what? Why?!"

"Please not so loud, I told you my head is about to explode," she massaged her skull a bit theatrical, "well, last night we talk about a plan to comprise both sides, I would cover up the breach in security and she would deliver her alive to her client. We wanted to take you with us but you sleep like a rock. Oh kitty you should have seen it, espionage, infiltration, violence, red eyes glowing in the dark…oh if only there was a chronicler to write down those events".

"Why didn't you woke me up? I could have helped you it it means it will aid stopping the war"

"Oh but we did, we called your name, we tickled your feet,..." a smile as she pouts, "we even tried to woke you as a fabled princess by a kiss, but you just smiled, eyes closed, still in the land of dreams".

"Both of you?"

"Yes, of course. Not at the same time, one a time. Maybe tonight when she is back from the citadel we could have some more fun with her, you know, before we head back to the farm, Skye really likes you Maeve."

I blushed.
She said that so nonchalantly, as if it was normal. I only heard of royals from the desert having more than one spouse… Am I the prince or the princess?

"Well we don't have to, it can be just the two of us kitty. Sorry if I misread your emotions, I just felt as..."

I crawled back on the bed to her.

"Only if this time you are the princesses..."

Author's note: jebaited no frick fracking. I made so many versions of this chapter, this was the most vanilla one, but I also felt it worked better. Next up is Prompt seven: Au

"But… what about promt six?"

→ get out!