Before the story starts, I just to thank everyone for getting the story to two hundred follows.

Jaune walked the halls of beacon, heading for his dorm after a long day of school. The boy was happy when he made it to his room; his day was absolutely and completely shitty.

He was late to Goodwitch's class so he had to serve detention with the lady. Jaune was terrified the entire punishment because of the pure authority-like aura the woman sent out. Glynda told him no talking and he was too afraid to make any noise, even sneezing. He was the only kid there too, so all of Goodwitch's attention was directed on him. This hostile environment made the one hour detention feel like three.

He also got his ass handed to him by Cardin Winchester, who was an ox of a man. For some reason, the boy really hated the blonde and always chose Jaune to fight during spars. Pyrrha really hated this and would always pick HIM to fight and beat HIS ass for a change.

The redhead actually fought like the demon when angry. In other words: very painful and gruesome. Jaune actually felt somewhat bad for Cardin; Pyrrha was probably the most powerful thing that ever walked Remnant and could take on a whole army of huntsmen without breaking a sweat. That wasn't even an exaggeration either; Jaune had seen Pyrrha fought plenty of times, and her raw pure strength amazed him each time. She once punched a grimm scorpion into space…...literally. That's not joke, she actually did this once.

Pyrrha and Jaune found a dark cave during their entrance exams, and Jaune thought it was a bright idea to explore it. So Pyrrha lit her hand on fire with her demonic powers and they searched the cave, hoping to find the relic they needed to pass the test.

They didn't find the relic, but they did find a very pissed off grimm scorpion that didn't appreciate them intruding in it's home. So Pyrrha punched the scorpion, sending it flying into the ceiling and the breaking through said ceiling. The scorpion didn't even stop; it literally continued it's journey skyward into space. Jaune then reminded Pyrrha of human limitations and told her to abide by them.

So imagine what Pyrrha could do to a cocky seventeen year old that had been bullying her friend.

Jaune smiled after grabbing the handle of the door, glad to finally make it back to his room. He could now just chill with his partner without a worry in the world.

It would also just be the two of them, since Ren and Nora were both in town for the evening. Jaune turned the handle of his door, expecting Pyrrha to be sleeping or reading some fantasy book.

Although, the boy was not expecting to see something that would terrify him to his core. Something that was far worse than anything he could ever imagine. It was worse than a nuclear war, worse than the sun exploding, worse than the end of the world and even worse than the devil pulling him into hell.

Jaune found Pyrrha reading Ninja's of love on her bed.

She had a small hue of red on her cheeks as she read the novel, probably not understanding A LOT of the words in it. She looked so puzzled, tilting her head in a perplexed manner.

Pyrrha finally noticed him and asked the blonde something that he knew was coming. Jaune knew what Pyrrha was about to ask him; it was obvious by her confused demeanor and her large curiosity. But Jaune still felt chills down his spine when the words left her mouth.

"H-hey Jaune," she started, slightly stuttering. "I don't understand some of these words in this, can you help me?"

It got deadly quiet in the room, none of them speaking as they basked in the silence. The lack of noise of deafening, ramming into Jaune's ear like a train. The boy finally understood the meaning of loud quietness.

The duo continued their staring contest, not taking their eyes off each other. Pyrrha had a look of curiosity on her face while Jaune had a look of terror in his.

"J-jaune?" Pyrrha spoke up, breaking the silent atmosphere. "Are you alright?"

She was worried about her partner, he looked broken by his blank stare. There was no emotion in his face as he stared at her. She looked around the room to see if there was something out of the ordinary. She didn't find a damn thing though, everything was normal in the room, so what was his problem?

"J-jaune," She tried again, hoping to break him out of his stupor. "You're scaring me, speak to me."

Jaune's brain finally kicked in and he instantaneously ran backwards, slamming to door shut, much to Pyrrha's dismay. He heard a confused noise from the demon, obviously she wasn't expecting that. He then locked the door, even though he knew this wouldn't do anything. The redhead could easily break the barrier down if she wanted to, but this should buy him some time though.

His brain was screaming at him, questioning where she got a damn smut book in the first place. The library didn't have filth like that, and he doubted she went to a bookstore without him. She always asked for his opinions on the books she got, not wanting to waste her money on something she didn't want. So the chances of her buying this erotic novel by herself was very unlikely.

So where the hell did she get the book from? Jaune racked his brain, desperately trying to figure out a solution. He couldn't think of one though; he couldn't conjure up a logical solution for his problem. No one enjoyed that novel, it was full of creepy fetish shit that freaked people out. Nearly everyone stood clear from the series; no one wanted to be corrupted by it's vile and lewd scenes. The only person he knew that actually enjoyed the series was………

Jaune's eyes widened in realization as he ran over to team's RWBY's dorm, pounding at the door. He had to see one of the girls in this room.

The girls in team RWBY were their next door neighbors, being right across the hall from them. They became friends after the exams since they helped each other during a fight with a nevermore. There was a certain girl on this team that really enjoyed these type of novels. She had plenty of these terrible books, probably around fifty of them. So Jaune knew this girl was the cause of his problem at the moment.

The door opened up to reveal a tall buxom blonde girl. She had long hair, purple eyes and assets that she loved to flaunt around. Her name was Yang, AKA, Beacon's Bombshell.

She smirked when she saw Jaune, maybe a little weirded out by his crazy demeanor but still smirked. She really appreciated Jaune and Pyrrha, since they were Ruby's first friends in the school. So Yang took a liking to the duo, even though one of them puked on her new shoes

"Hey there, Vomit Boy." She teased, leaning against her door frame. Yang really enjoyed her nickname for the boy. Hell, she even tried to trademarked the name but didn't have enough money for it. "What can I do for you this fine evening?"

"Where's Blake?!" He somewhat yelled, eye twitching a little as he said it. "I really need to ask her something."

Yang quirked an eyebrow at the fellow blonde, being on edge by her erratic behavior. He looked absolutely scared shitless of something and was urgently trying to get Blake out there. It actually creeped her out. "Uhm….Blakey, you have a visitor." Yang spoke into her room, wanting to get away from this guy as soon as possible. His eyes were screaming crazy and his body was in a fight or flight mode.

Blake poked her head out of the door, her usual stoic look plastered on her face. "Can I help you?" She rose an eyebrow at him, confused in why he wanted her. They never talk to each other, so him seeking a conversation with her was out of the ordinary. It would be like Blake trying to strike up a conversation with princess in there.

"Can I ask you a simple question?" Jaune asked, derailing her from her thoughts. He looked like he was trying to look calm but was failing, much like a crackhead trying to act sober in front of people. Blake decided to be cautious with the boy, not really knowing what to expect from him. He may be the weakest boy at the school but craziness can make anyone dangerous.

"Uh, sure. Shoot." She casually told him, trying to size him up in case things went south. She literally had no clue what he was about to ask her but she was pretty sure it was bothering him.

Jaune let out a force chuckle, smiling wide at the girl. "Ah, thanks." He said, nodding his head to her. "Well, I have a simple tiny question for you. You know my partner, right? Pyrrha Nikos?"

Nikos was a name they randomly picked from a website. It meant victory, which was perfect for a girl who could kick anyone's ass, including his and even Ozpin's. Pyrrha also said it sounded pretty and so they chose it. It was quite strange that the devil's daughter would call something pretty. Well, to be fair, this shouldn't really shock Jaune since the girl literally acted like an angel. (Looked like one as well.)

Blake crossed her arms across her chest, standing up straight to seem like a bigger threat. This may sound funny because it seemed so primitive but it still worked. "Yeah." She kept it simple, believing a simple response would lead to a simple conversation.

"Well, did you happened to give her a certain smutty book earlier?" He asked, staring right into her eyes.

"Yeah, why?" She questioned, not really seeing an issue with it.

"Oh." Jaune nodded his head, realizing his suspicions were correct. "Well, I have one more question for you, if you would." Jaune paused, waiting for a response from the girl. Blake soon nodded at him, causing him to continue his talking. "Thanks, I just wanted to know if that yoU'RE FUCKING INSANE!?" Jaune yelled, getting louder as he spoke.

This scared the girl; she was not expecting an outburst like this and slightly jumped back in reaction. His face became red from anger as he stood up straight. "WHY?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS? IN WHAT FUCKING UNIVERSE WAS THAT A SMART IDEA?"

Blake was silent for a moment, not knowing how to handle this situation. So she let Pyrrha borrow Ninja's of Love, so what? If Pyrrha wanted to read a smut book and Blake had one, then what was the problem? There was nothing wrong with smut, so why was he freaking out at her?

Blake soon got mad back at Jaune, getting irritated by his explosive response. The girl clenched her fist and responded to the boy.

"What's your problem? So Pyrrha is reading smut, big deal. She's a seventeen year old girl who can read whatever she wants."


Those were the wrong words since Blake adored the series. It was one of her favorite books and hated when people bad mouthed it because they didn't understand the very deep meaning behind it. So Jaune calling the readers 'Heathens' and 'Sad women" really pissed her off.

Blake clenched her teeth, trying to control her anger. "What's that supposed to mean? Are you trying to call me a heathen?"

Jaune was running on terror, frustration and anger, so he didn't think before he spoke. So the next words that came out of his mouth could have been his last. "Maybe I am."

Those were three simple words with a giant impact behind them. Jaune could have sworn he heard a record scratching after saying that. Not a single word was spoken for a bit, the silence consuming the entire hall. It was creepy and unnerving how the volume ceased almost immediately.

Blake was speechless, not fully believing her ears. She was slacked jawed and was just staring at him, not believing the balls he had on him. Jaune said that without any hesitation or nervousness and with determination in his eyes. She was actually a little impressed.

One could have probably felt the atmosphere rapidly changing from awkwardness to anger. Blake's glare was maddening and violent, being able to make a lesser man crumble in terror. But Jaune was no lesser man, he was literally sharing a room with the daughter of Satan. He even cuddled with the girl the other day, so Jaune became much braver because of this. (Glynda still scared him shitless, though.)

It took all of Blake's willpower not to kill this boy on the spot, her eye actually twitched like Jaune's did. All she saw was red and an image of Jaune's grave in her head.

Here lies Jaune Arc:

He died the way he lived, like a dumbass.


Jaune didn't even seem to notice that sudden violent aura surrounding Blake, because he just continued their glaring contest. Of course, Jaune's glare was like a puppy glare while Blake's was like a cougar. The difference between their intimidateing looks were very high, like comparing white to black. (Or yellow to black for their case)

Before anything could escalate any more, team JNPR's door handle jiggled. "Jaune, are you out there?" The voice of Pyrrha called out. Jaune let out a squeak, the anger inside him died and was replaced with terror once again. He looked at Blake, grabbed her by her shoulders and told her firmly, "I was never here!" And he then booked it down hall, accidentally bumping into a kid on the way out.

Blake just goggled at the boy, confused of what just happened. The anger left him almost immediately after hearing Pyrrha's voice, which was strange because that girl was the embodiment of too pure.

Although, Pyrrha was crazy strong, especially for someone of her age. The girl literally fought like a demon sometimes. No one had come close to defeating the redhead in the arena, so she was Beacon's best student so far.

But Blake doubted Jaune was terrified that Pyrrha might hurt him; they literally acted like a cute couple sometimes, so the chances of Pyrrha's wanting to hurt Jaune was low.

Not even low, nearly impossible. The only person to ever pissed Pyrrha off was Cardin, and this was because he was bullying Jaune. So Blake doubted those two even ever fought with each other before; they got along way too much for that.

Team's JNPR door interrupted Blake's thoughts as it opened up, revealing Pyrrha on the other side. She looked around in a muddled manner. "Was Jaune out here?"

The redhead could have sworn she heard his voice out here, and he sounded really frustrated.

Blake looked at the way Jaune made his escape, debating rather she should tell her the truth. "Uh…" she said slowly, looking back at Pyrrha. "Why do you want him?"

Pyrrha looked down at her book, which she was clutching to her chest. "This book confuses me, I don't really understand some of these words in it. I wanted to ask him to help me" She said, looking back up at Blake.

Blake finally understood why Jaune was freaking out now and could somewhat believed his actions were justifiable, except for the heathen part though. She totally forgotten about Pyrrha's innocence of…..*ahem*...intimate stuff. In hindsight, Blake should have given her something else or prepared her for the lewd material.

"Well, I don't really know where he is." Blake told her, deciding to save Jaune's ass for now. This caused the redhead to pout.

"Aw, I really wanted to ask him questions about this book." There was a small trace of pink on her cheeks.

Pyrrha may be innocent when it came to these type of things, but the demon still knew about sex. Pyrrha had an aunt-like woman in hell who took care of her when her father wasn't around. She was a lieutenant of the hell army and acted like a mother to her. Her name was Jacklyn and she told her about sex.

Her father was supposed to do it, but he couldn't look his daughter in the eyes and say penis at the same time. So he made Jacklyn do it, but only the baby making parts, nothing else. If it didn't involved having a child, then Pyrrha didn't know about it. Ironically, her father didn't want her to know any 'sinful activities'.

Pyrrha wasn't ignorant either, she knew these words involved sex by the context they were used in, just not the kind she was taught. So Pyrrha was slightly flustered but not by much. How bad can these words be?

Blake felt bad for Jaune; the boy will have to explain the lewd scenes to Pyrrha later. Poor bastard. She just prayed it wouldn't be too bad for the blonde.

Suddenly, the door of Team RWBY's dorm opened, revealing a very excited Yang. She must have listening the entire time.

Yang was excited; she knew about Pyrrha's innocence and really wanted to fuck with Jaune. So teaching Pyrrha about lewd stuff would be a great prank. It would also be great teasing material for her as well. "You need help with these words?" She asked, with a teasing gleam in her eyes. She wrapped her arm around Blake's shoulders, pulling her closer to her. "Well, me and Blakey over here can help you. Isn't that right, Blake?"

The cat girl stared at Yang as if she was nuts. Did she really expected her to do this? "Uh, can I talk to you in private?" She then roughly shoved Yang, pushing both of them into their dorm. "This will just be a moment, Pyrrha." The door shut on the redhead before she could get a word out.

"Are you crazy?" Blake asked once inside. "I can't do that to her, she's too innocent." she told her.

"Oh come on. Don't you think this will be funny? Think about how embarrassed Jaune will be." Yang tried, hoping she could convince her friend to do this very funny thing.

This would be hilarious in many ways. Jaune would be flustered and Pyrrha would be cutely confused. But Yang really needed help from Blake, since the blonde didn't know half of the words in the book. Her partner was seriously into kinky shit.

Blake crossed her arms at the girl, giving her a disappointed looking. "No, I'm not going to do that to Jaune. How would you feel if I told Ruby about these things?"

"I would kill you but this ain't Ruby. Plus Pyrrha is older than her, so bad comparison." Yang then grabbed Blake by her face, looking her in the eyes. "Think about it, don't you want revenge for Jaune calling you a heathen?"

"What?...No I-" Blake was momentarily at a standstill. Yang was partially correct; Jaune calling her a heathen really ticked her off, so the girl wanted some sort of revenge.

On the other hand, this was going way too far. All Jaune did was call her a heathen, that's it. Lewdifying Pyrrha…….if that was even a word, would be going BEYOND the proper revenge technique. So Blake put her foot down.

"No, Yang. I'm just going to kick his ass in the arena." Yang just coyly smiled at the girl.

"Ok, hear this out then. There are two characters in Ninja's of love that are quite similar to Jaune and Pyrrha."

Yang once read the book out of morbid curiosity; and boy, was it a journey. She couldn't even look Blake in the eyes for a whole day. That book had very weird things in it...very bondage things that she couldn't understand.

Blake's eyes widened, realizing she was right. There was an innocent girl in the book and a sassy handsome ninja who fell in love. Their sex scenes were Blake's favorite. Jaune and Pyrrha fit that category nearly perfectly…... except for Jaune, he's no Ninja and she didn't really find him that attractive.

"Think about Blake." Yang whispered into her ears like a devil on her shoulder. Unfortunately for Blake, she had no angel on the other one. "You can have a live action Ninja's of Love right here at Beacon. Minus the sex scene, of course."

The offer was so tempting, she really wanted a movie of that book but no one was brave enough to do it. The offer was weighing on her like a weight, keeping her down and away from pure thoughts.

"Join me Blake." Yang whispered like evil empress. "Join me and we can watch this beautiful thing together. All you have to do is say yes."

Out of context, this would sound very dirty…….. actually it was pretty dirty in context as well.

Blake couldn't, she refused to do this. Pyrrha was a nice girl who didn't deserve those lewd thoughts corrupting her.

But a live action of Ninja's of Love though...

NO! She couldn't, no matter how alluring, tempting and amazing...and attractive... and charming the offer was. She would not do this.

Wait, why was her hand moving towards the door handle?

Oh no, the offer was like a siren call; Blake couldn't control her body as it moved on autopilot and before she knew it, she opened the door.

"Hey Pyrrha, we can help you with your problem of yours."

The redhead beamed at Blake, glad to have someone explain the words to her. "Really? Oh thank you so much."

Blake nodded and smiled. She was planning on getting her live action movie and her revenge at the same time. " No problem, by the way; do you know what sex is?"


Jaune was pretty sure he overreacted, because he was currently hiding inside a dumpster behind the cafeteria in a hope to hide from his partner. He could smell a week worth trash and the stench was now clinging on to him like body odor.

He didn't know why he chose a dumpster to hide in. He ran by the cafeteria and panicked, deciding that Pyrrha would never look in there. In hindsight, there were plenty of better and cleaner places to hide. He made sure it was empty though, but the smell of past food still lingered in it.

There was a smell of rotten fish, cheese, bread, basically any type of food around him. The smell was atrocious, and the heat from the sun just made it worst. The violent rays of light was pounding into the dumpster, making it into a giant oven. Jaune's clothes stuck to him like a second set of skin from the sweat, irritating his body.

He was in there for two hours……..two entire hours.

Jaune knew he was a dumbass that overreacted to things, but this was a new low for him. He was tired, sweaty, and smelly. The vile air around the trash made it hard to breath, each inhale was met with a taste of garbage.

After the two hours, Jaune realized he was a dumbass. Well…...more like RErealized it…...the boy was the brightest crayon in the box.

Was he actually hiding from his partner because she read a smut book? Jaune felt somewhat pathetic; he was hiding like a scared little boy from a ghost. Pyrrha was the nicest girl ever met, and he literally ran away from her like the plague. He didn't even stopped to think how that would have made her feel. Pyrrha probably thought she did something bad and was now self-conscious. He needed to get back to his dorm and apologize.

Jaune opened the dumpster, the fresh cool air blasting him in the face. Being inside a heated metal box made you really appreciate cool air. He stood up, stretching his back, trying to get all the aches out.

He then looked to his left to be faced with Glynda walking by.

She stopped her patrol when she heard a dumpster opening loudly. Her original thought was that raccoons were digging in the trash. She was prepared to scare them off so they wouldn't make a mess. Although, she was met with Jaune Arc, who was sweating by a mile.

Glynda gawked at the boy, many questions forming in her head.

Jaune couldn't explain himself, knowing it would just make it weirder if he told Glynda the reason for his dumpster diving activity. She might even laugh in his face.

"Evening Goodwitch." He calmly told her, feeling his pride jump off a building. Jaune could see all the hope in Glynda's eyes leave as she continued to stare at him. Her mouth was slightly opened as she tried to consume the image she was receiving.

"I don't want to know but you have detention with me this Friday now." Jaune nodded, believing this was fair. At least it was only detention, too bad he was pretty sure he just lost all respect from Glynda.

"Yes mam." He solemnly said, knowing it would take a while to tape his pride back together.

Yet again; there was an awkward silence, them just staring at each other.

"Get out of the dumpster, Mr. Arc." Glynda finally spoke up, wondering why the hell he was still in the trash.

"Y-yes mam."


The looks people gave Jaune while walking back were embarrassing. They avoided him like a disease. They stood clear, not wanting to smell the stench emitting off him. Jaune knew his reputation was even more ruined now, instead of calling him 'vomit boy', they would now call him 'The trash Boy'


Jaune made it to his dorm for the second time that day. He sighed, knowing he had to deal with Pyrrha sooner or later. He looked at the door, dreading the possible conversation he might have with her. 'Let just get this over with.' He walked in to be met with a flustered looking Pyrrha on her bed.

"H-hey Pyr." He awkwardly spoke up, getting the redhead's attention. He must of scared her, because she looked up fast and slightly jumped. "Uhm…….sorry about… know, running off like that."

"It's O-ok." She quietly said, not meeting his face. Her cheeks were extremely red and she was avoided his eyes like a plague.

"Do you still have any questions for the book?"

Jaune didn't want to tell her about every lewd act in that filth, but he rather he did than someone else. The last thing he wanted was someone like Yang to explain those words to Pyrrha; she would most definitely take advantage of the innocent girl.

"N-no. I'm no longer interested in those words." She said, trying to hide her face from him. She started to remember what Blake and Yang told her.


Pyrrha's face was practically a tomato. She was looking down at the lewd book, now fully understanding the words in it. "T-t-hat what those words mean?" She squeaked out, not being able to look the two girls in the face.

Humans really did those things? Those activities were so……..dirty. Pyrrha couldn't think of a better word than that. Wait, does that mean that Jaune……..would like those things?

Somehow, Pyrrha's face got even more red than before, matching her hair. Of course the two girls noticed this, especially Yang, who smiled deviously at her.

"Yep!" Yang said, looking satisfied with her arms across her breast. The blonde was enjoying herself, anticipating to see Pyrrha's reaction with Jaune. "That are what those words mean."

Blake felt so much shame for what she did. Pyrrha looked so unconformable; she couldn't even look them in the face.

"S-so you're supposed to do these things with your partners?" Pyrrha asked. "L-like me and J-j-jaune?"

Blake was about to put a stop to this, believing they already crossed the line. Too bad Yang quickly put a hand over her mouth so she couldn't speak

"Of course, Pyrrha. He is your partner after all." She chirped, sounding like a caring mother.

Yang's grip on Blake was too strong to pull off her so she still couldn't speak. She was forced to watch the hell she and Yang made.

Pyrrha couldn't believe humans would do just…...lewd things with each other. These activities were completely different from the things Jacklyn told her; Pyrrha didn't even knew you could use your mouth for those type of things. Are all women on Remnant as submissive than the characters in the book?

"Well, you better get back to your dorm, little miss." Yang exclaimed, keeping a hold on Blake, who was still trying to break free. "Don't want to keep Jaune waiting, wherever he is." She slightly grunted in pain as Blake elbowed her in the gut, but kept her grip on her.

Pyrrha left the dorm, leaving the two girls alone. Yang finally let go of Blake, smiling with satisfaction.

"That wasn't funny Yang." Blake told her angrily.

"Yes it was."


Jaune knew instantly what was wrong with Pyrrha by her look of terror. You got to be a dense idiot not to know this.

She could obviously smell the garbage on him.

Jaune smelt like rotten trash that was put in an oven, so Pyrrha probably thought he smelled like shit and was far too polite to tell him.

"Well, I'm going to take a shower." Jaune spoke up, taking off his hoodie to reveal his skin. He was actually quite muscular from working on his farm for years. His hoodie really knew how to hide those muscles though.

This caused Pyrrha to grab a pillow to cover her face, knowing her cheeks were as hot as the sun. This reminded her of a scene from the book where the girl and the boy went into the shower and…….

Pyrrha buried her face deeper into the pillow, attempting her hid herself from the world. Her face felt like a forest fire from the heat radiating from it.

Jaune noticed her pillow act and assumed it was because of his smell again. Poor girl, trying to block her nostrils with the pillow. He needed to take a shower right now.

He walked into the shower, turning it on to get rid of the vile smells. 'Well, at least she's not interested in those words now.' He thought as he scrubbed himself.

Pyrrha finally calmed down, getting a hold of her beating heart. It was hammering into her rib cage as if it was at attempting to burst out.

Did she really had to do all of those things with Jaune? Pyrrha's didn't believe she wanted too. Some of those acts were disgusting…...while others were………

Pyrrha's hid her face in the pillow again, not believing the lewd thoughts that she was having. Would Jaune even like those things? He seemed too nice to be that dominant with her; would he even like tying her up? Pyrrha's didn't really enjoyed being bound, so she hoped Jaune didn't either.

Jaune finally walked out of the bathroom, shirtless and wet. This sparked yet another memory of the book, causing her to hide in her pillow for the third time that day.

'God damn it' Jaune thought to himself. 'Do I still smell?' He reluctantly went back into the bathroom, planning on getting all the filthy smells off him. It was the least he could do for Pyrrha.

If only he could clean the dirty thoughts from Pyrrha's head, though.

Next week I'll probably post the teen titans oneshot.