Dear Salazar,

I know this is a selfish request and we have not been in good terms. My health has been on the decline and I do not know if I shall see the morrow. I have a son, and his name is Hadrian Gryffindor. You may call him Harry for short. His mother is Lily Evans, a student of ours but not of pure blood. She had weak constitution, and I believe it was because of my carelessness that she was poisoned shortly after giving birth. I've been taking care of him in secret, but now that I cannot… I must give him to someone I can trust and that person is you.

I wish to entrust Harry to you and only you. Helga has far too many children to take care of, and upon my death, it is Rowena who will protect Hogwarts. She is already too occupied in her pursuits of knowledge and I fear she may not ever learn to care for children. My relatives, those horrible vultures, they will pick him apart and as my chosen heir, I fear for his safety if I give him to them but you, my old friend, you are perfect. You have one son of your own as I'm aware. You have the capacity to nurture, and growing up with you, I know you can be a very good father. Even if you've left us because of past disagreements – I know that your heart is pure and with good intentions.

He does not know of my condition. For all my bravery, I cannot speak the truth because I could not bear to see him cry. I thought that with our magic, I will live long enough to see my child grow into a man. I thought that with our ability to bend the laws of nature, I might prevent my untimely death but my efforts have all been in vain.

Harry will turn three by the end of the coming solstice. I have raised him in a manner befitting the house of Gryffindor and he is every bit of pure in my eyes. He adores flying. He is enamored with his pet, Sirius, a black dog that follows him around. He is able to speak fluently, but is a shy and quiet child. He can also be quite adventurous if left on his own, and I suggest you must be vigilant in watching over him. Green suits him well, as it is the color of his eyes. They are like jewels. He is such a sweet thing and it breaks my heart that I must part with him.

You have and will always be my closest friend. You were the only choice I had in mind. Please love him and let him grow in peace.

I'm truly sorry for the hurt I must have caused you, that you had to run away from the very thing we have spent all our lives building. I conversed with Helga and Rowena about this matter. They agree that if you ever wish to come back, Hogwarts will welcome you with open arms.

I wish you all the best.


Godric Gryffindor

Salazar brushed his long black hair and sat with a pensive look upon his throne while his familiar, Sasha, slithered up to his shoulders, bringing her mouth close to his ear.

"Can I eat him, master?"

A cruel smile left Salazar's face as he began petting his snake, and hissed in the lovely language only he and his family could speak, "No. He is not food. Can you be a dear and call Thomas for me?"

"Anything for you, master."

The large albino snake which spanned a good seven feet began looking for Salazar's only child. Salazar's cold gray eyes surveyed the letter, and a sliver of fury was briefly seen before the man suffused himself with calm.

He folded the letter and lowered it to his lap. He began to address the child before him, "Do you know why you're here?"

A child was standing before him. He was at the center of the room holding a small toy, a white rabbit with the crest of Gryffindor. His hair looked soft and downy of the darkest of black curling around his face. He looked so small and afraid as his hand curled around the ear of the rabbit and his lips trembled in an attempt to speak. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, as the beginning of tears seemed to gather around his eyes. And what lovely eyes, the mix of lime when hit by the rays of sunlight, and gleaming emerald when hidden by the shadows.

"Well, child?" Salazar probed. With his magic, the torches around the throne room flared to green, and he watched with satisfaction as the boy stiffened and began talking.

"M-my… father… left..."

And here the child began wiping his tears, "they told me… I have t-to… live with you…"

There was silence that was only broken by the boy's stifled crying and the crackling of the torch lights. The stray lights that came from the ceiling seemed to have opened up when the clouds began to part and the room was bathed in the golden rays of the sun.

The child glowed before him, looking like a small angel. How Godric could have fathered such a pretty child was beyond Salazar.

"Is that all that you know?"

Harry bit his lip, and the three-year-old looked down, and up and down again, "Yes, uncle Salazar."


The word was loud and clear, and Salazar clenched the letter on his lap as he began, "From now on, you must call me Father. You have been lied to. Godric will never come back because he is dead. It is only because I am kind and generous that I am allowing you into my household despite your dirty blood."

The child seemed to break at this, and collapsed onto the floor and started crying. Sobbing, "no… no you're lying… Father said… he won't be gone for long… he said… he was just…"

At that moment, the large doors of the throne room opened with a bang, and a boy with cold blue eyes stepped in, "Father, you called for me?"

Harry looked up from hugging his bunny and saw a child who was much older than him.

"Thomas, I'd like you to meet your new brother."

Harry flinched when a look of pure hatred was directed a him.

"Where did he come from?"

"It matters not. He will be staying in the room opposite yours," with that, Salazar stood up from the throne and motioned for Sasha who poked her head at the doorway to come and follow him.

Salazar began walking towards Harry, taking pity at the child who didn't seem to be able to stop his tears. He knelt, and commanded with his magic, "Look at me." The boy obeyed, his green eyes glazed. "You will stop thinking of Godric. From now on, you will be Hadrian Slytherin. This castle will be your home. Thomas and I will be your family."

"Family? Godric… this child is the son of that lunatic?" Thomas asked, impatiently. Salazar sighed at the tone of his son. His seven year old shared a deep hatred over Godric Gryffindor but perhaps it was his fault that he did.

Harry's tears stilled, and Salazar took the child in his arms, carrying him so that his head rested at the crook of his neck. Salazar willed his long black hair to tie itself behind his back, and answered his other son, "When I am done with the ritual tonight, he will be your brother in all ways but one, Thomas. Godric may be a lunatic but there is plenty of time to mold his only son and heir for the benefit of our house. Hadrian is but a child, and children are impressionable. He has gifted me with this opportunity and I will not waste it."

Salazar began moving out, and outside, he saw a black dog whose tail was waving excitedly. The dog was restrained by his human slaves. He sneered. "Get him out of my sight."

Harry protested, reaching out. "Sirius…"

"You are exhausted, Hadrian. Sleep."

The child was out like a light. Thomas seethed behind him. Salazar chose this moment to say, "He will not replace your spot, Thomas. Think of Hadrian as a tool. You've always wanted a playmate. I'm sure you will learn to overcome your dislike."

Later that night, in a room of green and gold, directly across his, Hadrian Slyherin slept. Both his hands had healing cuts from the blood adoption ritual and his breathing was light, almost gasping as unbearable heat coursed through his body – changing it to the likeness of Slytherin blood. The once tan skin turned into pale light pink, and the boy's dark wispy curls settled into gentle waves. The color of his hair remained the same, but the shape of his face changed slightly with a more pointed nose, higher aristocratic cheekbones, and the curvature of his eyes from round to almond. Thomas thought they even looked similar now.

His hands hovered over the child's neck, wondering if he could get away with murdering his new brother.

That was when Harry opened his eyes, and Thomas's breath got caught in his throat as the boy's glowing eyes stared at him, "brother?"

"You can speak?"

"Speak…? I don't… understand."

Harry whimpered weakly, and closed his eyes once more. Thomas suddenly felt he could breathe, and lowered his hand to touch the boy's cheeks. "Does it hurt?" Thomas asked, and combed the boy's hair, and it felt so soft, he began absentmindedly petting him.

"It does… it's.. like… I'm burning… inside… un.. father said that tomorrow… it will get better."

At the mention of the word father, Thomas froze, and he remembered the reason of his ire. He stepped away from the other child and went back to his room. He scrubbed his hands repeatedly, disgusted that he even touched him.

Harry was distraught that he couldn't play with Sirius anymore, and that he couldn't fly anymore. All of a sudden, there were so many rules that he had to follow that had him reeling but he obeyed, because he didn't want to fail his new father. He put a smile when he was told to. He studied hard so he could be the best just like all them and most of all, like his older brother who was perfect in every way.

As a reward for his good behavior and whenever his lessons went well, he was allowed to play outside with Sirius. The castle grounds were vast, since the Slytherin family owned a private forest, warded against all intruders. There he could run and play with Sirius, pretending he was soaring through the sky. He would hug the dog, and roll around in dirt with him.

A day spent with him always brought a smile because it reminded him of his old life.

Sometimes, Harry could feel someone watching over him, and he caught his brother once, looking at him from a window but thought nothing of it.

Months later, Harry celebrated his fourth birthday, and the entire time, his cheeks hurt from smiling. The Slytherin family was ruthless, asking him why and how come they never heard of him until now. Harry had to lie through his teeth and avoid looking at anyone's eyes saying that, "I've always been sick. Father never approved of me going out. Mother said I should stay indoors until I'm well enough to enjoy the sun."

It was not a big lie that Harry himself couldn't tell. He did in fact inherit the frail disposition of his real mother. Harry heard from Godric how Lily kept on fainting when exposed to too much heat and Harry always had a nose bleed when he's been out too long. It was nothing that the cooling charm couldn't help with, but three times while growing up, he woke up with no recollection of what happened, except he was in bed and his father was beside him looking worried saying he fainted.

Salazar convinced him it wasn't a lie and told him he was in fact sick, and gave him potions to keep him healthy.

His other mother on the other hand, was locked up in a tower by Salazar, saying she's gone insane and they should never converse with her. Sometimes Harry found himself inching towards the locked door where he could hear her sing the softest lullabies. He tried his best not to get caught.

It seemed they were convinced saying, "Merope was a strange one." "The poor child, must have had trouble growing up with her as a mother." "Salazar should just send his wife to an asylum… but isn't he admirable for listening to her wishes even if she's at that state?"

"What state? What kind of state is my mother in? Can you please tell me?" Harry wondered about her because he never saw her, only Salazar and Thomas were allowed to speak with her. If he hadn't caught the servants gossiping about her, then he wouldn't know that he had another mother too. He never had one and it made his heart ache for some unknown reason why she was like some dirty secret.

They all seemed aghast at his question, and it was then that Thomas looked at him pointedly and swayed the others to safer topics.

After that, his relatives seemed to take pity on him, but Salazar told him it was only because they didn't see him as a threat that they would ignore his existence.

Among the pureblood families, he enjoyed talking to Luna Selwyn. She seemed like an outcast, but Harry enjoyed her presence. Upon meeting her, she said mysteriously, "Fate must have brought you and I to meet again, Harry." And Harry could only stare at her because he never told her his nickname. No one else knew he was called Harry except for his father and brother.

By the end of the party, she had gifted him a crown of flowers that he wore on his head happily. His brother told him he looked like a girl which made him cry, but he was happy that he made a friend.

Harry grew up knowing Thomas hated him. His brother was perfect in everything. His tutors, his friends, their relatives – they all loved him. Harry found himself doing well, but he was not perfect. No matter what he did, he could not measure up. In that manner, Harry admired Thomas.

He thought they could actually get along, and he ignored the way his brother snubbed him. For the past three years of being together, he found himself being pushed for being in the way, being called mean nicknames especially when Salazar was not looking. The boy could not let go of any opportunity to tell him how inferior he was. Once or twice, Thomas made an attempt at his life.

Thomas set him up in different sorts of trouble, like accidentally setting fire to the west wing when he was practicing his skills in potion making. He received the first lashing of his life. When Thomas brought his friends over, they would poke fun at him, and Harry would find himself hiding just so they won't hurt him.

Thomas used his charms to make sure the servants disliked Harry, and since they were sworn to secrecy, he openly called him adopted – and of dirty blood when they were of earshot, causing the human slaves to dislike him. The house elves seem to treat him fine, despite that.

Sometimes he'd find his clothes and belongings in different sorts disarray.

But this time it was so cruel. Evil. Despicable.


Harry ran towards his father's study, clumps of fur was on his clothing, and his hands were bloody. He banged against the door. "Father! Father please open the door!"

The door was open and Harry ran inside. He embraced his father and started crying, "Thomas… he k-killed… He killed Sirius. He killed my familiar! It hurts so much… please help... me... I hate him. I hate him so much."

Salazar tilted the child's chin, looking at the green eyes he was so fond of and began inspecting the memories one by one.

It was just like any day for the child, and he went out of the castle grounds towards the kennel that housed his pet. What greeted him was the slashed up remains of Sirius and it was a spell that had been taught to Thomas month's prior.

"Why do you think it's him, Hadrian? You know it's bad to accuse people when you have no proof."

Harry sniffed and anger coursed through his little body, "I know it's him. He hates me. Ever since the moment he saw me, Thomas hated me. If you do not believe me, then please read his mind."

Salazar considered this, but paused to inspect the mess of blood and fur that was now upon his robes. He wandlessly cleaned both of them before summoning a house elf, who bowed before them. "Tati, find Thomas for me and tell him to go to my study immediately."

Salazar sighed, and carried the child to a sofa next to the large window that overlooked the forests and the mountains. Harry melted against his chest, seeking comfort for a loss that could not be taken back.

Moments later, Thomas arrived, with not a word. Harry froze but Salazar began rubbing the boy's back and once again, he relaxed.

Salazar watched as Thomas was filled with jealousy.

"Is it true that you killed Sirius?"

Harry began crying again at this.

"No, I didn't."

"And if I looked through your mind, will the answer be the same?"

At this, Thomas bit his lip and defiantly said, "Yes. See for yourself."


Thomas started screaming on the floor.

Salazar stood up and left Hadrian watching on the couch as he loomed over Thomas. "Have I not been clear with my instructions, Thomas? I've ignored all of your childish animosity towards Hadrian. I know how much you detest him. I've grown too lenient just because you are my true son. You thought that just because you used imperio on your tutor to kill Harry's pet you would get away? The curse leaves a residue that is so obvious, I would be blind if I did not notice it. For that man's incompetency I will fire him but you, Thomas have done a greater wrong. Have I not taught you about the indecency of severing the link with one's familiar? Tell me, what would you feel if I brought Nagini in this room and killed her?"

"Tati, bring me Nagini at once."

With a pop, the house elf disappeared.

"Father, you can't-"

"You do not tell me what I can and cannot do.

Tati appeared with a pop and brought the venomous snake that Thomas kept so closely guarded. Harry trembled in concern, his earlier anger turning into fear.


A large cut sliced through the length of the snake's skin that had her writhing on the floor and Thomas began begging, "please father… Please I'm sorry. Please don't kill her! Don't kill Nagini."


Salazar said again, and again and again, until the his older son's familiar was barely moving on the floor, ignoring the begging and how Thomas started crying.

"Now, do you know what it feels, my son? If you want to save Nagini's life, I suggest you apologize to Hadrian now."

At this, Thomas looked betrayed, and looked at Harry who was looking horrified and tugging at Salazar's sleeve telling his father to please stop, that it's fine, that he'll be ok. He just didn't want Thomas to lose Nagini. But Salazar was staring cold at him.

The words felt like sandpaper on his tongue, "I'm sorry, Harry. This will never happen again."

And then, Salazar said, "Good. You better mean it."

At this, Salazar took a potion out of his robe, and poured it over the snake, and they all watched as the wounds began to heal.

"She lost too much blood, I suggest you do not leave her side for the next week if you want her to live. Hadrian, you must bond with a new animal, so you do not feel the loss. Tomorrow we will leave the castle for this. You may go back to your room, I'll send your healer to make sure you are well. Ask the elves whatever you like for food. I wish to speak with Thomas in private."

Thomas stayed on the floor, clutching the snake on his lap.

"One thing I've taught the students of my house in Hogwarts is that if you must commit a crime, do not get caught."

Thomas grew instantly angry, "If you're not against me harming him, then why did you hurt my familiar? I would have understood if you explained it to me, father."

"Ah, there is some truth to that but this is the only way you'll learn, Thomas."

"I don't believe you," Thomas retorted, angry just like the child that he was.

"Come, sit. It is unbecoming of a Slytherin to sit on the floor like some common man."

Thomas got up and followed, sitting on the couch, and careful enough to gather Nagini in his arms.

"Familiar bonds are difficult to repair once broken. That is why we keep our familiars close. They are lifelong companions. I wanted you to understand what it meant to lose them… and see, Nagini is still alive while Sirius is not. Imagine how painful it must have been if you had to experience that feeling of loss for more than a few minutes. What you did was close to unforgiveable."

Thomas seemed to tremble at the criticism, but listened patiently.

"I shall praise you now. You did a marvelous job. You made sure to get your teacher alone, and managed to make him act like his normal self. It was at night before he left that you instructed him to kill the mutt. I dislike Sirius myself so I find it a good riddance… All would have gone to plan had Hadrian not complained to me. He came to me assured that you were at fault, and we all know you were. All the evidence was against you, my precious son. There are many ways you could have killed Sirius."

Salazar twirled his hand, conjuring images in the air, shadowy figures that began enacting his examples, "Poison, undetectable, and working so slowly that it would have been a natural death. Induced sickness. Insanity that would have caused us to lock him up forever or kill him. Why, you could have done the same thing that I've done with Hadrian's parents. To Godric, a supposed incurable disease, slowly weakening his ability to move, and think, causing his organs to fail slowly but surely. To his wife, pain so severe, that she died rupturing her vocal cords… But I have kept in touch, and remained amiable to our friends and him. You could have pretended you did not care for Harry just like how I did with Godric… or grow close enough, that he would not ever doubt it was you that caused him harm. Many ways."

Tom tilted his head looking a little shocked, "You were the one who killed his parents?" Salazar laughed at this, enjoying the numerous emotions that his heir displayed. It was not always that he saw them on his son's face.

"Why, yes. I did not know they had a child, and he would be dead as well had I not administered the cure… I thought to dispose of him eventually, after I made him pass on all of what he was inheriting from the Gryffindor family to us… but," Salazar smiled in fondness "Hadrian is such a sweet thing. His eyes are a lovely shade of green that I adore. Godric was right. The child is as harmless as a sheep. It brings me great pleasure that I am raising his son in this manner. He must be rolling in his grave."

Thomas felt a wave of disgust as his father talked about Godric and a feeling of satisfaction that his father was the real cause of Hadrian's torment, "But… does this mean you care for him?"

"I do. I have grown fond of him just like how out of mercy, I continue to keep your mother alive. His innocence and affection has a charm of its own. I will never get that from you, calculating, and jaded as you are but regardless, you remain my favorite. You are the perfect heir to the Slytherin line, cunning, ruthless and filled with ambition."

"Father, I still don't see why you keep useless things around you. Surely it must be easier to get rid of him. We don't need him or her." At the thought of the misshapen face of his mother, Thomas felt ill.

"No Thomas. You do not know, but Hadrian is what is keeping us from each other's throats. Perhaps I failed as a parent, only teaching you bad things but there is truly no good or evil, only power. Those in power dictate what is good after all. I am teaching you all that I can so that you may survive this world. I have many enemies, and you will have them too. I can't always protect you, and one day I will also die."

Salazar looked away from his son and staring at the speck of blood that remained on his chair, from Harry's hands. He recalled once again, his youngest son's traumatized face and felt something akin to pity.

"Keeping him with us is a human thing to do… or perhaps it's a selfish wish on my part. As for you, I would have let this crime unpunished had it not been so obvious that it was you. I believe you still do not know the meaning of the word subtlety. As you grow, you will learn to hide your intentions, so that no one will doubt you. You will learn to charm others. You have plenty of it, but not the one that inspires absolute loyalty. Have you not noticed how others dote on Hadrian? They think of him as a fragile flower, and though his whims are so few, whenever he asks of things, they are given to him without fear – all through their own free will. His servants are enamored with him, despite his misguided belief that they hate him just because you tell them to act that way."

Salazar gestured with his hand to summon a mirror that allowed him to spy on his sons and showed Thomas how easily, the servants of their castle all but catered to the child who was crying on the bed, twenty of them, more than half of the entire human maid slaves, bustling around him when he had only instructed the healer and the elves… Salazar hummed at this and wondered if he was being too loose with his household. He waved the mirror away and smiled at Thomas.

"See that? They love him. And yet because he is so shy and ignorant of his own appeal, he does not use it to the best potential. You on the other hand, prefer mind games, trickery and fear to get what you want. It causes others to resent you. You are the exact opposite of each other, and I find it entertaining watching you both grow and squabble over silly things. You may have charmed your professors, and your friends, but you must learn of other ways or you will never get far, Thomas. Perhaps you can learn from your brother."

Salazar stood up and swiped his hair behind him, long black tresses glinting against the sunlight. He turned his back away from his son and familiar.

"Harry never once hated you, and it is only today that he said he did. He is quite forgiving, and he admires you. Talk to him. You are leaving for Hogwarts soon," Salazar mentioned bitterly, "and you will not see us again until the winter solstice. I believe that despite how much you hate him, you will miss him, Thomas. As for Nagini... perhaps you have suffered enough. I'll have more potions sent to your room for her. She will heal much faster. Now, leave. I have work to do."

It took a long time to actually consider his father's request. In a month's time he would be leaving for Hogwarts. The food was said to be good but not as good as the food served in their castle. There weren't many who he could converse with in parseltongue and the school would be filled with mudbloods.

He was not sure if he was actually looking forward to being in the same school as those he considered inferior to him. He agreed with his father that it was a risk to bring in the uneducated wizarding folk into their school because they simply do not understand their culture. They bring with them ideas that are foreign and they think that everyone should do the same. It was not only their culture but their general lack of knowledge, there was also an appalling lack of decorum, class, and their belief in God of all things.

Majority of the mudbloods come from the line of commoners and there were only a few who come from higher standing. Many do not know how to use cutlery properly, and have an alarming lack of prior education. They were simply behind those who grew up in wizarding families who have access to books, and those who can at least read and write. Some did not even know the importance of regular bathing, and cleanliness. They were living in such filth that the first week with the younger ones were terrible.

His father's companions believed that no magical child should be without access to wizarding education but they were such a huge risk. Not only does the school have to fund their education – wasting the money that wizarding families have zealously guarded – they were also expected to be treated equal when they are without a doubt inferior.

Every year, after studying, they come back to their families, in their pathetic homes, where they would no doubt tell their parents or their family of what happened in this magic school despite being sworn to secrecy. It was such a scary thing because he'd read of how utterly inhumane the rest of the muggle kind was in terms of stomping out the unknown and what they couldn't understand. He's heard of stories of children being massacred for being mistaken as a child of the devil. Merely by possessing magic…

It was a risk that they didn't need, and by keeping their lines pure, and by keeping outsiders away it would be avoided.

Surely a different school can cater to those maggots, Thomas thought.

But he was just distracting himself, he had to talk to his brother, apologize and say farewell. It took him a week to drag his feet before his door. He just wanted to get it over with. It was a simple enough task, but despite the many hours they've spent together, Thomas realized he never truly spoke to Harry for longer than what was necessary. He never bothered because he thought of Harry as a threat.

The knowledge of how Harry came to be a part of his family and how cruel his father was to his brother made him rethink of what he knew about him. He put the dots together and surmised that whatever poison his father fed Godric Gryffindor was also in turn exposed to his son. His mother was also sickly, and that's what caused him to be so fragile.

His father never let Hadrian touch a broom precisely for that reason. If Hadrian were to faint in midair, it would be difficult to tell if someone would be able to catch him if he fell. In the three years they've been together, Harry fainted more times than he could count, and Salazar always made him drink a special potion to recover.

Harry was studious enough. His grades followed close to him, but he was not a genius so he struggled very hard, not afraid of sitting up long nights just to show him and his father that he was doing well. It was a lot of effort. He was not an idiot, and he could follow instructions. He was so obedient in comparison to most of the children that he knew his age. Hadrian was also well-mannered, but mostly preferred to sit in the background unnoticed like a wallflower, but on the other hand, Thomas liked to soak up all the attention.

He was kind, even to the smallest of animals. Hadrian respected the life of all living creatures, and cried once when he saw a bird fall out of its nest and die. He always hated it when Nagini ate something that was alive, the sight of it making him cry. He was so gentle that people adored him for it. He trusted people too much however, noting the few times he spied a relative of their's coaxing Hadrian to eat something or having him sit upon their laps, almost touching him inappropriately… He rolled his eyes at the number of times he had to intervene on his behalf because the child was so naïve.

The boy wasn't a picky eater, but for some reason, he would never touch broccoli and tomatoes.

He missed his father greatly but because of the request Salazar spoke, he never spoke of Godric, never spoke about his dead mother, or his old home.

No one bothered to ask him if he was okay, and they all expected him to adjust to his new role as the second son of the Slytherin's main family.

He hated him just because he thought Harry would take away Salazar away from him but it's been proven that despite the number of supposedly unforgiveable crimes, his father chose him and would always choose him.

He had no doubt that Salazar would forgive him if he chose to kill his beloved Hadrian too. It was to this confident thought that he opened the door to Harry's chambers and saw Luna, his brother's closest friend. Near the open window, Harry's new familiar, a white owl named Hedwig sat and by the window sill, a small white bunny with the Gryffindor crest. Thomas hated it.

Luna was in the process of braiding his brother's hair, putting it in neat plaits at the side of his head, adding white flowers here and there. They both stopped what they were doing when they noticed his presence, and Luna bowed. Harry stood up and said, "Brother… how unusual. You never visit my room. Please sit."

Harry gestured at the couch, the empty one opposite the two of them.

"I wish to talk to you, alone."

Harry inhaled a long breath as if trying to calm down and turned to Luna, "Go wait with Adrianne in the gardens Luna. I'll be with you shortly."

She left, but not before tucking another flower on Harry's hair that had the boy blushing.


Now with just the two of them alone, Thomas didn't know what to say.

"Harry, I'm leaving for Hogwarts soon. Father must have told you."

Harry looked alarmed.

"I… yes. Father did. He told me that you have books and you just need to… buy an owl… so you can write letters to us..." Harry nervously tucked a stray strand of hair and Thomas stood up, crossing the space between them and sat next to him.

His hands began to inch towards Harry's face, and Thomas smiled, as he combed his brother's hair, tucking the stray strands into the strange braid that his friend made saying, "soft as always."

Harry nervously looked up at his taller brother, confusion written all over his face.

To this, Thomas said, "I always loved the texture of your hair. It's so soft. I like the color of your eyes, they are far too pretty, like jewels. I also like… how hard you work to catch up to me. You study diligently, always. You never complain, and you always… smile. Father thought I might miss you, and I cannot imagine being gone for a year, without you or him. I know I've been cruel to you when you don't deserve it… I still don't like you but that's maybe because… I don't know you nor did I try to get to know you."

Tom dropped his hand and looked down, "I'm sorry… for killing your familiar, Harry. You can hate me, if you want."

Harry looked heartbroken and ready to cry, and Thomas stood up, saying, "maybe I shouldn't have come–"

Then his little brother hugged him.

"I'll miss you… I'll miss you too… a lot… I forgive you. I have a new one now, see. She's so pretty, white and fluffy. I'll send you letters with her… and tell you what happens here while you're away…"

Thomas cursed under his breath, and pushed his little brother away, "Something's wrong with you… how can you not hate me? I've always been mean to you. I tried to kill you, even."

Harry nodded, "I know. I didn't like it at first. I hated you too, for a time, and then I asked Nagini, why do you hate me so much. She said it's because you thought I'd steal father away from you and there was no way for me to tell you that no… I won't. I'm happy enough that you call me your brother… I'm happy. That you protect me from others despite… hating me this much. Do you remember the time Aunt Leila was about to curse me because I accidentally stepped on her dress and you stopped her for me? Whenever I asked you for help, with spell casting, with history… or any subject, you would teach me… and you're so good at teaching things… I always admired you… I looked up to you… I wanted to be as good as you… and… and I just wanted you to know that… even if you were mean to me… you've also been kind."

Harry started hiccupping then, the small frail kid, looking at him in the eyes that were so sincere, "even if you hate me… Thomas… I'll always love you. I may hate you… from time to time because you're mean… but that doesn't mean that I… that I'll hate you forever… I'll miss you a lot so… so… I wish you wouldn't... leave... but you... Hogwarts..."

Harry couldn't speak then, and Thomas just pulled the small child to him, noticing how light he was, and here he was pushing him around as if he were a sack of potatoes. He spied the scar on the boy's forehead, one that he made when they were younger, when he got so mad that Harry watched him fail at casting a spell again and again, the patronus charm, and he thought the brat would tell his father and he grabbed a knife and tried to kill him then and there but was stopped by Salazar.

It left a lightning bolt mark on his forehead that never seemed to fade.

How could his stupid little brother still love him?

Just then, Thomas felt a spark of something, unexplainable in him, that made him press Harry closer. He did not know what it was, only that it felt good. He was not one to deny himself of what he wanted and right at that moment, it felt right to have his brother taking comfort in his arms.

"Don't worry, Harry. I'll write to you… I'll tell you all about the school father built. I also wish to spend time with you before I leave."


Later, Harry finally calmed down and together they went out towards the gardens.

Thomas observed as everywhere the child went, there were watchful eyes of servants. They tried to hide their concern as he trailed after Harry. Thomas knew they thought he would harm his brother again, and knowing this now, he finally understood how easy it would have been for them to tell his own father what he's done. For three long years, Hadrian Slytherin was the object of his anger, but now, he didn't' feel that way, only curiosity remained.

He laced his hands with Harry who blinked at him in surprise. He offered an unsure smile, and Harry seemed to squeeze his hand back, happiness leaking out of him in waves. He glanced upwards, looking at the servants and smirked at their horrified faces.

Outside, Luna was sitting on one of the ivory garden chairs, sipping on tea. Adrianne, Harry's personal servant had her head bowed.

"Luna, I'm sorry I took so long. Thomas will be joining us today. Adrianne, can you please get me hot chocolate and for my brother, rose tea, with milk."

Thomas blinked at this.

"I will have it delivered shortly. I will also have the elves prepare treacle tarts, young master's favorite."

Harry smiled. Adrianne bowed, and left them.

Luna turned her silvery blue grey eyes towards Thomas and said, "It is fortunate you now see him in a different light. He is after all the one soul that fate has tied to you."

But when he blinked, he found Luna conversing with Harry about the lilies on his hair. "Luna… if you keep on putting flowers on my hair, I will turn into a girl. My brother said it once… and I think he must be right. I look like a girl… I only need a dress."

"But you are pretty, Harry. It does not matter if you are a boy or a girl. Don't you agree, Thomas?"

Thomas absent mindedly nodded.

Harry blushed and stood up when he heard the bell, followed by a pop as their food appeared.

"It is funny we are separated by silly things like gender. What does it matter when magic makes it possible to turn one into another?"

"But Luna, is there such a spell? To turn yourself into a man and into a woman?"

"If one can think of it, then is it not possible?"

Harry turned to Thomas who was beginning to inhale his rose milk tea. His older brother took a sip and then said, "There are certain families that can transform what they look like in a blink of an eye, they are what we know as a Metamorphagus. I've read of potions that can temporarily let you take in the form of any person, be it a woman or a man. Transfiguration is a certain branches of magic that allow you to transform different things into another… like if you wanted your head to turn into a fish, for example, it can be done."

"That's… a little disturbing. Who would want to turn into a fish?"

Luna had a dreamy smile on her face, "I once told my daddy I wish to be one of the merpeople, so I could live underwater and sing in mermish. They have such beautiful voices. I suppose if my head was that of a fish, then I will be able to breathe and hear them sing at least."

"Yes, Luna, there are uses to it… and even if I have not read upon it, I believe it is possible to transfigure oneself to a man then to a woman."

Harry took a bite out of the treacle tart, "but I'd rather be a boy, Luna. And boys aren't pretty… they're handsome. Like Thomas – he's handsome. I'm not pretty."

Luna laughed, "I am certain you have a Wrackspurt, Harry."

"What is a Wrackspurt?", Harry asked.

"They're invisible creatures. They float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy," she said and Harry felt terrified for a moment. Thomas looked at Harry in concern, "I have never heard of them nor do I think they exist."

"Oh but they do, I have always seen one on you, Thomas."

That was when Thomas decided Luna was a lunatic, and should stay far away from his brother but saw that perhaps because she was an outcast, then it would also deter Harry from having more friends that might further poison his mind with pointless drivel.

There was something about her that didn't sit well with him. It was the knowing gaze of her eyes, and how perhaps his little brother loved her more than he loved him.

Spending time with Harry was surprisingly easy, and a month had gone by. It felt easy to slide in the routine of being the caring older one. Salazar was right, that the boy was too affectionate. It was a nice feeling. With the animosity gone, Thomas felt that it was easier to accept the seven-year-old and slowly, they both learned to let go of past mistakes. Some things would take time to heal, just like how Sirius would never come back to life, Hadrian will never forget his cruelty. Sometimes, the boy would still flinch whenever he got close too sudden, but touching him and hugging him reduced that. During the past week, it was even decided that Harry would start sleeping in his room, just so that they could stay together.

It was because of this, that he saw how bad his little brother's health actually was. Some mornings, the boy would wake up coughing out blood, and in the evening, he would sometimes feel weak that he had to be carried to bed. He felt concerned.

Before leaving, he had to ask Salazar a private question of, "How much longer does he have to live?"

Salazar merely looked interested, "Does this mean you care?"

"No. I just want to know."

"If he takes the potions regularly, then he will live half of what we wizards usually live for."

"What happens if he misses it?"

"At first, he will collapse and if he does not drink it, then his body will not be able to sustain itself. He will die."

"I see."

Thomas did not know why but the knowledge that his brother's life was so fragile made him feel as if no one should ever dare touch Hadrian and if anyone caused him harm, they would pay dearly.

Soon enough, it was time to take the journey to Hogwarts. A skeletal horse landed before their home, and with it was a black carriage with yellow lanterns hanging on all four sides.

Thomas began stepping towards it, and Salazar trailed after him. Harry was running after both of them, having just woken up, and trying his best to stay smiling despite the tears in his eyes.

"You promised… you promised you'll write to me."

Harry pressed his head against his older brother's chest, and wrapped his arms around him, crying. Thomas merely pat his head, "I will. With the way you're holding on, it's as if you want me to pack you inside my trunk and smuggle you into Hogwarts. I don't think that's allowed, Harry. You have to let go."

Harry shook his head, crying. Thomas sighed, and slowly pushed Harry away. He tilted the boy's chin and said, "I promise, I will write to you, every week even. If I cannot, I will let you know beforehand. I will be back for the winter solstice. I will do all this, so try your best not to make father or I worry. Eat properly. Sleep on time. Stop hating Gilbert, he is only doing his best to educate you about pureblood practices… and take care. I love you too."

His father was smirking back at him, and Thomas was a little bit annoyed, "Father, I will see you both in three months."

Salazar waved at him and Harry was crying beside his father's side.

He never thought he'd come to regret his actions, but he wished he grew up spending more time with the little boy instead of hating him. The door closed, and soon he was taking off to the night sky. The only sound he heard was the beating of wings.

As Thomas sat alone in his compartment and fingered the wand that was made especially for him, he smiled, looking forward to conquering the school his father built.