FINAL CHAPTER FINAL CHAPTER! Guys, this is the end of Part 1! We made it! This is both good and bad. Good, because we're moving on to the next part of the story with all new characters and story threads. Bad, because that means this chapter is super sad. I'm serious; I had a hard time editing parts of this because of the emotions. To catch you all up, Morgan and Inigo know each other are related now! FINALLY. Una found out that if she sacrificed herself, Grima would perish forever. Chrom is super against it, but nobody else knows. Una gave a letter of unknown contents to Lissa, who promised she'd give it to Inigo if anything happened to her in the battle. Also, just a little side note: This chapter starts with a brief flashback. I think it's pretty self explanatory, but I didn't want to spell it out for you guys in the text. I think that's it. Happy reading!

"Inigo…your parents aren't coming home."

The brown haired boy, barely at the cusp of six years old, could only stare ahead. He knew Exalt Lissa was explaining something to him, but her voice was dulled out to a low rumble. His mother and father were…dead? No, that was impossible! His father was the strongest warrior in all of Ylisse, Regna Ferox, and Valm! And why would anyone hurt his mother?

"Inigo? A-Are you listening to me?" Lissa wiped the corner of her eye before taking both his shoulders and bringing him into a hug," Oh Inigo, I'm so sorry," She sniffled herself, eventually pulling away to place a hand over his heart," They'll always be right here with you, watching over you."

The child shook his head, tears prickling," B-But without them, I'm all alone."

"No, you're never alone Inigo," Lissa stroked his cheek, tucking one of his stray hairs behind his ear," I-It's just like how Emm and Chrom and—and Henry," Her voice choked a little at the mention of her husband, who had perished only a few weeks prior," They're all watching over me. That's why we have to stay strong; for their sakes."

Inigo barely managed to bob his head, pushing his arm up to wipe his eyes," What—What if I-I can't?"

"I know you're scared," He felt her guide his clenched fist open, gently enclosing it around something small and round," This was your mother's wedding ring. As long as you have it with you, you'll be safe."


"Hey, Inigo?"

Una watched as said boy fumbled to stuff something in his hands into his pocket before turning to face her with a smile," Good morning, my love! Might I say, you are a vision of utter beauty."

She felt a small smile sneak onto her face, despite how cheesy his compliment was. Her eyes skimmed his body, trying to burn the image of the sleepy mercenary into her mind forever. His chocolate brown hair was a little more ruffled than usual, but his irises had seemed to be shining a little brighter ever since he and Morgan discovered they were related. She resisted the urge to just jump into his arms then and there, instead settling with a soft," Good morning to you too, Inigo. Can I borrow a moment of your time?"

He took one of her hands in his and pressed a gentle kiss on the back of it," I'm yours, my lady."

Una bobbed her head, using herculean strength not to break down in front of him. She didn't want to spend what could be her last moments with him a sobbing mess; that wouldn't do anybody any good. Instead, she reached closer so that her arms hung loosely around his waist, propping her chin on his chest so she could look up at him," What do you want to do after this?"

"Well, I'm fairly certain that we're going to march for Grima, but I wouldn't say I want to do-."

"I meant after that," She slid her head down so that her forehead rested against the fabric of his tunic," What do you want to do?"

She could feel his chest vibrate with the surprise in the tone," Oh. Well, I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about it before," Inigo brought one of his arms around her lower back while keeping one hand up to card through her purple locks," I think I'd like to travel. Maybe focus on dancing when there won't be a war to worry about. A-And I'd like to spend more time with you," He stuttered bashfully," Though I assume that is a given. Morgan is living proof of that."

Una pressed her eyelids down, indulging in the little fantasy he was creating as a distraction for what was to come," You're correct in your assumptions, but I would love to hear you say it out right."

"Heh, alright," She felt his lips press a tender kiss on the crown of her head," I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Una. I had more of a speech planned out, but I was going to wait until we celebrated our victory to-."

"Can you do that?" Una suddenly pulled away, one of her arms sliding up to cradle the back of his neck," Will you wait for me?"

Inigo tilted his head to the side, leaving Una to watch as he took in her appearance. She had done a good job of concealing her dark circles and red rimmed eyes up until this point, but now that they were in such close proximity, it was hard to hide anything," Wait for you? What does that mean, my love?" When she didn't answer, he quietly persisted," Una?"

Damn the gods, how was she supposed to keep her resolve when he said her name like that? The tactician brushed her thumb along his hairline, using the warmth of his neck to anchor her onto the ground," I'm just being selfish, that's all."

"Selfish?" The brunet's hand slipped down to cup her cheek," Why would asking me to wait for you be selfish? You know I will. Would I rather be by your side to protect you in our final battle? Yes. Do I understand that this is something you and Chrom must do together?" He hummed," Not really, but I support your decision."

He ran the pad of his thumb over her temple contemplatively, unaware that Una was soaking every second they spent together in. It made her painfully aware how little she truly appreciated the moments they were in each other's presence. If she could go back and live the past three months again, Una knew she would be much more thankful for things like this.

Inigo's thumb paused, his eyes trained on the glossy state of her own," What is this all about, hmm? Are you worried about what'll become of you after the war ends?"

That was one way to put it. She tore her gaze away, knowing that no matter how she phrased this, it wasn't going to come out well. To hell with that. She needed to make the most of this, and right now, what she needed was for the man she loved to hold her," Yes. I…I'm scared, Inigo."

She could feel her heartbeat relax when her tugged her shoulders closer into one of his warm hugs," There's nothing to be afraid of, Una. I promise that everything is going to turn out okay, and I am a man of my word," She giggled at that, clutching onto the words in even if they were untrue," The future is unknown, and I will not be the first to admit that is frightening. However, I won't be scared if you're by my side," She felt him grasp her closer," For now, let's take one step at a time. I'll wait for you after the battle, and when we reunite, we can figure our lives out together. Sound good?"

Gods, she didn't care how greedy she was for needing to hear those words. Having him give her those reassurances made her ready to face her demons and come back to him. He was going to wait for her, and she was going to find him. No matter what," Sounds good," She snuggled deeper into his arms and sighed," I love you, Inigo."

When he said his next words, she accepted them with all her heart," I love you too, Una."



Una narrowed her eyes at the deafening voice, determination bubbling inside of her. There was no going back. It didn't matter that she was scared out of her wits and worried she might not be strong enough to fight the demon that terrorized her friends. She was going to be strong, and she was going to win.

She felt Chrom approach her from her left, much like he did before every battle. Una spared him a quick glance, breaking slightly when he caught the worried glint in his irises. It was hard enough to face Lissa and Inigo without cracking under the pressure. With Chrom, she wanted nothing more than to burrow herself into his arms and pretend none of this was happening. Judging by his nervous expression, he felt the same way," Are you ready, Una?"

The purple haired girl sighed and rubbed the spine of her tome, using the act to help gain some resolve," As ready as I will ever be, Chrom," She sent one last look back towards Inigo and Morgan, who had promised her they'd keep an eye on each other during the battle. The fire in her heart ignited at the thought of anything ill happening to either of them," Let's finish this!"

Without warning, a huge mass of dark magic swept through the Shepherds like a tidal wave. Una gritted her teeth as a burning sensation prickled through her body, desperate not to show any pain. She was just about to get onto her feet when a second wave shot through, temporarily taking the entire army out for the count.

Una's chest heaved as worry began to pool in her chest. They had barely gotten on Grima's back, and now they were all down. How could that even happen? She hadn't felt this useless since she watched an army of risen shoot the Pegasus knights out of the sky.

Chrom huffed from beside her as he propped himself up on his forearm,"...Wh-what...What manner of magic..."

"Magic?!" Basilio forced out a shaky laugh," That was a...damned...catastrophe...He's weakened us all...He's too...strong...rrgh..."

"It cannot end like this...," Una froze at the sound of Frederick's voice, trembling with fear. Frederick to stoic, reduced to a frightened husk of a man. She couldn't bear to hear it," I won't have...all our for naught..."

Lucina's soft cries echoed from behind them," No...This darkness...The future is upon us! Oh gods...F-Father..."

Una had just managed to push herself into a sitting position when her own voice, deep and shrouded with evil, called upon her," And so it ends, Una. See how frail these humans bonds of yours are? How short lived? How pointless?" Grima chuckled," You have all thrown your lives away, and the result is the same!"

The purple haired girl growled, pulling together all her strength to try and sway the Shepherds in the other direction. If they gave up now, they were all as good as dead," We're not done yet!"

"Detail, details," Grima sighed," But yes, I suppose it's time I got you all off my back, so to speak—permanently."

As if on cue, the dragon's entire body lurched, sending the Shepherds that had managed to compose themselves back onto their knees. Una yelped as her body flew to the side, barely managing to latch onto one of the large scales to avoid falling to her death. How long could they put up with this? She needed to do something! Think, Una, think!

She felt a dark hand reach underneath her chin and pull her gaze up, forcing her to look at the older version of herself," No, you don't want this, do you? You do have a choice, you know. It doesn't have to be this way. You can still save all your friends," Una yanked herself away, desperate not to show how much Grima's offer stuck with her," Become one with me, and we shall spare their lives. Refuse," She snapped, causing another lurch to nearly launch her friends onto the ground below," and watch as I rend the flesh from their bones!"

Una felt herself began to shake. There had to be another way. If she turned herself in to Grima, they would die. If she didn't turn herself in to Grima, they would die. Gods, fate was cruel," I..."

"No, Una!" Said girl's head shot up at the sound of Chrom's voice not too far away. She noted with a hint of impressment that he managed to push himself into a kneeling position, his eyes trained on hers as he begged through the pain," Don' it..."

"She's lying...," Una winced at how broken Lissa's voice sounded. She should have been there to protect her friend, and now it felt like she couldn't do anything," It's...a trap..."

"NOW!" The tactician flinched at the yell, her attention forcibly brought back to the monster standing in front of her," I will have your decision! Will you save these worms? Will you JOIN ME and become a GOD?"

The eighteen year old clenched her fists, her decision made. If she defied Grima, she was sentencing her friends to death. If she joined…,"All right! I'll do as you wish! Just...let them live."

"No, Una! Don't-."

One second, Una was trying to find Chrom and reassure him that everything would be alright. The next, the floor had vanished from underneath her and she was plummeting into the darkness. She barely managed a scream before the tiny hole she entered from closed, engulfing her in the ink that she was swallowed into. Una smacked onto some sort of floor, groaning as she pushed herself onto her knees. She gathered what little strength she had to stumble onto her feet next, using one of her arms to baby her previously injured shoulder. It had just healed, but taking a crash landing on it made it hurt like a bitch.

"Yes, at last I have you..." She shrieked as the voice emerged from behind her, jumping as far away from the body that had, in one world, once been hers," Once our power is joined...THE DRAGON'S MIGHT...WILL BE MADE WHOLE."

Una shook her head, even though she knew standing her ground against the demon would ultimately lead to more agony on her part," First, let my friends go. You promised to spare them."

"Oh come now, we both knew that was never going to happen. But I am not altogether cruel...," Grima cracked a mocking leer," I did spare you the pain of damning them openly."

Oh no. Chrom, Lissa, Maribelle, Gaius…

Una's heart dropped. What was going to happen to Inigo and Morgan? Even though she was weak, the fire in her heart erupted into flames once more. She was going to protect her family or die trying," You..."

Grima merely tutted in response," In truth, I simply don't understand why you care so deeply for the creatures. No matter. Your soul is mine now; you cannot escape. Your mind will descend into the shadow of my own!"

"No...," Una yanked her tome out from its holster and flipped it open to a new page, bolts of Thoron crackling in her palms," I won't let you!"

"You still DARE resist ME?!" It took every ounce of Una's being not to flinch at the wrath directed towards her," THEN PERHAPS I SHALL END YOU FIRST!"

Una barely had time to react before a shard of dark magic shot through her stomach, freezing every blood cell in her body. Her chest began convulsing in a pain far worse than the arrows she had been shot with earlier in the year. She could feel blood begin to trickle from her lips, though when she reached up to touch it, it was a murky black. How…how was that…

She let out a strangled cry as the shard retracted from her, roughly dropping her body to the ground with a thud. Una tried to keep her focus steady, but inky spots began to cloud around the corners of her vision. Was this it? Was she going to die? Una was vaguely aware that her hands began trembling," So dark...A sea of black...I final strategy," She gulped in what little air she could, only to find it hot and stifling,"...No cards left to play...She has...won...," Una squeezed her eyes shut, unable to take her fading surroundings in anymore," I c-can't see...I can't hear...I feel...nothing..."

"—ve to —ack!"

The tactician's brow furrowed. Had…had she just heard something? How was that possible? Nobody aside from herself and Grima were down here. She was utterly alone.

"Yo— ha— fi— back! —ghting!"

No. That time she had definitely heard something. Una groaned as she opened her eyes, blinking the dark corners out from her sights," I...hear something...A voice..."

"Fight ba—! —ave to keep —ing! Fight back, Una!" The purple haired girl couldn't help the biggest smile from spreading across her lips at the sound of her friends voice. They were still there. They were alive! She fought the urge to release a blissful laugh," You swore to do so, remember? Now keep your damn word!"

Una's smile shifted into a smirk; he was right. Here she was, so close to giving up without really thinking it through. If there was one thing she learned from her tactic books, it was that there was always a way out. Even if the general hadn't considered mages or the Pegasus knight was overrun by archers…even if they were mere humans facing off against a god. If they stuck together, they could win," C-Chrom? Chrom!" Una staggered up to stand, ignoring the searing ache that accompanied it as she yelled back," Chrom, I can hear you!

"What?! No! You are mine now!" Grima rose her hand and prepared for another strike," The dragon's grip cannot be broken!"

"Come back to us, Una!" Lissa cried.

"Get up right this instant, or suffer a swift smack of my parasol!" Maribelle added on.

Gaius spoke up almost immediately after his wife," Up and at 'em, Bubbles! One dragon oughta be a piece of cake!"

Frederick was next, the fear from earlier absent as he cheered her on," I know it would take more than this to stop you, milady!"

"History is watching, Una!" Virion announced," If you are insistent to cheat again, I suggest you cheat death!"

"Una, you can't close up shop on us now!" Anna declared," We still need you!"

Una felt a small grin sneak onto her face at the sound of Owain's voice joining in," Heed not the dark's eerie call, friend! Summon forth the strength inside you!"

Even Severa was joining in, despite the fact that they had barely known each other for a few weeks," If you don't come back, I'm never going to forgive you!"

"She'll return," Nah concluded," I know you will."

"Please, Una! You're a part of our family now!" Was Olivia crying? Una felt her heart swell," Come back to us! Please!"

Lon'qu joined in shortly after," Una, you're strong. We didn't follow you through two wars for you to die now!"

"Mother!" Una bit back a sob at the sound of Morgan pleading," You mean everything to me! I can't lose you again! Come back!"

"Una," Her breath caught when she heard Inigo," You can do this! I believe in you."

"I can hear them...," The purple haired girl spun to face Grima head on, shooting out her bolt of Thoron with surprising force. The attack intercepted what her opponent planned to be a sneak attack, causing a huge explosion to knock both of them back. Una blatantly ignored her pain and got back onto her feet, magic coursing through her veins," I hear my friends!"

"Stop this at once! SILENCE those wretched voices! You are all powerless! Frail! Insignificant! You are NOOOTHING!"

"Return to us, Una!" Chrom shouted," Your bond with us is stronger than even the fell dragon's might!"

"Chrom!" She let out a watery smile as her solution sank in. This wasn't a matter of whose magic was stronger. Everything was reliant on their will, something that would only break if they allowed it themselves. If they stood up to Grima together, even a god couldn't defeat them," I'm coming, Chrom! Hold on!"

Using her newfound advantage, Una broke free from the darkness surrounding her and burst back into the light. She had barely touched the ground when Chrom's hand reached out for hers," Let's finish this."



It was time.

"Now, Una! This is our chance!"

The purple haired girl closed her eyes. Going into this battle, she had held onto the hope that maybe, fate could change. She had Morgan and Inigo, after all, something she had come to realize her other self hadn't. She was glad to be fighting for them, even if they wouldn't understand it now.

"I'm going to finish it!"

When thinking about her destiny as Grima's vessel, she had originally come to the conclusion that it was curse. Why was she born to suffer? Did Naga hate her? Una was grateful for her mother, who stole her from her crib and presumably raised her until her teens. One of her regrets was not being able to remember the woman that saved her, but maybe now that she was nearing the end, they could finally meet.


Now, as she stood face to face with the monster another version of herself had created, Una knew that her blood had not been a curse. If not for her lineage and her mother's suffering, she would not be able to destroy the beast that terrorized her friends. Being the vessel gave her the ability to save Inigo's life; to keep him from having the nightmares he hid from her.

She honestly didn't know if she would be able to return to him, nor did she know if he would wait for her like he promised. Part of her hoped he didn't. It was unfair of her to ask him to never love another woman, even though he hadn't understood that when she expressed it earlier. Granted, she wasn't being entirely honest with him either. If he knew what she planned on doing, he would have never let her come on the dragon's back in the first place. However, the selfish side of her wanted nothing more than for Naga's words to be true and for her to come back to reality. She wanted to future that Inigo promised. She wanted to see him dance and travel the world with him. She wanted to get married.


But most of all, she wanted him to be happy.

Una's eyes shot open, her final destination clear in her mind. Thunder cracked in her hands as she stared Grima's worn form, knowing that one shot would take the god out forever.

"...Una?!" She turned to acknowledge Chrom, whose stare was suddenly laser focused on the ball of magic sparking in her palm," Wait, what—"


Una brushed Chrom off for the time being, praying that there would be time for goodbyes once Grima was gone for good," For once, I'm glad you and I are the same. Now I can give my life to protect those I care for..."

The older version of herself's eyes glowed red,"...YOU WOULD...NOT DARE!"

"I would and I will. The evils you would visit on this world are unthinkable...," The tactician let out a small, watery laugh before turning deadly serious," You've caused everyone I care about unbearable pain. Prepare to meet your end!"

Chrom had just barely made it past her when the Thoron shot from her hand, piercing Grima straight in the chest. She felt a small sense of surprise when she didn't feel the same pain the monster had, but instead an overwhelming sense of numbness. As Grima crumpled, her body began to disintegrate in the wind. Una vaguely brought her own hand up to look at, only to find it begin to disappear as well.

One look at Chrom was all she needed for him to pull her in his arms," Una! No!"

Now that it was all over, she squeezed her eyes shut once more," Thank you, Chrom. For...everything... Tell the last thoughts were of them...and tell Inigo and Morgan…I love them. May we meet again, in a better life..."

Although she wasn't sure what was left of her, she swore Chrom tugged her even closer," Una! No! Ah gods, NO!"

The last thing she felt was one of his tears drop onto her shoulder before everything faded from her consciousness.


Grima was dead.

Grima…was finally dead.

Inigo released the breath he hadn't realized he was holding as he turned to his son, the brightest smile he could produce present on his face. They were finally, finally free! His first thoughts were of this timeline's version of himself. Little Inigo wouldn't have to watch his parents die and live through the same hellscape he had. He sent a quick glance towards his parents, only to find Olivia hugging Lon'qu tightly. They could finally be a family again, and he was more than happy to watch them do so.

His eyes shifted from the elated couple to the horizon, a soft smile gracing his features. Maybe he and Una could start a family of their own. She seemed to like children well enough, and after he proposed to her, their own version of Morgan was bound to come eventually. Until then, they would travel like he promised. He wanted to see the world with her and Morgan.

The brunet's hand absently fiddled in his pocket, his fingers brushing over the ring inside. All he had to do was wait, just like she asked. Should he wait until they were in private, or confess his intentions in front of the entire army? He cringed. No, they would have to do it by themselves; He was far too embarrassed to do the latter.


Everything warm and fuzzy he had been feeling dissipated the second he heard the sheer horror in Lissa's voice. He turned away from his son to face the oncoming prince and tactician, only to find one of the two making their approach. He wasn't sure if everyone had gone quiet or if his mind tuned out everything aside from the empty spot next to Chrom. Hell, he could barely breathe. It was only when the Exalt stopped directly in front of him, his stare focused on the ground, that his suspicions were fed," Where is she?"

As Chrom's head rose, Inigo's heart sank further and further until he could not feel it beat anymore. He had never seen such grief in the usually powerful man's eyes," Una…She said to tell you and Morgan that she-."

It was only then that their Captain finally broke down onto his knees, unable to utter the rest of the sentence out loud. Inigo could vaguely process the sound of Lissa's scream, or a hand he was sure was his father's landing on his shoulder. All he could process was, ironically, how hollow he felt. His throat hurt, his request coming out almost unconsciously," Chrom. Where is she?"

Chrom regretfully shook his head, holding his sister as she bawled into his chest," I'm so sorry, Inigo. I…I was useless. I c-couldn't stop her."

Oh gods…Oh gods. Reality smacked Inigo like a hammer to the back, though he knew the bruise he would receive from this blow would never fade. She had sacrificed herself. Una was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it! What kind of cruel game was Naga playing? He got to keep his parents, but in their stead, she took Una? Sweet, loving Una who spent her entire life looking after others? He wet his lips, scrambling to find something, anything, to say," What the hell happened out there?"

He heard his mother's voice gently rise from beside him," Inigo, maybe you should take some time to process-."

"I need to know," Did he? He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the tears not to come out. If he let go now, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to come back," I deserve at least that."

"He's right," Chrom ran his hand over his face, dragging any tears away with his palm. With a deep breath, he managed to compose himself enough to announce," The war is ended, my friends. Never again will the fell dragon trouble our world. I owe you all far more than words can ever repay. Especially Una, who gave herself to save us all," Despite the calm persona he was trying to push, Inigo could see the tension in his clenched fists from a mile away," Naga told us in confidence that the only way to truly defeat Grima was for him to defeat himself. Una saw this opportunity and…and made the ultimate sacrifice. To save all the worlds to come."

"No…," Inigo's brow furrowed at the new voice in the equation, only to have it pop off his head when it sank in who it belonged to," N-No! I refuse to believe that! How could that even be possible?!"

Oh gods, in his grief he had forgotten Morgan. Morgan, the boy who had just lost his mother and one of the only links he had to this world. Inigo cursed himself for being so blind," I-If mother was truly dead, I wouldn't still be alive," He persisted," Right? Right?!"

The mercenary abruptly pushed his own sorrows away to place both hands on Morgan's shoulders, using the act to ground both his son and himself," I…I don't know, Morgan."

"No! If it was true that mother was dead, I wouldn't be here!" Morgan physically shoved him away. Inigo only returned his grip, knowing that even though his son hadn't accepted it, hearing him refer to Una and death in the same sentence made the day's events feel a lot more real," Father? Please, say that she's going to be okay. Please."

Inigo tightened his grip, holding onto his son to keep himself from breaking to pieces. He wanted to say that. He wanted more than anything to believe that there had been some sort of misunderstanding, and that they would find Una peacefully napping in a field once more. He just…couldn't. And that fact alone made him fall into a deep depression.

"We'll see her again," The two boys were shook from their exchange when Chrom stepped forward," I'm sure of it. Do you know what Naga said? That Una would survive if our ties were strong enough," He finally managed to regain enough composure to nod confidently," This isn't over. I believe Una is out there...somewhere...And we'll find her. If it takes us the rest of our days, we'll find her...I promise."

Inigo could only blink. Why the hell hadn't Chrom mentioned that before? If Naga said there was even the slightest chance she was alive, he would take it. When Naga told him there was a chance to save his parents, he leapt on it. Time travel wasn't necessarily an option anymore, but Chrom was right; there had to be another way. Despite what Inigo initially thought was a case of denial on Morgan's part, his son brought up a good point; if Una was truly gone, how would Morgan still be in their present?

Even if he spent every waking hour looking for her, he would do it. Una was the first person to give him a chance, and he would rather die than let her slip through his fingers again," Alright. So where do we start?"


"Hey, Inigo?" If the brunet had the energy, he would have jumped in surprise at the sudden entrance of Lissa into his tent. However, he had spent a majority of the ride home consoling his incredibly conflicted son and burying his own feelings down the hole in his heart. Placing his normal smile on would feel fake," Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Was she going to attempt to play therapist on him like the others had? He could already feel a grimace forming on his lips. When he wasn't consoling Morgan, his parents were trying to console him. Maribelle had placed a hand on his forehead to check if he was feeling ill in any way, and when he asked why, she said it was due to his lack of reaction. Inigo inhaled sharply. He was fine. If Una was alive like Chrom said, then there was nothing to worry about. No reason to mourn.

Still, turning away one of Una's closest friends was something she would frown upon. He took a small sigh before waving her in," Sure."

Lissa walked in as if she was in a daze, settling on his cot next to him. She didn't say anything for a few minutes, her focus entirely on the envelope in her hands. There wasn't a name on it, but for some reason, Inigo knew it was meant for him. The blonde eventually caught his gaze and handed it over, giving his hand a squeeze as they touched," She…She wanted me to give this to you if anything happened."

He felt his walls crack," Una?" Lissa nodded,"…You knew?"

"No! Of course I didn't-," The princess wiped her eyes, her emotions still raw from the events earlier that day," Who am I kidding? I am so stupid! She didn't say it outright, but she was telling me the truth the whole time and I chose not to listen!" Lissa hunched over, burying her face in her hands," I should have been able to talk her out of it! I should have told her to stay behind!"

"I'm just being selfish, that's all."

"I…I'm scared, Inigo."

"Can you do that? Will you wait for me?"

Inigo felt himself choke back a sob. Lissa wasn't the only one Una had given a warning to. And he hadn't done anything to stop it. The mercenary impulsively took one of Lissa's hands in his own, pulling his love's friend close to his side," It's not your fault, Lissa. I-I should have—I should have-."

"Oh, Inigo," She whispered back, her inner turmoil resonating right with Inigo's. She opened her mouth to say something else, but any words she could fathom melded with the silence encasing the tent. Instead, she settled with wrapping her other arm around his one for a half-hug.

For some reason, it made him think back to his childhood. Lissa had been the parent to last the longest in the future, and the one to bear the largest weight on her back. He hadn't known it at the time, but she had taken it upon herself to tell all the future children when their parents died. She spent so much of his past comforting others, but no one had been able to comfort her.

Hesitantly, Inigo took one of her hands and placed it over her heart," Someone told me once that the ones we love are never truly gone. Th-They're always right here with us, i-in our hearts."

The brunet flinched when he felt the princess's head drop onto his shoulder," Y-You're right. Una…She will always be with us."

He wasn't sure how long they sat like that, taking comfort in their shared guilt. The usual hustle and bustle of the Shepherd's camp felt almost nonexistent as they finally accepted the weight of Una's sacrifice. In any other case, they would have been celebrating. Grima was dead, this time for good. However, how could it be worth losing Una?

The dancer was pulled from his thoughts when he felt Lissa tap the letter in his hand," She would have wanted you to read that."

"Do you know what it says?"

She shook her head," I think it was only meant for you."

With that said, the Princess bid her farewell and left Inigo alone once more. He fiddled with the parchment between his fingers worriedly, too nervous to even open it up and look inside. Hell, he was scared. What could she say that was for his eyes only?

Eventually his curiosity won out of his anguish.

Dear Inigo,

If you're reading this, it means something bad has happened to me. I wish I could tell you that I had not predicted this, but I knew what had to be done when Naga explained the situation. I'm sure Chrom had informed you of this, so I won't bore you with the details.

I apologize for writing this instead of telling you in person, but I didn't think I would be able to make it through without breaking down. I didn't want you to worry. I love you more than you can ever imagine, Inigo, and I have come to realize the severity of that statement these past few days.

I've spent a lot of time pondering what made me different from Grima, or more accurately, the version of myself that accepted her place as its vessel. Nothing fundamentally had changed aside from a few things here and there, such as Lucina's appearance and outsmarting Validar. It was only when I thought of you that I realized you're the reason fate has changed.

Before I met you, I was a rather lonely person. I had the Shepherds to accompany and support me, but they always looked up to me. I wanted nothing more than to live up to their expectations, so they never saw my weakness. I had convinced myself I would end up alone. I never took your flirtations seriously because I never considered someone could feel that way about me.

Then I really grew to understand you. Or, more accurately, you took the time to understand me. I was shocked when you noticed how I had been losing sleep or when I was frightened, because only Chrom had even considered those things before. I did not do anything about it initially because I did not understand my own feelings, but when I realized I could lose you, my heart revealed itself to me.

The other version of myself never had you. She never got to learn how to dance or cope with her nightmares, because she had to face her troubles alone. She never received the most loving son she could ask for, because she never had a man to father him. Inigo, without you, I may have succumbed to the very same fate.

Thank you for saving me.

I only have but a few requests; Please continue to look after Morgan, and if you fall for another lucky woman, just remember to keep me in your heart. I adore you, my love, but I understand that the best thing I can do for you now is set you free. You deserve to be happy in this new world, and I don't want you to grieve. Keep that smile on your face! I would hate to see it disappear because of me.



Inigo's eyes blurred as he crumpled the note in his hands. Deep down, he knew why she couldn't tell him these things that morning. But, gods, if only she had! He would have stopped her! He would have…he would have…

A wave of panic rushed over him as he frantically uncrumpled the letter, folding it neatly before settling it in the pocket above his heart. He had almost just ruined the only thing Una left for him, all because he felt useless. There was nothing he could do now, nothing he could say. He wanted to tell her that she save him too. He wanted her to know that he loved her above all else! He…he wanted…

Everything crashed over him at once, finally shattering Inigo's resolve. He broke down into choked sobs the wracked his entire body. He wasn't going to give up on her. Naga said that there was still a chance that Una was alive, and he needed her to know that he felt the same way. He promised her that they'd spent the rest of their days together, and he wasn't going to let a damned dragon take that away from them.

He wiped his eyes, a newfound determination setting in.

He promised he was going to wait for her, and he was a man of his word. Shakily, he retrieved the engagement ring meant to sit on her finger and held it in front of him," I'm coming, Una. I promise."



Okay, so this chapter was tough to get through because I really didn't want to write Una dying. I added the flashback scene in today to tie in to the end (also, it will definitely come back up in the next part). Also, poor Lissa. I think it's canon (and if it's not, just generally accepted) that Lissa is one of the parents to live the longest. So having her have to break the news to all the future kids is tough. I also really wanted to draw a comparison between Lon'qu and Olivia's deaths from the future and Una's death in the new future, because Inigo really couldn't do anything about either. Boy, I am emotionally scarring our dancing boy, so buckle in everyone. Oh my god, that first scene between Inigo and Una was tough to write because it was their last scene together! They don't see each other during the rest of the chapter, which is just heartbreaking. I went a little more in detail for the Grima taking Una scene, but not too much. I think that scene is really well written in-game, so I left it mostly alone (this is not going to be the case for a lot of Fates, just a heads up). OH GODS, the scene where Chrom had to tell Inigo Una died was also THE WORST. And Morgan, oh my gosh. My poor baby just gained one parent and lost the other. I will say, he is going to be the one who believes in Una's return the most. I mean, how could he not? He wouldn't exist without her. And Finally, the letter scene. I really wanted Lissa to be the one to give it to him, because I feel like they could provide the most comfort to each other. They were also two of the only three that had suspicions about what was going to happen and unfortunately, couldn't do anything to stop it. The letter itself kind of explains my perspective on this story's course, and how Inigo really did change the future. Without Inigo, not much would have changed. He was the newest presence in Una's life, and just happened to make the deepest connection possible with her. He never gave up on her, and I think that was what ultimately saved her (Morgan too, but to a lesser extent). And with that, we're leaving Ylisse and heading to Nohr! Review time!

DavianThule19: Yay! It's been a long time in the making, and only took them six(ish) chapters to figure it out, but they finally made their connection! Haha yeah, their age gap is a little weird. I think Una's used to the idea of having kids around even though she's only eighteen, but Inigo is completely foreign to the concept. Just imagine how Lon'qu and Olivia are going to feel when they find out they have a grandchild who is only ten(ish) years younger than them? Thank you for your lovely review!

Alright, so the next part is either up or will be up shortly. I'm actually making this document the night before because I have a plane to catch at 4:00 in the morning and want to post these as time efficiently as possible. It is going to be called Wait for Me and will be taking place in the Fates Universe! I don't know if this affects anything, but the tags will be avatar X Laslow, which will be super weird since they're now from different games. I'm putting a short snippet below so you guys have a taste of what's coming!

One second, she was looking up at Chrom's face glowing in the summer sun. The next, she was facing a gray sky. Una groaned, her hand a lot heavier than she remembered as she dropped it onto her forehead. Was that all a dream?

The tactician shifted into a sitting position, taking in her new surroundings with a pinch of salt. Gone were the soft, summer winds, replaced with a dead weight hanging in the air. The grass surrounding her was crackled and dead, coated with specs of what looked like dust. The irony was that, if her surroundings had been as lively as the one in her dreams, they would have been identical.

Una's heart dropped when that realization sank in. Had Grima won? No, that was impossible! She watched her crumple right before her eyes, and then proceeded to disappear herself. It was more likely she was dead than living in an apocalyptic future.

Oh gods. Was she dead? Una used the decaying tree behind her to help get onto her feet, mind reeling and blank at the same time. The last thing she remembered was Chrom holding her in his arms until her vision faded to black. She had died, hadn't she? Una gingerly pinched her forearm, frowning when she felt a tinge of pain coincide with it. She had always assumed that the limitations of the human body didn't follow into the afterlife. Either she wasn't dead or this was some sort of cruel purgatory.


Una's eyebrows furrowed at the distant sound, immediately distracted from the matter at hand. Her fingers fluttered over her harness, pleased to find that a tome was still strapped on. It looks like my belongings died alongside me, she thought with a touch of chagrin. If only she had a Pegasus; she could reign justice in the afterlife.

The tactician's ears perked at the sound of hoofs stampeding in the distance. It wasn't long before the horse came into view with a young, blonde girl seated on top of it. She seemed to be running away from something, but as soon as she made eye contact with Una, she abruptly steered her horse towards her," I-I need help! Can you help me?"

Just a short bit! So Una's obviously not dead, but where is she and what's going on? You'll have to read to find out! Thank you all for sticking around, and I hope you join me in the next addition of this story! Your support has meant so much to me, and I love nothing more than reading your comments and feedback! It warms my heart to know you guys are just as interested in this story as I am. Thank you all for reading, and I hope to see you around the next story!
