This is my first fan fiction, so please no flames, it will be an eve online crossover with familiar of zero I had this idea sitting in my head for months and just had to write it down, especially because the being only one crossover between these two universes in this story, I will be having my OC be a capsuleer summand with a titan that's all that I will be saying on what he will come with right here the rest will be explained and show in the story some of the characters might be a little OOC so forewarning if that bugs you

A disclaimer: I own nothing in this story other than the OC that I have created


Thoughts: 'hello'

Writer speech: (hello)

In ship/communicator: "hello"

Spells/chants: hello

In a school for the magical elite a class of student preparing for the ritual to summon their familiars a creature the mage summons to serve them until the death of either the master or the familiar. If they complete this ritual, they will be allowed to proceed into their second year of classes. Among them is a petite pink haired girl named Louise who has the most to gain or lose from this summoning.

"Alright, everyone, today will be the day that you summon your familiars if you fail this ritual we will be forced to remove you from this school. Some may think this is too harsh, but in this school, only nobles can stay and learn here. If you can't complete this ritual then that means you are no noble and incapable of magic which will make us throw you out, " said their teacher a balding man that looks to be in his mid to late 20 wearing a purple robe and holding a staff, Murmurs could be heard among the students commenting on a certain student.

"Hey Louise you sure you're cut up for this I bet you're just going to explode again," said Kirche a redheaded student and louises major rival in the school

" shut up Kirche I will summon a great familiar better than any of the familiars summoned combined!" said Louise

"well I wonder what you will summon then Louise" grumbling Louise starts to walk away and Kirche looks beside her to someone "what do you think Tabitha" she asks her quiet friend Tabitha that is a small petite, bespectacled bluenette girl with a book in one hand and a staff curved at the top in the other

as she flips a page, she says "I don't know" in a quiet and uncaring voice

"well we shall see what she gets, but most likely it will turn out to explode in her face like always" as she turns to walk away the small bluenette follows her while reading undisturbed from what she said.

"Well, who will go first says their teacher," and with that, the familiar summoning ritual begins uneventfully so far.

In a citadel in nullsec space "hell yeah it finally finished my titan is now complete" Robert says while floating in his capsule "now I can finally join in give those bastards some payback for attacking our corporation."

" Robert, I want to give those guys some righteous retribution as much as you do, but we still have a job to do."

"Yeah, I know that boss, but why did I have to use my newest titan for this job we could have had someone from the transportation sec do this job."

."you idiot you are part of the transportation Sec, you sold half of your ships just to buy the materials to start construction of this behemoth. You also spent all the construction time in stasis learning the skills to fight in this thing you didn't even spend the time to get a crew for it yet so as a punishment the higher-ups forced us to do this mission, but still, that ship is sure a beauty".

"she sure is sir I only wish that this didn't have to be its maiden voyage," said Robert

"yeah man but still you have to hurry up and get some crew for that beast of a ship along with the equipment that you want to pack into that thing."

"Oh come on boss, I am not that incompetent, what do you think I have been doing this entire time talking I have been getting people to sign up for my crew .and I have ordered what I could afford to spend to get this ship equipped with so far I can only afford some weapons and some support equipment, OH CRAP! I just realized that I have no idea how to properly equip this beast I'm going to have to talk with him later on how to properly equip this ship." Robert says with despair after his realization

"Oh, I feel sorry for you boy I know the pain of having to go to him well there isn't much you or I can do about it when we don't know how to equip our ships... By the way, are you going to name your ship anytime soon."

"Yeah, I have thought of a few names I was thinking to decide on the name when we are about to leave you to know for all that dramatic suspense these new guys speak about all the time."

"really Robert fine don't blame me if you make a bad choice in a name for your ship. hey, how long until your ships ready it shouldn't be long now."

"yeah sir it should only be about two more hours the spots for crew are almost full just about 2,000 more members then I will be good to go on the needed amount of crew need with a crap ton of space to spare, it still surprises me how much space there is for the crew in this thing and the modules should be done fitting in about 30 minutes."

"well, that's good to hear well I will be going to get the cargo and get the cargo ready for transfer to your ship and then get my load of cargo then we can leave."

"Well, that sounds good see you in a few hours then sir." Robert closes the communications tab then looks over the at the fitting tab " I hope this will be enough, for now, to deter people from attacking us." he mutters to himself, 3 hours later back at the citadel

"Hey Robert I'm back sorry it took me a little longer than I thought to get all of the stuff ready and back."

"it's fine sir I just finished getting everything ready are you ready to transfer the cargo, sir."

"yeah just about if you are ready then come on out already it's about time that ship sees the open void of space for the first time in its construction."

"yeah I know I know just let me submit this one thing first then I will launch." ( i recommend playing The legend begins by audiomachine)

"just hurry up Robert we have a schedule to keep if we are late we won't be able to set up the hull in time."

"okay I am starting her up, reactors are warm and generating, the crew is settled, fuel levels nominal, ammo loaded, engines are winding up, shields are all green weapons read green all systems are ready to go" he switches to interior speakers. "All crew get to your ready station and prepare for the for the shakedown cruise" he then switches to the cargo bays crews channel "prepare for receiving cargo men, " he waits until he gets a response then changes to the main communication channel " I am bringing her out know beginning acceleration" slowly a LARGE starship starts to emerge from the station its a golden ship in the shape of a cylinder with at one end a large curved hemisphere with a large hole near one of the edges with the engines on the end of the side without the hemisphere "say hello sir to the fallen sun" robert says with pride.

"well, I guess you did pick a good name for her I'm impressed, boy. Still, we need to get this cargo loaded and get on our way. We could use this as her shakedown cruise if you want to see it that way."

"that's good, then, sir, shall we begin the cargo transfer now then, " he opens the cargo bay doors to receive cargo

"hold up Robert most of the cargo is actually in the station you left."

"what really why didn't you tell me this before" Robert exclaims exasperated

"Hey don't get mad at me, the higher ups only told me after I got my cargo and the rest of your cargo. "

"Fine, but what is it that I will be transporting," Robert says slightly annoyed

"you shall be transporting a small fleet of ships belonging the defense portion of the corporation."

"Oh, you've got to be joking me! really this must be for the citadel right it must be" Robert practically begs

"yeah it is for the seed it is just the startup fleet just to supplement the defense until a bigger permanent fleet comes to it."

"fine just make it quick and get them loaded though I imagine that they have their crew together right."

"Yeah, they do, though they are capsuleer ships without the capsuleer so this will be slow going for now."

"well if it's going to be that I'm going to make sure to buy at least one thing more from the citadel first before we leave."

"okay just hurry" 2 very boring hours later

"Finally we finished let's get going."

"yes, I agree let's go." 5 hours later

" two more jumps to go ugh this is taking so DAM long."

"yeah I know how you feel, but you should be used to this by now we've been at this for a couple of years now."

"yeah I know sir it's just so boring."

my servant that exists in the vast universe

"do you hear something sir," Robert says alarmed at this voice suddenly speaking

"what are you talking about son are you going crazy."

"no seriously patch into my audio perception and you will what I am talking about." he sends out the link

"I don't hea.." he gets cut off by the voice

my divine beautiful, wise and powerful servant heed my call

"what the hell you were right there is someone talking," he says shocked

"what should we do sir," he says worriedly

I wish to serve from the bottom of my heart answer my guidance and appear. As the voice stops talking a large green ovoidal portal appears in front of the fallen sun

"Sir are you seeing what I am seeing," Robert says surprised

"Robert how can I not, I have been linked to your ships video communication link by the way you sent me the wrong link."

the portal slowly head toward the fallen sun increasing in speed as it goes "SIR what should we do it's getting closer!" Robert says very worriedly

"don't yell Robert I can see that already anyway there is nothing you can do it already too close to avoid it in that titan of yours. Robert, I'm coming in close behind your cowl (don't know if that's what the hemisphere on the front of the ship is called, so that's what I am calling it) so whatever you do, don't turn or you will smack my ship with the very expensive hull of what we were going to deploy" he says confidently

"Okay, sir just be careful."

as he moves his ship closer to the fallen suns cowl the green portal starts making contact with the ships hull "sir you better hurry its making contact with the hull" Robert says in a hurried tone

"I am going as fast as I can boy almost there and got it I'm there now there is something we both have to do Robert," he says solemnly

"Yeah, I know we have to let the crew know about this" as the portal starts to consume the entire ship they both start communicating to their crew letting them know what is happening to their ships, when the portal is just about to consume the ships completely Robert has one last thought. ' I wonder if we will be able to come back home goodbye' and with that thought, the green portal consumes the ship and closes with a small explosion.

I know some will be disappointed that I left it off here, but I wanted to get something out for my first time, and it also seemed an appropriate point to leave off from for future chapters, this is my first fic so please don't flame me, but constructive commentary is appreciated, and if I made any mistakes, please let me know in the comments: I don't own anything in this fic other than the OC that I made