Disclaimer: All rights go to Sarah J Maas

True to Feyre's word, I slept in the living room that night, on the ratty old couch near the fire. The couch was lumpy, and the heat from the fire had me throwing off the threadbare blanket they had allowed me to use. I was still in my wet clothes (from the snow), as they hadn't offered me any to change in. And I was fairly sure the cushions were infested with bugs. That being said, it was defiantly not the worst (nor most uncomfortable) place I had ever slept in. The couch was as comfortable as a four-poster bed compared to Amara- her dungeon.

But that didn't mean that it wasn't uncomfortable. And after 3 hours of staring at the ceiling, I gave up on sleep and decided to look around. After all, it wasn't every day that someone got to go back in time and revisit their childhood home before it was destroyed by Hybern's troops.

I started by the fire, staring at the vines snaking along the mantle. Then I moved to the windows, where lily's climbed their way up the sides. I went to the doorway, where roses littered the border. To the cabinet, where a tree was painted near the handle. To the foxglove painted on the edge of the table, its colors not quite right.

"What are you doing?" A whispered voice pierced the silence.

I whirled around, to find Elain in a night gown, standing in the doorway, staring at me.

I scanned her over, relieved to find no hostility in her gaze, just innocent curiosity.

I'd forgotten how innocent she had been back then. Well, now, I guess. Ugh, time travel.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to look around." I said, "I'm sorry for intruding."

Elain smiled at me. "That's alright. I suppose if I was staying in a strangers house, I would wish to look around as well."

I hesitantly smiled back.

She then walked over the small couch, and graceful sat down, ever the lady. Even in the midst of poverty. She waved me over.

As I sat down next to her, she asked me about my home. My family.

I knew that lies were most believable when mixed with truth- something I'd learned from an old friend.

So I did just that.

I was from a small town- which was true, as I had been born here.

No, I wasn't married, though I did have a lover- A mix of both lies and truth, as I was married.

Yes, I had siblings. Two older sisters.- True. Though their names I made up of the top of my head. Regina and Morrigan. I was sure they wouldn't mind me borrowing their names.

Yes, they looked similar to me- True. And a lie, as I was currently a wavy, black haired, blue eyed beauty.

No, neither of my parents were alive. My mother had died when I was young, and my father a little less than a year ago.- True. (Elain gave me her condolences for that.

It went on like this for what seemed to be almost an hour. Elain asking me question after question, me occasionally asking one back. I tried to keep my answers as true as possible, and remember my lies.

Eventually she went back to her room. I wasn't an idiot. I knew she would report everything back to Fey and Nesta. Which she already was, if the whispered words I picked up with my Fae hearing were any indication.

Elain was rattling off everything she had learn, and it occurred to me that she had a been a fairly good spy, even before she met Azriel. No wonder the two got along so well.

"There is something off about her." Nesta whispered. "Haven't you noticed her hair?"

"Her hair?!" Fey snapped. "We have a stranger show up out of nowhere, sleep in our house, and you are worried about her hair?!"

"Not like that!." Nesta replied. "Whenever I look at her, its black, but from my peripheral vision it's golden-brown. Like ours. And her skin becomes a shade lighter as well! And need I remind you that you were the one who invited her here in the first place!"

"You're crazy." Fey stated, obviously not amused.


"Okay, okay," Elain cut her off. "So you say their's something off about her. But when I was speaking with her, she seemed completely normal."

There was no reply, but I was willing to bet they gave her skeptical looks.

Elain sighed.

"How about this. We don't do anything, or mention anything, until we have proof. She obviously knows how to hunt. Maybe she could even help you out Feyre!"

"She's leaving tomorrow." Feyre snapped.

I heard rustling sheets, as if someone had turned over.

I waited another few minutes before deciding that their conversation was over.

I rolled over and looked at the ceiling, staring at a patch of poorly painted stars right above me, and closed my eyes quickly before the homesickness could over take me.

How the hell was I going to get out of this one?

My eyes snapped open at the sound of a door creaking open.

I'd slept lightly, not wanting be asleep when one of them left their room.

Fey walked out of the doorway, and we locked eyes.

She -I?- was already dressed for the day.

She took one look at me and headed outside, to where the pelts were drying.

I shot up and quickly walked to the doorway, before slowing down and casually walking up to her.

"I'm goong to head into town, find a map and make my way home. I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay." I said, hoping she would take the bait.

As I turned to "leave", she called out to me.

"Wait." Fey said with a sigh in her voice. "I'm headed into town, we could just go together."

She spoke reluctantly. As if someone had asked her to keep an eye on me, to find out more about me. At least, that's what I had heard Nesta speak last night.

"Sure!" I said brightly, willing some light into my eyes.

Fey seemed to be having an intense internal battle not to roll her eyes.

We walked into town, Nesta and Elain trailing us not a step behind.

We soon came across the Children of the Blessed, who took one look at us and decided that we would become their latest victims.

Nesta rolled her eyes as one came close, and gave us a pretty little speech on how the faeries were friends, and that we should all go to Prythian where we would be wed to a handsome faerie lord and spend the rest of our days singing kumbaya.

Though I guess something similar did happend to me, only I was tortured and killed and went through a war before it was peaceful.

So I endured the girl, making sure to have my face appear a bit revolted, as to make the Archeron sisters think that I hated faeries. That I hated them as much as they did, and defiantly was not one.

I endured the girl, I endured the speech.

And as soon as we began walking away was when I ripped into her mind.

A/N: Hi! So, I'm not dead, even though the fact that I haven't updated in 6 months would make you assume so. I know you aren't going to read this anyway but please comment! And read my other story! Its called Light in the Distance and it is a tog/acotar crossover with 10 chapters and counting!