AN: Hey, so here's the next chapter. It's only been almost a year, right? Oops. I'll definitely be getting back on board with this fix though.

Disclaimer: I don't own Castle.

It's been a while since the store has had a signing, but Kate remembers the process well. Her mother dealt with various types of authors, ranging in personality from sweet and shy to demanding and uncouth. Richard Castle is in the middle somewhat, from what she can discern. His agent on the other hand…

"Are you sure you'll get enough people?" Paula demands, sitting across from Kate. Rick is next to her, wearing a half apologetic expression. "This place is not even half the size of Barnes and Noble!"

"Paula, I believe that Kate and Lanie can handle a large crowd. The store has plenty of space," Rick huffs for what seems like the twentieth time. His agent, despite meaning well, probably, criticized the store as soon as she walked in, from the furniture to the products. Kate knows damn well it's because the woman is still annoyed at Rick for changing the venue for his signing at the last minute.

"Look, Ms. Haas, I understand your concern, but we will have no trouble handling this signing. I assure you that everything will go smoothly." Kate keeps her tone firm, but professional. She is so not going to have someone criticize hers, as well her late mother's, store. "Everything will be put in place and the contract will be fulfilled, so unless you have any …relevant comments, I believe we're set here."

Paula gives a curt nod. "Right. Well, then next Saturday, starting at 2 o'clock and the event is to last until 6. People will pay for the book before getting it signed."

"Right then." Kate stands, holding her hand out for Paula to shake. The woman returns the gesture before departing, leaving Rick behind.

"Sorry about her," the author mutters.

Kate smirks, but shrugs. "It's alright, I know she's only trying to protect her client." But she still isn't fond of the woman.

"Mmm hmm," Rick hums glancing around. "I, on the other hand, love the place and look forward to doing the signing here." Turning his eyes to her, he grins. "Speaking of, Alexis adores the book from here. She thinks the illustrations look beautiful."

Ah, yes, the Little Women book. "My mother had someone give that to her. I thought another little girl might like it."

"Where did you get all these books? I know most of the contemporary ones, but the older ones, they're almost antiques."

Kate smiles, picturing her mother's delight as the matriarch brought home books that her friends and co workers found in their attics, basements, and such, telling her mother to sell them in the shop to pass along for someone else to read, enjoy, and create memories from. Johanna loved the idea of sharing stories. "Mom got friends and co workers to give her their old books. She loved the idea of spreading her love of reading. Thankfully, she and her friends had plenty to share." Kate looks around, sighing. "After she died, I kept getting books, but business started to slow and well…" She gestures hopelessly to the shelves upon shelves of books.

"I hope the signing does help you. But I mean, who could resist my ruggedly handsome mug?" He chuckles as she just rolls her eyes.

"It's my last resort," she teases. Gazing at him, she says, " But seriously, thank you for thinking of me. And also thanks to Alexis. Is she coming Saturday?"

Rick nods. "Yep. She begged me to let her come with me. Usually, she wants to stay home because she gets so bored at all my events."

"What does she do when she's at your signings?" Alexis is six, so there's no way she's interested in whatever her father does.

"She colors, reads in the kid's section, if there is one." Shrugging, his lips purse. "She stays home most of the time now. Which means you really rate in her book since she actually wants to come."

"Good to know." Kate sighs, seeing that it's growing late, the sun slowly setting against the buildings. "Time to officially close up shop for the night. I would say I need to clean up, but well, obviously not."

Rick frowns, pursing his lips again.

"You want to take a walk around the park?" he asks.

The invitation catches her off guard. "Huh?"

"Take a walk in the park. It's a nice night," he reiterates, tossing her an easy smile.

"Uh, sure, just let me close up."

She closes up shop quickly, ensuring everything is secure before heading out. Rick waits for her on the sidewalk, eyes crinkling when she approaches.

She tries to tell herself it's not a date.

They walk around the park, stopping at a cart for a quick dinner. Kate insists on paying, of course. He lets her have this one, hoping there'll be a next time.

"So," he starts, taking a bite of his hot dog."How long have you owned the shop?" She seems to be a good ten years his junior. Her eyebrows crease, her expression turning solemn. Crap, that was not his intention. "You don't have to answer that."

"No, it's fine," she murmurs, sticking her hands in her pocket, her hot dog already finished. "I took over once she became ill. Dad was at home taking care of her until she died. The brain tumor took her fast and basically made her a shell of her former self." He wants to say he's sorry, but knows the words wouldn't be sufficient. "I officially became the owner once she died."

"And your dad?"

She's quiet for a moment. "I haven't spoken to him in years. He took Mom's death hard. I told him to call me once he sobered up. Haven't heard from him since." Her eyes are on the verge of tears and his heart breaks.

"I'm so sorry, Kate." He shakes his head. "I had wanted to cheer you up, not make you cry."

"No, it's fine. I needed this." Sighing, she looks at him. "I promise I'm not normally a crier, but I guess just everything is coming down on me and I feel like I'll lose the last viable piece of my mom."

Without thinking, he pulls her into a hug, his chin resting a top of her head. He can't help but think how nicely they fit together. They stay like that for a moment before she steps back.

"Thank you," she says, offering him a soft smile. "I should head home. See you next Saturday?"

He plans on seeing her much earlier. "Maybe before then."

"Testing your luck?" She smirks, raising an eyebrow.

"Perhaps," he answers vaguely. "Would I be pushing it if I asked you to dinner at my loft? Get to know my family in our natural habitat before the big event?" He's sure his mother will love Kate, but it's as good excuse as any.

"Sure, why not?" She grins. "How about this Friday?"

"Friday is perfect." He restrains himself from doing a jig. "See you Friday, then?"

"See you Friday." She winks before turning and walking out of the park.

He shamelessly stares after her, feeling a dopey grin form on his face.

He really can't wait for Friday.

When Kate enters her apartment, she heads into her bedroom to change, her stomach still full from her small meal in the park. As she changes into loungewear, she glances at the picture on her nightstand. It's once with her mother, her father, and her at a restaurant, posing together. She turns her head away, the image tempting her to call her father. She wants to, really. He would laugh at the fact that her and her mother's favorite author is doing a signing at the store. Having Richard Castle do an event at the shop had always been a joke from her mother, her father always rolling his eyes at her fantasy. But now? Now it's actually happening.

"You would love him, Mom," she murmurs, looking at her mother's face. She's sure the author and her mother would get along swimmingly.

But still, she finds herself extremely disappointed that she can't share her excitement with the one person who would understand.

She tries not to dwell on it much longer as she settles down to read Rick's latest book. She had procured the book once all the other copies had come in. She almost wants to ask Rick to sign it, but decides against it for the moment. She could always sneak it in during the event on Saturday, she muses.

Or bring it on Friday. No, that would be tacky.

Chuckling to herself, she cracks open the book, and gets lost in the world of crime, thrills, and satisfying endings..