(A/N): Welp, I finally finished this thing. Hopefully I'll update Full Moon Fever soon as well, but I can't say for sure when exactly that will be. Also, you may notice that the way I wrote this was slightly different; I do in fact read every single one of your reviews, so thank you for giving me suggestions. One of them especially helped me make this easier to read. So again, thank you.

The first to approach Lana was Lori herself. She was in the twins' room scouting the place. Eventually she found her under her bed, with a scowl on her face as soon as she saw her.

"Lana, you can't stay under there forever. You're going to have to come out eventually." Lori said.

"Well I'm just gonna stay here 'til you stop trying to get me to take a bath!"

"That literally isn't an option. Either you come out yourself or I'm going to have to pull you out myself." She reached her hand out to the 6-year-old. She only replied with a catlike hiss.

"Fine, if that's the way it's gonna be, then I'll just have to take away your pets." The teen made her way towards one of the terrariums, the one that had Hops in it. That statement alone was enough to make Lana's blood boil, and so she got out from under the bed. This was what Lori was hoping for, but what she didn't expect was for her to full on charge at her, growling all the while.

Smash Cut to Lori and Leni's room...

The rest of the siblings were around the eldest sibling as she was applying a healing cream to one of the scratches on her face. There were plenty of them there as well as on her arms, and even a bite mark on her right hand.

"You usually know better than to threaten Lana's pets, what got into you?" Lynn demanded, handing over a band-aid.

"I don't know... I couldn't think of a better way to get her out from under the bed, and I thought she would wait a little bit before going literally ape-" she replied, before getting cut off by Lincoln.

"Hey, remember that Lily's here! We don't want a repeat of that time she had an interview to get into a daycare, right?" They all shook their heads, except for Lily who just giggled a little.

"I'll go. Can someone, like, give me the shooty thing?" Leni asked. Luna handed it over with a quick "sure." After saying thanks, she searched for the little girl who had just mauled someone a few minutes ago. She was still in her room, though now playing with Hops. Leni didn't bother introducing herself. Lana didn't even notice her there. What Leni didn't notice, however, was that the gun was pointed at herself, and she didn't find out until the dart had already hit her shoulder. And with that, she fell over fast asleep.

The 6-year-old turned her head to the direction of the noise, her face riddled with confusion and a bit of shock. She knew that they would keep on trying to get at her in here if she stayed in the room, so she slowly walked out, sidestepping away from her sleeping sister.

Lana was then sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a show about dinosaur superheroes battling it out with some raptor villains. Lynn walked in with her arms crossed.

"Hey, Lana." she greeted.

"What do you want, Lynn? I'm not taking a bath." she replied with a scowl.

"Don't worry, I won't. I bet you can't beat me in a race, though." Lynn said with a smirk that looked like it fit more than just a proposition for a simple challenge. Lana raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? And where are we racing?" she questioned.

"To the bathroom."

"Well, I'm about to prove you wrong." She hopped off the couch, paused the episode, and the two started off. Lynn was much faster than her, but kept behind to make sure her plan would work. It doesn't really count as a loss if the "challenge" was only part of a trick, right? Lana did indeed get to the bathroom first, with Lynn coming in soon after.

"I beat Lynn-sanity!" she cheered and pumped a fist in the air. Lynn closed the door behind them. The bathtub was filled with water and some bubbles.

"Hey hold on, why are you closing the door?"

"Yeah about the race... that was a trick. Get in."

Lana stood her ground. "Not gonna happen." The athlete responded by simply picking her up and bringing her to the tub, despite what happened the last time she did that. She grabbed the sides of the wall to prevent herself from getting in.

"Hey wait, I just remembered! Dream Boat is starting!" she shouted, pointing toward the door.

"It is?!" Lynn quickly let go and made for the door, until she realized something.

"Hey, wait a minute... Dream Boat doesn't air on Saturdays!" As soon as she turned around, though, the other tomboy was nowhere in sight. After scanning the room quickly, she opened the door and walked out with a huff. Deeming that the coast was clear, Lana popped out from the backside of the toilet dripping wet. She got out and shook herself dry like a dog.

As she was about to go back to watch TV again, Lola and Luna spotted and chased after her. She quickly changed direction and headed straight to Lincoln's room. Thinking quickly, she activated the inflatable slide Lisa had installed out the window a while back. As she was sliding down she waved at the duo while sporting the cattiest of smiles. They were about to slide down as well until they noticed that there was a mud puddle right at the end of it.

"Get back in here this instant!" Lola yelled furiously.

"Hmm... nah." And she continued playing around in the mud. "You'll just have to get me yourselves. Unless you're afraid of getting your hands dirty, that is."

Lola opened her mouth to retort, but closed it again. "Uhh... you go after her." The pageant diva started pushing Luna out the door.

"Okay okay, fine little dudette. I'll go." she replied, and headed for the front door while holding the tranquilizer gun. She was about to go outside when the gun got knocked out of her hands and the darts fell out. She noticed what the projectile was; it was a football. She turned her head to see Lynn smiling nervously.

"Lynn! Be careful!"

"Sorry about that, Lunes!" she replied and left the room to get another football.

Luna turned back only to notice that both the darts and the gun were now missing. "Probably that little rascal..." she thought. She went back upstairs as she didn't have any backup plans. If only it wasn't ruined by that pigskin, she was sure it would work this time! Oh well, there has to be someone with another plan, right? And right she was.

Lori (whose face and arms were now covered in bandages) popped her head out of her room.

"Luna, come in here, we have another plan!" The rocker obliged and took a seat on the floor next to Lucy.

"So, what's the plan? Hopefully this'll be one that doesn't result in us getting bitten and scratched."

Lori turned to Luan. "Luan, you have the floor."

The comedian stood up. "Well you know how much Lana absolutely adores her reptiles, right?" Everyone nodded. "Well, what if we let her bring one of her lizards or something with her?" she suggested. Everyone else stared at her. Though finally, Lola spoke up.

"Look, I see where you're coming from, but I don't think something so simple would be enough." she stated.

"Sometimes the biggest problems have the simplest solutions." Linc replied.

"Besides, all of our other plans literally crashed and burned to the ground, so lets just give this one a try."

"Wait, I don't think any of our plans, like, used fire though." a now awake Leni said.

"Uhh, Leni, when I say "literally", I usually don't mean it, you know, literally."


"Well then, water we waiting for?" Luan threw her head back in laughter. "Get it?" The others all groaned at the pun.

"There it is, I was starting to think we would go through this entire incident without a pun, but now here we are." Lisa sighed, then got up. And with that, they started to look for Lana; which was actually pretty easy as they bumped right into her in the hallway.

"Ah, just the gal I was looking for!" Luan said in a chipper tone. "Before you run off, or attack us, please hear me out."

"This is about the bath, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is. So, we were thinking that maybe you could bring one of your pets in with you so it'd at least be somewhat fun for you."

Lana scratched her chin in contemplation. "Hmm... that does sound like a good idea, actually... and I would really like to stop having to run away from you guys. For now, anyway..."

They were taken aback by how quickly things seemed to finally be going up for them.

"And you guys are the reason my tools are missing, right...?" She sounded a lot more annoyed right now.

Lucy popped up in front of the crowd, eliciting a yelp of surprise out of them all. "Yes, that was me. I hid them."

"In that case... I'll take the stupid bath, but on two conditions."

"Wait, two?" Leni asked.

"Yeah. One, I get my tools back right after it's over." The crowd nodded.

"And two... I get to turn it into a mud bath."

"No, that defeats the entire purpose." Lola stated bluntly.

"Fine, what about dinosaur toys?"


A few minutes later, Leni and Linc were holding all of the plastic dinosaur toys Lana had insisted on bringing while she herself was holding a large iguana and walking towards the bathroom.

"Oh by the way, guys, I forgot to tell you, but..." Lana said sheepishly.

"I dumped all of the soap into a hole in the backyard."