3x16 Tag

A/N: Since I've had an unusual amount of free time recently, I've been re-watching some episodes! If you ask me, the episode titled "Gunpowder Treason" from this current season left the door open for some whump of our boys Hondo and Tan but left some things to be desired. So I decided to fix that! This chapter will focus on Tan since we've been getting more backstory on him recently and because there seems to be a shortage of whump for him on here! I hope you enjoy!

Tan grimaced slightly as the pounding in his head finally started to slow. He pressed the gauze against the cut on his forehead again, opening his eyes just as the s.w.a.t medic turned around to place two steri strips over the small gash left by his helmet when his head hit the steering wheel of Black Betty.

"Did you lose consciousness at any point after your injury?" the medic asked as she pulled the penlight out of her pocket.

"Yea, for a little after my head bounced off the steering wheel." Tan replied, fighting the urge to squint at the light that was flicked across his eyes.

"Ok. Focus on my finger for me." She said and ran him through a few more tests.

"I can't be sure without scans, but I think you may have a mild concussion. I suggest you take it easy the rest of the day." she said a few minutes later. Tan's frustration and combativeness immediately kicked into high gear.

"No way! We're in the middle of a case!" he said.

"Tan, we were just in an explosion, it doesn't matter how minor it was." Hondo said, preparing himself for the fight he knew was about to ensue. No one liked being sidelined, especially in the middle of a case.

"I'm fine! Besides, you said you can't be sure without scans!" Tan answered quickly, hoping that the medic didn't notice how he wobbled a little when he practically jumped out of the chair he was sitting in. Hondo shook his head. His guys sure had a way of backing doctors into a corner when it was looking like they might not get their way. But he also knew he'd be lying if he said he was any different.

"You feel sick or dizzy at any time the rest of today, tell me right away. If I so much as see you flinch at light or slow down because your dizzy, I'm sending you home. Understood?" Hondo said sternly, looking at the young officer.

"Got it!" Tan said relief washing over him as he nearly ran out of the room before the medic or Hondo could change their mind.

Hours later…

Tan shook his head in an effort to clear his vision as he pulled himself to his feet so that he could go after the suspect. His head had smacked hard into the pole on the subway car, this time without a helmet to protect him. Just as he stood, he felt the car come to a stop and watched the doors open. Annoyance drowned out the pain that was spinning around between his ears as he watched the suspect jump out of the open doors. Luckily for Tan but unluckily for the man he had just been fighting, Hondo was waiting on the other side of the door. A hard clothesline later, and the suspect was in cuffs. The bomb had been disarmed, Zane was safe, and no bombs had been detonated. It was a good day. Now he could finally go home and…

"Tan! Hey!" he was snapped out of his thought when his muddled brain finally registered the voice that was coming in his ears.

"Huh? What?" He answered slowly after blinking a few times.

"I said, it looked like you got your bell rung pretty good just now. I was gonna ask if you're ok, but it seems like I don't really have to. How's your head?" Deacon asked, concern furrowing his brow.

"Before you answer, the case is over. No more lying." Hondo chimed in from where he was standing nearby. He didn't really need an answer after seeing the dazed look he was getting.

"Hurts… definitely gonna have a bump tomorrow." He replied, not realizing he had wrapped an arm around his side. If it had hurt a little bit earlier, it definitely did after getting rammed into a seat a few times.

"Alright. We'll wrap things up, you go get checked out by a paramedic once we get outside." Hondo said, noticing right away the careful hand that Tan used to cradle his ribs.

"If it's all the same to you, I'd rather just head out a little early. Medic already told me I have a concussion and a few broken ribs, I don't really feel like paying just to hear someone say it again." Tan said with a sigh.

"You knew you had broken ribs and didn't tell us?!" Chris asked with surprise.

"They felt ok earlier…"

"Alright, now I know you're concussed! I don't care how tough you are, broken ribs hurt like a bitch! The rest of us can handle this, Deacon, make sure he gets home safe." Hondo said, shaking his head at Tan's remark.

"You got it, boss." Deacon said, and Tan wordlessly followed the older man out of the subway station.

A short ride later…

Tan closed the door quietly partly because it was late, but mostly because he knew the loud noise would make the pounding in his head worse than it had when he had shut the car door a few minutes ago. He let out a tired sigh just before he rounded the corner into the kitchen/living area of his apartment. He hoped that Bonnie hadn't heard him, but he could tell by the look on her face that she had.

"Long day?" she asked as she walked towards him.

"You could say that." he said. He tried to dull down the hiss of pain that escaped him when she wrapped her arms around his torso. She backed away quickly, worry instantly filling her eyes.

"Are you hurt? I'm sorry! Did I make it worse?" she asked quickly, her eyes scanning him for any signs of injury other than the cut on his hairline.

"Hey, hey it's ok. Hondo and I got into a bit of an accident today, I've got a minor concussion and a broken rib or two. I'll be ok with some rest." He answered, putting a hand on her arm hoping to soothe her worry.

"Ok. Is everyone else ok?" she asked, her concern slowly easing.

"Yea, Hondo's got a few bruises and a sore shoulder but we were the only ones in Black Betty at that point." He replied.

"I'm glad everyone's ok. How about you shower real quick while I warm you up some dinner and get an ice pack ready for those ribs." she said. He nodded his response, the fatigue from the day, and the throbbing pain behind his eyes starting to take its toll. Bonnie watched him closely as he walked towards the bedroom, ready to jump into action if he needed it.

A few minutes later, Bonnie set the plate of food down on the table when she heard the shower switch off. He walked slowly out into the kitchen in a pair of loose sweatpants, too tired to mask how much he could tell he was swaying. Somehow his head hurt worse now than it had before his shower. He heard Bonnie say something to him and picked his head up to respond when the pounding got suddenly got worse and sparks exploded in his vision, and soon everything went black.

Bonnie saw his expression change and furrowed her brow as she started to move towards him. She could tell something wasn't right. Before she could reach him, she watched his knees buckle and she gasped as he hit the hard tile floor. In seconds she was at his side, carefully rolling him onto his back and grabbing a cushion off of a nearby chair to slide under his head. As she fumbled through her pockets for her phone, she reached down and pressed two fingers against the inside of his wrist purely out of habit. His pulse was strong and steady, much to her relief. She finally got her phone unlocked when she saw his eyes flutter open. She placed a gentle hand on his bare chest when he tried to get up.

"Hey, no, stay where you are. You passed out." She said. He let out a long sigh and relaxed back into the pillow.

"How long was I out?" he asked slowly while his world finally stopped spinning.

"About two minutes. I'm calling an ambulance," she asked.

"No! No please don't. I'm… I haven't had anything to drink since lunch, I'm just dehydrated which made the concussion worse. Please, I really just need to be home, today's already been long enough." he pleaded, slowly pushing himself up onto his elbows, and then into a sitting position. She gave him a skeptical look and paused for a few moments, before finally sighing in resignation.

"Fine, but I'm gonna get you a Gatorade from the fridge and I want it at least half gone before I help you move to the bed." She said. He nodded his agreement and quickly downed the red liquid when it was handed to him, not realizing how thirsty he actually was. Soon after, she slowly helped him stand and the two of them moved one step at a time to the bedroom. He eased himself down onto the plush mattress, a slight groan escaping him as even a slight bend sent shocks of pain through his abdomen. After about 20 more questions, she brought him a plate of food, a large bottle of water, an icepack, and two ibuprofen.

"What did I do to deserve you?" he asked gratefully when she finally climbed into the bed next to him. She smiled in response and leaned in to kiss him.

"Not sure that was an answer, but I'll take it!" he said with a smirk. She laughed and carefully snuggled into his good side.