Note: This story has been posted in Ao3 under the same name but with a different summar.
This is my first story within this fandom so please take it easy.
Also I must mention that not only I'm dyslexic and have no beta for this story. English is also not my mother language thus mistakes are bound to be made

Note that in this story some characters may behave differently (Danny for example) but this is only because of the different circumstances that will be explained in the following chapters. In this fic Danny is no longer just a meek girl like she was on the first book - completely blind about her family history

Daenerys I

"Don't slouch. Straighten yourself." Viserys didn't bother to push back her shoulders; he was in a foul mood.

Her brother was a gaunt young man with nervous hands and a feverish look in his pale lilac eyes.

"She's late."

"Perhaps she changed her mind."Danny knew she wouldn't, but it was never bad to hope. Perhaps, she was thinking of a way to approach her brother without waking the dragon…

or maybe she left alone

Her brother said nothing. Instead he looked at the ship where men were moving the things they would sell in Westeros; clothes, fabrics, bottles of wine, fruits, items, weapons.

How can he let her travel with these men?

Magister Illyrio was a dealer in spices, gemstones, dragonbones, and other, less savory things. He had friends in all Nine Free Cities, and it was said that he'd never had a friend he wouldn't cheerfully sell for the right price.

Her brother had assured her that Jo would travel safely with these men whose captain owned the old Magister a favor but Danny learnt long ago not to trust whatever came from her brother's mouth.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, your Grace."

Visery's eyes did not light up and she wondered weathered he too had regretted agreeing with the Magister's plan after all.

"You're forgiven."

Jo didn't rise, and her brother finally smiled a little.


Viserys placed his hands on Jo's bare shoulders, "You are doing your King a great service. One that I will not forget."

Oh but he will. He always forgot

Jo eyed his clothes for a moment and Danny was pleased to see her lips tightening. She was angry.

It was Jo, who had gifted her the beautiful red and black fabric – the colors of her house – so the servants could make a beautiful dress for her upcoming wedding.

Danny had told her that Viserys handed her a gown that had been given by the Magister but Jo only shook her head.

"That thing is soft but you can see everything!" She had said. "You looked like the most beautiful concubine, but with this you will look like a Queen."

A Queen, she had mused, not a princess

Jo had been calling her that for quite a while… behind her brother's back, of course.

Danny had taken the fabrics in her hands gently, not wanting to destroy the first conversation they held after their fight. It was the first time Jo talked to her alone, without her brother or Illyrio at sight and without that damned polite tone she had all the time.

At that moment Danny wanted to do a lot of things; she wanted to touch her, kiss her, make up for breaking her heart, but she couldn't.

Any rash move would make Jo go away

Instead she thanked her for the fabrics and promised her to wear them when she would meet Khal Drogo.

Jo had stroked her cheek with such a soft look that Danny was certain, she was ready to kiss her. Instead she withdrew and didn't spare her another glance. Danny had thought they were finally making progress.

The next day Magister Illyrio had announced his plan to send Jo to King's Landing to spy on the Usurper and his dogs.

Viserys had been vocal on his disagreements and almost struck the Magister but with his soft voice and Jo's soothing touch, he had caved and Danny had realized at that moment it had been Jo's idea.

She didn't bother trying to get Jo alone for another four days which she spent with her time with Viserys, if the servants had spoken the truth.

"It is no service, it is duty and I want nothing in return other than to be by your side."

Jo's voice brought her back to the harsh reality and Danny glanced at the Magister who was too busy talking to the captain.

Illyrio would rather have me dead. Jo had told her once when she had returned looking exhausted and bloody; she could never explained it but there was always tension between the Magister and her lover and looking at them in the same place was like seeing a silent war being played.

"When you return I will have my army and I will march to King's Landing and I will take back my throne from-"

There was always a 'will' in her brother's words; "I will take us home", "I will get us an army", "I will find a proper place to sleep", "I will gather alliances", always a 'will', always an endless promise.

She didn't really remember the land her brother had spoken obsessively all her life. She had never seen the land her brother said was theirs, this realm, beyond the narrow sea. These places he talked of, Casterly Rock, and the Eyrie, Highgarden and the Vale of Arryn, Dorne and the Isle of Faces, they were just words to her. Viserys had been a boy of eight when they fled King's Landing to escape the advancing armies of the Usurper, but Daenerys had been only quickening in her mother's womb.

Jo was from the South, a village near Kayce. It is close to Casterly Rock, she had explained as if Daenerys and Viserys could even comprehend what Casterly Rock even looked like. But Viserys had been hungry and had demanded to know every little detail of the places she had seen; the lands that belonged to them.

"…and then we will be wed" Viserys grip tightened but Jo only smiled a fake smile that always fooled her brother.

"Men want to be blinded" she told her once

"You deserve more," Jo replied, placing a hand on his cheek and Daenerys could already see a storm behind her brother's eyes. Before he could roar Jo said, "But you know best, and I'm yours to command."

Viserys frowned, "If you are mine then I should order you to stay here, by my side." Jo stilled at that and she almost looked frightened. "But sacrifices must be made."

He threw a look at her, suddenly remembering her, and his eyes told a hateful story. Sometimes, Daenerys wondered if her brother had always hated her, or if it was something that had grown during the years.

Jo nodded and started to bow, but Viserys grabbed her from her neck roughly and kissed her passionate like Danny had caught him occasionally with the slaves. He was holding Jo tightly, his hand going lower and lower as his lips stayed glued on Jo's. Daenerys felt a burn sensation in her throat and she could have sworn her vision moved a little; her fists clenched and she the sudden urge to shake or hit something, open her mouth and scream. She wondered briefly if that was what 'waking the dragon' was.

Or maybe it's the Targaryen madness

Finally, her brother freed her from his cage and Jo almost stumbled a little, making Viserys shine with pride before he stalked towards the Magister without bothering to say another word to his betrothed or anything to his sister.

That left them finally alone

"Those married young, are often unhappy." Jo told her lowly as if she was confessing a secret.

"Most don't have a choice," Daenerys told her coolly, trying to distract herself over the fact that they were close enough to touch.

A sharp tone followed. "Everyone has a choice"

There's the lioness

"Yes," agreed Danny, "Everyone"

A silence followed and Danny took the chance to look at her; Jo's things had been arranged early morning so she didn't have to carry anything. She was wearing a light blue gown that fit perfectly with her tanned skin and golden hair. Her forehead was slightly sweated but it was due to the hot weather of Pentos. There were no winds today.

She will travel for long

"I hope you have a happy marriage."

"I will." Danny said firmly, with false confidence

"And I will pray to the Gods to bless you with a son soon."

You don't even believe in the Gods! She wanted to scream at her but pride held her back.

"That would be kind, thank you."

A paused followed… then awkwardness

Daenerys never hated herself more than in that moment

Jo made a movement as if to raise her arms and hug her but then changed her mind. Danny almost cried at the loss.

Instead she took her hand and stroked her with her thumb like she had done so many nights ago. Jo's had worn white gloves today, but Danny missed her naked skin.

"Next time I see you, I will have to address you as Khaleesi." She smiled brokenly and suddenly she was Dany's once more.

She held Jo's hand tighter, but not enough to bruise her unlike her brother who had left marks on Jo's shoulders.

"A better title" Danny lied with a shrug. It wasn't even certain if Khal Drogo would take her as his wife. "And you'll be my sister by marriage. Perhaps I will address you as my princess."

She will. Viserys would kill her if she didn't.

Jo sighed and her smiled turned upwards as if she just heard a joke. "Oh Danny..."

She hated those two words together. She hated them unless she had her head buried between Jo's legs.

Outside of the bedroom these two words told a tale of an unknown story. Every time Jo spoke them it meant she knew something she didn't.

"Be safe, my Queen."

The urge to slap her disappeared and Daenerys reminded her, "I was never a queen and soon I'll stop being a princess."

Instead she might be a wife to a barbarian man

"No one can take the title away from you." Jo insisted strongly. "You would still be my queen even if you were a blacksmith's daughter, or a pirate's. It doesn't change the fact that you're my queen."

She felt a lump in her throat and Danny wanted nothing more than to hug her tightly and never let her go.

I must not cry

I am blood of the dragons, and dragons do not cry

"T-travel safe… please." She added at last

"Everything is ready." Magister Illyrio said blissfully as soon as he came. Daenerys has never seen him look happier.

Viserys pleasantness was gone from his face. "Send letters"

"That cannot be," Illyrio interrupted. "It's too dangerous and if you were found… I would hate to imagine what could be done to you." He told to Jo as if she was the one who made the suggestion.

Danny could imagine what things could be done. The first two that came to mind was to be tortured and then beheaded but she was certain there were more ways to kill a spy.

Stay, she wanted to say. Come with me even if I am wedded. Just don't leave me behind

"I will do my best," Jo smirked at the Magister before she bowed at her brother one last time. "I will not fail you."

"I know," He said simply

And that was it.

Jo left them without looking back. Illyrio whispered something in her brother's ear which made him nod and his face was full of determination again.

"Come, sweet sister."

Her body followed him obediently but it felt insubstantial.

Her heart was inside that ship.