"Caspian! Caspian! Cas!" Caspian turned around shocked to hear Tom shouting after him. Tom seemed worried, which was hardly ever scene before. He raised an eyebrow as Tom caught up to him. Wasn't he meant to be meeting Harrison?

"Tom? What's going -" Tom dragged him down the corridor, Cas was unsure where they were going and very, very confused.

"Harrison's hurt," Tom spoke and Cas froze. What? Tom stopped running and turned to Caspian, who seemed to be in a state of shock. Tom sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Cas, he'll be okay. We'll find out who did it, trust me," He said sincerely.

Caspian raised an eyebrow but nodded. Brothers, best friends had fights every now and then but at the end of the day they were always there for each other. He realised they were heading to the Hospital wing. Caspian's eyes widened. Just how hurt was Harrison? He took Tom's hand as they walked into the Wing, heading over to the bed Harrison was at. He was asleep. Cas jumped when the Nurse, Madam Chang, turned to stand next to them.

"He has been through many curses. Some borderline dark. When Mr Carrow wakes up he might be able to tell us who did this so we can sort out suspension or expolsion. Do you two have any idea who might have done this?" She asked them both with a stern look in her eyes. Cas shook his head, indicating that he had no idea. He was shocked to see his own brother in hospital. He was speechless, upset and angry. Tom placed a supportive hand on Caspian's shoulders as he spoke.

"I believe it was either Francis Nott or Orion Black," He said quietly. Nurse Chang raised her eyebrows, as did Caspian.

"But they were his best friends, why would they hurt him?" He knew there was a whole confrontation at lunch, seen as he was the reason they were all fighting. But he didn't think Harrison's friends would go so far as to physically hurt him. That was just plain cold hearted.

"I agree with young Mr Carrow, why would those two want to hurt Harrison?" Nurse Chang asked, confusion clear on her face. Tom sighed.

"It's the way Slytherin's work. I can't explain it... But I know for sure it was those two," He said confidently. Nurse Chang smiled. She was glad that Tom was having a change of heart. Dumbledore seemed to always worry about Tom, but it seemed that Harrison brought the best out of Tom.

"Tom's right" The three of them opened their mouths in shock and looked down to to Harrison. Nurse Chang rushed to his side,

"You shouldn't even be awake right now, Mr Carrow. Are you feeling okay? Hurting anywhere?" Caspian was relieved. Harrison was okay. He was okay.

"I ache all over. It was Nott, Tom. It was Nott," Harrison said, coughing. Tom's eyes darkened and he turned to leave. Caspian grabbed his wrist.

"Tom. Don't. If you get revenge, if you hurt him. What's the difference between you and him?" He questioned softly and Tom paused and looked at Harrison before looking back to Caspian. He sighed and stayed where he was.

"Okay. Okay, fine. But we are pranking them," He told Cas, who laughed and nodded.

Nurse Chang gave Harrison some pain reliever. Harrison spoke again.

"Do we know who's on the Hogwarts Quidditch team?" He asked a moment after he took the potion. Tom shook his head.

"No, you haven't been out for long -"

Cas frowned when Chang gave Harrison another potion to take, he recognised that...

"Wait, was that a Dreamless sleep potion?" He questioned as he watched Harrison close his eyes. Chang nodded.

"He'll be out till at least after dinner," She said. "Now, off you go," She shooed them out of the Wing.


Harrison's POV

The place was white. He was in the Wing, only he wasn't. He then turned to see Death watching Teletubbies on TV. Harry raised an eyebrow as he walked over to him, joining Death on the sofa. He stole a piece of popcorn as Harrison spoke.

"I remember when I was younger, I heard Dudley watching that program. I snuck out to watch it behing the sofa and got caught. That was my first punishment from Vernon. I was four," Harry spoke and Death looked at Harry, who was looking at the television.

"And now look at you, dating the Dark Lord," Death countered and Harry blushed darkly.

"He's not a Dark Lord," Harry defended. "And we aren't dating," He huffed, stealing a handful of popcorn. Death chuckled.

"Whatever you say. Now what do you want to happen with Francis Nott?" Death asked and Harry blinked.

"What do you mean?"

"He attacked you Harry, then Oblivated you. You know why? He's jealous of you."

Harry choked on his own spit.

"What do you mean?" He repeated, raising an eyebrow at him.

"You really are oblivious, aren't you? Nott likes you. As in more than a friend. You chose Tom over him. He doesn't know what to do with himself," Death explained like it was the most simple thing in the world. Harry didn't know what to think. Frank liked him?

"But why didn't he tell me? And I don't want him expelled. He might come round," He said with hope in his eyes, looking at Death with puppy eyes.

"I can't do anything, Harry. You know that," Harry pouted.

"But if you can only send people in time and kill off the people you don't like, what's the point in you?" Harry asked cheekily. Death threw the entire box of popcorn over Harry, turning the popcorn into spiders and Harry screamed like a girl, moving from his spot and ran as far away from the spiders as possible. His eyes narrowed at Death who had burst out laughing, rolling around on the floor.

"Never... Underestimate me Harry. It's time to wake up now, dear. Send Tom my love,"Harry opened his eyes, everything was too bright and he closed them again. He opened them a minute later and was surprised to see Caspian still there. Harry smiled warmly.

"Hey little bro," Harry spoke, his voice croaked at the end as he spoke. Cas looked up and smiled, looking excited.

"Harrison! We both made the team! I'm Chaser with Charlus Potter and the Ravenclaw Captain! Nott is reserve along with LeStrange and Davis. Wood got to be Keeper with Diggory as reserve. Beaters are a Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw and you're the Seeker with Weasley as your reserve!" Caspian rambled on, grinning. Harry had to blink a few times to register what he said. He was disappointed that Diggory didn't quite get the position but at least he was back up, which is still part of the team.

"That sounds like a team good enough to beat the other schools," Harry said confidently. He then paused, "Who's the Captain?"

He swore Caspian was now jumping up and down. Harrison raised an eyebrow.

"You! You're the Captain along with Charlus Potter!"

Harrison opened his mouth in shock. What?

A/N - Sorry for not updating in so long but here you go. Thanks everyone for the reviews and follows, I can't believe how many people like this story so thank you! See you in the next chapter - Allons-y!