Author's note: This idea came to me while watching reruns of Teen Titans. I thought about the Beast and a way for it to be less threatening to Beast Boy. This is going to start as a one-shot, but if I think of anything else, I would consider making it a full-length story. Here's what I came up with so far!

Chapter 1

It had been four years since Beast Boy had transformed into the Beast in order to save Raven from Adonis. During that time, he had become the Beast on only one other occasion, and that was to protect Raven during the opening of the portal to unleash Trigon upon the Earth. The Beast thought of Raven as its mate and its only equal. Protecting her was its highest priority and nothing would get in its way once he had control of his host. Not even the other Titans could stop the Beast from achieving his goal.

Raven was the only one able to control that Beast that dwelled within Beast Boy. No matter the circumstances, the Beast would not hurt Raven. She found this somewhat flattering, and since the Beast was just the manifestation of all of the primal instincts and desires of the animals within and Beast Boy himself, it was obvious to everyone what this meant.

Beast Boy was in love with Raven.

At the time, Raven only admitted to herself that she felt that he was very dear to her heart, but since the defeat of Trigon released her from her fate and the stress that he had been putting on her powers in order to break her, she was finally able to show her feelings instead of burying them deep in her mind. She could admit that she loved Beast Boy as much as he loved her, if not more.

Not only was Beast Boy overjoyed when he heard this news, but the Beast within him was also awakened by such strong feelings. With the Beast newly woken, it was up to Raven to keep him in check. The serum that Cyborg had made for Beast Boy before, kept the Beast from taking over on a whim, but if the need was strong enough, he could resurface.

The Beast had cradled Raven in the crook of one of his gigantic arms and had taken her into his room, which he thought of as his territory. Raven wasn't exactly thrilled with the development for one reason. Beast Boy had yet to learn what cleaning was and he had been living in that pigsty he called a room for almost ten years. In order to show her displeasure, Raven flicked the Beast on the nose and said, "Bad Kitty."

After that, the name kind of stuck. It was no longer the Beast. It was Raven's "kitty" and he was adorable trying to please her. While in beast form, Beast Boy was still awake in the back of his mind, but Kitty had control over his motor functions and vocal cords. In order to keep Kitty happy and give Beast Boy better control over regaining his human form, Kitty was let out on a regular basis.

The first time the rest of the team had seen Kitty and Raven together, it was beyond comical.

The common room doors opened and closed almost silently, letting two new occupants enter the room. Raven floated over to the kitchen and began making her usual tea in place of breakfast. Kitty waited patiently just outside of the kitchen, and as a reward, Raven gave him a tofu treat that was promised to taste like real meat. Kitty didn't like them at first, but Raven had persuaded him that this was all he was getting or Raven would not spend time with him any longer.

After making her tea, Raven went over to the couch and waited for Kitty to sit first. Raven had shown him how to position his body somewhat like a human with his back straight up and his feet on the floor.. After Kitty was seated, Raven sat within the circle of his arms, resting her head on his broad chest. She sipped at her tea and began reading her book. Kitty rested his chin on the top of Raven's head, careful not to put his full weight on her, and snuggled closer.

During the time that all of this was happening, the two did not pay any attention to the others that were in the room. Cyborg was on the other end of the couch, his video game controller abandoned on the ground along with his jaw. His eyes were so big that they looked like they were about the burst.

Robin was talking with Starfire at the dining table, although the conversation stopped once the green creature entered the room. Their facial expressions were a mirror of Cyborg's, but Robin's eye was twitching randomly as he scrambled to find the right words. Or any words at all.

Starfire was the first to react.

"Oh, this is a most joyous occasion! We must celebrate by throwing the part-y and consuming the icing covered dessert!" She could not contain her pleasure at the relationship change between Raven and Beast Boy, and this resulted in high-speed talking at the highest pitch possible, and unstoppable floating around the common room.

Raven did nothing to respond except to levitate her tea with her powers, using now free hand to show Starfire a thumbs up signal for the party and the confirm her assumption.

This caused Starfire to squeal and fly about the room even higher. Robin finally came unglued and attempted to bring Starfire back onto the ground. All it accomplished was that he was dragged across the floor while hanging onto her boots. While this was happening, his speech faculties resumed as well.

"Um, Raven?" he called out hesitantly.


"Why is the Beast here? And why are you in his lap?" he asked very cautiously.

"Kitty likes to cuddle."

"Kitty?" He was even more confused.

"Yes. Kitty."

This was the breaking point for Cyborg. He was frozen up to the point of a full system shut down, but the thought that the Beast, the creature that could be tamed by no one, was cuddling with Raven, who had named him Kitty, was much more than he could stand.

He burst out laughing. No. Roaring with laughter at the thought that this great predator had somehow been reduced to a tiny, fur-ball kitten. He was Raven's pet.

Kitty did not find this amusing and neither did Beast Boy within the recesses of his mind. Kitty began to growl, low and menacing at the half-metal man. This immediately caused the tin can to crack up even more.

Raven, however, shot the former athlete a spine chilling look and he fell deathly silent.

"Do you have a problem with my Kitty?" Raven asked in a voice that did more than suggest what would happen to him if he answered incorrectly.

Cyborg stumbled over his words, but managed to choke out a no, probably saving his life and the lives of his future children. Kitty was back to purring and snuggling with his Raven, who's possessive phrasing of her question caused him great pleasure.

He didn't mind being "Kitty" at all. He was her Kitty, and that was all that mattered.