The summary should make it obvious, but spoilers abound in this fic. If you haven't finished the main story of The Fractured But Whole, and you care about it being spoiled, put this fic away until you finish the game. There's also spoilers for The Stick of Truth, but you've had three years, so, like... com'on.


So much had happened so quickly that only now, the day after it all ended, was she able to think. The New Kid, as most of her schoolmates still called her (if they weren't calling her 'Buttlord' or 'Douchebag'), was only just now realizing that she remembered the past few years of her life in two very different ways. This probably shouldn't have been as surprising as it was. Afterall, she remembered being forced to murder her own father, remembered her mother torn up and bleeding on the ground, and yet just last night she had seen the both of them alive and well. Not only that, but they were happy and flirting with each other, in a way she hadn't seen for a while - at least in one version of her memories.

Strangely, these memories, of her parent's horrific fates, of their constant fighting beforehand, and of many other things besides, seemed to be… hazy. As though they were slowly fading away, being replaced by new memories, of a new timeline.

It all went back to that fateful night, that she now remembered from two very different perspectives, in which she had traveled to the past, and her parents had revealed the secrets about themselves and, in turn, herself, that they had been keeping from her.

The version of herself that had done that - gone into the past to irrevocably change the future - was, somehow, no longer the her that currently existed. That version of herself would forever live in her memories of that fateful night, and yet that is all it would be, a memory.

The more she thought about it, the more she was surprised at how different her memories were, of how much had changed since that time. The differences started small, but they grew, bigger and bigger, the closer she got to the present. She realized, with a bit of apprehension, that she needed to sort her own head out before she tried to go interact with the rest of the world. She could already sense that, in some cases, her relationships between others, especially some of her classmates, was different, and the idea of trying to interact with them without being sure of where they stood was unnerving, to say the least.

She would have to take a bit and reflect. She would have to figure out what memories applied to her world now, and which didn't, or she was sure she'd regret it. But school started soon. Her parents wouldn't allow her to skip it. Unless, that is, she could come up with a clever plan, a way to trick her parents into allowing her to stay…

And thus, about five minutes later, the New Kid found herself tucked back into bed by her mother, the sound of her father angrily yelling about a vomit-stained shirt audible even with her room door closed.

What had happened since the night she changed her own history? She had to figure it out, get her scrambled mind sorted, and to do so, she went back to the beginning.


The weeks immediately after Ana Olivas, or 'the New Kid' as she was not yet known, was told the truth by her parents were largely the same in both versions of her memory. Sure, her parents had both checked up on her several times, particularly her mother, to see how she was feeling after those revelations, but besides that, the days mostly consisted of packing up to move, as they had before.

'The talk' her parents had with her the day before they were scheduled to move was also familiar, if more frank. It still upset her to think about, yet she couldn't help recalling it vividly.

"Hey, sweetie. Sorry to make you stop your game, but Daddy and I need to talk to you," Mom had said, setting Ana's 3DS on the table. At least her mom let her pause the game, instead of grabbing it out of her hands immediately, like her dad usually did. The three of them sat around the dinner table, which had an open cardboard box in the middle, partially filled with various odds and ends that hadn't already been stuffed into other boxes.

"So, tomorrow's the big move," Dad started, looking more nervous than he usually did when talking to her. "I know we haven't been here very long, but, well - your Facebook numbers really ballooned quickly this time, And we've had five late night intruders in three weeks. I know you can't help it, kid, but sheesh."

Mom, who had been tapping her fingers against her own arm restlessly, grabbed one of Ana's hands, squeezing it tightly. "Now, honey, you know we love you. And we've always supported you about your gender. We know you're a little girl, even if we thought otherwise when you were born."

The smile dad wore as he continued to talk was strained, and showed way too many teeth. "Right, right! So, uh, this isn't about that. We're not trying to, uh, invalidate, um, your gender identity."

"But…" Mom said, unable to look Ana in the eyes, opting to stare at her husband instead.

"But… they found us really quickly this time. Or, almost did… We've seen government agents in the town, it's just a matter of time. We don't want you to have to keep changing schools so often, so… we need to change your identity a little more… drastically, this time." At this point, Dad also couldn't bring himself to look Ana in the eyes - or perhaps he had just found a particularly interesting pattern in the woodwork of the table. "We're gonna need you to... pretend to be a boy."

"It won't be forever, sweetie!" Mom immediately interjected, squeezing Ana's hand even tighter. "We're going to up your pill dosage, too, and hopefully that and the new identity will let us start a more stable life." She tried to look Ana in the eyes again, but seemed unable to handle the girl's intense stare. "...We can eventually have you 'transition' again, socially, once we're sure the government can't find us! Besides, the future you looked like a girl, so... that seems encouraging, right? Hopefully it helps you feel a little better?"

Dad laughed. It was forced, hollow. "Yeah, so, don't worry, son!" He emphasized the last word with a hearty pat on Ana's back.

"Chris, don't-" Mom started.

Pulling his hand away like he'd touched a hot stove, Dad frowned. "We might as well try to get her, uh, him used to it!"

"She needs time-"

"We're moving tomorrow ! He doesn't have time!" Looking back at Ana, he searched her still blank face for a reaction. She wasn't the most expressive child; her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotion, mostly negative at the moment, but her face didn't indicate it. "It's just like, uh, playing pretend!" Dad offered, his awkward smile returned. "You're playing a character, but, like, for a long time, and at school and stuff, too!" He paused, still searching her face. "You… you'll be alright, right, champ?"

She wouldn't be. Or, at least, that's what she wanted to tell him. This was a horrible idea. Stomaching being constantly misgendered for what, weeks, months, years, even? The notion inspired a fear and revulsion so great that it threatened to eat her away inside and leave her a hollow husk of a person. She couldn't do this, wouldn't do this. They couldn't make her. She would fight it tooth and nail, and she didn't care if it made the government find them quicker. Or, at least, that's what she told herself.

"Yeah, sh - he'll be fine," Dad said, giving another forced smile to Mom, who just looked worried.

She picked the 3DS back up and handed it to Ana. There was a definite note of melancholy to her voice. "Go on, sweetie, go play your game. Your father and I have more packing to do."

The next day, they moved. On the way to Colorado, they bought Ana boy clothes and made her get her hair cut. Mom stopped Dad from having it cut too terribly short, but Ana's dark red hair was still cut much more boyish than before.

It wasn't until the day after they left that they finally arrived in South Park. Ana had only just forced herself to put on some of the boy clothes she'd been given when her parents burst into her room and encouraged her to go outside to make friends.

From there, her memories were largely the same for a while. She met a bunch of her classmates, like Butters, Clyde, and Cartman, and they immediately roped her into a big fantasy game they were all playing. She didn't mind, actually - it helped keep her from getting lost in her own bitter, depressed thoughts. Except for when they called her a boy. Which was, fortunately, more infrequent than she anticipated - the other kids preferred much less kind terms like 'douchebag.' But she's rather be 'douchebag' than 'he.'

Things were pretty much the same in both sets of memories for the next two days, including all the bizarre things she could still hardly believe were real, like being abducted by aliens and fighting underpants gnomes. Life in South Park quickly proved to be much odder than anywhere else Ana had lived.

If only her night with the underpants gnomes had gone differently… she dearly wished the memory of her parents fucking, and of her being right beneath them while they did, was one of the things that was fading from her mind.

It wasn't until Ana was tasked by the boys to form an alliance with the girls that things changed. A lot.


At first, things went the same way. Ana went as an 'emissary' to the girls, and they explained they wanted her help in uncovering a 'two faced bitch.' It quickly became obvious that the term could be applied to all of them, much to Ana's distaste. Were these girls always so mean to each other? Had she just met them at a particular low point? Maybe it wasn't so bad that she was hanging out with the boys instead of the girls, if the girls in this town treated each other this way.

But she went along with it, like she'd gone along with everything else so far. What else was she supposed to do? The boys wanted this alliance, and they'd tasked her with getting it. If she didn't, the boys would probably kick her out of the game like they had Clyde, and she wasn't the sort to force her way back in as a villain like he had. She'd be stuck with no one to play with, and thus her own thoughts, and she sure as hell didn't want that right now. Not with the awful memory of her parent's naked bodies floating around in there.

And so she pretended to be the 'boyfriend' of a girl named Bebe, and then fought the boyfriend of another girl, named Monica. It turned out Monica wasn't the culprit, though, so the next plan involved infiltrating an abortion clinic, and Ana 'pretending' to be a girl.

For a moment, Ana's frustrations with her life and with these girls' pettiness melted away, replaced by near overwhelming excitement and joy. It'd only been a few days that she'd been presenting as a boy, but it'd been hell on her psyche. She was so excited about this opportunity that she actually felt her mouth form a smile as she tried on different outfits. The other girls cheered her on when they thought her outfits were cute, and it nearly brought tears to her eyes.

But then she went to the abortion clinic, and outside of it she watched as the girls she was trying to help acted like the two-faced bitch they were trying to find toward another girl - Jesse Rodriguez, the only other latina girl Ana had seen in the town so far. It filled Ana with rage to see them treat this nice girl like that, especially when she got a message from Jesse a bit later on Facebook. The message let Ana know that she was, apparently, the only one that didn't treat Jesse like a jerk behind her back.

And so Ana formed a plan. She was going to get the info the girls wanted, but she wasn't going to give it to them. She'd force them to play nice if they wanted it, alliance with the boys be damned.

After getting through a pseudo-abortion by breaking the abortion equipment with her exceptional ass control, Ana found the documents the girls wanted and snapped a picture with her phone. Then she was forced to give an 'abortion' to a grown man named Randy. Then she had to fight nazi zombie fetuses. Then, finally, she brought the info back to the girls, knowing they couldn't read it, since it was in French. Predictably, they sent her to translate it. She ended up having to trek through Canada to do it, but finally, after entirely too many diversions and disturbing adventures, Ana had a translation.

"Alright, New Kid, you got it?" Wendy, the apparent leader, asked. She pointed toward the paper Ana held, a piece of paper that a Canadian man had written the translation on. Ana stared at her, silent, unmoving. After a moment, Wendy spoke again, raising an eyebrow. "Right, so, you gonna hand it over?"

Ana gripped the paper tighter. It took some effort, but she shook her head back and forth, in a 'no.'

"What!?" yelled Bebe, Ana's former fake girlfriend. "Why the hell not!?"

Trying, for a moment, to form words, Ana sighed when none came. She pulled out her phone, scrunching the translation underneath her arm. After typing out a message, she handed the phone to a very confused Wendy.

"I… what? Seriously?" Wendy said after reading, eyes wide.

"What's it say?" a girl with red hair called out.

Looking far less upset than Ana had expected, Wendy read the message aloud. "You're all being jerks to each other. I hate it. I'm not giving you this paper unless you apologize to each other for being mean behind everyone's back. Also apologize to Jesse."

All the girls, besides Wendy, seemed to explode once she finished. They were all yelling, mostly at Ana, outraged that she would dare do this to them. Some said they had nothing to apologize for, others said they should just beat the New Kid up and take it from 'him.' Wendy, on the other hand, set Ana's phone down, and started typing on another phone, presumably her own.

After about a minute, Wendy set her phone down, then banged her gavel until the other girls quieted down. "Girls, could you all please look at Jesse Rodriguez's wall?" Confused, the other girls all pulled out their own phones. Wendy handed Ana's phone back to her and said, "You should look, too."

It only took a moment for Ana to get to Jesse's page. On it was a post from a few seconds ago by Wendy that said 'Jesse, I'm sorry for being a two-faced bitch. You deserve better.'

"Wendy, you… why!?" Bebe said, horrified.

"The New Kid's right, girls," Wendy said, stony-faced. "Whoever started these rumors isn't the only two-faced bitch around here - we've all been nasty to each other." She stepped down from her podium, to stand in the center part of the room. "So hey, everyone, I'm sorry."

There was silence. Then, slowly, the red-haired girl stood, and walked into the center of the room too. "I'm… I'm sorry, too! I've been terrible!"

"Me too!" said another, who then came to stand near Wendy.

"And me!" cried someone else.

One by one they each did the same, even Bebe. They all stood in the center of the room, and once everyone had apologized, they all hugged each other, pulling Ana into it, too. There was laughing and crying in equal measure. Almost every girl said "I love you all" at least once, and one or two proclaimed this was 'the start of a new me.'

Gradually, the hugging, crying circle pulled apart, though they all still stood in the center of the room, sniffling and smiling at each other.

Wiping a tear from her eye, one of them said, "Hey, girls?"

"Yes, Heidi?" said Wendy.

"It was me. I started the rumors."

No one said anything at first, they all just stared. Wendy was the first one to speak.

"Fuck you, Heidi, you two-faced bitch."