Hermione was up early and was sitting by the window, watching the world below her move. So busy with their lives and chaos it was almost peaceful to see more chaos externally than the internal battle she was having. Deciding to do something productive despite her partner's deep sleep, she went to unpack their bags.

It wasn't something she really was set on doing, but more of a mechanical thing she was used to doing due to her son. If she wasn't on top of things, he was a constant reminder of it. In many ways, it reminded her of Remus. She wouldn't have been the woman she was without him. Him and Sirius. It twisted her with emotion as she caressed her abdomen. A memory, swimming to the surface as she gazed down at the ratty football shirt from Hogwarts left to her, made the woman hold back tears.

She was in their flat and folding clothes after Remus took a call. Thinking back, she was maybe fifteen, and Sirius had taken Harry and Ron out to the park for some football practice. By that time, she had become close with Remus, and their friendship was based on books, academic theories, and logical paradoxes; things that Sirius, Harry, and Ron just were not interested in at all.

"Hey there, darlin'," Sirius's voice entered the room.

The weight of his hand touched her shoulder, and she smiled at him. "You know, you are not as fresh as you think, Sirius. You need a shower horribly," her voice was dry despite her smile.

His barking laughter was a hallmark of his charm. "Well, I have to wait for the young bucks to finish up. What are you doing our laundry for? That's why Moony is here; my live-in boyfriend," he snickered before pulling away and stretching out on the sofa near her.

Hermione rolled her eyes and waved her hand at the pile. "It is something to do instead of cleaning the mess you left in the kitchen this morning. Not everything should be left for Remus."

"You are too big for your britches, sweetheart. Some man is going to have to really rise up to your level of standards or really bow to your graces for you to be interested later in life." He mused and pulled out a strip of gum from his coat pocket.

"I imagine that would be a sorry sight," she murmured sadly; being ignored by Ron had been taking its toll on her.

Sirius was examining her with a tilt of his head. "You realize that it isn't over until it is over, Hermione. Someone, that one man or woman, is going to be there in moments of true pain and panic for you and you will know. They are the one person meant for you. I may not be in love with Moony, but he is my person. I belong with him and will live out the rest of my days as loyal to him as any wife or child I could have if I tarried elsewhere." He finished, and she couldn't help the tears that rose to her eyes.

"Why is it that some people don't have a happy ending, Sirius? I just feel like that is unfair to you. Don't you want a son?" Her question was a quivering breath.

He smiled and shook his head. "Not one I would have to raise, Hermione. My lot in life has always been taking care of my marauders. James and Lily's death ruined Remus and Peter got himself killed over it. The last thing I ever want to do is bring someone into this world who has to see the worst side of the world through my eyes. Harry was the exception; I did it for James and Lily. I wouldn't have agreed to adopt him if Remus didn't say he would help me." He paused and exhaled slowly.

"If there was a choice in who could have a happy ending in this whole mess, I hope it is you kids. Don't repeat the sins of your fathers and their peers. Live life with the humility and passion I see in you every day. That's what is going to make you a wonderful wife and mother if you choose that path for yourself. You are a good, swotty, girl. Keep proving me right." He finished and she chewed her lip.

"Are you going to tell Harry you are dying, Sirius?" she whispered and the man jerked.

"Why would Moony tell you that?"

"Because I caught him crying over the laundry, it didn't take much to pull it from him. Why didn't you tell anyone else?" Hermione asked, wiping tears from her face.

The man huffed and waved a hand. "It cannot be helped. Some people aren't meant to live long on this planet, Hermione; I am just one of those people. Just promise me when everything is done that you will be there for Remus and Harry. Take care of them because they are my family. It won't be long, and I don't want them to live the rest of their lives sad and full of regret because I told him before I needed to do so."

Hermione exhaled and walked over to him. "I love you, Sirius. I wish you would at least tell Harry so he isn't blind sighted." She whispered as she hugged the man who sat up to greet her.

"I will. Just please take care of them. I know you are strong, the strongest of them all. You would take a bullet or walk through fire for the ones you love. This won't be easy, but I promise you, I will be the first to clap your back on the other side when you die of old age with tons of grandkids at your bedside."

She laughed and nodded against his shoulder. "Okay. I just am sad you don't get to be here to see that."

"No worries, I will be watching, darlin'. You have a long story to write. It will be entertaining to see how fierce you become. It was really somethin' to watch you grow into an outstanding young woman. Just keep surprising us and you will always be Hermione."

Hermione's hand traced over a corner and it brought her back to the present. She was folding their clothes and placing them in the drawers, but her hand caught purchase on something in Draco's bag. Her face creased in befuddlement as she pulled the delicate container from the pocket inside his carry-on luggage. It was in that moment that she wished that she wasn't so concerned with unpacking.

In her hands was a small jewelry box. A specific box and her heart pounded as she held it up. Did she dare open such a thing?

"Hermione? What time is it?" Draco grumbled from the bed.

She froze; if he had sight, he would have beheld her gawking at the significant box in her hand. "It is near seven," she murmured and shifted. "Draco, how serious are you about marriage?" she asked rounding the bed.

He laughed into the pillow and rolled over. "Probably more than you, Granger." He yawned as he stretched his limbs.

"Serious enough to bring a ring with you?" she growled and tossed the box on his chest.

The man felt around and took the box in hand. "God damnit, Hermione. I cannot keep even that secret from you?"

"No," her voice was flat as she sat down next to him. "Draco, this isn't realistic," Hermione sighed, rubbing her face.

"Did you even look at the ring?" he asked her before sitting up. "I mean, if it is about the ring, I can get you something a little more substantial."

Hermione snatched the ring box from him and snapped it open, only to gasp with her eyebrows raised. "Draco, this is…" the woman trailed off and gazed at the beautiful jewel.

It was a simple silver band with a decent sized diamond on it. Nothing elaborate or gaudy, but truly a gorgeous ring. Hermione, candidly, expected him to go overboard on such an occasion, but was surprised by his tact and understanding.

"I know, it isn't big, but I knew you wouldn't say yes to a giant ring that screamed riches and overindulgence. I was assured it was perfect for the woman who could have anything she wanted, but only desired love." He sighed and scrubbed his face. "I am not great at these things without my sight."

Hermione was overwhelmed and felt tears building in her eyes as she looked to him. "It is perfect."

He twitched and his breath hitched. "You mean that? I was worried you would scoff at the small ring."

"No, it is beautiful. I am sorry I ruined your planned reveal," she whispered as his hand sought her out.

"Will you be my partner, companion and wife, Hermione Granger? I don't see myself ever being able to love anyone else before yesterday and surely never will after its contents. I want to raise your children and work with you until we are too old to remember or care of what transpired before this last year. I want to love you and make you happy."

She inhaled and turned to look at the nervous man. "Is this just because I am having your child?"


Hermione scooted closer to him. "Draco, why do you want to get married? That means you would have three children, two not your immediate family. You would have to change your life. I can do this on-" The woman was stopped by his lips meeting hers.

"Don't you understand? I want you no matter what," he told her after they parted.

"Draco," she murmured and cupped his cheek.

"Say yes? Please?" he whispered.

Hermione paused and her lip quivered before she kissed him again…


The little blond little girl huffed and glanced over at the gray eyed boy frowning. "That's it? You aren't going to tell us how we were born?" he spat with a pout.

The woman's curls waved as she rocked in the rocker and smiled. "You have me tell that story all the time, sweetheart," his mother sighed and the baby in her arms fussed.

There was a knock at the door and the Malfoy matriarch came into the room. "Hermione did you need help with my lovely grandchildren?" she asked gently.

"Grandmother! Mum was telling us about how she hand picked us from the stars!" the little blond haired girl exclaimed.

Narcissa exhaled and waved them over to the sofa. "Sirius, Lyra, come sit down and I will finish the story. Let your mother take care of your brother," she finished and the young children hopped over on the couch next to her.

Hermione gave her a relieving smile. "Thank you, Scorpius is a bit moody today." She huffed lightly as she rocked the baby. "I just finished telling them about the appointment on how we found out that their daddy was just as surprised as me that we were having them together."

Narcissa nodded and hugged the children. "Well, Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginevra flew to your mother and father. Your daddy was so scared that your mother was going to leave him after she didn't answer him, but he didn't understand one thing."

"What was that, mother?" Draco's voice entered the room.

"Daddy!" Lyra cried and jumped up.

"Dad!" Sirius shouted and his dark curly hair bounced as he ran over to the man.

"Guess who else is here?" Teddy shouted as he poked his head around Draco.

"Oh! Teddy!" Lyra cried and bounced in Draco's arms.

Hermione waved him over. "My lovely! Oh, how was your last day? My handsome young man is growing up so fast," Hermione sighed as Teddy with his bright purple hair wandered over with a smile.

"Hiya, mum, how is Scorpius doing?" Teddy asked then kissed the boy's head.

Hermione reached up and cupped the twelve-year old's cheek. "Very well. I missed you, my son."

Draco patted Teddy's shoulder. "Son, go put your things away so we can help you mother with your siblings. We have to get over to the Burrow in less than an hour and you know how your Gran gets."

"Teddy! Can I come help?" Sirius shouted tugging on the older boy's shirt.

"Me too, brother? I want to see your new books you brought home," Lyra said with an definitive nod.

Teddy chuckled and ruffled both their heads before nodding. "Come on, let's go. You need to show me what you have been up to for the last three months."

The older children left the room with Narcissa silently following, a smile stretched across her face. That left Draco caressing Hermione's cheek as she rocked and hummed to her little blond son. "He is perfect, you know?" she sighed, making Draco laugh.

"They all are, Mrs. Malfoy. We did good, didn't we?" he responded, running a hand over her shoulder.

"Did you forget something?" she inquired with a sharp tone, knowing she couldn't hide her smile.

Draco pulled a small item from his pocket and held it out in front of her. "You mean to tell me I would forget to ask Flint to stop and let me grab you the only thing you ever ask for?"

In his hand was a usb drive and Hermione leaned he head against him. "Ah, you did remember. I cannot very well show off pictures of our family if I did not have them."

"Are you ready to show off our new son, Hermione?" he asked then kissed her hair.

"Of course, Draco. I wouldn't have this any other way. My family is my life." She replied as his hand disappeared.

He reached out and found the infant's hand, letting the boy clasp his finger. "Me either. Who would have known we would have it all by such a happy accident."

"I just told the children for the hundredth time… it was not a happy accident; it was all your fault we are together. Your stubborn effort to always surprise me. I love you, Draco."

"I always will love you, Hermione." He paused and arched an eyebrow. "What was the one thing I didn't understand?" Draco snickered with a smirk.

Hermione kissed his lips and pressed her cheek against his. "That you gave me your heart without even seeing it," she breathed, and he chuckled.

"Well, you did too, Hermione. Even if you can see, you didn't see how much you loved me until the day Ginny almost broke your arm when you said yes. If I would have known that everyone was rooting for me, I would have asked you to marry me sooner," He teased, and Hermione laughed softly.

"Yes, I suppose that would have made our story substantially shorter," she retorted as she caressed her husband and son's hand.

"Not as fun and definitely not a story worth hearing over and over for our children."

"No, most certainly. I wouldn't change a thing," she said with a nod, and he pulled away.

"Alright, wife, let's go join the masses and introduce our last child."

"No more blind jokes, Draco," Hermione grumbled as she rose from the chair.

"No promises, Granger," he teased, knowing her maiden name would only spark a sneer from her.

"Don't make me hit you with your own cane, Malfoy," she hissed, but her lips were curled.

Draco stepped away and twirled the tool. "A chance I am more than willing to take. Come on, love, we have a family to fight off."

"Always the charmer, husband," she growled, and they headed off to join the festivities.

The Malfoys took that moment as so many in time. Birthdays. Anniversaries. Days just because… and they drank them up because the state of affairs may be many things, but love is and always would be blind... Happily blind to things before love.

The Most Happy End.


Author Notes: Thank you for reading my long-winded love story. I know it seems so sad to see the end, but I felt this was the best way to do so. It took me a bit to decide how I wanted to finish this tale and took the time to decide on such a graceful end. I am grateful for your interest in this story and hope it touched your heart as much as it has mine.