The guild was filled with the hustle and bustle of the Harvest Festival that was happening later that evening, which meant that her entire family would all be in Magnolia for the first time since Fairy Tail had been put back on its feet after the defeat of Sydelle and Karadin over a year ago. It was crazy to think about how much had changed since then. There were many births and celebrations that happened between the two guilds, but her favorite memory had to be the hatching of the last egg. It was a week after the final battle, everyone had been healed and rested well because there were a lot of decisions to be made. Many couples were split between two guilds and each person had their own reasons for why they should be at their guild. Lucy had returned to her room after a fight with Cristoff about the announcement of the plans for the Heartfilia Konzern and the dragon slayers. He didn't think that having so many dragon and demon slayer families under one roof would be a good idea due to the differences in magic and personalities. Lucy wanted her tatsu close to her and well protected while others took missions, it wasn't like anyone had to worry about rent they just needed to pay their own bills and pitch in with maintenance. She ended up storming off and had yelled into a pillow for a while.

The soft glowing of the egg drew her attention though, walking up to its perch in the chair surrounded by blankets she placed her hand on it. The egg was ready to hatch but it wanted to find it's own family. Lucy had Virgo create her a backpack to haul the egg around and started with the slayer families, which made the most sense to her. The egg didn't even warm around any of them so she tried her mate's siblings, the same reaction as before so off she went to random Fairy Tail and White Sea mages. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Lucy was feeling disheartened by not being able to help the hatchling so she headed back to the estate to drown her worries in some of Mr. Elan's homemade cheesecake stuffed strawberries. She was on her fifth strawberry when the egg started to pulse and warm randomly, but there was no-one in the kitchen or at the estate as far as she knew. Everyone was at the guild, at the beach, or on a mission . . . everyone except her new Papa. Lucy hauled the egg to Arman's office, knocking on the door before entering where she was greeted with a warm smile.

"What can I help you with Lucy?" his warm voice had her smiling as the egg pulsed rapidly several times in excitement.

"Well Papa, it seems that the last egg would like to hatch," Lucy said with a sly smile on her pink lips.

"Do you need me to call Cristoff or Kaleb? Do we need to head to the mountains again?"

"Draco doesn't need to be here for this hatching. I don't need anyone else other than the two of us in this room." Lucy waited for her words to sink in watching as a look of disbelief crossed his face, then one of pure happiness. He had been feeling a bit lonely and restless lately, wanting to do more with his life. Not to say that his children and grandchildren weren't bringing joy to his life, and there was always willing partners for pleasure, but he'd been feeling a bit . . . empty he supposed. Every one of his children were growing up, starting families and relationships of their own, not needing him as much as they used too. Now there was a precious child that had chosen him to be the father, he was honored and excited. "Are you ready Arman?" Lucy saw him nod his head as she pumped magic into the egg, watching as it began to slowly crack. She pulled the pulled the pieces of shell off, bit by bit and handed it over to Virgo to store in the celestial world, no need for any greedy people to try to get their hands on the diamond hard shells.

Lucy pulled the tiny hatchling from within the shell, holding it so that it could tell her its name and the type of magic it possessed. It was the only form of communication she would receive until they were old enough to talk, walk, and behave like a regular child. "I would like to introduce you to Genevieve. She is three weeks old and her magic is plant manipulation, so I guess she'll be able to get help from Ayala when she's ready to train." Lucy handed her over to Arman who looked awed. Bright blue eyes gazed into her own and he was instantly in love.

"Hello my sweet girl. I'm going to be your new father." She blew bubbles at the older man who just laughed. "We have several mages incoming, Lucy." Cristoff, Kaleb, Vander, and Laxus all appeared in the spacious office with looks of worry.

"Are you both alright? We felt a huge amount of magic here from the guild," Kaleb asked as he looked from Lucy to his father, where his eyes fell on the small child in his arms.

"No need worry. The last egg decided she wanted to hatch now that she'd found her father," Lucy gestured to the Arman with a large smile on her face.

"Damn Dad," Vander said with a grin appearing on his face, "You'll be getting all the action now that you have a baby in your arms again." Cristoff smacked his younger brother over the head while smiling and shaking his head. "Congratulations Dad," the lunar slayer commented happily.

"Alright, all of you shoo," Lucy said as she made a sweeping motion with her hands. "Baby and father need to bond and Arman needs to do some shopping of his own now." She left with the other four men as Arman chuckled over how right she was. Cristoff had grabbed Lucy's hand and took her back to their room to finish their discussion from earlier, apologizing immediately for being an idiot. They sat and talked about how things would work and how the choice was still up to the slayers if they wanted to live there, all of which had agreed to her plan. They had made up in her favorite way too, with her riding them into orgasm bliss.

Mira decided to stay with Kaleb and help him run the guild and took over as the barmaid and cook, missing that part of her old life plus it gave her more flexibility when it came to raising Keira. Kaleb gave the woman anything she wanted, knowing how much she had given up by staying here when both her siblings were in Fairy Tail. Kaleb had promised with Mira a month after everyone went their separate ways and the adoption of Keira had been painless thanks to Arman's expertise. They were now a happy family of three running the largest guild in Earthland.

Farron and Freed had been amazing with Alto and Dorian, Freed opting to stay in Bosco with his new family. The Thunder Legion was officially over but their bonds of friendship were stronger than ever before. They all took turns visiting one another and with Farron marriage to Freed, the rune mage became Hisui's ambassador, meaning they were in Fiore once every two months. Farron was still on the road more often than not but Vander and Presca were always lurking nearby his brother, even with his elite team of Boscan Knights around on his diplomatic missions.

Vander and Cana had also decided to stay in Bosco where he was needed more here than she was in Fairy Tail. She joined White Sea and could often be seen helping Mira around the guild or taking missions with her newly formed team. Her father headed back to Fairy Tail but made a point to stop in every three months or so, whenever he finished a particularly nasty job. Yasmine had hit things off with Presca, finally bedding the energy mage to the amusement of his partner who had cracked endless jokes about how rusty his skills were. Mira, Yasmine, and Cana were known as the Wicked Trio due to Mira's demon side, Cana's ability to sexualize anything, and Yasmine's freakouts and accidentally locking people in barriers.

All of the dragon slayers ended up at the konzern, not that anyone was surprised. Well not until all the slayer babies started popping up within months of each other and Freed was summoned to reinforce the sound barriers around each household. Cobra and Kinana had twin boys along with Rogue and Lisanna while Emzadi and Laxus' twin boys made their arrival a couple months later. Natsu wasn't one to be outdone and his twin came a couple weeks after Laxus' had been born. Xally had given birth to twins as well, one of each gender. They'd found out they were both fire dragon slayers when they had set the fur on Laxus' coat on fire, much to the dismay of the lightning slayer who internally cringed.

Gray and Juvia also settled at the Konzern with Noelani, who had grown so much over the first year. Juvia was pregnant with their next child, both were hesitant about this pregnancy due to what had happened with their first. Wendy and Cristoff had eased their worries though and they would be expecting a healthy baby girl in two months time. Beck and Wendy had mated once the first night they had arrived at the Heartfilia mansion, deciding to wait until they had privacy and Wendy having the confidence do want it. For the month they remained in Bosco they had taken their time to explore each other's bodies to their heart's desire. Wendy still turned red whenever her sex life was the center of attention but Beck always managed to laugh it off and bring her in for a toe-curling kiss to ease her worries.

Gajeel and Levy's twins had hit the terrible two's with a vengeance, neither willing to listen unless Auntie Lucy laid down the law by pulling out her Queen title and growling at the boys. They were also incredibly talkative and had spilled the beans about Levy being pregnant again, a single girl this time and was due around the same time that Juvia was. Sting and Yukino had birthed another set of twin boys a month earlier, with Yukino threatening to castrate her mate if she ended up pregnant before she was ready. Four dragon slayer children under the age of two made for an extremely busy household, but Sting had asked Rufus, Orga, and Minerva to live at the Konzern to help plus they could take jobs as a team again. The Sabers were a welcome addition to the Tatsu, Mira planning some matchmaking schemes when she had last visited.

Erza and Jellal were pregnant with their second child, both opting be surprised with the gender once it was born. The growing family stayed in Fairy Tail but Jellal often went to Bosco when Kaleb called him, needing another light wielding mage. Ayala and Erza had become fast friends. Ayala wanted to see more of the world and so the two of them headed back to Fairy Tail where she became a new member. They were currently planning their Firorian wedding while residing in Bickslow's house. Zen had joined Fairy Tail as well, looking for new experiences and different missions while being close to Bickslow and Cristoff. He had been caught sneaking glances at Minerva the last time he'd come for supper at the Konzern.

The Harvest Festival would encompass the entire week and Lucy had been ready getting the extra rooms at the mansion ready for their guests. Her family in White Sea and Fairy Tail would all be under one roof for the week so she had Virgo and Aries helping her get everything ready. Lucy had called some of the old staff to help everything go over smoothly, which resulted in them being hired fulltime by Cristoff. Lucy was a month away from giving birth to their twin girls so her mate had put his foot down about how much she could do from there on out. Now she watching from the balcony as her family started greeting one another, rubbing her hand on her protruding belly. Smiling what Cristoff kissed her bare shoulder, his hands joining her on her stomach to feel their girls kick. Lucy couldn't have been happier with life, even it had taken some time to get here. She wouldn't trade it for all the stars int he sky.

This brings us to the end of Alpha Keys! Thanks to everyone who stuck it out with me for my first fanfic, because I know it wasn't the smoothest running story for the first 10ish chapters. I am happy with where it has gone and the journey you've all taken with me to get there. When Lightning Strikes is the current story I am working on, plus Thunder Lucy Week starts on my birthday - October 24th - super pumped for that! I am co-writing Born of Two Lights with GoddessxNyte2 am we will hopefully have chapter 6 up soon. Pradesh Week 2.0 will be coming around Christmas, plus I have 2 other stories I'm developing as we speak that'll start in January 2019! Whoop Whoop!