Jaune covered his mouth, attempting to stifle a yawn as he walked down the hall of Beacon Academy. Mondays were the absolute worst. It meant that he had five days to suffer through before he would once more experience the sweet nothingness of the weekend. Five days of torturous classes. The boredom of Professor Port's lessons. The confusion of Doctor Oobleck. The... pain of Professor Goodwitch. The list went on and on.

Still, at least he wasn't in it alone. To his right, his partner walked shoulder to shoulder with him, as if ready to take on the entire world. To his left, the animated form of Nora bounced around excitedly as she chatted with Ren about something. Jaune smiled, knowing how good life was now. There had been some trial and tribulations throughout the first few months at Beacon, but things were finally seeming to settle down. Things were finally seeming to work out in his favor. He was learning his craft, and quickly. If he kept improving, his team might just stand a chance at winning the whole Vytal Tournament.

Then again, Pyrrha would probably still win it single-handedly regardless of his skill level.

Once more he considered how lucky he was to have such an amazing partner. Someone so kind and talented. She had chosen him of all people, simply because he didn't know who she was.


A chill ran down his spine. She wasn't the only one who had chosen him.

He turned around to thankfully see the familiar face of Weiss coming up behind him. Flanked by her own teammates, her eyes were locked on his own as she approached.

"Hey, Weiss," he greeted as he turned. A frown slipped on his face soon after. Weiss didn't normally go out of her way to speak to him. "I something wrong?"

Despite things going so well in his life, there was still one difficulty. The Goliath in the room named Bleiss.

The girl stopped in front of him, tilting her head up slightly to look him in the eye. Rather than answering the question directly, Weiss pressed on with her own agenda. "I need to speak with you."

The other members of their respective teams had stopped, forming a loose circle around the duo. Weiss huffed, shaking her head in annoyance as she looked around. "Alone, if possible."

Most of the teens took the hint, and awkwardly began to shuffle forward in order to get to class on time. Yang was not among them.

"What's this?" she asked. "A secret rendezvous with your boyfriend?"

Boyfriend? Yang had always been bold. She had always been a joker. But even that was too far for the blonde girl.

Weiss whirled around, leveling a finger at her teammate. "Not another word out of you," she snapped.

Yang blinked, seemingly taken aback by the defensive nature of Weiss' outburst. She raised her hands up in front of her chest defensively. "Whoa, I'm just kidding, Weiss. That's what friends do, remember?"

The heiress was still not amused. "Well I'm not joking," she replied. Weiss turned back to Jaune, annoyance still in her eyes, but thankfully not directed at him. "As I was saying. May I have a moment of your time?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Any time."

She nodded in turn, directing him over a corner in the hallway where they'd at least have the illusion of privacy. Or, at the very least, a place where they would give the impression that they were not to be disturbed as they spoke.

Jaune's back was to the wall, with Weiss in front of him all but trapping his body. Despite her diminutive size, her presence was more intimidating than an Ursa's.

"So what's this about?" he asked.

The girl before him took a deep breath, shutting her eyes briefly before looking back up at him. "Look, Jaune. There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it. You and I are dating now."

His jaw dropped. Had he missed something? "W-what?" he stuttered.

"Not for real," she clarified. "It's... complicated."

Not for real? What did that even mean? "Feel like explaining then?"

She glanced away from him. "Yesterday... when Winter found us..."

It felt like it was taking a lot for the girl to even bring up what had taken place the day prior. He couldn't exactly blame her. Being caught red-handed like that had to have been humiliating. Especially by an older sister. Jaune couldn't imagine how embarrassed he would have been had one of his own sisters found him in such a compromising position. And his sisters were not nearly as strict as Winter Schnee.

"I had two choices to explain my behavior to my sister," Weiss continued. "Confess the truth about Bleiss, or say that we are... dating. Therefore, to Winter and Winter alone, we are a couple."

Jaune blinked. He didn't know what to say. What to think. What to feel.

Truthfully, it was all that he had ever wanted. Ever since his first days here at Beacon, he had held a candle for Weiss. He had done all he could to get her to notice him. And he had, just never in a good way. He had tried every trick his father ever taught him in order to win her favor. However in the end, all it had ever done was force her further away from him.

It was a truly cruel twist that she was closer to him now than ever before in her time of need. Finally, a time where he could play the role of the heroic knight in order to save the damsel in distress. The damsel of his dreams. The girl who he had once pined for with all his heart.


Not anymore. Those days had passed. He knew how she felt about him. Or rather, how she didn't feel about him. There was no point in hurting himself any further when he knew this. When he knew there was someone else she harbored feelings for.

Now when he was finally over her, she wanted him to lie to his heart. She wanted him to play the role of her boyfriend. Her fake boyfriend. She wanted to give him everything he had ever wanted, only to rip it away when it was in arm's reach.

"It will only be for Winter's benefit. Once she leaves, we will be able to drop the facade. I haven't told anyone else, because hopefully it won't come up in front of Ruby or Yang for the rest of the day. We will only need to carry on the act in my sister's presence. Do you understand?"

It was Jaune's turn to look away. How could he stare into the beautiful eyes of this girl and say what he was about to say? "That's not fair."

For long seconds Weiss said nothing. Finally he looked to gauge her reaction, and found that she too was struggling for words. "What do you mean?"

Jaune sighed. He wasn't one for making big displays of his private feelings, but he felt this needed to be said. It had been building up for far too long. First the kiss, and now dating? It was too much for the boy.

"You know how I feel about you. It's not fair for you to dangle this in front of me. To tease me like this. I know you're going through a bad time, but have you ever even considered how I feel about all this?"

The way Weiss' lips parted, but said nothing, spoke volumes of how much thought she had given him. Her gaze cast downward, and shame fell on her face.

It hurt Jaune to see that guilty expression on her face. It hurt to know he had been the one to cause it. However, he had feelings too. He had a right to happiness as well. It wasn't him who had made her consume that dust elixir. It wasn't his fault that her alter ego was obsessed with him.

"It's not fair," she agreed. Her words were soft. Remorseful. Barely a whisper as she went on. "I just don't know what else to do. What do you want? Money? I have plenty of that if you require compensation."

No. No amount of lien in the world would give him what he truly wanted. Wealth couldn't change the past and make her fall for him the day she had literally fallen from the sky in his arms.

A small and vindictive part of him wanted to tell her to go ask Neptune what to do. After all, he was the boy who she had fallen for. But Jaune knew such words would be petty. Hurtful for the sake of being hurtful. It would not do either of them any good. He wasn't that kind of person.

The far larger and emphatic part of him hurt to see her hurting. Romantic feelings or not, he still cared for Weiss. She was still his friend. Even if there were times it didn't seem like it.

Was he merely a glutton for punishment? How much longer would he put up with this? Did he even have a choice?

"Weiss," a third voice said suddenly.

Or would his choices always be made for him?

He had been so caught up with his feelings about Weiss, that he hadn't even seen the older Schnee sibling walking down the hall. Weiss hadn't been in a position to see either.

In an instant the heiress spun around in order to greet her sister. "Good morning, Winter" she said politely. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did. The quarters provided by this academy were more than sufficient. As a result I trust you are getting a good night's sleep every night as well."

Weiss nodded. "Of course. The beds may not be as luxurious as my own back home, but it is more than enough. A true huntress should never grow soft and complacent by relying on such comforts."

"Indeed," Winter agreed. "Though I'm sure with that death trap hanging above your head every night, you are more than used to sleeping in the presence of danger."

Jaune saw how Weiss shuffled uncomfortably at the comment. Was Winter talking about her and Ruby's bunk bed? If one could call that makeshift furniture a real bunk bed.

Before Weiss could respond, however, Winter waved away her previous statement. "Enough about that, however. I am not here to discuss your sleeping arrangements."

"Oh? Then to what pleasure do I owe your presence this morning?"

Weiss' words sounded forced. Fake. Terrified. A look down at her body showed she was trembling. At least, her hand was.

He couldn't stand seeing her like this. And he wouldn't, if he could help it. If Weiss needed him to play the role of her boyfriend, then he would do so. If only for Winter's sake.

His hand reached out and clasped hers in it.

He felt her jump at the contact. He heard the small gasp escape her mouth as she turned to look up at him. He saw the shocked expression in her pale blue eyes as she stared into his own.

Most of all, he felt how she squeezed his hand in return.

"That," Winter said, almost amusedly. He and Weiss both turned back to see the ghost of a smirk playing on the older girl's lips. "I wanted to see just what kind of partner my dear sister had chosen for herself, and I must admit, I'm not disappointed so far."

Those were perhaps the last words Jaune had been expecting to hear. "You're not?" he asked.

Winter shook her head. "Not at all. You are intuitive, Mister Arc. You sensed that Weiss was uncomfortable with our current situation. You knew she was afraid of being caught off-guard again, so you sought to comfort her. Even by something as simple as holding her hand."

He had. He absolutely had. Even if his intention had only been to put their false relationship on display, Jaune couldn't deny that he had in fact done everything Winter complimented him for. If she wanted to believe those were his only intentions, then he would gladly let her.

"Furthermore, I appreciate the bravery of a public display of affection in front of a close family member," she continued. "To consider her happiness in the face of overwhelming, and admittedly intimidating odds, is commendable." Winter's smile deepened as she glanced away briefly. "I do wonder how father would react to a similar display in his presence."

The fact of the matter was that Jaune was not afraid of Winter. After all, he and Weiss weren't in a real relationship. He did not seek the elder sister's approval. This would all be over in a matter of days, if not hours. His bravery wasn't genuine. However, he would accept her praise nonetheless. He was after all playing the role of the good boyfriend.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Jaune agreed. "I really do care about Weiss."

That statement was in fact based entirely in truth. Just not the same truth that Winter saw.

"Y-yes," Weiss agreed, speaking for the first time since Winter had come to her conclusions. "He does. He truly does..." Her hand squeezed down on his fingers, as if easing her grip on them would result in their entire plan being ruined. "However, we really must be getting to class. Professor Goodwitch is quite a stickler for punctuality."

A way out. Weiss was as brilliant as ever. There would be time to regroup and plan out their next course of action.

"Of course," Winter smiled. "I would hate to be the cause of your perfect attendance record being ruined."

Weiss slightly dipped her head. "Thank you. However, we would be more than happy to continue this conversation once our classes have finished for the day. Right, Jaune?"

Happy. That was the wrong word to use. Still, he smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Definitely."

What a good and loving boyfriend he was.

"Wonderful. Please, don't let me keep you any longer."

"Of course." Weiss' hand was still practically glued to Jaune's, and she tugged it so that he would follow. "Come on, Jaune. Let's hurry to class."

He didn't need to be told twice. The sooner he could get out of this predicament, the better.

"And Mister Arc."

Jaune froze and turned back once more to look at Winter. The faint hint of a smile still graced her lips. "I look forward to speaking with you alone as well. There is much for us to discuss."

He nodded wordlessly. Winter couldn't have been more ominous if she had tried.

A hand reached out against a nearby locker in order to brace herself. In order to keep herself from falling over. The sudden burst of consciousness had been jarring. Disorienting. Like she had just awoken standing on two feet.

Bleiss looked around to see a familiar locker room. How she had gotten there, she could not say. Looking down, she saw herself stripped bare to her underwear. Her modest bust was confined by a white bra which was completely unlike the naughty black lace she had worn for her date with Jaune.

Red eyes widened. Her date. The last thing she could remember was being comfortably nuzzled next to him in a movie theater.

Looking around again, her heart felt as if it was being squeezed in a vice. The blonde boy of her dreams was nowhere in sight. She was obviously back at Beacon. She must have been in class. She had slept all of Saturday night. All of Sunday. Even the beginning of Monday. If today even was Monday. At the very least, thirty six hours had gone by since she had last been in control.

She swallowed hard.

Now here she was, getting changed out of her school uniform for something. In a perfect world she would have been undressing for a night of bliss with Jaune, but she knew that could only be a fantasy. No, she was here for a reason. Or rather, Weiss was here for a reason.

That reason soon made itself apparent.

"Weiss, are you o-" the familiar voice began, only to stop mid-sentence. "Bleiss..."

Shoving herself away from the locker, Bleiss turned to the girl in question. Standing there clad in leather and bronze, Pyrrha Nikos watched with a look of concern in her emerald eyes. Spear and shield in hand, it looked as though she was ready to go to war.

Yes, it made sense now. They must have been getting changed for Miss Goodwitch's class. They must have been two of the participants for today's matches. Weiss had probably been giddy with excitement at the prospect of getting to face the Pyrrha Nikos in order to test her own abilities. In order to improve herself.

Bleiss on the other hand found herself equally excited at the opportunity. Though, for entirely different purposes.

"Hey there, Pyr," she replied, putting a sneering emphasis on the girl's nickname. "How've you been lately?"

If the words had any effect on the four time champion, she did not show it. "I've been fine. And you?"

How polite of her. Pyrrha always had been disgustingly polite to the point of caution. Like she didn't want to make any kind of false step in order to drive those who were close to her away. How utterly pathetic.

"I'm fucking phenomenal," she smiled back. "How could I not be after I got to go on a date with Jaune? It was... incredible. Truly the only way I can describe it. Did you know he's a huge fan of Mistrali cuisine?"

"No," Pyrrha admitted. "I didn't." The subtle movement of her jaw before she replied spoke volumes. Bleiss loved it. This gargantuan bitch may have been Jaune's partner, but she didn't know him. Not like Bleiss did.

"Yeah, my boy's got quite an appetite," she pressed on. She wanted to really twist the knife in the redhead's gut. "Probably had to recharge his batteries after all that intense training you've been putting him through. Gotta say, thank you so much for keeping him in shape for me. You're a real friend, Pyrrha."

The redhead continued to stand there unresponsive. Indifferent to the passive-aggressive barbs being thrown her way. How annoying. "Our training isn't for your benefit," she clarified. "Jaune seeks to improve himself for his own reasons, and to help others."

"Of course," Bleiss agreed. "Jaune wants to be a huntsman for his family, right? Maybe then he'll be able to stop his sisters from braiding his hair and putting makeup on him." The quizzical look Pyrrha gave told her that this too was new information to her. She smelled blood in the water. "Oh, he didn't tell you about his sisters... whoops, sorry. Spoiler alert."

"I can't recall all the details," Pyrrha replied. "We talk so much every night, it's hard to remember what he's told me and when."

Oh that bitch... she thought bitterly. Still, now things were getting interesting. Pyrrha had a little bit of fire growing in her belly. That calm, nice girl act of hers was getting boring. Someone didn't become a four time fighting champion by being little miss docile doormat. No, inside Pyrrha was the heart of a warrior. A killer instinct that drove her to conquer all in her path. It just needed a little push in the right direction.

"Are you going to get dressed?" she continued, nodding toward her barely-covered body. "We do have a match to get to."

"So true," Bleiss agreed before reaching into her locker to find a familiar white skirt. She slipped it on, eager to get out there and show the world what she was made of.

To show Jaune all of her moves and skills.

The idea of beating Pyrrha to a bloody pulp in front of the whole school, and especially Jaune, sent chills down her spine. Maybe then he would agree to let her be his private instructor. She would teach him all about the art of combat, and in time, the art of love. That was all she needed. Time. Unfortunately for her, time was a commodity she did not have.

Their date had made that fact abundantly clear.

Anger and hate filled every fiber of her being just thinking about that wasted opportunity. How she was robbed of her perfect night with Jaune. Getting to take those feelings out on this bitch would be nothing short of cathartic. Standing over Pyrrha's battered body with a heeled boot on her chest would be incredible. Looking up to the crowd and seeing them cheer wildly as she conquered the Invincible Girl would be nothing short of glorious. She would dedicate her victory to Jaune. She would grab and kiss him as passion and adrenaline coursed through her veins.

"If I might ask," Pyrrha started, breaking the silence which had filled the room while Bleiss was getting changed. That raven-haired girl looked up to see a pair of intense eyes focused on her. "What exactly do you find so appealing about Jaune?"

Buttoning up her bolero, Bleiss lightly flipped her hair back around her shoulder. "What's wrong, Pyrrha? You can't see what I see? No point in explaining it if you can't."

The other girl frowned. "No, I know what I see in him. I'm just wondering about you, since Weiss did not share any kinds of feelings that you have."

It had all but been an admission. She knew Pyrrha had feelings for the boy. Everyone in Beacon but Jaune seemed to know. Still, this was the first time she had come out and admitted it. At least to her.

And she found it infuriating.

"You're such a piece of shit, you know that, Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha's lips parted slightly, and she blinked a few times before finally replying. "I'm sorry?"

"You're toying with him," Bleiss explained. "You see, I let Jaune know exactly what he means to me. I tell him exactly what I want to do with him. Not you, though," she sneered. "No, you just smile and cheer him on while you train. Worming your way into his life like a parasite. Playing the role of the best friend. Manipulating him. It's pathetic, and so are you."

Her face was hot with anger. She hoped her red eyes were burning with the intensity she felt in her heart right now.

Pyrrha on the other hand still appeared taken aback by the outburst. She was at a loss for words, unable or unwilling to respond to the verbal onslaught. That was fine. Bleiss still had more than enough words for the both of them.

"There you are, training with him every night, making him depend on you. Imposing yourself in his life until there's no way he can possibly imagine it without you. Is that your plan, Pyrrha? Making him so dependent on you that the idea of living without you is unthinkable? You really are a manipulative little shit, you know that? Trying to make him fall for you without letting him know how you feel." Bleiss smiled, letting her rage fall away to be replaced by bitter laughter. "You've got good taste, I'll give you that. But fight me straight. Grow some balls and tell him how you feel, and we'll see who he goes for. Or, don't. Keep sparring with him. Keep beating him up. 'Cause when he comes back to me all worn and tired, I'll be there to make him feel better. I'll beat him in ways you can only dream of."

To her shock and displeasure, Pyrrha still managed to keep herself under control. At least physically. The way she was clenching her teeth showed that she was angry. And yet, she still refused to do anything about it. She was as passive here as she was making a move on Jaune.

"The only fighting I intend to do is out there," Pyrrha told her sternly as she began making her way to the exit. "We have a match."

Bleiss grinned. The bitch was indeed fired up now. Her body may have been invincible in a fight, but her heart was vulnerable. And that would only serve as an advantage in the upcoming bout.

Pyrrha wasn't the only one who could manipulate the feelings of others.

"Or... maybe he does know how you feel," she gasped. The words caused Pyrrha to stop in her tracks, but she did not turn to face her. "Maybe he just doesn't feel the same way. He's just too nice of a guy to shoot you down after all you've done for him. He doesn't want to hurt his partner's feelings, so he's playing dumb. Pretending not to notice. How utterly tragic for you, after all that hard work you've put in. So... how does it feel to know you've been rejected, Invincible Girl?"

This time Pyrrha said nothing. Bleiss could not gauge her reaction from looking at her back. The redhead left without saying a word.

Attaching Myrtenaster to her side, Bleiss moved to follow her. This feud would indeed be settled on the battlefield. "Break a leg out there, Pyrrha," she muttered to herself.

She wasn't wishing the girl luck, either.

It was difficult for Jaune to focus. Thank the gods it wasn't him who was fighting today.

Winter's words had left quite an impression on him. For more reasons than just wanting to speak to him alone later today. That in itself was nerve-wracking enough. In addition to that, the fact that she believed that he and Weiss were in a genuine relationship was frightening. He was deceiving a legitimate huntress. An Atlesian Specialist. If she were to ever find out...

He shook his head in order to clear his thoughts. It was okay. She wouldn't find out. Soon enough she would be gone, and this entire ordeal would be over. Then he and Weiss wouldn't have to pretend anymore. Then they would be able to go back to normal.

Normal. What even was normal anymore? He couldn't say.

As if to emphasize the thought, Jaune's heart froze when he saw who had emerged from the doors. Weiss and Pyrrha had gone to get changed for their sparring match.

Only one had returned.

Clad in Weiss' white-blue skirt and bolero was none other than Bleiss. This day could not get any worse.

Jaune was on his feet in an instant as he rushed down the steps in order to do... something. He had no idea what he hoped to accomplish, but he had to do something. Anything. Weiss was counting on him.

I trust you.

Her words echoed in his mind. She trusted him to keep her secret. To keep her safe. No matter how unfair it was to both of them, the fact that she did indeed place so much trust in him weighed heavily on his shoulders. He could not let her down.

He had to stop this match before it even began. He had to take Bleiss' place.

As he reached the entrance to the arena, the stern voice of Miss Goodwitch filled the room. "Mister Arc! What are you doing?"

Despite his urgency, the sound of her voice cut through the air and stopped him in his tracks. He turned to the woman who had no idea what was going on. "Change of plans," he said, coming up with an excuse on the fly. "I'm going to be fighting Pyrrha today."

"You're... what?" the girl in question asked hesitantly.

"You are not," Glynda replied. "The match is set. Pyrrha Nikos will be facing Weiss Schnee, who I see decided to waste precious time in putting on a wig and contact lenses once more."

Bleiss snorted softly. "Bitch," she muttered.

"Excuse me?" the woman asked coldly.

"I said sorry Miss Goodwitch."

It was apparent by the way their teacher's shoulders were still tense that she did not believe Bleiss' words. Not entirely. On one hand she would never fully believe that Weiss Schnee could and would utter such a thing. On the other, she had no idea that Bleiss was an entirely separate entity.

Rather than pressing the issue, it seemed as if Glynda had decided to trust in the reality she knew. "Your scrolls are synced to the Aura meters," she stated evenly. "You may begin when ready."

No. Unacceptable. Jaune once more interjected before they could begin. "You have to listen to me. Pyrrha... Pyrrha's my partner, so I need to be the one who faces her today. B-Weiss, please listen to me."

"Mister Arc, step away from the guard rail!"

He didn't. He couldn't. Glynda would have to forcibly remove him with her Semblance as far as he was concerned. But before that, he had to make Bleiss listen to him. She didn't realize what kind of danger she was in.

The dark-haired girl sauntered over to where he stood, a coy smile on her face as she regarded him. "Jaune," she said smoothly. "Don't worry about me. I think it's adorable that you're concerned about me, but I want this."

Concern was right, just not the kind she was thinking. He wasn't afraid of her going up against Pyrrha. He was afraid of her getting found out by Winter.

As she neared, Jaune lowered his voice to a harsh whisper. "Bleiss. Winter is here."

The words made her pause momentarily, but soon enough she recovered. "Is that so?"

"Yes. You understand why we have to go, right? Why you have to hide?"

The girl shrugged. "Yeah, I get it. But at the same time I don't care."

He was struggling to comprehend her words. He didn't understand why she didn't care about such a dire threat to her existence. "But..."

Bleiss smiled softly. "I'm not going with you, so don't bother trying. I'm gonna put this bitch in her place, and I want you to watch. Okay?"

The fact that she had just called his friend and partner a bitch was not lost on Jaune, but right now there were more pressing issues than reprimanding her.

As she turned to move back to the center of the arena, his hand lashed out to grab hold of her wrist. "Bleiss..."

She turned back, but before she could even speak Jaune felt his arm being pulled back against his will. A glance to his left showed the source of the movement.

Glynda stood with her riding crop out, her Semblance forcibly prying his arm away from Bleiss and pushing him away from the rail. "Detention, Mister Arc," she stated through gritted teeth. "After today's classes."

Detention. Yeah, as if that was anything to care about at a time like this. Especially because he had a much more important meeting with Winter already scheduled. Looks like he would be in for a week of detention after blowing off today's.

"Don't worry, babe!" Bleiss called out as she look back over her shoulder at him. She planted a kiss on her hands before blowing it in his direction. "This one's for you!"

A few soft murmurs filled his ears as the students around reacted to those words. For all intents and purposes, Weiss Schnee had just kissed Jaune Arc and called him babe. The Ice Queen of all people. After their history together.

Oh yes. People were going to talk now that this obsession of hers had been made public. Now that it wasn't confined just to their close circle of friends.

With his plans in tatters and Bleiss refusing to cooperate, all he could do was sit and watch what came next. He no longer even needed Glynda's Semblance to force him in his seat.

Bleiss stood on her side of the arena, her rapier leveled at the girl opposite her. "So, you ready to go?"

Pyrrha stood slightly crouched in a combat stance. Her shield was up and covering her torso, while she held her spear in an overhand grip at head level. She said nothing in response. Jaune knew her actions would speak louder than words.

If his partner's serious expression was anything to go by, those actions were going to leave Bleiss in a world of hurt. And Weiss was about to be caught in the crossfire.

Author's Note: Well, this should be fun. Bleiss and Pyrrha going all out in a battle which is about much more than class ranking. Only Jaune has no idea what they're truly fighting over.

As always, my thanks go out to everyone for reading and reviewing.