A/N : Sorry this took so long guys. Life got in the way. Please enjoy the conclusion. Thanks for letting me read your thoughts on this one. I appreciate each and every one.


"Rick?" Georgia called, throwing her voice in Rick's direction but staring straight ahead at her youngest son. "Did you kill your brother?"

Rick tilted his head processing his mother's question. "No mama."

"Oh thank God!" Georgia placed her hand on her chest, releasing an exaggerated breath, "because I thought I was seeing his ghost."

"It's really me mama." Spencer took a step towards his mother, wanting to embrace her but uncertain if his affection would be welcomed. Rick ran a hand through his curls, still in disbelief, still unsure if he should be happy or relieved Spencer had finally come home.

The mother in Georgia grabbed Spencer embracing him with a heavy sigh and her unconditional love, "I'm so glad you're home." She didn't give two hoots about the circumstances surrounding his return nor did she concern herself excessively with the timing of his arrival.

"Looks like I've missed a lot. Bobby-Sue filled me in on what happened. Did someone really kidnap Rick's wife?" Needing answers he faced Rick, " Do you really have a wife?" He was trying to read Rick, it was always a struggle to communicate with the brother he longed to be like the most.

"Maybe if you had stuck around you would know alla' this." Rick's sentence came out more brash than he intended. Despite how he felt about his baby brother's exit all those months ago he didn't want to jump to any conclusions that Spencer cared about anything, like his family being in any danger or even their father's will or what it consisted.

"Don't move." Spencer left the room.

With a huge grin on his face he returned with a beautiful brunette, her lovely tanned skin was as capturing as her honest brown eyes. A small baby bundle was wrapped in her arms. The baby who was all cheeks and curly hair was at least a few months old.

"This is Rosita mama. Baby, this is my mother Georgia, my big brother Rick."

Rick glared at Spencer, still grappling with the stranger he was and the familiarity of affection in his tone when he said my big brother.

"I'm so glad to meet you Mrs. Grimes. And you Rick. Spencer talks so much about you both." Rosita was enthusiastic in her greeting. She shifted her stance and held the baby for a fascinated, beaming Georgia to get a better view.

"This is your grandson, Mattison. He's three months old and our precious gift from God." Rosita's smile was radiating as she gazed at her sleeping son. Mattison had the most angelic face, and the plumpest cheeks Georgia had ever seen, especially considering she had seen the full gamut of Grimes' baby cheeks today.

The terrifying fear that snatched them all with Michonne and Sasha's kidnapping had dissipated once they had been found safe and sound. Now that trepidation felt afar off when Georgia considered she had not one but four grandsons to dote on.

"Let me hold my grandson." Georgia accepted the stirring child in her arms, her hands caressing his short curls.

"Rosita…," Spencer cleared his throat, willing himself to make his announcement with eye contact to the two people he knew he had disappointed the most. "Rosita is my wife. She's a Grimes."

"Good to know the name still means somethin' to ya'," Rick said.

"It has always meant something to me." Spencer stressed on his words, remembering his last conversation with Rick a year ago.

"That's why you left?" Rick was aware of his sleeping wife and son on the bed behind them, he was also cognizant of the uncomfortable back and forth gaze of his new sister in law, but there would never be an appropriate time to have this conversation.

"I left because I had to. I did that for me."

"Forget everyone here then. I wish I had that option. You couldn't even comeback for ma…

"Look! I wanted to come back when mom had the heart attack but I couldn't okay. Circumstances were beyond my control. But I called Denise everyday. I knew she was in good hands!"

Rick did some calibration in his brain, his eyes widened in disbelief at where his thoughts landed him. "It was you! Wasn't it? You were the one mama was talkin' to on the phone that night!" Rick turned to his mother, "I asked you at the hospital. You never called his name once. You're still protecting him!?"

Rick was aggravated by his gained knowledge, it was no surprise his mother had not disclosed who she was speaking to at the time of her heart attack. Did she know more than she was letting on? He began to question how much Spencer really knew about the will left behind by Senior. Was his timing that impeccable?

"You here for the money?"

"What money? I don't want Sweethearts' money. I have a family to take care of now. I plan to work."

"Rick," Georgia cautioned with a hand to Rick's arm, "he doesn't know."

"Doesn't know what?"

"Your father left a will when he passed. You weren't here for the reading."

"I'm sure Senior left me all his cigars," Spencer said cynically, recalling the last fight he had with his father when he told him he was leaving to find himself.

"I think Matti and I are gonna take a walk." Rosita gave her husband a gentle smile and a calm hand on his on her way out. She found it necessary to give the recently reunited family some privacy.

"He left a lot more than cigars to the first son to produce a wife and kid." Georgia named the inheritance figure, Spencer's entire facial expression morphed from indifference to disbelief.

"What! Is this a joke?" Spencer saw Georgia shake her head. "So like dad to still be controlling us from his grave."

Rick let out a cynical laugh, "Looks like you win baby brother." Rick wasn't even bitter about Spencer swooping in and taking the money. Today he had a firm grasp on what was important in this life; it wasn't the lot of money that he always thought was rightfully his, it wasn't the Grimes legacy that he thought was the life force of their existence. It was the beautiful woman and the sweet baby boy laying at her side as they both slept; without them he'd be a poor man.

Serenity's productivity level had almost tripled over the past few months, yielding maximum profits from making a few adjustments in the operations. Now that Spencer was back, maybe he would live at Sweethearts, helping their mother. The four Grimes's boys would be back together, he couldn't hide the fact that there was always a sense of completion that covered him when Spencer was around. Now that Spencer had inadvertently won the race, the prize money would no longer be a constant reminder of their unorthodox family competition.

Rick was the real winner; he had Michonne.

It had been a year ago when he'd last seen Spencer, he still had his boyish charms and handsome face, but he was older somehow, more mature. Acquiring a wife and child surely made his fickle brother grow all the way up. Spencer had a bit of an advantage over them all, if he truly wasn't aware of the codicil in their father's will then Spencer would've married for love, which implied his heart was already in the right place.

Rick moved closer to the door, leaving Spencer and Georgia in the room. "I'm going to get Shane and Dwight, they need to know you're back."

He was sure the reunion was about to get a lot more interesting.


"It's good to be home," Rick said, settling down on their large bed with his sleeping son in his arms. The baby was wide awake, looking up at Rick as though he had all the answers to all the questions in the world. Rick continued to marvel at his son's adorable, dimpled cheek. He knew it was too early to tell, but he was certain his boy was smiling up at him with the most beautiful brown eyes. His world still felt rooted up but holding the seven pound bundle of sheer joy in his arms grounded him fiercely.

"You're telling me." Michonne eased next to them, taking care as she sat, her body still in a delicate state from giving birth. They had been both given a clean bill of health despite the conditions she had to give birth in. Now that Gareth and his minions were behind bars she felt at ease for the first time in years.

"He needs a name," she said, enjoying the view of Rick Grimes holding their baby. Watching the pair was her new favorite thing to do. Rick looked so strong, but he was tender with Logan in ways she hadn't seen before.

Without looking up to face her, Rick caressed the baby's crown of soft hair, smiling in a prouder than proud manner. "Logan."

Michonne loved the name on spot. For someone who had a knack for crafty jam titles, she couldn't come up with a name for her son. Nothing felt suited, she and Sasha had exhausted every baby name application, baby name website and article available on the world wide web to no avail. She told Rick she was seriously considering keeping the name Mango.

"Logan George Grimes. How about that?"

Rick felt honored she wanted to give their son his father's name. He reached over and kissed her forehead, the two of them pressed together in awe of their greatest creation.

"Thank you." He took her hand in his. Michonne leaned on his shoulder, grateful that nothing had harmed her or Logan when she was taken.

"No Rick. Thank you. You've given me a family. You've given me you."

"I'm sorry I missed his birth. I promise I won't miss the next one." He was smirking at her, but his heart was already conceiving a beautiful little girl with her mother's smooth brown skin and her beautiful smile. She'd have him wrapped around her little finger for certain.

"I know you won't." She grinned back at him, picturing a ranch full of rambunctious kids.

"We didn't win." He wanted to laugh at the irony of it all. After all the hard work they all had put in, the sacrifices that he, his brother and cousin had made to marry and produce an heir, only to have Spencer swoop in and take it all in a clean sweep. The final payout still had to be read formally by Phillip but Rick knew at this stage it was just a formality.

"I'm okay with that," Michonne said. She saw the disappointment in Rick's eyes, somehow she knew his sense of failure didn't come from the fact they lost the baby race. They no longer needed money so desperately. They were doing more than fine now. Granted he wanted to invest in a rehab centre for horses and they didn't have all the necessary capital, she wasn't going to make it an issue. They would get the money to pursue Rick's dreams. Spencer was probably in need of the funds more than they were. It had been a shock to meet Spencer, let alone his wife and sweet son. Rick had confided in her about his brother that left abruptly to explore the world on his terms.

"Talk to me Rick," she prodded when he continued the silence. He heard the concern in his wife's tone. He knew she understood this wasn't about the money they had lost. Not by a long shot.

"He seems like the same immature kid that left here a year ago. Yeah he looks like a grown man and he says grown man things, but if he's back here it's probably because the money daddy gave him is done. What if he squanders what he wins too?"

"Have you spoken to him?"

"Not how I'd like to. I needed to make sure you and Logan were safe. I needed to handle Gareth first."

She saw the tightness in his jaw at the mention of her kidnappers name. The Rick that had shown up at the church was not one to be messed with. She hoped it was a long time before that savage version of himself made a reappearance. His eyes had already transformed to a midnight blue, he was reliving his rage at the church.

"Hey. I'm here." She touched his jaw, when his blue eyes met with hers he felt relaxed. She was smiling despite all she had been through.

"I can't lose you Michonne, ever. Or him." He was speaking in a desperate tone. "You can't. You won't. We're here to stay. We have our family Rick, but I want you to talk to Spencer. Maybe you'd be surprised by what you find out." Rick missed his brother, she knew it. What he feared was that Spencer would realize ranching wasn't in the cards for him again. He'd pick himself and his family up and leave again.

Michonne was right, he had to face him. Even if just to hear that he wasn't going to stay forever. Shane and Dwight treated Spencer like he had never left, so did his mother. He was the only one who hadn't forgiven the lost lamb of the family. The fact Spencer brought home a pretty wife and an adorable baby boy was the forgiveness blanket everyone wanted to cuddle with.

He and his father had so many dreams for Spencer, dreams that was vetoed when the youngest Grimes' boy chose the world instead of his heritage to do some soul searching.

He shook himself out of his own ruminating, crediting Michonne once again for her insight. She was right, he had to speak to Spencer.

He drew his brave wife in his arms, kissed the top of her head and stroked a now sleeping Logan's soft cheek. A lot had changed for him within a year, maybe the same had occurred for Spencer.


Rick's solitude was broken when he heard the familiar slow gait of his brother joining him on the deck. He continued leaning on the railing, considering Michonne's sage advice, wondering if now was a good enough time as any to do what she suggested.

"I've missed this." Spencer was cautionary with his stride as he joined Rick on the long balcony that overlooked almost the entire spread of Serenity. He had forgotten how majestic the grounds looked from this viewpoint. They had all assembled at their parents stately home to be audience to the final hearing of the addendum left in their father's last will and testament. He felt like a stranger in a strange land, even among his family. He was still in disbelief that his father had jingled money in front of them like they were the cattle they raised just to secure their dynasty.

"It always takes my breath away." Rick still hadn't looked in Spencer's direction, but at least he was being engaging.

"I used to feel stifled by it." The acres and acres of land they owned felt like it was without boundary, yet Spencer still felt caged. Now that he was back from his own adventure, he didn't feel as trapped as before.

"That's why you left?"

"I left because I wanted to see if there was anything out there for me besides this." He gestured to the land in front of them.

"Was there?" Rick shrugged.

"Nothing that made me want to stay at first, but then I met Rosita and I think she changed my life."

Rick saw the change in Spencer's countenance when he mentioned his wife, identifying with the feeling because Michonne had changed his life too.

"She seems like a decent girl. Where'd you two meet?"

"Bartending on a beach in Miami. She came in one day looking for a job." His eyes lit up for a moment, remembering the risky combination of booze and too much sun. He had sobered plenty when Rosita Espinosa walked into his life.

Rick laughed, his tremor a cynical one, "Thank God dad is dead. Cause if he heard his son was bartending on a beach in Miami it would've surely killed him."

It was the first real laugh they'd shared since Spencer returned two days ago.

"She was such a mystery in the beginning. Then I found out she was working three jobs to help out at home. Her mom was sick. Rosita was the only one who was doing everything in her power to help her. It wasn't enough, she died a few weeks after we met. I fell for her Rick, couldn't stay away." Spencer knew he fell for her loving heart first.

He nodded in commiseration, he knew exactly what that felt like.

"Then in no time at all we were expecting. I felt thrown, I knew I wasn't ready to be a dad. But Rosita's pregnancy wasn't the best, I had to man up." He had traipse the continent for a long time before he was able to call someone's heart his real home. "When mom got the heart attack we were arguing. I told her I had something to tell her, she thought I needed money. We argued about it." Spencer shrugged, his eyes looking afar off as though he was recalling the candid conversation.

The guilt of not coming home had set in from then but circumstances were beyond his control at the time. "It always boils down to money doesn't it. Even this dumb will Senior left."

Rick turned to him this time, "Dad did always believe that money was the answer to most of life's questions."

Even the marriage and baby race was set up in a way that looked like they had nothing without it; that wasn't the truth at all.

"At least Shane finally got Andrea."

Rick joined in with a lusty laugh too, in a way they all got what they needed with their marriages, he hoped Spencer did as well.

"She loves you?" Rick asked.

"It's the one thing I know for sure."

"You back to stay?"

"Yes." Spencer's affirmative was convincing.

His longing for home and the grounding feel of home was no longer a tug of war in his heart.

"Was your time away worth it?" Rick tried to mask the judgement in his tone, but may not have been as successful as he thought.

Spencer shot him a flash of irritation. Rick expected some venomous retort but it never came.

"You always knew who you were Rick. This land is in your blood. I wanted to see what else there was out there."

"You had options." Rick always felt like his father's expectations of him were too high a price to sacrifice his own plans, so he bought into them. As the eldest, Rick didn't think his brothers had to follow the same beaten out path, but Shane and Dwight already knew what they wanted to do with their lives. Spencer had been the only anomaly.

"Dad always entrusted me with the running of things as he got older. I felt it was my responsibility." Maybe he became a man faster than he should've, but he always knew he was born to be as great as his father. He convinced himself that's why he gave Spencer so much freedom when they were younger. However, in hindsight he was able to see he was jealous that his lack of choices gave Spencer options.

He was right though, he understood the concept of home. Spencer had to leave to realize there was no place like it. Rick was at peace with seeing the horizon meet the calm of a fading sky; Spencer needed to find his own tranquility beyond the horizon, he couldn't fault him for that.

"For what it's worth Rick, I'm not the same misguided kid that I was. Being a husband and father has given me a different take on things. I wanted my son to be with his family. That's the only thing that matters to me now."

Rick nodded in agreement, in approval. He felt the same way about Logan and Michonne, he would do anything to make sure they didn't lack for anything. Spencer was more mature than he gave him credit for. He hoped he was done traipsing the world, that he was home for good now.

"Having a kid of your own certainly changes you. What are you gonna do with the money you're gonna win? Start your own ranch?"

"I don't want the money. We'll find a way to use it for the Triple S. Money wasn't the reason why I came back here."

The money was no longer an eager desire of him either, not when he knew Michonne was here to stay. They had the greatest partnership, he really wasn't in lack of anything, that was solely because of his wife.

"Let's go see what Blake has to say then." He and Spencer began to walk towards the direction of the upstairs waiting room, Spencer a few feet ahead of him. "Spencer," Rick called out.

He turned around, catching his gaze.

"I'm glad you're back." It was his hope that Spencer would bring them full circle now that he had returned. His family was in tact and whole now. He hoped they could all be better brothers for each other, for their sons.

"Me too Rick. Let's go check on our wives."

Rick paused as Spencer walked off, sending his gaze towards the sky, realization hitting him late, but all at once. Somehow he knew George Grimes had witnessed their timely exchange.

"This is what you wanted all along didn't you?"

The Grimes clan assembled in the old office at two p.m on the last Saturday in November as requested by Georgia and Phillip. It was hard to believe that it was only nine months ago when Rick got news that the only way he could receive his inheritance was to marry and produce an heir. Despite his full awareness he had lost the competition he still felt on top. He had collected two of the biggest prizes in the game of life; Michonne and Logan Grimes. There was no price to be named, no value to be transfixed to the richness they added to his life.

He was smiling as he adjusted himself and Logan in his arm on the big brown armchair. Rick was eager to end the meeting to get back to Serenity to be alone with his family. After his discussion with Spencer he felt considerably lighter that his brother wasn't going squander his payout. It was going to be used for the good of the land and the good of his young family.

Family, it really was all that Rick ever needed. Despite Spencer's absence that left them with tiny cracks, his return helped sealed the crevices.

Phillip Blake strolled in, briefcase in one hand, one hand in his pocket looking like a TV lawyer.

He walked towards George's old desk, pulled out his laptop and popped a DVD in the player.

"Now that the conclusion to baby race is here, I think it's fitting to let y'all see this." He located the volume key and shifted the laptop for the packed room to properly view the contents. With four babies, four sets of parents and one beaming widow the room was almost a snug fit.

"George left a video for y'all in the event his plan worked out."

"Plan huh," Shane snickered, shaking his head at the chess game they had all been playing.

George's husky voice and burly frame came alive in digital form before them.

"Well, if you're watchin' this video it means I'm dead. But it also means a few of you if not alla' y'all are married so technically I win this one!" George leaned in on the wide mahogany desk in his office, arms crossed over his chest, his feet crossed at his ankles, his tone imperious as ever.

He glared directly at the camera. He was wearing his stetson and his suspenders, there was nothing dead about him in that moment. His larger than life persona felt as though he was in the room. "I ain't sorry we had to finagle you boys into marriage but you'll thank me for it when you see me."

"Highly doubt it daddy." Shane said at the back.

"Don't get snarky with me boy!" George Grimes said from the laptop screen, causing Shane to jump and Dwight to crumple over with laughter.

"Are you kiddin' me!" Shane exclaimed. It was like George had walked up to him and tapped him on the head like he used to.

"Now listen up here, I know y'all are wonderin' why I forced your hand to get brides. I knew y'all weren't too keen on not getting yer' birthright either but tough! You boys work hard but I wanted to give you the ultimate challenge; love. Family is important. More important than the cattle we raise or the land we live on. You boys were always my greatest joys, even Spencer and his stubborn ass." George moved around the desk, sitting down on his large leather chair. He didn't look sick, he didn't look old. Nostalgia set in for most of them, Rick wished he could reach out and hug his dad one more time. Michonne snuck her hand in his, her silent strength filling him with a potent elixir of calm and love. She was proof that he didn't need anything else in this life.

Shane and Dwight gave George their undivided attention, Spencer was holding his son, his mother was wiping a tear from her face. It was a sad yet achingly beautiful moment.

"Now I got a few things to say before Blake does what he does best, while making a whole lotta' money doin' it." He set his joined fist on the rich mahogany desk, his blue eyes more pronounced than anything else on the screen.

"Dwight, when your daddy died I promised him I'd take care o'yer like you were my own. So as your father I'm here to tell you if you didn't marry that beautiful Sherry from up the road you're a bigger fool than my brother."

Dwight shook his head, even George knew he was sweet on Sherry.

"Shane, you liked slow horses and fast women. If I was alive I'd lasso you to one woman. Money or not I hope you can convince Andrea to give your crazy tail a chance." It was obvious George had his own list of fitting daughters-in-law for his boys'.

"To my first boy Rick, son, I'm not sure of the kind of woman you need, but Jessie ain't it." Blunt and to the point, that was George Grimes. "I seen 'er sniffin' around you like a vulture on a deer hit by a car."

Michonne was the one to burst out in a loud cackle, sobering quickly after sharing a teasing grin with Rick which he returned immediately. Jessie had gotten exactly what she deserved. Sasha said with Jessie's fashion sense she would look good in an orange jumpsuit.

"Find someone who makes you laugh, you spend too much time workin'. And whoever you choose I hope she's able to calm the ogre in ya'." He shuffled some papers around, he removed his gaze from directly in front of the camera to somewhere afar off before speaking again. "Blake is telling me I don't have much time left…"

George was referring to video time but Rick knew the recording had to have taken place after Spencer left, but weeks before George passed away. Behind the fire in his eyes, his father looked tired. He had paused a few times to take a few deep breaths, he wasn't even able to suppress his heaving coughs.

There was a tightness in Rick's chest at the now obvious debilitating sight of the patriarch of the family. Michonne's grip on his hand, her presence at his side was a fitting way for him to cope with the twinge of grief that had encapsulated him.

"To my beautiful Georgia, sweetheart you gave me the brightest days of my life. I was always a flashlight standing next to the sun when we were together. I know even from the grave you'll continue to bless me with your light. And P.S sweetheart, you're welcome for the grandbabies." He winked at the screen, like he knew his plan was going to unfold exactly as he set it out to.

Georgia snort laughed, covering her mouth from embarrassment.

"My only hope is that Spencer will be back home where he belongs." George's voice took on a somber tone. "It's the one thing I have no control over. I'm sorry coming down to the end we couldn't see eye to eye. If he ever comes around tell 'im," George paused, emotion thick in his throat, "tell him I love him. I love you all. And one final thing, don't mourn me, cause I ain't never left ya."

The screen went blank, Michonne and Rosita had tears in their eyes, grieving a man they had never even met. Their eyes met and held for a second or two, Michonne saw some tenacity in her new sister in law. From what Rick told her, Rosita suffered some type of loss too. She was going to be a nice addition to their clan.

Philip Blake was not a man to stand on ceremony, closing down the laptop he opened his briefcase and pulled out a manilla folder. He cleared his throat before he spoke. "According to the stipulations set in your father's will, it's clear Spencer's son Mattison Grimes is the first grandson of George and Georgia Grimes. Spencer you are entitled to what was promised." Blake looked at Spencer directly, Spencer held up both hands ready to protest, but Blake cut him off with a shake of his head.

"I'm not done son. There was another appendage set out in the rarity that Spencer return home that the money be doubled and shared out evenly among all the Grimes boys'."

"What!?" Shane exclaimed in disbelief, swiping a hasty hand over his head.

"No way!" Dwight said, taking his son Cale from Sherry.

Rick leaned into Michonne, not surprised in the least. He understood everything now, even his father's twisted motivations. "This was never about money was it?" He was still being schooled by one of the greatest con men ever lived, only he had been conned into falling in love.

"I reckon it wasn't," she said, ensuring her twang was just as heavy as his.

The office broke out into a loud ruckus, the family was voicing their grouse and opinions over the unpredictable results of the race. Georgia nor Phillip could've been heard over their raised voices.

Phillip shook his head at the chaos, "I should've just become the Governor like I planned."

He whistled loudly, the room settling finally.

"Everybody wins here. I'll do the transfers first thing Monday morning." He grabbed his belongings and left, kissing Georgia on his cheek on his exit as he was accustomed.

"Tell us the truth mama, you knew about this all along didn't ya'?" Shane was curious, he needed to know. Georgia was calm as the dead sea during the whole video and subsequent reading of the results.

Georgia had a snide look on her face, she scanned the room. She had four beautiful daughters in law now, four good looking grandsons and her boys had come together when their futures were uncertain to ensure they each had something to look forward to. The Triple S was thriving now they had pooled their resources together and acted more like a family than a corporation.

They were always stronger as a unified front.

She marvelled at her loving, growing family; a gift from the grave from the man who promised to always make her smile. "Wouldn't you like to know?"


One year later

"Three Brothers n' A Cousin Horse Rescue is easily becoming one of the top equine centres south of the Mason-Dixon line. The popular spot has certainly put Oakland back on the map with the Grimes' particular brand of cohesive care. Their tried and true experience with injured horses, their ability to work closely with owners, and a guarantee of the most suited therapy for your breed are sure to bring the desired results. The large and widely popular Triple S Ranch also offers accommodation for families and owners alike who prefer to be a part of the healing process. The Grimes' family name has always been a strong tower among us but their latest venture has proven how formidable a family can be when they work together. If ever you're lucky enough to be at The Triple S be sure to try Mimi's jam, it's the best in Oakland!"

Calista Frye

"They even mentioned our jam! Look babe they mentioned our jam!" Michonne was beaming, glowing almost with excitement as she read the article from the business magazine that so eloquently spoke about their thriving businesses. Ms. Frye had visited the ranch for an interview with Rick a few weeks ago, to get more insight on the rehab centre's runnings and the role the Triple S played in the partnership. She was also hooked on Michonne's jam.

There wasn't much lazy days going on at the Triple S these days, but it was Sunday and they all came together at Serenity to share a meal.

"It was a good write up," Rick said adjusting one year old Logan in his high chair. The majority of the family were already seated. Georgia sat at the head of the table chatting up a storm with Rosita, who had proven to be quite an asset to the family.

"Sorry we're late." Daryl and Sasha strolled into the dining room. "We had couples counseling with Father Gabriel." Sasha was still in disbelief she had agreed to marry Daryl Dixon. It was just a year ago he had shot her with an arrow to the butt and she threatened to castrate him. Now they were building a life together and she was elated.

She had Michonne to thank for that. She was grateful her friend had been distressed enough to be a bride for hire. Love certainly had them all in its employ.

Spencer brought out a large glass bowl filled with crispy, golden, southern fried chicken, courtesy Olivia. He set it on the table, kissed his mother and wife and sat. Shane and Andre and little Matthew soon arrived. Andrea was carrying a container of her famous mashed potatoes. Michonne's mouth began to water on sight.

Sherry and Dwight helped ferry the rest of the delicious meal from the kitchen before taking their seat at the majestic table, recently purchased to accommodate all of them.

The fixings of fresh biscuits, mac n' cheese, chicken pot pie, green peas, and cornbread had everyone's mouth watering. The good china was out, along with good manners, everyone was settling in.

"Is that the article from the Southern Business Quarterly? I was so excited to read it last night." Sherry was proid they were getting some attention in the business community. The horses that came to Four Brothers n' a Cousin left better than they came. The men in the family were putting their talents to good use. They had the best of both worlds; getting to do something they loved while earning a handsome compensation for their time and efforts.

The women kept plenty busy too; Michonne had delved into making mayonnaise, mustards and pickles. Her items were flavorful, her titles catchy, her products affordable. Rick teased he would have to open a chain of grocery stores for her soon. Together the family businesses were thriving, operating at maximum capacity, running with great efficiency. With their pooled ideas and techniques everyone had an important role to play in their success.

Rick looked at his wife who was breathtakingly beautiful under the light of the chandelier. Still amazed she was his, still grateful they had this beautiful life together. He couldn't wait for them to get home.

She was thinking about things, he could tell. There wasn't much about his woman he didn't know, he prided himself on knowing her better than anybody in the world.

"You started this," he said, pointing to the magazine she had rested on the table. She was the one who initiated the revamp, even before they had shared their hearts. Their partnership had always felt right, even at the start.

"We did." She kissed him softly and smiled. Michonne came to Serenity with a suitcase full of clothes and a heart dwindling with hope. She wasn't a gambling woman, but she would bet on Rick Grimes any day; she believed in him. They were a team.

"Okay you two knock it off," Daryl teased, pouring wine for everyone.

Spencer cleared his throat and stood, glass in hand, "Before we get down to dinner I just wanna say I'm glad we're all together and I look forward to many more Sunday dinners with you guys." He didn't take his family, nor the togetherness that was stronger than ever for granted. He knew what it felt like to be away from it all, now that he had settled down again with a family of his own, he understood better than anyone the importance of keeping everyone close. Everyone saluted, knocking their glasses. Mattison and Matthew were running around the table, caught up in a world of their own. Spencer's son was a mop full of curls as he ran. To everyone's amusement Logan resembled Mattison quite a bit. Michonne teased they could be brothers. Logan had dozed off in his high chair, missing all the action with his two rambunctious cousins.

"Okay so which one of you is pregnant? Because I dreamt a big fish last night." Andrea believed all of her dreams had meaning.

"That's a weird coincidence babe." Shane was caught off guard by his wife's admission. Skeptical that she somehow knew about his news before he even told her.

"What is?" Dwight asked.

"Y'all didn't hear?"

"Hear what?" Rick asked.

"Apparently, dad made further provisions to the first son to give him a granddaughter." Shane glared at the family around the large oak table as he shared the news. He was bordering annoyance and amusement, but was leaning more on the side of amusement. George Grimes had no boundaries.

A fit of laughter overtook Georgia as she heard every chair scrape against the floor as all her children exited the room in haste. Even Daryl and Sasha left briskly, hand in hand. The toddlers ran out too, following their parents.

They had had enough of the shenanigans of their late father.

Georgia took a sip of her wine, content with the richness of her life, solely because of the family she was blessed with.

"Oh George, when is this going to end?"
