2o'clock and all was well, 2o'clock and Wren Durrant locked up her window at the bank and went to lunch. "Enjoy your lunch Wren!"

Glancing up at her coworkers, the teller nodded and headed into the breakroom. With the swipe of her e-card, the door popped open. Entering, Wren turned to make sure it had locked behind her. The promise of leftover mac and cheese causing her stomach to roar. Peeling off her blazer, revealing a few tasteful bits of ink, she threw it over the back of the corner chair. Wren began to muck around in the fridge. Humming happily when she pulled out her lunch. Tossing it into the microwave, she collapsed into the worn out couch and grabbed her book. "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larson. All in all, Wren was set for a normal hour long lunch break. The only exciting things happening, were taking place in her book.

Her peace was brought to grinding halt at the unmistakable sound of a gunshot. Dropping her book, Wren stared at the security footage playing over the breakroom monitor. For a moment, it flashed to the many rooms and offices, showing her coworkers cowering on the floor. The set was muted, but Wren could hear the terrified shrieks of clients and coworkers in the lobby. She'd only had this job for 2 years, the fact that she went that long in the banking industry of Gotham without going through a robbery, was a miracle. Suppose she was due for the experience. Licking her lips, Wren watched as her coworkers were rounded up and forced to sit at the center of the lobby. 5 goons wearing clown masks had guns on them. Judging by the lack of the alarm, no one had been able to press their buttons.

Digging for her cell phone, Wren dialed 911. Doing her best to remain calm. After all, she had trained for this…. Sort of.

Outside the breakroom, the robbers were doing a headcount of the bank workers. "Shit!"

They all stiffened "What!?"

The head goon counted again, and paled beneath his mask "We're missing one!"

The group went into a frenzy of panic. "They all do their lunches by 2pm, they're all supposed to be here. The fuck!?"

Footsteps sounded from the entrance to the bank. They crossed the lobby and came to standstill at the edge of the hostage circle. "How I despise mistakes…"

The hostages collectively froze, of all the rotten luck. Of all the Rogues to rob this bank, it had to be the Joker. "Which one is missing?"

From behind him, came a rather tall and muscled figure. He was looking through his cell phone. "We're missing a teller, she doesn't go off sight for lunch, so she's here, somewhere…"

Raising a non-existent eyebrow, the Joker surveyed the hostages until his cut glass eyes locked on the manager. "Aw, Mr. Napoli, perhaps you can tell me where you missing charge is?"

The manager shuddered but did his best to put on a brave face. "I sent Ms. Durrant home early this afternoon, she came in sick."

Chuckling, Joker stepped over a few of the hunched over hostages and stared at the manager "My Mr. Napoli, what a loyal employee you have…. Sadly…."

He lashed out and grabbed the man by the tie and yanked him forward "I don't swallow bullshit so easily. Now, where has Ms. Durrant gotten too?"

Sirens began to sound outside the bank, and Joker released his victim. "Someone called the cops…."

Glancing towards the door that led to one of the many secure parts of the bank, Joker sneered. "Did you fuckers think to check the employee lounge?!"

The goon froze. Another gunshot, and their leader keeled over. Bleeding all over the hardwood floors. "Absolutely useless! The rest of you, deal with that!"

Grabbing the manager, Joker shoved him towards the locked door. "Common Mr. Napoli, introduce me to Ms. Durrant.

Wren had just jammed the door of supply closet, locking herself inside, as Joker and Mr. Napoli entered the breakroom. The clown shoved her boss into the corner chair, his eyes swiveling around, like a predator. Pressing a hand over her mouth to quiet her breathing, she kept low and quiet. Watching as Joker picked up her book and flipped through it. Pausing at where she had written her name in the flap of the paperback. "Wren Durrant."

His voice sent a shiver down her spine, and her fingernails dug into the cheeks in an attempt to remain quiet. Joker giggling and set the book down. He knew she was in here, at this point it was just a matter of finding her. Wren's blood froze as the clown began to sing.

Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy….

He took to humming the tune as he walked around "Oh Mr. Napoli, your little bird is shy."

Walking into the bathrooms and into the some of the classrooms, he sighed. "As much as I love games…. I don't have time for them."

Coming back into the breakroom, Joker paused and looked directly at the storage closet. His already present smile, widened, causing the light from the window to reflect on his silver capped teeth. Stepping towards the door, he called "Come out little bird…."

Wren stepped back, stumbling at she did. He wrapped his knuckles on the door. "Do I scare you, little bird."

His words came out as a low growl. "Come out little bird…"

He could see her through the crack, the sliver of light from the room revealing her doughy brown eyes. "Come out, promise I won't bite."

Her hands were shaking now, and like a child she shook her head. Rolling his eyes Joker stepped back. "I've had my fun song bird, but you're boring me, now come out!"

He extracted his customized colt and took aim at Mr. Napoli. "Get your ass out here song bird, or I shoot your boss!"