Harry sighed as he gazed at the studious, very handsome man who sat in a secluded corner of the warm coffee shop, pressed up against the plush seat and gently sipping at the espresso macchiato Harry had made him.

It seemed, no matter how hard he tried, that he could not keep his lingering gaze off of the man. Every few minutes or so his eyes would trail back to the handsome form; to the mass of chocolate curls, the smooth tan complexion, the crimson red lips and the prominent cheekbones. He was surprised the man hadn't noticed. Harry wasn't exactly being subtle. Or maybe he had and was just ignoring Harry's creepy presence. The latter made a lot more sense in Harry's mind, after all, he'd pegged the man to be rather observant, intelligent even and-. Yep. Harry had definitely been paying this man a tad too much attention.

He should be making coffee. Because, you know, that was his job; rather than standing here idly playing with coffee cups when- in fact-

Harry furrowed his eyebrows quizzically. He shifts his attention to Ginny who should be getting some orders down because obviously, that's why he's been staring for so long; he hadn't been getting the orders. He plans on badgering her. Before he notices the long line of orders, that is. Ginny had, in fact, be doing her job- she was still taking orders too it seemed. And Harry grimaced as he suddenly took notice of the cueing customers and the wooden clock behind him. Ah, that would explain it.

He needed to get moving and fast.

He spared one last look at the handsome man, who appeared to now be reading a book, before attempting to speed through the lists of orders that were starting to pile up. Honestly, where on earth was Lavender? And Parvati? He cursed as he spilt water on his hand, the flesh instantly reacting, going from a smooth ivory to a flushed red.

"Probably gone off for an early break again," he muttered to himself. Harry's boss is very strict and so at times, he can't quite understand how the two flirty, giggly teens had gotten themselves hired. He shook his head, ridding himself of the thought.

With his mind set on making frappuccinos and lattes, he didn't see the intense maroon gaze fixed on him.

The handsome man eyed him with a raised eyebrow, an amused smile splayed across his lips.

He hadn't missed the looks the strange green-eyed man had sent him.


more to come :) suggestions/ideas are welcome x