Time Error 2

Hello, everybody! Rockgod is back again!

OK, so there's probably a bunch of things you all are wondering. First off, what the hell have I been doing? Why have I not updated my previous story in for-fucking-ever? And isn't this GameQ's story instead of mine? Well, I will provide a few answers for you.

First of all, yes, this is not my story. This is GameQ's. GameQ removed this story from because he no longer thinks of himself as a good writer and is kind of embarrassed to say that he wrote this story. Frankly, I kind understand where he's coming from. I looked back on some of my own stories recently, and I really cringed at what I saw and what made it worse was the fact that it was my own story.

Regardless, he has allowed me to post this story back on the website solely for archival purposes.

However, don't get too sad just yet. GameQ is considering doing a rewrite of this story and posting the new version on this website sometime in the future.

Now, you may be wondering, what about my story? Well…Just wait until the end of this chapter, and I will give an answer to that.


Chapter 1: Friends from the past

Tracer was running down the halls of the base, she was running straight for Winston's room as she could no longer wait for the device to be finished, she blinked towards his room to get the faster. Once she arrived to the door she did not even bother to knock opening the door forcibly and running inside. Inside the room was Winston and the other Overwatch agents, Winston currently working on the new and improved TTPB. Tracer blinked beside Winston and looked over his shoulder to see if the device was ready.

Tracer: Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet?

Winston rolled his eyes and chuckled, this was the 10th time Tracer left and came back, and she was only gone for 3 minutes.

Winston: No, no, and no.

Tracer: How about now?

Winston: No Lena.

Tracer: Augh! This waiting is killing me! I thought you said it was gonna take like 30 minutes? Not like 3 hours!

Winston: I did say that it would take like 30 minutes, yet it hasn't even past 15 minutes.

Tracer: Wait what?

Symmetra laughed before explaining to her.

Symmetra: Tracer, you have been blinking in and out of this room for the past 10 minutes.

Mercy: And each time you do come in you would interrogate poor Winston, right Winston?

Winston: It never ends…

The Overwatch agents laughed as Tracer began to blush, she let out an embarrassed chuckle before taking a seat next to Symmetra.

Tracer: Sorry Winston, didn't mean to bother you.

Winston: Nothing to be sorry about Lena, it is understandable on how you are excited.

It had been 5 years since Engie, Scout, and Bell left. And in those 5 years many events have happened, the Overwatch agents did many missions together, and soon enough the people of the world have welcomed the Overwatch agents back. The authorities have removed the law stating Overwatch activities to be illegal, and ever since then Overwatch agents fought alongside with reinforcements to clear what was left of Talon. But what also happened during those years was Winston working on the TTPB, after Athena told him the scanning of the TTPB was complete Winston was completely shocked, that and he was choking on a banana, of course getting a heimlich maneuver from Reinhardt helped.

Later on Winston told Tracer and Symmetra about the TTPB that was left behind, both were shocked but then excited when Winston said that he could fix the device and make another one, they have been waiting eagerly until the device was done, and today was the day it would finally be finished. But still Tracer was getting impatient, the waiting was killing her, and as for Symmetra she waits calmly on her seat.

Tracer: How are you doing that? Your making it look easy.

Symmetra: Doing what?

Tracer: Just sitting there waiting? Ugh I wish I could do that.

Tracer said before deflating herself on the chair, Symmetra just giggled.

Symmetra: Tracer I have been waiting 5 years without breaking, I'm not gonna break at the last day.

Tracer: Whatever, Winston how much longer?

Winston: I'd say 4 minutes.

Symmetra: 4 MINUTES!? HURRY THE F-I mean…ok continue.

Everyone in the room was now looking at Symmetra with wide eyes, Winston turned to look at Symmetra with a raised eyebrow.

Winston: Uhh Symmetra, are you ok?

Symmetra: I'm…fine, just please continue what you were doing.

Symmetra said with a fake smile, but Winston saw her eye twitching and decided to not ask her any more questions as he has the feeling he really should hurry up. Even though Symmetra says she is fine, she is actually tormented as well by the waiting, so Tracer ain't the only one who is dying right now. After a couple of minutes or so, the TTPBs were finally ready.

Winston: Alright, it is done.

Tracer was already next Winston, Symmetra walked fast towards Winston. Winston held out two TTPBs in front of Tracer and Symmetra.

Winston: These are the devices you are gonna use to travel with, based on the same design from Engineer but with a little more tweaks to it, so it shouldn't really explode or breakdown in the first teleport.

Symmetra and Tracer grabbed the devices and put them on, Tracer let out a cheer before hugging Winston tightly.

Tracer: Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

Winston: It's nothing really, but I do apologize for taking so long, it's just that the original design were based off on resources that were hard to get and-

Symmetra: We understand Winston, right now we are just happy that we finally get to see Engineer and Scout again.

Tracer: Oh wait! When are you guys coming?

Winston: Lena, you know the other time device I'm working on isn't safe yet, besides I made these devices for you and Symmetra to go there by yourselves.

Tracer: But Engie and Scout may also want to see you guys too.

Pharah: Tracer, we can't just all leave, we have the world to look after.

Tracer: But nothing has happened in awhile.

Mercy: So nothing has happened, but it is our job to keep watch anyway.

Tracer: Oh come on Mercy, from what I remember Engie said he has a medic over there who has the same type of invention for healing. You could probably learn more from the one who has made the very first healing device!

This statement silenced Mercy as she was now tempted to go, learning from a Medic in the past does sound interesting.

Winston: Wait, what other classes does he have with him?

Symmetra: I'm pretty sure he said a soldier, but I think he may have also said sniper.

Amelie: A sniper?

Amelie, which was before known as Widowmaker, was leaning against the wall when she questioned Symmetra. Her appearance has changed greatly when Mercy recovered her after Scout's attack, it was practically a miracle for Mercy to still be able to revive Amelie after such a long period time of death, after she was revived Mercy was able to turn Amelie back to normal, with some help from Winston of course. But Amelie still had her deadly skills for killing, reason why no one is ever comfortable around her. Amelie walked over to Symmetra and questioned her once again.

Amelie: Did this so called Engie have a sniper where he is?

Symmetra: Umm well, he did say that, Engie said that his sniper is very good.

Amelie raised an eyebrow with interest.

"A skilled sniper from the past? I wonder what would happen If I meet him." Amelie thought to herself.

Tracer: So could you guys come please!

Winston: I'll think about it, but having us all go is very risky.

Tracer: *sigh* well at least your thinking about it.

Winston: Well anyways what are you two waiting for? Shouldn't you two get going?

Tracer: But shouldn't we put in the coordinates?

Winston: That's already done, when Athena scanned the device she has also scanned its locations, but all that is missing is the year, month and day.

Tracer: Hmm the year…I actually cannot remember.

Symmetra: I believe it was 1980.

Tracer: Are you sure? I'd rather not teleport in a year that doesn't have a good history.

Symmetra: I think it is the right year.

Tracer: You think or you know?

Symmetra: I think, but mind as well give it a go.

Symmetra began to type in the year, month, and day, Tracer put in the same date Symmetra put.

Winston: One more thing I should say, the device has to cool down so I wouldn't recommend using the device for awhile.

Symmetra: How long?

Winston: Oh I'd say like a week or so.

Symmetra and Tracer: A week!?

Winston: I know I know, it may take awhile for you to get back home b-

Tracer: That's great! That means we get to spend lots of time with Engie and Scout!

Symmetra: Not that I'm ungrateful for this amount of time with Engie but why does the device need such a long cool down?

Winston: Well this device is small, it can only handle so much power, so you can't use it multiple times.

Symmetra: Oh ok.

Winston: Everyone get back, stay clear.

Everyone in the room backed away from Tracer and Symmetra.

Tracer: See ya loves!

Symmetra: Bye.

Tracer and Symmetra then pressed the launch button, then suddenly disappeared in a flash of light. Winston's eyes widened from amazement.

Winston: Well I guess my devices worked.

Pharah: Every time I see something like this it never fails to amaze me.

Mei: You and me both Pharah.

Mercy: Winston, are we gonna go to 1980 as well?

Winston: It just depends, I will need to do more research about this job Engie and Scout work at.

Soldier 76: What if they are in the wrong year Winston?

Reinhardt: What will happen if they teleport in a year where there was nothing but war?

Winston: Tracer and Symmetra can take care of themselves very well, plus I don't remember exactly where Scout and Engineer are from but I'm certain that it is somewhere around 1980, so they can't be that far off.


It was 6 o'clock in the afternoon and the sun was getting low, outside the base on the porch stood Engineer alone, as it was his turn to keep watch for the night. It wasn't necessary for him to start so early but he thought it would be for the best if he did, even though his legs been aching ever since the last wave he and the red mercenaries fought. And yes, they are in war with the robots, also known as the Mann vs Machine years.

It all started in 1971, there were rumors spreading around talking about these huge tank machines appearing outside of the battle areas, the mercenaries have spoken to the Administrator about these sights yet the Administrator had already acknowledged them but didn't make any actions towards these huge blue tanks. The Red team had suspicions that the Blue team were responsible for these tanks but the Blue team has stated they had nothing to do with them, still the Red team kept their suspicions. After a couple of months those huge blue tanks were gone, nobody has ever seen them again, everything went back to normal for awhile until something unexpected happened.

In 1972 the Blue base was completely destroyed by these mysterious robots, killing the whole Blue team in the process, the Blue team were caught off guard and the respawn machine was deactivated which explained their annihilation, and that's where the war begun. The Administrator informed the Red team to pack their things to move to a different place where they will hold up to defend, it turns out the robots have captured many of the factories that once were Mann Co and now it was the Red team's job alone to reclaim them, and they have been fighting the robot's ever since.

During the midst of the war the mercenaries realized that the robots have the same type of skills the Red team had, the Red team questioned the Administrator about this and she explained that these robots were designed by Gray Mann as an effort to claim some of the land for himself. Engineer assumed the blue tanks outside of the battle field were scanning them as they fought one another.

But throughout those entire 8 years of war, Engineer still remembers the one women he loves, Symmetra. He looked up at the sky, the sky looking dark blue while the horizon over the many trees looked whitish blue, this was the reason why he chooses to do his watch early, it reminded him of her. The bark on the trees reminded him of her skin, the light blue color in the horizon reminded him of her clothes, and the stars that now appeared reminded him of her bright smile. As Engineer continued to look up at the sky he was unaware of Scout walking behind him.

Scout: Your still thinking of her aren't you?

Scout now stood next to Engie as he too looked up to the sky.

Engineer: Yeah…I really miss her.

Scout: Well you ain't the only one missing a girl from the future, I miss Tracer.

Engineer: Hehe, kinda is weird that we are in love with girls in the future yet we ain't even suppose to meet them.

Scout: Yeah well you stupid time device thing is the reason we met them, and now here we are, literally 12 years have passed since we met them and we are just dying to see them one last time, it's because of you we suffer!

Engineer: Hehe, but it was worth seeing them right?

Scout: Hell yea!

Engineer shook his head as he laughed, Scout laughed with him, then their laughing stopped and there was only silence before Engineer spoke up.

Engineer: What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be doing whatever at the base?

Scout: Oh, being ungrateful for me to accompany you here huh?

Engineer: Well it was more quite out here till you came along.

Scout: Ok you know what? Screw you chucklenuts I'm outta here.

Engineer: Scout learn to take a joke.

Scout: That wasn't even a joke! Neither was it funny!

Engineer: Alright I'm sorry.

Scout: Whatever.

Engineer: Scout could ya do me a favor?

Scout: If it's about lifting those tool boxes filled with level 3 sentries you might wanna ask Heavy that, those things are heavy dude how do you even lift them up?

Engineer: Well after years of lifting level 1 and 2 teleporters, dispencers, sentries, you gain a lot more strength to lift a level 3 sentry. But that's not what I was gonna ask.

Scout: What is it then?

Engineer: You mind keeping watch for me for a bit? I need to do a few things in my workshop.

Scout: Well I don't know Engie, I got a busy schedule to just stare at a wall for the whole day.

Engineer rolled his eyes as he started walking towards the base.

Scout: But I guess I could squeeze this in my schedule.

Engineer: Gee thanks.

Engineer said plainly, Scout chuckled as he sat himself on the porch and began to watch, but Scout then noticed a bright flash of light appearing in the forest, this caught Scout's interest in what it was. They haven't gotten any action for days, usually the robots would attack weekly so Scout suspected this to be one of them sniperbots roaming the area. He grinned before taking out his scattergun, normally he would go alone but last time he was told to take someone with him, since Engie was busy he decided to ask Spy through the radio.

Scout: You rattlesnake.

"What is it Scout?" Spy said through the radio.

Scout: I got a sighting of something shiny in the distance, I think we should check it out.

"No." Spy said, but then Soldier spoke up in the radio.

"You will go with Scout you sad excuse of a maggot! Or else I will strangle you with your own training bra!"

"Ugh fine."

Scout held in his laugh after what he heard from the radio, minutes later Spy uncloaked next to him, startling Scout a bit.

Spy: Where did you see it?

Scout: Somewhere near that rocky hill, it could be one of them sniperbots.

Spy: Highly doubt it, our Sniper has not spotted any from where he camps.

Scout: Well it has to be something over there cause that light was pretty bright.

Spy: Let's just get this over with, I don't have all day.

Scout and Spy began to run towards the sight.

*Symmetra and Tracer*

Symmetra and Tracer teleported successfully in 1980 and the first thing they noticed about the environment they were was that it had lots of trees, there were some rocky hills and just lots of trees.

Tracer: Ehh this place foresty.

Symmetra: I can assume we are in a forest too.

Tracer: Dang it Winston! I don't believe you put in the right coordinates.

Symmetra: Maybe his coordinates were a bit off, let's just try to walk around and see if there are any buildings nearby.

Tracer: Alrighty then.

They began to walk in the forest, not knowing if they are walking deeper or outer of the forest, but as they continued to walk Tracer heard something and stopped Symmetra.

Tracer: Hey…did you hear that?

Symmetra: Hear what?

Tracer: Listen closely.

Both agents kept quiet and ears sharp to hear anything, sure enough they heard some quick footsteps and a couple snaps of twigs, they were not alone.

Tracer: *whisper* I gotta feeling we being watched love.

Tracer said as she looked around in the trees, Symmetra also looked around and thought she saw a figure turn invisible.

Symmetra: *whisper* Did you see that?

Tracer: *whisper* See what?

Symmetra: *whisper* Nevermind.

Tracer then spotted a fast movement in the branches.

Tracer: *whisper* I saw something moving in the trees, we should get our weapons out before they att-


Suddenly someone jumped out of the trees, releasing his battle cry as he shot at Tracer, Tracer easily dodged the bullets by blinking away, she then took out her Pulse pistols and aimed them at the attacker, Symmetra aimed her Photon Projector at him too.

Tracer: I don't know who you are but you best think twice before attacking us!

Symmetra: Either drop your weapons or you will be killed!

Both agents warned the attacker, but the attacker just stood there frozen, his arms hanging down with his weapon hanging only by a finger, Tracer and Symmetra took the time to analyze him. He wore plain black brownish looking pants, a red and yellow jacket that had two straps going across the chest, had a hat with goggles on top of it and a red eye piece that covered his left eye, and some sorta backpack. But what they didn't know was that they were starring at their old friend Scout.

Scout: Tracer?...Symmetra?

Tracer's eyes widened as she remembered that voice from anywhere, Symmetra gasped as she realized who they were aiming their weapons at. Scout suddenly dropped his weapon and raised his hands up before shouting.

Scout: Spy don't shoot! Don't shoot!

Tracer and Symmetra turned around to see a masked man with only his eyes and mouth shown aiming his revolvers at both Tracer and Symmetra. Spy looked at Scout quizzically.

Spy: What?

Spy was not so lucky as he was harshly kicked in the face by Tracer.

Spy: FACK!

Spy screamed as he held his now broken nose, Symmetra finished him off with his revolver, one shot to the head. Tracer blinked towards Scout as he ran towards her, once they met Tracer tackled Scout to the ground, Tracer was now on top of Scout hugging him tightly with tears of joy sliding down her cheek, Scout returned the hug gladly as he kissed her in the forehead, it was a dream come true. Tracer's eyes then met his eyes before she kissed him in the lips, as they were doing that Symmetra walked over to them and rolled her eyes.

Symmetra: I would make a proper hello to you Scout but It looks like you and Tracer are busy.

Tracer pulled away from Scout and held his head against her accelerator protectively before glaring at Symmetra.

Tracer: You can wait your turn Satya! I've been waiting years to do this!

Scout felt a little awkward in the position he was in and pried Tracer's hands off of his head before getting up. He chuckled a bit before looking at Symmetra.

Scout: It's good to see you too Symmetra, but you look different, both of you do!

Symmetra: Is that the reason why you attacked us? You didn't recognize us?

Scout: Of course I didn't! But looks like you girls didn't recognize me either.

Tracer: Well the last time I saw Scout he wore something totally different then what he is wearing now, you look good.

Scout: Same to you, you look…sporty, I like it.

Tracer wore green goggles and had a black leather jacket on with her accelerator on top, she also wore black tight pants with a green writing of the name "Tracer" on it. When Scout looked at Symmetra he thought she looked like some sorta engineer and scientist from the lab coat she wore, her hair style was different too, she also wore long grey and white pants.

Tracer: Thank you Scout.

Tracer gave him a peck on the cheek.

Symmetra: But how did you recognize us?

Scout: Well when Tracer blinked, plus from your voices.

Tracer: Wait, someone is missing here, where is Engie?

Symmetra immediately was excited by the mention of his name, if Scout was he so should he be.

Symmerta: Where is Engineer?

Scout: Back at my base but I gotta say, me and Engie got a lot of explaining to do when we get there.

Tracer: Why?

Scout: Well that guy you killed minutes ago was actually one of mine so uhh…yeah.

Scout said as he scratched the back of his head, Tracer panicked and Symmetra slapped herself for not thinking twice before pulling the trigger.

Tracer: Oh my gosh we didn't know!

Symmetra: There has to be a way to bring him back!

Scout: No ladies it's alright, he'll be back…sadly, he currently is going through the respawn time.

Symmetra: Respawn time?

Scout: I'd rather not discuss it as it is boring crap yet scary crap too.

Scout looked up to the sky and saw it was getting late, the forest was getting darker.

Scout: We best get going, wild things happen at night in a forest like this.

The Overwatch agents agreed and began to follow Scout, Tracer holding his hand as Symmetra walked beside him. Soon enough they arrived at the base, it wasn't a big base but it wasn't a small base either. As they were getting closer to the entrance Scout slowed down a bit.

Scout: Stay behind me, I'll explain to them.

Tracer and Symmetra nodded before getting behind him, sure enough the entrance opened with 7 mercenaries holding their weapons. Symmetra spotted the one she killed earlier aiming his revolver at her, his face said he was pissed, but she did not find Engineer anywhere.

Soldier: Who are those two ladies behind you Scout!? And why did they kill our frenchy and not kill you!?

Scout: Soldier, guys I can explain, just please don't shoot them.

Spy: Well go on then, explain.

Sniper: And it better be a good explanation cause I had to drive from my camp site all the way back here because of this.

Scout: I'm gonna need Engineer.

Soldier: Why do you need that maggot?!

Symmetra frowned when this person called Engineer a maggot, Tracer didn't like him either.

Scout: I need him because he is part of this too, plus he will explain much better than me.

Soldier growled before agreeing with Scout.

Soldier: Fine! But I expect a good explanation from you and Engie!

Scout: Whatever.

Scout said casually before motioning Symmetra and Tracer to follow him, as Tracer and Symmetra followed Scout Symmetra looked back at the mercenaries. One of them had a black helmet with 3 stars on it, the other looked a medic due to the red cross on his uniform, there was a man drinking while holding what looks like some sorta grenade launcher, then there was a large man eating a sandwich, a man wearing a white hat and a sniper rifle strapped around his shoulder, she also saw a strange looking figure who wore a fireproof suit and had a black mask, the figure tilted its head at Symmetra which sent chills down her spine, she immediately looked away. They continued to walk down the hallway until Scout took a turn, they then faced a door.

Scout: Welp here we are.

Symmetra frantically looked at herself and fixed her hair making sure to look pretty, Tracer giggled while Scout grinned while shaking his head.

Scout: Don't worry Symmetra, your gonna blow him away.

Scout then knocked on the door, at first there was nothing but silence until they heard some crashing noises, followed by a "DAMMIT!" Scout opened the door slowly to reveal Engineer as he struggled to pick up some fallen metal objects, Symmetra's eyes widened and her breath was taken away. Engineer was picking up the metal parts and putting them back on the shelf until one of the metal objects fell off again and hit his construction hat, even though his head was protected he still felt the hard impact and began to rub his head.

Engineer: Dag nabbit dug it!

Scout: Woah Engie, you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Engineer: Shut it Scout!

Engineer yelled but didn't look Scout's way, Symmetra started walking towards him.

Engineer: Aren't you suppose to be keeping watch? And what happened to Spy? How did he get killed?

Scout: Maybe you can ask the person who is now right behind you.

Scout said with a chuckle, Engineer rolled his eyes.

Engineer: I ain't in the mood for you to be messing with me Scout, can't you see I'm busy?

Engineer said as he reached down to grab the metal object from the floor but as he did he saw some futuristic looking heels. His eyes furrowed as he stood up again, he placed the object back on the shelf before slowly turning around. His eyes then landed on Symmetra, he gasped when he recognized her almost immediately. He took off his goggles to see her clearly, to see if he wasn't just seeing things, but here she was right in front of him.

Symmetra: Dell…

Engineer: Satya…

To be continued…


Rockgod again.

If you felt sad over seeing this fanfiction removed from this site, then I hope seeing this has helped make you feel better.

Now, the big question: What about me?

Well, I said at the beginning of this story that like GameQ, I've started to doubt my own abilities as a writer. I saw an early draft that I wrote for the next chapter for my own story, Meet the New Life, and I didn't like it. I thought it was going in a direction that I didn't like. I sometimes feel like I need to do a rewrite of my own story sometimes.

Part of the reason why I originally wrote a depressing story about Scout and Tracer (Don't You Dare Clock Out Early) was because I was feeling very depressed at the time, which I have mostly recovered from. Now, even though the next story was much more comedic, I don't feel like it was well-written.

Now, that being said, I'm not going to quit writing that story. I just feel like I need to spend some more time thinking about what Meet the New Life will be about before I resume writing it. But I promise another chapter will come, I just can't say when now.

Now, here's another thing you might like to hear: Both GameQ and myself are willing to speak about our stories or anything else for that matter. If you wish to speak to either of us, you may contact us by friending us on Steam. GameQ's Steam name is the same as it was here on and my name there is simply Rockgod. Our profile pictures are the same as they are (or were) here.

We strongly prefer that you communicate with us through Steam rather than Fanfiction's IM or anything else for that matter. Not only can you communicate with us, but you can also play games with us as well. Both he and I play Team Fortress 2 regularly and we're willing to play a round with anyone, provided that it's within a time we can play.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for really anything at all.

In the meantime, Rockgod out.
