The first time that Mark laid eyes on Grace Nam was a fantastic moment. Captured by the awe and grace that she is —no pun intended— Mark couldn't stop thinking about her. His being was tickled when their eyes met, whether in the workshop, or in a mission.

The lunch break in the mess hall wasn't a good place to stare at her. Not like she noticed him anyway, Grace wasn't a woman who took her eyes off her tablet.

"You gonna just sit there or are you gonna talk to her?" His friend Seamus announced, taking a seat next to the Englishman. "Staring for hours on end isn't healthy."

"Fuck off Seamus," Mark replied. "Leave me alone."

"You seem to bully the other Korean Just fine," Seamus said as he stuffed mediocre scrambled eggs into his mouth. "Figured you'd have trouble talking to girls."

"It's not that," Mark defended, "its just… I don't know how to approach her."

Seamus snorted. "You already put off a smartass vibe, and you're tall, that's good enough for a lay."

"I'm not looking for a 'lay'," Mark clutches his hands, his voice lowering. "I don't see her as a sexual object."

"Correction: You don't see her as solely a sexual object. I bet your bed sheets are stained enough from too much free time though." The Scotsman teased. "I don't blame you, she looks very flexible—"

"Shut up, don't speak of her that way!"

Seamus was taken back. The other operators eating their food quickly gawked at an embarrassed Mark. Even Grace stared curiously at him, a quick blush scraping across Mark's cheeks. He slowly sat down, and cowered under his own presence. "Fuck…"

Seamus started chewing his food again, picking up more with his fork. "You must really like this girl then."

Mark groaned. "I really do…"

"Then stop being a little bitch and do your bloody research." Seamus slapped his back. "Talk to Chul, get advice from someone who's always romantic and fawn over shit like this."

"...the French?"

"No the Brazilians. Of course the French!" Seamus sighed. "If you really want this girl, then man up and try to see if she likes you too."

"What if someone higher found out," Mark retorted, "I don't think that relationships between operators is a healthy or allowed thing."

"Are you serious?" Seamus laughed. "Half of these people either hate each other, fuck each other, or both! The only people who gives a rat's ass are the oldies like Baker or Alexsandr. Just relax and find out what you need to know. You both like tech, so start with that."

Mark sighed, picking himself up and reasserting his self-confidence. "You're right. I can't just sit here and stare while everything around me keeps annoying me." He stared intently at the Scotsman, who gave him a cheeky smile. Mark slapped his head playfully. "Cheeky bastard."

"Ow." Seamus rubbed his bald head. "That grit y'know."

"Oh man up." Mark smirked, leaving the table to go off who knows where. Seamus kept his eyes on him as he left. He saw Mark managing to catch Grace's attention, sharing a small wave to each other. Then the idiot walked into the door.

Seamus chuckled to himself, finishing up his eggs. "That poor kid."

Masaru doesn't like to be bothered by anyone when he worked on his drone, everyone in Rainbow knew that. Of course, that's what he does all day many days that they weren't in a mission or away in another country.

So imagine his reaction when the Mark interrupted a routine cleaning session with his beloved drone. Well, interrupted was the wrong word. It was more like stalking him from two tables away.

Mark was a quiet man, something that Masaru actually preferred. The standing and staring in the workshop of Rainbow HQ was beginning to get irritable. Masaru put down his screwdriver and turned around to face the stalking Englishman. "Is there something you need Mark?"

Mark jumped at the sudden call, and speedily walked towards Masaru. "Sorry, I just wanted to ask something."

"What is it Mark?" Masaru exasperated.

"Well, since y'know, you usually do tech stuff with Grace right?"

"Yes, and?"

"And well, um," Mark flustered, "is there anything she likes in particular stuff wise?"

The Japanese man raised an eyebrow at the Brit. When he realized that Mark was serious, Masaru chuckled and went to work on his robot. "It's pretty obvious, don't you think?"

"I mean, it is but—"

"But you want to know how to approach her with it." Masaru gave a shit-eating grin. Mark frowned, Masaru seemed more like an Anime protagonist every day. "Well, I guess I can help you, since you're acting this pathetic."

Mark raised a fist. "You're pushing it Masaru."

"Relax, I'll tell you some advice. Try to make her catch you doing the things she likes. She watches eSports all the time on her tablet, so watch an eSports competition on you phone or something when she comes into the room."

Mark raised a brow. "That seems a little comical."

"Do you want Grace to notice you?"


"Then do that, when she notices come right back." Masaru went back to his beloved Yokai, screwing in another plate for it. Mark ran back giddily into the doorway, leaving the Japanese man in peace. "And make sure it's a game she likes!"

A few steps came back closer to the door poking his head through. "What games does she like?"

"Uh, Overwatch or something." Masaru replied. Mark nodded and left the doorway once more. Masaru couldn't help but chuckle to himself. How could such a quiet, grown man act like a schoolboy with a middle school crush. Of course, he could never understand how love works, but he's always willing to lend a hand.

A/N: Just a little series I had planned but never uploaded. Will update sporadically.