A/N: This was written for Shiranai Atsune. I hope you like it! (even though it's short) I kinda just wrote whatever i felt like writing, sorry if it's not exactly what you wanted ^^

….he won silver.

For some strange reason, Yuuri isn't at all bothered by that. Who would be, when he finally, finally got to skate on the same ice as Victor Nikiforov and stand beside him on the podium?

...especially not when Victor smiles at him with an odd look on his face.

It's strange seeing the living legend of all people watching him like this. Giddy with his victory, he smiles back, cheeks dusted with pink.

He looks away, but he knows that Victor is still watching him.

Yuuri's never particularly enjoyed the banquet. He mostly just went because Phichit and Celestino went, and being near so many unfamiliar people was always unnerving for him.

Phichit takes his hand, beaming, and together they both weave into the crowd.

"Dance with me?"
Phichit grins mischievously, the sight of it so familiar it made Yuuri smile.

"Course." A short reply. Yuuri allows himself to fall into the familiar dance.

Behind him, cerulean eyes stay fixed on the two of them.

Victor's voice is a whisper in his ear. "Congratulations." Yuuri can feel his heartbeat thrumming in his chest.

"T-Thank you.." He doesn't know what to say.

His idol flashes him a grin, and Yuuri musters enough courage to give him a wobbly smile back. He's pretty sure his face is a thousand shades of red now.

Victor leans against the wall casually, azure eyes shining. "You have a lot of potential."
Yuuri doesn't really what to say.

"Be my student, Yuuri."

A pregnant pause follows.



"I hope that's not a no." Victor's still smiling.

Yuuri is silent.

"I...you're not serious, are you?" The Japanese skater stares at the floor.

The smile drops from his idol's face. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I need some time to think about this." he splutters, leaving Victor alone in the hall with a very confused expression.