"Open! Gate of the Fire Dragon! Igneel!" I giant magic circle appeared, larger than any that I have done before, and my vision instantly blurred as I poured my magic into opening Igneel's gate as fast as I could. He came out and Natsu was so happy to see him, but once he saw me he said something to Igneel and then ran toward me. He kept me up and Igneel stepped back, and then instantly I felt fire consume me. I smiled accepting the warmth and ate it as fast as I could. It seemed Natsu was doing the same and once the roar stopped, I was back on my feet. I looked at the two members of Lamia Scale- Lyon and Sherria, and watched as Igneel attacked them. I saw Natsu looking for something and knew he was wondering the same thing as me. Where the heck is Jura?

We watched as Igneel's flames easily overpowered Lyons ice magic and he was down for the count. Sherria experience the same thing and as he was sending her flying, I felt another vibration. It was stronger than before and I looked at Igneel who seemed to notice it. He stopped attacking and was about to fly up, when he suddenly stopped. "IGNEEL!" Natsu said looking at the fire dragon who now had a rock spike through his heart. My eyes widened and the giant dragon didn't even fall before he was sent back to the other realm. Natsu ran over to where he was and we both turned our heads slowly to Jura. He was panting and I don't know how he did it, but he 'killed' Igneel. Natsu charged at him, and Jura closed one eye and he was sweating and looked in pain. I guess he is losing magic energy...but why?

A giant hand blocked Natsu's attack and the pink haired dragon slayer flew back to me. He caught himself and stood up again. We were both angry, but also confused as to what he was doing. "Rock Mountain-Knight!" (Like Rock Mountain, but he can move, fight, and fly… I made it up, we will just say that he trained and stuff since the last grand magic games. Glad you are still reading this cringy story! Continue...) I looked up to see a giant rock warrior and he looked like a knight as he towered over the stadium. He had two swords and giant rock wings. He looked like a rock version of the spirit king. The Rock Giant stood high and I thought of a plan. My magic was doing well, and I thought of something to do as I started thinking of different outcomes to different plans.

The rock mountain lifted a giant fist into the air and I simply watched as his fist came down and fast. Natsu ran toward me, but he didn't make it since I kinda… stopped time. I walked over to Natsu and touched him. I knew better to stand in his path of travel since he was running before. As I guessed, right when I touched him, he sprinted forward. "LU- Wait… What's going on?" He turned to see me and then he sighed. "You stopped time didn't you?" I nodded and he became serious. "Luce, what are we going to do?" I smirked and looked at him. "I think I have a plan..."

I looked at Natsu and he finally nodded. This had been the third time I had told him the plan and time was starting to go back to normal. I smiled and he pumped his fist in the air. "I'm all fired up now!" I laughed and then looked right into his eyes. "Be careful Natsu, this guy is powerful," He nodded and hugged me. "You do the same Luce. I don't want you getting hurt on my account," I nodded and then sighed. "You ready!?" "Hell yeah!"

I started time again, but this time I was standing directly behind the Rock Dude. (I am running out of names to call the Rock Guy… Rock mountain sounds weird!) His fist came into contact with the ground and debris flew all over the place. People gasped and Jura smiled in victory. I used the dust to my advantage and I changed. My midnight colored scales covered my body and the bones in my body shifted and grew. My once brown eyes were now changing between the element colors, and my tailbone grew into a giant dragon tail with a fire on the end, along with rock spikes. (remember chapter 'The Ultimate Queen?')

I looked down at Natsu and he gaped at my dragon form. I had told him about my transformation, but I guess he might have been picturing something different. Suddenly, he smiled and held his thumbs up. "Go get them Luce!" I rolled my eyes as he grabbed onto the rock spikes on my tail. "You know what to do!" I said as I flicked my tail, sending him onto the Rock Guy. The dust finally cleared and people gasped at my form. I watched as Natsu got the Rock Warrior, as well as Jura, annoyed. They tried swatting him, but he simply jumped onto another rock. Finally, Jura clapped his hands together, and the Rock Warrior's wings opened and he flew high into the air. The plant was working! Natsu jumped off the warrior as they ascended and I caught him with my tail and he jumped/climbed like a ninja (Naruto) onto my head.

"Nice job! Now we have the advantage!" I said and soon looked at Jura on the rock thing-a-ma-bob flying into the air. My wings stretched wide, and I crouched as my eyes narrowed. Natsu laughed and patted my head. "I love you so much!" I laughed and shot into the air, and Natsu's grip tightened on my scales as we flew to the Rock thing-a-ma-jig. Soon we reached the same level, and I saw Jura on the big guys head. I watched as the Rock Warrior drew out his swords. I took Natsu into my tail again, and just like a baseball bat, I swung him onto the head of the giant. Jura and him immediately started fighting and I charged at the beast. "Let's do this!" I charged my hand with elemental dragon magic and punched him in the chest and watched as a few rocks fell from him and onto the ground.

Nobody POV

Lucy fought the flying rock giant as Natsu fought Jura. Lucy decided water magic would be best against rock, and the Rock Mountain was soon swaying from side to side. She was pleased to see Natsu easily beating a very tired Jura. The dragon slayer threw punches and kicks, and Jura took most of them, while barely dodging others. The elemental dragon looked at her enemy and bit his rock wing, just as Natsu punched Jura straight in the face. Jura was knocked unconscious and The Rock Man was slowing disappearing. Natsu jumped toward a tired Lucy's tail, but he never made it.

Lucy was concentrating on staying in the air and catching Natsu, when she felt a horrifying pain in her tail. "AHH!" She yelled and looked in shock as the almost transparent Rock Warrior cut straight through her tail. Natsu was falling and as he was under her, the tail flew down and a rock spike struck him in the face. He soon fell unconscious and Lucy didn't hesitate with tears in her eyes as she desperately tried to catch Natsu.

She flew straight down and flapped furiously with her nose only a few feet from Natsu. Jura was already out, but people screamed watching the sight. Lucy was out of magic energy and her dragon form started changing back to her human form. She could have easily stopped her descent, but Natsu would surely die from the fall.

Erza watched from a distant and her eyes widened as realization struck. Time seemed to slow for everyone and she started running toward the stadium, jumping over stands and people. "Lucy no! You will die!" Lucy had only seconds to save the most important person of her life and she took her wings and wrapped them around Natsu. She twisted in air, to where her back was now facing the ground. The second her back made contact with the ground, debris went flying. A huge crater filled the arena and people squinted, trying to see through the dirt. "Sky Dragon Roar!" Wendy yelled and the dust vanished, revealing a horrifying sight. An unconscious Natsu and Lucy laid side by side, but Natsu seemed much better than Lucy.

The blonde headed girl was covered in her own blood, and her dragon form was now gone, revealing tattered clothes, and broken skin. Her head was open in the back, and you would have thought her dead just looking at her. Not too far away from the two was a midnight scaled, humongous tail that had been ripped clean off. The colors started disappearing and it was now just a gray, empty tail. Natsu stirred as his vision came back to him. "...W-Whe...Where am… I?"

He looked to his left to find Fairy Tail in tears and the pink haired boy sat up, much to his screaming body and cocked his head to the side. "Where's Luce..." He suddenly smelled something so strong, that he almost puked right then and there. He turned his head to the source only to have tears reveal themselves from his face. There was his only love, covered in blood. "L-Luce… WENDY! HELP!" He cried and stared at the blonde as Wendy came and put her now glowing hands over Lucy's body. She was crying and Natsu knew why.

"She's gone… Isn't she…" Natsu said, his face straight and emotionless. People watched as Wendy removed her hands and stepped back sobbing. Natsu was on his knees and he scooted closer to her body. "Come on Luce… You told me n-not to leave you… T-that goes f-for me as well… You c-can't leave me… YOU CAN'T-" He stopped as he grabbed his throat and Levy buried her head into Gajeel's chest. "I knew this would happen..." she whispered and Gajeel looked down remembering what she had told him months ago.

"Gajeel, I was reading this dragon book and get this! Did you know that when a dragon's mate dies, the living mate will suffer as well and die soon after!? That's so sad!" Gajeel laughed and closed her book. "That's for dragons. Not dragon slayers. It's a load of bull if you ask me!" She puffed her cheeks out as glared at him. "You didn't even let me get to the good part! Once they both die-" The door swung open, and then the hinges fell off, revealing a Lucy cringing at what she had done. Levy jumped up and ran to hug her friend that had not been seen at the guild since her return…

Natsu was choking on golden red fluid that was coming out of his mouth, much like the ethernano he ate at the tower of heaven. People could only watch as he fell to his side and thrashed around. Everyone had tears in their eyes, and even Gray was crying. Two of their family members were dead or dying.

Suddenly, the thrashing stopped and Erza walked over with her head down and saw Natsu was on his side, not moving. She turned to look at Fairy Tail with tears in her eyes and she changed into her Farewell Fairy Tail Armor.. "We have lost two members of our family. Natsu has been here since a kid, and we loved him dearly. Lucy may be a bit newer, but she was loved with just as much compassion. We will continue to fight and live on! For Natsu and Lucy! For Fairy Tail!" She yelled and stuck up her hand with her pointer finger and thumb out. Many people did the same and Erza said her last sentence before lifting Lucy, and having Gray lift Natsu. "They will be buried together, just as they died together..." Fairy Tail walked off into the rain, carrying two dead guild mates…

Lucy POV

"W-where am I..." I said, looking around to find myself in an otherworldly place. There was nothing but infinite gold atmosphere and it didn't look like there was any ground. I looked at my hands to see that they had a gold tint to it. I couldn't remember anything that had happened and I called out. "Hello?" My voice had a small echo to it, and it was less… human. It had a lighter tone to it, and sounded more angelic. "Anyone there?" Nothing… Absolute silence…

I suddenly grabbed my head from the pain that was rising. Memories filled my brain and I looked at the ground, on my knees.

I was fighting…

Natsu was falling…

I caught him…

I died

"NATSU!?" I jumped up and looked around. "Please anybody out there! Where am I!?" I ran around only to realize that I was going nowhere. I was panting and tired, and I looked up into the golden sky. "Please..." Suddenly, I heard something, and I turned to see Natsu on the ground. "Natsu!" I ran over to him and looked at his sleeping form. The first thing I noticed was that his injuries were completely gone. His hair was clean and now looked a bit orange from the environment, and his outfit was no longer tattered and torn. He wore his same clothes, but they all had a bit more gold to it. I looked at mine to see the same. I remembered the crash and thought that nobody could survive that, even with a dragon to break your fall.

"Oh Natsu...Please don't be dead!" I put my ear to his chest and listened for a heart beat. He was warm, and the tension grew as I couldn't hear anything. Then… a sound. "...Badump…..Badump…." I laughed with tears in my eyes and kissed him.

"Hello Lucy… You have grown so much..." I looked up with tears in my eyes. The voice came from behind, and I knew who it was, so I didn't want to turn around hoping that this wasn't a dream. "M-mom?" I decided to overcome my fear and I turned slowly to see a face almost identical to mine, except the features were more mature. Her golden hair was to her waist and she wore a white robe with magnolia blossoms on it. She looked calm, but had a smile to her face.

I stood and ran to hug her, but when I did, I went right through her. "What's going on?" I asked and watched as mom's face saddened a bit. "Oh Lucy… You save Natsu, but in doing so...you died, and Natsu, being your mate, died as well since dragons die when their mate dies." I nodded slowly and looked back at the pink haired boy sleeping on golden nothingness. "Why are we here? Is this heaven?" I asked and an angelic laughed echoed the place. "No dear, this is where you have a choice, unlike many. This will be only the second time in history that a choice can be made about life or death. Since you are the queen of the realms and have brought another dragon slayer here with you, you can chose to live or die..." Her head hung low and I gave a confused look.

"That sounds really good, but what's the catch?" She paused a bit before answering my question. "When I passed, Jude was not a dragon slayer, so he didn't die along with me. It is very rare for two dragon slayers to be pure mates… The catch to this dilemma is that a death must take place for the other to live." My eyes widened and I looked at Natsu.

"I will die then… For Natsu to live and-" She laughed and looked sadly at me. "I couldn't bare to watch my daughter kill herself, and what would that do to Natsu? He would be empty without you; dragons only have one mate in their lifetime… and you are the queen, you must return home to your duties." I was getting frustrated. "Well I would be empty without Natsu! I don't want to live in a world without him!" I cried looking at mom for an answer.

"When I came here, Nobody greeted me… I was so confused on where to go, and when I heard the story of people who stay trapped in here forever… I decided to come here to greet people and tell them where to go after death. I became an angel, and lived with the angels, but stayed here and welcomed newcomers. If you die in this land we are in right now… you cease to exist forever… and you don't go to heaven or hell, you just become...nothing,"

I watched her with a confused face, tears still streaming down my face. "W-why are you s-saying this to m-me?" I watched her stretch out her hand and suddenly a strong wind separated me and Natsu from her. I watched a long sword draw from nothing and she took it. "Mom what are you-" She aimed it at herself and smiled. "I will be that death, so that you and Natsu may go on and live together..." My eyes widened and I ran to get her. "What!? I just found you!" She smiled and then looked at the sword in front of her and gripped it with two hands. I knew I was never going to make it and I watched as the sword entered her golden body and another strong wind swirled around Natsu and I. "MOM!" She let go of the sword and it fell to the side; she coughed and wheezed, but no blood came out. She looked at me one last time and whispered, "I love you…" before I saw her fall and darkness consumed me once more.