Allura held her brother close for the last time three quintants before her father shoved her into a cryopod. Lance was so small, then, his dark brown hair flecked with silver like their mother's and scales that glowed a darker blue than their father's, and it broke Allura's heart to know that he would be sent away. The little Altean had followed her relentlessly ever since the war began, with his favorite nanny being their father's most trusted advisor and their mother died in the very beginning of the war. She couldn't help but squeeze him a little tighter, smoothing his hair down as he yawned, fighting to keep his eyes open. Clutched in his arms was the stuffed Kranmürell, its traditional green fur a bright blue, with tufts of pink instead of white for the collar, the toy's button eyes staring at her accusingly as she rocked the boy. "It's alright, Lance, we'll be together again soon, I promise," Allura cooed. Lance only held to her and his toy tighter.

"I wanna stay with you," he whined. "Don't make me go, 'Lura!"

"I want you to stay, too, but it's very dangerous right now. Can't you go for me? Search for juniberries while we're apart, and bring me some when you come back. And I'll find all the sparkly things I can for you."

"Mm… Okay. Can I sleep with you?" Lance's voice began to slur, his deep blue eyes fluttering ceaselessly as he tried to stay up.

"Of course you can," was all she had time to say before he was fast asleep in her arms.

There was nothing, she mused, more disheartening than watching her sweet, energetic brother so still. True to their father's wishes, he was put into stasis the next morning, with only his stuffed Kranmürell to keep him company. Lance was still, peaceful as his pod was loaded into the smaller ship. Allura wanted to be like Alfor, who watched with a forlorn gaze despite his otherwise relaxed face, but nothing could stop the rivulets of tears streaming down her face when they watched her brother leave them- her heart told her that it would be so very long before they were reunited.

After that, life seemed duller. Father let her listen to the strategies as Voltron's Paladins worked to find a way to take Zarkon and his army from power, let her sit in the holodeck and watch the simulated wind sway the simulated juniberries, let her train with the paladins. On the third quintant, Zarkon attacked, and for the first time, Allura celebrated the absence of her brother. The great booms and trembling walls of the castle would have terrified and endangered him.

"Allura, your father wants to see you," Coran relayed, snapping her attention away from the sounds of battle.

"Where is he?"

"The podroom, with Trigal."

"Trigal? What happened? I can't imagine that Voltron can be formed without her."

"Which is why she is in the podroom, princess, now come."

Trigal was not in the podroom. In fact, the Green Paladin's voice drifted through the comms just moments later, right before King Alfor shoved Allura into a waiting pod. "Father, please! I have to be here for Lan-" the young princess screamed, only to be frozen mid-protest.

I'm going to miss Lance's homecoming, was the first, frantic thought in her head as she froze.