Summary: One minute I'm binge watching Lost Girl on Netflix and the next I'm surrounded by Fae in the Ash asking me who I am and demanding I state my side. OC/Dyson. What the hell is going on? How did I get here and why is Dyson looking at me like that?

Chapter 1.

I lie back on my bed as the first episode starts. At this point i've watched the entire series and know it pretty well. I'm not a Lost Girl fanatic but I do know it pretty well. I adjust my pillow behind my head just as Dyson and Hale appear on screen. They were both handsome.

But Dyson is extra yummy.

The two fae detectives are in the elevator standing over the creep that drugged Kenzi.

I sigh as Dyson leans in and sniffs the dead man for clues.

What I wouldn't give to have someone like him in my life. Bo had the chance to really have something good with him but instead she put him on the back burner and used him. Too bad he was just a fictional character. If it was up to me he would have gotten a happy ending.

My eyelids grow heavy, I've had a long day at work. I'm a kickboxer instructor by day and part time bartender by night. It isn't cheap living in New York City, especially when you're 28 and single. I look back to the show just as Bo sucks the chi out of Dyson just before her trial. Something tightens in my chest at the sight.

What the hell is wrong with me? Am I seriously getting jealous of a fictional woman? I need some sleep.

I try to fight the sleep but the last thing I hear before everything goes dark is Bo's voice.

Neither! I choose humans!

The first thing I notice when I come is the feel of the cold hard ground under me.

That can't be good on my back. Wait...ground? I fell asleep in my bed.

My eyes shoot open and that's when the world around me comes crashing in. I'm on the ground in what looks to have been a old factory. There are people standing above looking down at me.

"What the hell?" I whisper.

"What is the meaning of this?! Identify yourself!" A man in nlack commands from up above. I rise to my feet just as someone rushes over to me and helps me the rest of the way up. I look at them to thank them and I freeze.

Holy shit. It's Bo.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks. I'm at a loss for words. Then Kenzi appears next to her and I know this is either a very real dream or something is really wrong.

"I think she's broken Bo Bo," Kenzi says and that snaps me back to the present.

"I don't know how I got here but something is terribly wrong," I say. My dark curly locks have come free of the hair tie I went to sleep in. I push them out of my face just as someone appears next to me. A strong grip grabs my arm. The pale hand nicely contrasting with my peanut butter colored skin. My eyes follow the hand up to its owner and my heart begins to race.

It's Dyson. He's even more handsome in person and I didn't think that was possible.

I don't fight his hold. He has a serious look on his handsome face as he looks into my eyes.

"What's your name?"

I contemplate lying but think better of it.

"Alev. Alev Winters."

"What are you?" He asks and I frown.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"What kind of Fae are you?" The man in black who I now recognize as The Ash asks from up above.

"I'm human."

Dyson leans closer to me and much like he did the corpse, he sniffs me. I shiver a little and his wolf flashes in his eyes just for a second before they are blue again. He gives me a strange look then looks back to The Ash.

"She's a wolf."

The Ash nods at him then looks back to me.

I pull away from Dyson with surprise ease.

"Woah, listen. I'm not a wolf. I don't know how I got here but this is all just a misunderstanding."

The Ash frowns. "There is no mistake child, you are Fae." Then he looks to Dyson and nods.

Dyson grabs my arm again, this time a little more gently. I look up at him. He's about six foot and I'm five foot five on a good day.

"Come on. The doc has to check you over."

He pulls me away from Bo and Kenzi who look like they want to protest but I give them a nod and follow the wolf willingly. Lauren would see. There is no way I can be Fae. Especially a wolf.

The rest have dispersed and only Hale walks a few feet in front of us. I can feel Dyson's eyes on me and I try my best to keep my heart rate normal. He stares without any shame and just before we reach the lab I turn to him.

"Any reason why you're looking at me like I'm some freak show?!"

He smirks. Then nods his head towards the lab.

Seriously? That's how he's gonna play it? I don't remember him being this way with Bo. A growl tears from my lips at the thought of the two of them. Wait. Since when can I growl?. He's staring at me and I force myself to take a deep to calm down which proves to be a bad idea. I get a whiff of him and he smells so alluring but there is something that doesn't belong on his scent. It smells familiar...Bo. He still smells like her. She did suck chi from him right before I showed up. Well that shit won't be going down like it did on the show. He's mine. I frown at the thought. What the hell is going on with me. Sure I think he's hot but these possessive feelings are new.

"Hey. Breathe. It'll be alright. Don't let your wolf overwhelm you. We don't need you to shift right now. Plus it's painful the first time." He says and I nod. We continue into the lab where Lauren greets us. And just like everyone else, she's so much more beautiful in person than on tv. Although I'm not her biggest fan, I admit she has her uses.

"Hello Alev, I'm Doctor Lauren. I'm just going to do a thorough exam and see if we can find any clues as to where you came from."

"Ok." I reply. She tells me I'll have to fully undress. Everyone else in the room clears out. Dyson moves to step outside but I grab his hand. A warmth spreads through me at his touch. But I ignore it even though I can see from the flash in his eyes that he feels it too.


"Are you sure? I could step outside like the others," he replies. I shake my head.

"For some reason I feel safe with you. Stay. I'm not ashamed of my body but you can close your eyes if its too much for your innocent eyes," I tease. His eyes light up and a heated look comes over them as I begin to unbutton my black pajama top. I didn't sleep in any kind of bra or tank top under it so I know he's in for a show.

He meets my eyes without wavering and I can feel my skin heating up. I never break his gaze even as I finish unbuttoning the top and slide it off of my shoulders. My nipples harden as the cold air hits them and I gasp at the feel. I hook my fingers into the waist of my matching bottoms and a pool of wetness grows in my panties. Dyson's eyes although still on mine darken as his nostrils flare.

Oh god, he can smell how turned on I am.

He finally caves and looks me over as I shimmy out of my bottoms and panties. A near feral growl rumbles in his chest as I step out of the clothes.I fluster a little because I know what he sees. A nice perky C cup, small waist with curvy hips. I walk over to the hospital bed, turning my back on him and that proves to be his undoing. I know I have a ass that a lot of women would kill for. There is a rush of air and then his hands are on my waist.

His nearness turns me on even more and I don't care if he can smell me at this point. His nose is in the crook of my neck and he sniffs me again as his hands rest on my pelvis bone rubbing circles there.

"I've never smelled someone as enticing as you in my entire existence. God I want to devour you."

I gasp as one of his hands dips down between my legs. My body begins to heat up and a burning sensation starts to happen on my right hip.

"Dyson," I moan. The burning increases as he begins to kiss the back of my neck. He hisses then suddenly he's no longer touching me. I turn to look at him and he's rolling up the sleeve to his shirt on his right hand. The hand that was touching the burning spot on my hip. When he finally gets the sleeve up there is a black sun tattoo.

"Nice ink," I say. He looks from it then to me and frowns.

"I could say the same for you," he replies pointing to my hip. I look down and sure enough there is now a black crescent moon tattoo on my hip.

"What the hell is happening?!" I screech. The door to the room opens and I grab the white sheet of of the bed and wrap it around myself. Lauren looks from me to Dyson then back to me.

"I heard yelling." She says. And I have to fight not to roll my eyes. Yeah, right. Like you're so concerned you nosey bitch.

Dyson shows her the tattoo on his arm and then I show her mine. She blushes at my naked state and I bite back the smart remark on the tip of my tongue. She does a exam and makes it as quick as possible. By the time she finishes running her test she concludes that I am a wolf, backing up what Dyson already picked up on. Furthermore, a call from a certain bar owner confirms that I am a part of the Light. He claims that my name has been written in his book even though neither of us have ever met. With this knowledge the Ash releases me over to Dyson now that he knows I am on their side.

I'm promised a job and a place of my own in a few days but for the time being they want me to stay with Dyson. He seems to have no objections and I'm sure it's because he wants to learn more about me.

The entire ordeal takes about half an hour and I'm given a set of clothes. A dark green dress that reaches my ankles but shows off my chest and some satin slippers.

Once we're nearly outside I can smell familiar scents. Bo and Kenzi. My wolf becomes restless at the thought of the succubus. I turn to Dyson and shove him into a nearby wall. I grip the lapels of his jacket and draw his face down to mine. He looks at me wide eyed but doesn't object. If anything his eyes darken and his wolf comes forth.

"Let's make something clear. You even think about fucking her I will rip your dick off. I don't know how I got here but all I know is the idea of you with another woman makes me want to kill someone. So do them and you a favor and behave," I growl.

"You are an interesting little she wolf," he says. There is amusement in his tone even as his eyes stay yellow.

"Maybe I'm not making myself clear," I growl, I reach down between us and grip him through his jeans. He twitches under my hand and a groan slips past his lips. He's panting lightly fighting for control. I look into his eyes and I can feel my wolf coming forth again. "I don't care who you were with before me but you're mine now," I growl, giving him a firm squeeze.

"Got it?" I ask as my wolf fades to the background. His does as well and I'm met with shocked blue eyes.

"Got it," he says. His voice has dropped an octave and it makes me shiver. His lips attack mine and I fight him for dominance of the kiss before finally letting him lead. It's unlike anything I've ever felt before. The mark on my hip tingles this time it's a pleasant feeling and I can't stop the moan that slips past my lips. He growls and I know his own mark must be having the same effect.

"Hey Dyson, you bout ready to woahhhh," a voice says causing us to broke a part slowly. We look at each other and I get the message loud and clear. This will be continued later. We both look and see Hale standing there looking confused. Dyson walks up to him and pats him on the shoulder.

"Come on let's drop the succubus and her human off."

Then he pauses and looks at me then Hale.

"Hale this is Alev, she's a wolf on ourside. Alev, this is Hale. He's a siren and my partner."

Hale looks to me and I give me a friendly smile which he returns. We continue out of the building to meet the waiting women.

I'm not sure how I got here but I know that nothing will be the same. I won't let Bo break Dyson's heart. He's mine now and I'll kill her to keep him.

Author's Note: This was kinda floating around in my head. Let me know what you think. It's my first Lost Girl fic. Should I continue it through the seasons or leave it as a one shot?