Hana bounced happily up and down as she pressed her thumb into the tickets in her hands, she quickly embraced Lucio, still bouncing.
"Lucio! How did you even get these tickets? I thought they were sold out?" She questioned, Lucio hugged back and responded,
"I've got my connections! Don't underestimate me!"
He gave a hearty chuckle, and Hana let go of him, staring down at the tickets again.
"This is super sweet Lucio, I'm glad there's no hard feelings."
She smiled, holding up a peace sign, Lucio chuckled, wrapping an arm around her.
"If I had hard feelings for every person I dated in the past, I'd be a mess! Live and let live Hana."

Dva wrapped an arm around Lucio in return.

"This is gonna be so awesome!"

Days passed agonizingly slow, and finally when the day of the concert arrived, so did a problem.

"What do you mean you can't make it?!" Dva yelled, distraught.
"Hana, please calm down, I'm sorry. My managers called me last minute and need me for a shoot, isn't there anyone else you can invite?"

Dva huffed, and then sighed.

"No.. I don't know anyone who would like something like this."
"I'm sorry Hana, I hope the concert is good though! Take lots of pictures for me!"
"Alright.." Hana said sulking, before hanging up the phone.

She teared up a bit, holding back and rushing to the restroom to wipe her eyes.

"Okay.. I'm gonna go to the concert and enjoy myself, I've been wanting this." Hana reassured quietly.

Dva drove herself to the concert, waiting in a painstakingly long line to enter the concert hall, once in, it was filled with loud chatter, and loads of people walking in groups. Hana tried desperately to enjoy herself, but was brought down by the painful loneliness she felt.

Among her thoughts, she heard a voice, not her own, but she ignored it until she realized it was someone speaking to her.

"Hey, are you lost? You look lost." The woman said with a chuckle. She stood taller than Hana, hair shaved on one side and purple tips on her medium length hair.

Dva slowly looked up at her. "Um.. Were you talking to me?"

The woman just smirked and gave a gentle laugh.

"Yeah, you! You look either really lost or really sad, and neither of those feelings are a mood for a place like this miel." She placed her hands on her hips and leaned down to get a better look at Hana.
Hana just pouted. "Y-Yeah I'm in the right place! I'm just.. Supposed to be here with a friend, Lucio.. But he had to ditch last second. I don't want to be sad about it but.."

She began tearing up, Olivia immediately began wiping her tears. "H-Hey! Come on now, a concert is no place for tears." She crossed her arms and glanced around briefly, before looking back at Hana. "Listen, if it will make you feel better, I will stick around with you for the concert, being alone is.. No fun."

Dva instantly perked up "R-Really? You'd do that for me?" She paused for a moment, then spoke again. "You want something don't you, because you recognize me?" She crossed her arms, looking down.
"What are you talking about?" The taller woman tilted her head in confusion. "Are you a celebrity or something?" Suddenly it clicked. "Oh, you did mention Lucio, you mean THE Lucio." Sombra carefully removed Hana's sunglasses. "Hana Song.. I see. Well, no, I don't want anything from you, now come on! We're going to miss the concert if we stay here all day."

Sombra handed Dva her sunglasses and began walking, Hana following closely behind, putting the sunglasses back on her face.

Dva piped up "H-Hey! Who ARE you anyways? And why approach me if you didn't recognize me?"
"Me? I'm no one really, but you can call me Olivia, or Sombra, but I prefer the second one. And why did I come up to you? Well, I just thought you were cute querido."

Dva blushed at the comment, and turned away to hide her face.
Sombra smirked, and continued towards the concert hall.

Once the pair made their way into the hall, they waited patiently for the band to start, and when they did the crowd of people went wild.

Hana began jumping and tiptoeing to try and get a better look over the swarm of people, but no luck.

"Grr.. Curse my small legs.." She groaned, fiddling with her hair anxiously. Sombra noticed, and looked at her for a moment, before crouching down.
"Hop on my back, you'll get a better view that way." She said with a gentle smile.
"On your back? Are you for real?" Dva said, a blush creeping on her face.
Olivia scoffed, making a head motion. "Come on, you DO want to see, don't you?"
Hana contemplated for a moment, before she looped her legs over Sombra's shoulders.
Olivia stood up again, and turned her head to eye Dva. "Better?" She asked.

Hana felt like her eyes full of stars, she was so taken aback by the band that she could ACTUALLY see now. She crossed her arms on top of Sombra's head, arching her back to a slouch and resting her head on her arms, to which Sombra just have a gentle laugh.

"Comfy, Hana?" She asked, Dva just giggled.
"Thank you Sombra, I can see everything now."

The concert ended, and Sombra began to walk, Hana still on her shoulders.
"H-Hey! Sombra let me down!" She protested meekly.
"Oh, pobrecita." Olivia said mockingly. "Stuck on a tall girl's shoulders?"
Dva just groaned lightly, glaring down in the process. "Just let me down Sombra!" She repeated.
"Okay okay! I'm just messing with you miel." Sombra crouched down again, letting Hana get off and adjust herself. "Can't have a little fun pendejo?"
Hana just pouted, before speaking up. "Not very nice.."
"Ah. ¿Tu entiendes español?" Sombra said.
"O-Only a little bit! I.. Understand more than I can actually speak." Dva responded quietly.
"Ah entendido. So, what are you doing after this?" Olivia asked with a smirk.
"Oh um.. I have to get home, my friend wanted me to show him photos and tell him how the concert was."
Sombra just looked away, before muttering. "Yeah, your 'friend', I understand. He ditches you, and you still go back to him, sounds more like a boyfriend to me."
"Hey! It's not like that Sombra! Him and I.. We did date in the past.. But it didn't work out, and him and I have just been through so much together. I don't want to start breaking off our friendship over stupid trivial stuff like a photo shoot that his manager set up for him. Listen, I've had a really good time tonight, but I need to go."

Dva turned and began to walk off, Sombra called out to her but she kept walking.

Hana walked all the way out to her car, and then felt a soft hand on her shoulder.

Sombra was huffing, she took a moment to catch her breath, and then stood up straight. "You are really persistent in what you do huh? Must be a celebrity thing. Anyways." She pulled out a small box and handed it over to Dva. " Si alguna vez me extrañas, ábrela. I'll see you later, Hana." She proceeded to run off.
"If I miss you?" thought to herself. "Is she.. flirting? ..N-No! No way!" She opened the door to her car, and began to drive, sticking the small box into the glove compartment.

Once she made her way home, Lucio was already waiting at her apartment, she had asked him to meet her there, and had let him know when she was on her way home.

"Hana! Woman of the hour! How was the concert?" Lucio said. Hana just gave a small giggle and sat down on the couch next to him.
"The concert was.. Really fun, I probably would have enjoyed it more if my best friend was there though." She gave him a teasing nudge.
"Alright alright, I'm SORRY Hana, but it couldn't be helped, next time I'll be there one hundred percent. Sorry you had to spend it alone though."
"Oh, I didn't spend it alone." Hana chimed in.
"No?" Lucio questioned.
"Nope, I met a girl there, she was really nice! She let me sit on her shoulders so I could see, it was really fun! I'm glad she did too because when she approached me, I was on the verge of tears."

"I just thought you were cute, querido."

The words echoed in Dva's mind, "Cute?" she said quietly to herself.

"Hana? You alright? You're zoning out."

Hana quickly picked herself up from the couch and said "I'll be right back!" before rushing out the door, and back to her car. Lucio ended up following closely behind out of concern.

"Hana?! Really what's the matter?" When he caught up to her, he watched as she pulled a small box out of her car's glove compartment, she slowly opened it to reveal a folded piece of paper. "Call me, xoxo." Followed by a phone number.
Dva's face went completely red as she stared at the paper, Lucio glanced over her shoulder and gave a small smirk.

"You got some girl's number? Wow Hana, didn't think you were such a card."
"S-She chased after me and just gave it to me! I-I don't know! I didn't realize she was flirting with me!" She placed a palm on her forehead. "God I'm so dense!" She said, her face still completely red.

Dva made her way back inside, told Lucio about the concert, and he left soon after, saying his goodnights. She pulled the piece of paper out of her pocket and stared at the number on it. She quickly pulled out her cell phone and began dialing the number, it rang a few times, and then a few more, just as she thought Sombra wasn't going to answer, she picked up.

"Hello?" Sombra answered.
"H-Hello? Sombra?"
Sombra immediately perked up when she heard Hana's voice. "Hana! ¿Ya me extrañas?"
"I-It's not like that! I wanted to call and make sure you didn't give me a fake number.." Dva pouted.
"Aw, now how could I ever give a fake number to such a cute little lady like yourself Hana?"
"You're the cute one." Hana muttered under her breath.
"What was that?"
"N-Nothing! I'm going to bed, bye!"

Just like that Hana hung up the phone, she ran to her bedroom and climbed into her bed, hiding her face in her pillow. She heard a buzz on her phone, she picked it up and saw it was Sombra.

"Goodnight! :)" It read.

Dva paused, thinking of an appropriate way to respond after just hanging up on her.

Spanish Translations:
Miel- Honey
Querido- Dear
Oh, pobrecita- Oh, poor thing
Pendejo- Idiot
¿Tu entiendes español?- You understand Spanish?
Entendido- Understood.
Si alguna vez me extrañas, ábrela.- If you ever miss me, open it
¿Ya me extrañas?- Miss me already?