Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous in any shape or form, Nor do i take full credit for this story. I worked on this with another through a rp site. enjoy.

Marinette walked off her airplane into the Paris international airport, she'd spent the last 5 years of her life in America studying fashion and design, she'd had a little trouble over there with a 'gift' she'd received from her former boyfriend Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste before she left, little feet trotted behind her speaking fluent French as she looked around the airport in amazement, the 4 nearly 5 year old little girl couldn't keep in her excitement as she walked along the halls of the French airport, Marinette smiled at her daughter and pulled her daughter along to meet up with her parents who had yet to meet their granddaughter who bore the same sunshine blonde hair and tan skin of her father and the bluebell eyes and freckles of her mother, although, the little girls father had no clue of her existence. Once in the back seat of her parents car Marinette formally introduced her parents to the little girl she had named Emma and they couldn't be happier with their granddaughter and her adorableness. They dropped Marinette and Emma at a cafe so that Marinette could see her friends again which didn't take long as Alya sprinted out 2 tall men walking behind none having noticed the child at Marinette feet yet.

"Marinette!" Alya yelled running to her best friend and nearly knocked her down.

Marinette smiled seeing her best friend and hugged her tightly not without making sure Emma didn't fall and hurt herself. "Hey Alya! It's been forever." Emma looked up at her mother and aunt curiously, she hadn't ever seen her aunt Alya so this was different for her.

"So who is this cutie?" Alya asked noticing the little girl as the two guys walked up to them, but Marinette didn't answer because of the other blonde standing there staring at her.

Marinette smiled at him and waved at him a little. "Hey Adrien." She mumbled then looked down at Emma who was staring at all the people that had approached her and her mother. Marinette shook her head and looked down at Emma and Alya. "Alya, that's Emma, you've heard her babble in the background of like every single one of our calls from when she was a newborn to Yesterday." The blunette laughed a little and the little blonde girls eyes widened recognizing her aunt Alya's name and a wide smile spreading on her face. "Aunty Alya!" The little blonde hugged her aunt with the wide smile remaining on her face.

Adrien stared at the little girl that was hugging Alya. There was absolutely not possible way that she was...was there? He and Marinette kind of broke off their relationship when she went over seas to study fashion and design, so maybe it was someone else's child. But if that was the case then where was the father. "Hey Marinette." he said finally "How have you been?"

Marinette looked up quickly making eye contact with Adrien and giving him a small smile. "Hey Adrien, I've been busy, how have you been?" She hadn't called Adrien since she found out she was pregnant, she had wanted to stay good friends with him over the time she was overseas but, with the pregnancy she would probably have broken down if she called him, she would have begged him to come to the United States cause she couldn't raise their child on her own, sure she would send and answer texts to and from him at times but they were usually spread out across months, she was busy with schoolwork and their baby so she didn't have much free time on her hands.

"I've been fine." he lied and she could tell. he was hurting. "Anyway I have to go. father wanted me to go on a shoot. last minute thing. later guys." he said quickly and he walked away

Marinette sighed and looked at Alya with a guilty look and then looked at Emma. "Mommy what's wrong?" Emma asked and hugged her mother's leg trying to comfort her.

"Marinette you go talk to him." Alya told her. "Nino and I will watch Emma."

Marinette nodded and ran grabbing his wrist quickly thinking it was the best way to stop him. "Adrien. If your thinking I moved on, I didn't, I have only ever slept with one person, well slept in the way to make a child, and that was you, I've felt guilty hiding it from you, I was just scared that you'd moved on, that Emma wouldn't matter to you if I told you." She looked at the ground the hand that wasn't holding his wrist was clenched so hard that her knuckles were white and she had tears welling in her eyes.

Adrien listened as she told him everything and he sighed. "M'Lady I can't believe you would think that. Didn't I prove to you over and over that I loved you and only you?"

She looked up at Adrien and she clenched her fist tighter letting the tears fall. "A-Adrien...I'm sorry...I understand if you're mad at me, but I want you in her life, she's waited so long to meet you, her birthday wish was always to meet you..." She felt extremely guilty because Adrien had proved his love to her on multiple occasions yet she doubted that he would want a family with her.

Adrien sighed then he looked at Marinette. "I'm not angry. I just wished you would have told me when you found out. I've missed so much with her and as for me moving on well lets just say my father is less than happy with me."

She looked back towards the cafe and could see seems giggling with Alya and Nino through the window. "Can we come and see you later? Or was the photoshoot a lie?" She asked looking into his eyes, she felt their connection was still there even after being apart for five years.

"No it wasn't a lie." Adrien sighed showing the text that he had received just before they got there. "As for you coming I think that would be alright. Besides Father can't really say too much." he added then he got real nervous about something.

Marinette nodded and smiled. "We'll be there after Emma's nap." She smiled at him and wiped her tears so that Emma wouldn't worry about why her mother was crying.

"Mari listen I uh need to talk to you about something soon." Adrien said softly and she wondered what it could have possibly been.

Marinette nodded. "Would you rather me put Emma down for a nap at your house so that we have that time to talk or would you rather have her awake and cutting in on the conversation?" She asked tilting her head to the side a little bit.

"You can come to the house and put her down at the house but we need to talk about something that she doesn't need to hear at all." Adrien sighed. "Come to the house about this time." he added and wrote down a time on a piece of paper. then walked off.

Marinette looked at the paper and then stuffed it in the pocket of her skinny jeans walking into the cafe and sitting down putting Emma in her lap. "It's all settled and Adrien wants to be in her life, well at least I think he wants to be in her life." Marinette smiled at her friends while she waited for the time to roll around, she ordered her and Emma lunch and they both picked off the adult size meal Emma immediately eating the croissant that was on the plate.

Alya laughed at the site and nodded "She's definitely yours and Adrien's. And that's good that he wants to be in her life. You know he never got over you leaving."

Marinette looked at Alya and shook her head. "I didn't know that, he seemed happy everytime he texted me." She had remembered their texts were normally short greetings and then they wouldn't text for months but she never got any bad responses from the texts.

"He didn't want you to worry." Nino told her. "You know how he is. the model of perfect, thanks to his daddy-o."

Marinette nodded her head as she watched Emma eat, she'd gotten used to not eating as much, she felt like she was on a model diet just without any restrictions and giving all her excess food to her growing toddler. "I know, I'm going to talk with him later about some stuff while the little one takes a nap." She pet Emma's head and looked at her friends with a smile.

"Alright then well we have to head out." Alya said I have an interview and Nino has some things to take of as well don't you?"

"Yeah. Later Marinette." Nino sighed and she smiled shaking her head somethings don't change.

Meanwhile Adrien leaned on the top of the Eiffel tower, thinking. Though he told Marinette that he had a photo shoot, he really did make that up so that he could leave without causing a scene. He couldn't believe after all that time apart Marinette had a huge secret. While it was true the two had a secret in high school, this was a little different. Now his plans had slightly changed. He still loved Marinette with all his body and soul, but things were different now with the little one. Sighing he couldn't believe it. what was he going to do?