Lied der Schwarzen Schwäne

Chapter 1, Bad Apple

I do not own anything related to RWBY, at all.

I really enjoyed Mallo's Black Mirror and couldn't stop thinking about how I'd start my own version of a full length Bleiss fic. For those unaware of just who Bleiss is, woe unto you poor fools, she's the more lewd, vulgar and darker version of Weiss. In some instances, she was born that way, and in others she was contaminated, corrupted or something along a similar vein.

In Black Swans Song, Bleiss is a natural product of Willow and Jacques, the black sheep staining the Schnee name. With such a major difference in one of the pillar characters of the series, I couldn't help but imagine the butterfly effect taking hold of other characters as well, just in much smaller ways.


High above the Kingdom of Vale, among a sea of blue skies and white clouds, two pools of carmine red stared blearily unto the cloudscape below through a fringe of ebony bangs, taking in everything and nothing at once. The sounds of laughter and chatter danced through the airship she found herself on, though it was heavily muted through the walls of her private cabin.

Turning her gaze away from the sky blue distance dotted with white, boundless and pure, so unlike her, Bleiss allowed her hand to clench and release twice at the bitter thoughts that came to mind.

'Why am I here, again?' Bleiss allowed the question she had asked herself five times already to come to mind once more, 'Why Vale? Why Beacon?'

The answer was the same as it had been the previous five times she had asked herself those two questions, of course.

To escape her fa-, no, Jacques Schnee's grasp and experience life on her own accord, to finally set out and become who she wanted to be.

Once upon a time she had been the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, or SDC, but Bleiss had gladly given it all to her youngest brother, Sh-Whitley in exchange for being allowed to attend any Huntsman Academy of her choosing, as well as a small settlement of a million Lien, of course. It hadn't been easy, convincing Jacques to part with even a single Lien, let alone a million, yet all it had really taken was revealing just how much blackmail Bleiss had on the man as well as her intimate knowledge of all of his most private files on his Scroll.

What once was an impossibility became a reality so long as she swore to give him the contents of her black book and a written contract to never disclose what she had learned about his private affairs within the contents of his Scroll.

Considering she was now free of any and all influence the man might have had on her life, not to mention well off enough to start up her own corporation later down the line, Bleiss couldn't be any happier with their deal if she tried.

Beacon had been the most obvious choice in which Huntsman Academy she would attend, considering the vast distance between the Kingdoms of Vale and Atlas.

Haven was out of the question due to how close it was in relation to Atlas, despite the some thousand mile gap between the two. For Bleiss to be comfortable, she needed at least two thousand miles between herself and her so called family.

Shade was out as well, if only due to the fact that it was located in the middle of a desert. Who in their right mind would want to travel from a frozen tundra to a barren wasteland equally as lifeless as the other?

No, Beacon was the only acceptable choice, she would be damned before she joined the military like little miss perfect, Winter.

Thinking about the eldest child of Jacques and Willow brought a sneer to her face, her upper lip curling in anger before she schooled her expression once more, something she had grown incredibly adept at over the years. Sometimes, it was easier to pretend to be emotionless than let those putting you down know just how badly their words stung, she knew that better than anyone else.

It was for that very same reason that she had forgone the comfort provided by the Schnee estates and around-the-clock bodyguards, all for a taste of freedom. The cold words of Jacques and the uncaring stares of Willow would not keep her locked within a deep depression, no longer would she bring herself to care about those who proved they did not care in return.

Her vulgar mouth and crude behavior had long since been a black stain on the 'pearly white' record of Jacques and Willow Schnee, though she couldn't find it in herself to give a damn. Time and time again, Bleiss had been forced to make a fool of herself and her father due to his desire to marry her off to increase his political clout, ruining each and every arrangement before it could solidify.

No Atlesian Noble wanted to marry someone who could use the word 'fuck' fluently enough that it could be considered its own language, after all. Bleiss hadn't always had such a crude vocabulary, having been soft spoken and somewhat sweet as a child, but that changed upon hearing a conversation meant to be kept between her parents.

Jacques considered Bleiss to be a mistake, one that Willow was responsible for. Willow, of course, did not come to her defense during that argument, unlike when the conversations revolved around the favored daughter, Winter.

If they both considered Bleiss a mistake, then she would come to make them regret ever making said mistake.

'Fuck them both, what do they know? One is a controlling piece of shit, the other can't crawl out of the bottle long enough to wish her daughter a happy birthday,' Bleiss thought to herself before once more forcefully drawing her thoughts away from her so called family, 'You don't have to worry about them anymore, you gave them what they wanted, let them choke on it.'

With that in mind, Bleiss instead turned her attention back to the cloudscape below, her eyes eventually losing their angry edge as she allowed her thoughts to drift away with the clouds.

She, too, wished she could be pure white with eyes as blue as the sky, but it was all for not. She was tainted, a black and crimson spectre of flames amongst pale phantoms of ice and snow.

Another unbidden sigh escaped her lips at the almost permanent melancholic thoughts that plagued her, doing her best to silence the self-depreciative whispering in the back of her head to move onto something better and brighter, like her future. The airship she had boarded in Vale finally began its descent towards Beacon just a few moments after she returned her attention to the clouds, bringing her closer and closer to her new 'Home' for the next four years.

Another smile crossed her face as she made out the details of the large, sprawling tower in the distance, this one containing trace amounts of what she could only assume was happiness.

It had been so long since she felt such positive emotions, even in trace amounts, leaving her to second guess the fluttering feeling in her stomach as she rose from her seated position to prepare herself for departure.

Taking one last glance around the temporary room allotted to her for the short trip from Vale to Beacon, Bleiss span on her heels and marched forward towards her future with her shoulders squared and head held high.


Doing her best to shoulder past the crowd of would-be students loitering near the only exit of the airship, Bleiss stumbled slightly as she felt a rather broad shoulder slam into her own from behind. Glancing to her right with the most vicious glare she could possibly muster in such a short notice, Bleiss was unable to catch the figure before they were gone with the wind, disappearing among the crowds with nary a trace and thus unable to be targeted with her ire.

Huffing and deciding that the rude figure wasn't worth her valuable time in hunting down and humiliating, Bleiss instead turned her attention to the right where crews of workers were steadily unloading the students luggage from the interior of the ship while setting them out on rolling carts. It took a split second to locate her own luggage rack, the large black and crimson cases containing her clothing, Dust and spare Dust Revolvers for Myrtenaster standing out just as easily as she did in her 'family photos'.

"Here you are, Miss Schnee," Called one of the workers currently pulling her luggage from the interior of the storage compartment, "This should be the last of your belongings."

"Thanks, peasant," Bleiss rolled her eyes at the tone the man took, obviously trying to suck up to her before slapping a twenty Lien card into his hand, "Keep the change, you look like you need it."

"Thanks… bitch." The last word was whispered beneath his breath as she spun on her heel to march away, only for her to pause and turn to glance at him over her shoulder before grabbing her belongings.

"That's Miss Bitch to you, motherfucker, get it right or keep your whore mouth shut, got it?"

The worker froze like a deer in spotlights as Bleiss grabbed a hold of her cart to begin hauling it away, an angry frown still present on her face as she tried her best to ignore the sniffling she could swear she heard coming from the man.

'I have half a mind to go back there and beat that piece of shit silly,' Bleiss thought to herself angrily, 'Who the fuck does he think he is, talking to me like that?!'

Due to her rather angry internal tirade, Bleiss was unable to avoid the figure that decided it would be a good idea to throw themselves at her luggage, resulting in the container carrying her Dust vials to hit the ground and release its contents.

"OH NO, I'M SORRY!" The figure shouted before jumping to their feet and waving their arms in front of them, "Please don't hurt me, it was an accident and I swear I'll-"

"Op op op, shut the hell up," Bleiss held up a hand before taking a step forward while giving the figure a quick once over, admiring the gothic lolita style dress as well as the black and red color scheme the girl shared with her, "I'll forget all about this shit if you tell me where you got that belt, Pet."

"P-pet?! And you shouldn't use that kind of language, that's not nice!" The crimson and black female no larger in bust than Bleiss herself sputtered before trying to quickly cover up her embarrassment with faux outrage.

"Nice? I don't give a flying rats ass about being nice, Pet, I only care about getting what I want, when I want it," Bleiss rose her hand and admired the crimson polish she painted her nails with before cutting the silver eyed teenager a sharp look, "Like that belt, for instance, I'll buy that bitch right here, right now. How much?"

"Uh… uh? I'm wearing it though, and-" Once more, the cloak wearing female couldn't quite make up her mind on time, resulting in Bleiss rolling her eyes before reaching down to pick up the round vial of Shock Dust that rolled into her black heels.

"Whatever, we're done here. Help me pick this shit up and be on your way, Pet." Bleiss was dismissive of the entire encounter, no longer finding it worth her effort in trying to barter with someone she now knew didn't know a good deal when she heard it.

Seconds later, Bleiss had all of her many Dust vials stacked neatly in her case once more, this time properly locked and secured, as it should have been in the first place. The fact that her vials were able to be exposed with the case falling only a foot shouldn't have happened in the first place and bringing attention to her negligence would be rather childish, even for her.

Perhaps in another lifetime, she would have thrown a tantrum, but Bleiss had learned long ago that tantrums did no good, nor did tears.

Dust is Dust, who cares if a little dash of it got wasted? If the little shit with pretty silver eyes ended up hurting herself in the process, that would have been a different story, but thankfully that was avoided.

With all thoughts of the encounter slipping from her mind the moment she set off for the auditorium once more with her belongings in tow, Bleiss couldn't shake the feeling of being watched as she walked. Glancing left and right, her piercing, carmine gaze was unable to catch any other, thus preventing her from pinpointing the culprits exact location.

'How annoying,' Bleiss thought blithely as she continued on her way, unaware of just how quickly she would change her tune, should she have found the person watching her.

Once more being forced to push her way past the lumbering crowd of eager teenagers far less capable than she, the former heiress clad in black and crimson was nearly ready to stab someone by the time she found a suitable place to leave her belongings as she waited.

It was about a bitch not having someone to haul her things around, but Klein had been reassigned to Whitley upon her abdication from the Schnee Dust Company and Bleiss hadn't gotten around to hiring a new lackey. Now that she had been forced to haul three hundred pounds by herself for all of some one hundred feet, she realized that was something she would have to rectify as soon as she solidified her position at Beacon.

Perhaps she could convince some over eager jock to haul her things if she leaned over and asked nicely enough, as disgusting as the thought was.

Despite lacking any real amount of modesty, Bleiss found the idea of just anyone looking at her absolutely disgusting. If you were to look up the word 'Stunning' in the dictionary, Bleiss was damn sure her face would be printed next to it, in her humble opinion, but that didn't give just anyone the right to gaze upon her flesh.

That right was reserved for whomever she granted the delights of her flesh, loathe as she was to give said delights away. After years and years of dealing with pretentious, alpha-male wannabe's and ponces only pandering to females for their daddies money, the former Schnee heiress wasn't eager to establish a relationship.

She had spread her wings and jumped pond due to her familial relationships, so establishing another seemed almost stupid, in her opinion.

Scanning the crowd to find someone to mock silently, something she had done for years to entertain herself during Jacques many parties, Bleiss felt her eyes fall upon someone that made her heart beat in her throat for all of the right, and oh so wrong reasons.

Standing well above herself in height and dressed almost casually with his only real protection coming from white armor upon his chest, what may as well have been a Fallen Angel sent to tempt her stood across the way. His dark blue eyes, tinted with innocence and youth, locked onto hers and beckoned her in deep despite the vast gulf of space separating the two.

Bleiss found herself moving almost against her own volition, her body taking on a life of its own as her mind became scrambled, unable to process just how… perfect the lanky Adonis before her was, his blond hair shining in the light and glistening like woven gold. Midway through her body's voyage, Bleiss was once more intercepted by the person she had deemed 'pet' earlier.

"Hey, uh, hey! Can you hear me?" The gothic-lolita wearing teenager stepped into her path and cut her off from introducing her to the man she planned on wooing, "I, uh… why are you glaring at me like that?! I just wanted to introduce myself!"

"Hi, I'm Bleiss, get out of my way," With that, the black haired teenager reached out and physically moved the slightly smaller teenager she called 'pet' out of her way before continuing on, "Talk to you later, pet, I'm trying to get some dick at the moment."

Ignoring the sputtering coming from behind her, Bleiss continued on her way until she finally came to a halt before the person who had caught her eye from across the room. Her pupils contracted slightly as she leaned her head back to meet his eyes once more, a pale dash of pink dancing across her porcelain cheeks as she thought of all of the lewd things she would be doing to him in the near future.

Now that she had come to stand much closer to the figure that caught her attention, Bleiss was able to make out his details with much finer precision than before, and precision his dissection would take.

He was easily over a foot taller than herself, somewhere around six foot one or two if she had to guess. His hair was windswept and brushed to the right, a few stray strands falling into his deep blue eyes that continued to weave their spell upon her.

His facial features were refined and carried hints of perhaps a feminine touch, but not enough to detract from his obviously manly charm. His neck was long enough for Bleiss to leave multiple marks upon with plenty room to spare, one of the few traits she looked for in a man when she bothered admiring the opposite sex.

A black hoodie with a burnt orange interior covered his chest below the white armor and pauldrons he wore to protect his sternum and shoulders, the sleeves of which stopping just past his well toned and defined biceps. Blue jeans were stretched over his hips with two brown belts criss-crossing his hips and holding his blade aloft upon his left side. His ensemble was completed with brown gloves upon his hands and black shoes upon his feet, surprisingly more geared towards comfort than any real combat utility.

Bleiss found herself tongue tied as she tried to introduce herself, only for a strangled wheeze to escape her instead as she watched his lips part and heard his voice grace her ears.

"Hey there, the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet and the ladies love it."

He proceeded to wink after offering her his hand, something she took immediately before bringing it to her face to plant a chaste kiss upon the back of his gloved fist.

"Hello, Jaune Arc," Bleiss relished the way he shivered as she stressed his name, allowing it to roll off her tongue almost sinfully before she decided to grace him with her name, "my name's Bleiss Schnee, you'll be screaming it later. You tryna' smash, or nah?"

Jaune looked slightly confused for a moment, a deep crimson erupting across his cheeks as he processed her words before his expression shifted even further upon hearing her ending question, brightening beyond what it was even seconds prior. The blond held up a finger to indicate for her to wait a moment before he reached into his pocket with his free hand to retrieve his Scroll. Tapping something on the screen twice, he glanced from his Scroll back to Bleiss with a bright smile. "I've been trying to find someone to smash all week, you have no idea how excited I am right now!"

"Well how about you and me- wait… what am I looking at here, Jaune?" Bleiss was elated that her offer had been taken so easily, having almost expected Jaune to be rather off put by her straightforward words, only for him to flash her a screen on his Scroll that said 'Player Waiting'.

"You said you were trying to smash, right? Super Smash Sisters?"

Jaune wasn't expecting Bleiss to drop his hand and double over before erupting into laughter, the bright smile on his face dimming slightly after her laughter continued.

"You… were just trying to mess with me, weren't you?" Jaune huffed sadly before stuffing his Scroll back into his pocket and stalking away into the crowd of students once more, not bothering to wait and listen to her pleas for him to wait, "haven't even been here a day and you're already getting mocked, good fucking job Arc…"

The last statement was mumbled under his breath and most likely meant for himself, but Bleiss heard it none the less. Just as she tried to motion after him to explain herself, her stomach clenching at the thought of her Fallen Angel avoiding her, the Headmaster, Ozpin, finally deigned it appropriate to speak to those gathered to attend his school.

The sea of students around her stood at attention at once, preventing Bleiss from pursuing her chosen target any further. Her mood, which had skyrocketed upon finding herself in the presence of something holy, fell once more as she was forced to return to her position near her belongings with stinging self loathing afflicting her once more.

Bleiss became so caught up in her thoughts that all of Ozpin's speech filtered through her ears without sticking, leaving her almost confused when she glanced up to find the man walking off the amphitheater as quickly as he had arrived.

Glancing around once more, the former heiress was almost at a loss as to what to do until she caught sight of someone trying to flag her down once more. Yet again, her pet deemed fit to try and get her attention, so much like a puppy that Bleiss was thoroughly convinced that she couldn't have picked a better nickname for her if she tried. Scanning the crowd with every intention of tracking down Jaune and explaining herself, the black haired heiress was forced to accept temporary defeat and instead waved for her pet to come to her.

She was tired of walking, if her pet wanted her attention, she had to come to her to get it. Who knows, with two sets of eyes looking, Bleiss might be able to find Jaune all that much faster than before.

Despite their rather... rough introduction, she was more than sure she could still salvage the situation before it became critical, multiple plans forming and being discarded in an instant as she regarded her pet approaching from the corner of her eyes.