Disclaimed: I do not own any superheros that belong to Marvel. I do however own, my OC.

Note: Yes there is an OC. If you don't like oc's at all, than please just give it a chance. I would also like to thank my beta, EllaoftheOpera whom has been, putting up with me for a while now. Any who, read, enjoy and reviews would always be lovely. No flames please.

Pairing: Peter Parker x OC (later on)

"Sit still, dear," May Parker ordered sweetly as she fussed and moved the cloth in her hand towards the speck of dirt on the nose of the young lady in front of her.

Hazel Stark was the daughter of Tony Stark. She was no stranger to the Parkers since she had been best friends with Peter Parker from diapers. So it was really no surprise when the girl walked into the apartment with Peter in tow. It also wasn't a surprise to see said girl covered in bruises from another fight at school.

That didn't stop May from gasping at the sight and running towards the first aid kit before anyone could even say her name. Ben, on the other hand, was at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. He glanced up and shook his head in disapproval before going back to reading the paper (knowing that his wife had things covered).

The young Stark didn't know what all the fuss was about. Peter had been asking nonstop if she was okay after every step they took, and the next thing she knew May had practically jumped out of nowhere and tackled her to the couch in the living room. That was why she didn't go home to Stark Tower. She knew that there was a long and boring lecture waiting for her from Pepper and Tony, who would roll threats off his tongue about how he was going to ensure the person responsible was going to find themselves with no job for as long they lived. She did not need that.

"Honestly, young men these days. Don't they know how to look after a woman?"

"To be fair, I did punch first," Hazel admitted.

May placed both of her hands on her hips.

From the kitchen door frame, she could see Ben staring disapprovingly at her.

Peter was minding his own business, but this didn't stop him from casting worried glances at his friend as he switched the channel on the television. He stopped on a news channel.

"Hazel, you're on TV again," Peter called out.

May passed the young Stark an ice bag, which had been sitting on the nearby coffee table beforehand. Hazel placed the ice bag over her now bruised eye and turned her head to face the TV. There she was, true to Peter words, facing Flash Thompson. She was wearing the clothes she was known best for: a short-sleeved red vest, a long-sleeved black AC/DC shirt, and a pair of jeans. Her long black hair was tied back in a ponytail.

That wasn't all the clip had shown. It had shown her uppercutting one Flash Thompson in the face. She smiled.

"Hazel Stark, daughter of Tony Stark, has been in another school fight. It happened earlier this morning at Midtown High."

The world was against her because they had to show the scene where she punches first. She blinked and arched an eyebrow, leaning forward, and noticed Peter Parker standing next to her with a panicked look, trying and failing to hold her back.

"Hey Peter," she smiled, pointing to his very pale onscreen counterpart. "You're in the shot."

"Peter," May said, crossing her arms. "What were you doing there, standing around? You know what Hazel's like."

"Give the boy a break May." Ben's voice was heard from the kitchen. "Peter knows what she's like. That's why he's standing out of the way."

May wasn't impressed. Hazel said something in mumbles, as she had a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"I'm sorry dear, what did you say?"

"She said she was defending my honor," Peter quietly muttered.

May blinked, completely lost, and turned to her nephew. Hazel, on the other hand, cheered and pointed at her friend, while he burrowed his head in his hands. She swallowed.

"Flash started it," She told them. "He said something about Peter being a loser. He started to give him a list of reasons why as well, like why Peter should be doing his homework. I thought he was annoying so I punched him in the nose."

"It was the jaw," Peter corrected. "You punched him in the jaw."

"I was aiming for the nose," she muttered. "Not my fault he's taller than me."

The apartment door opened. She turned and raised an eyebrow: her father had entered, holding a bag of groceries. Peter was standing up by then and Hazel stood up as well. She placed a hand on her forehead.

"The world is coming to an end," she said dramatically. Luckily, Peter had noticed she was falling and was quick enough to catch her before she landed on the ground.

"I'm not that bad," Tony protested. "I'll have you know I cooked before you were born."

Ever so slowly, Peter let her down to the ground and she landed with a light flop.

"Kiddo," he said in a serious tone, "you're grounded."

Tony walked away. Peter watched as Hazel's honey brown eyes widened and her face went pale.

"Grounded?" she hissed, quickly getting up to her feet. "Why am I grounded?"

She made a dash for the kitchen and noticed that May and Ben were already preparing themselves. Tony placed the food on the bench and arched an eyebrow at her. Peter followed.

"School fight, remember?" he whispered into her ear.

"I was hoping dad would forget about that."

"Well that," Tony pointed out, "and for the fact that you called me a horrible cook. Can you believe that? My own daughter insulted me."

Her head goes down in shame, failing to mention that whenever Tony cooks, something either goes boom, catches on fire, or isn't even cooked to begin with. Hazel had come up with the theory that her father got carried away and believed that he was in his own lab and not the kitchen. There were times when May and Ben had both tried to teach the billionaire how to cook. Both of them had utterly failed. Instead, May tried to teach Hazel how to cook, in the hopes that the girl would learn something. Unless the Starks can somehow get Pepper involved, it's mostly Hazel herself cooking in the kitchen. According to Obadiah, her father had mainly survived on coffee, alcohol, smoothies, and take out before she had come along.

"Do you ever get the feeling that Uncle Ben and Tony have a betting pool?" Peter suddenly asked.

Hazel blinked and turned her head. "You haven't hit your head, have you?" she asked, concerned at the sudden question.

Peter shrugged. "No. It's just that one time during the night, Uncle Ben was on the phone, and he was talking to Tony. Something about, and I quote, 'Okay, I may have been wrong. You get my fifty dollars tomorrow, but Tony, it doesn't look that good for you either'."

"Did he mention our names?"

Peter nodded. "Yup," he said, popping out the p.


They stood in comfortable silence, watching May order both men to leave the kitchen because they were taking up space and because Tony had already caught something on fire.

If she told anyone, the press would have a field day. Scientists would be skeptical, but superheroes, on the other hand, would most likely accept it. After all, when one fights alongside demigods, defends earth from an alien invasion, and gets bitten by a radioactive spider, then who knows. Reincarnation might be very much accepted in this world. Still, by the end of the day, it would no doubt fly over her father's head, until all the odd things she had done as a child click. Then they could move on with their lives.

But still, it was better safe than sorry. Maybe she's a coward for not telling anyone, but she's more than happy to take this little detail to her grave. Her name is Hazel Maria Stark. It wasn't always Hazel and she wasn't always a Stark, but she is now. It's a complicated matter to discuss, one where she spent at least a year as a baby either mourning over her own loss or in denial, trying to believe that the thing was just a horrible nightmare. She gives her father a clap on the back whenever she thinks about the many nights she had spent crying over the fact that she should be very much dead, or at least living with people she knew and not this strange man who was trying to take care of her.

It's quite ironic when one thinks about it. Being reborn into a world that will be soon be known for its superheroes after she had been hit by a car, saving another life in the process. Was it worth it? Yes, it was. Hazel would not regret that decision. She had come to the conclusion that she was a Stark and thankfully not a character from Game of Thrones. Her grandfather, who been dead for a while now, was Howard Stark himself, which made her Tony Stark's daughter before the events of the first Iron Man film.

Even with all this knowledge, it didn't stop Hazel from wanting to live as a hermit or at least move as far away from New York as possible. Tony was always surprisingly encouraging about her dreams for the future, but she had a feeling that even living as a hermit would be too much for him to take. Well, if he wasn't allowed to build her a home with internet access and maybe an AI to go with it, then she was sure that Tony would disapprove with the idea of her being a hermit.

So yes, sixteen years ago Hazel Maria Stark was born into the world, with big honey brown eyes and a gummy smile to boot. Looking back now, Hazel really hated the idea of being reborn into the world of superheroes because Marvel was known for its multiple worlds, and with multiple worlds came multiple timelines. Hazel only really knew one timeline that well, which was the film timeline, and she could guess even now, with Peter Parker as the same age as her and growing up to be her best friend. Hazel is pretty damn sure that isn't the world she was brought into, but this doesn't stop her.

Hazel has a goal and that goal is to protect her family of Tony, her father, and Peter, her best friend, in any way she can. And if anyone says anything otherwise, she will kick and scream until her throat runs dry. So yes, she is Hazel Maria Stark, and she has lived before.

Another day passed and life moved on. It was a pretty common fact that Hazel and Peter were friends from diapers. No joke, they were. With her dad being the CEO of Stark Industries, he often found someone to babysit her. Rhodes popped his head in when he could, but was still fairly busy, what with him being in the military. Obadiah prefers not to be in the same room as her. Ever since she could talk she had said he was a 'bad person,' tearing the head off her doll, all the while pointing at him. It didn't help that from the moment her vision had evolved she'd glare at him. If he was in the same room as her father, she glared at him. Tony tries not to notice this and Obadiah has tried to stay away from her from the moment she kicked his knee when she was five.

Tony had connections, and it didn't surprise her to know that somebody Tony must have known knew Ben Parker at the time. He must have heard mention of the man and his wife raising their nephew and Tony, wanting her to have friends her own age, had made arguments. It also didn't help that up until that point that any pointless play dates spent with Hazel often involved her sleeping through them. Most toddlers had decided to do something else after the first five times she ignored them.

Then Peter had come along. He poked and poked and poked, waiting until he got a response. He got one alright: a glare. Peter wasn't affected by it and now they were here. They had been best friends since they could talk and Peter was still poking her.

Class was about to start any moment now and Peter was trying (failing, but trying) to wake her up. Classes were boring to her. She wondered what a picture of this scene would look like: a classroom full of teens, one Stark heir in the middle row, head flopped down on the desk with light snores able to be heard, with Peter poking her shoulder all the while, telling her that she really should get up now.

"Five more minutes," she mumbled, trying to move away from the annoyance.

"What was that, Miss Stark?"

She choked on air and on her black hair as she lifted up her head and stared at the teacher looming over her. Peter had stopped poking her now and looked weary as he kept to himself, his eyes darting back and forth between the pair.

"Oh it's you," she quietly commented.

It wasn't quiet enough. Peter must have heard it, after all, it was his hand slapping his own face that she heard.

"Miss Stark."

It shouldn't be a surprise that she got detention.

Note: Chapter 2, will be up some time next week. Fav or follow, if you want to keep up to date. Reviews are always welcome. Cheers.