Hello there! ;)

This is a short (like, really short) prologue of my new story. If you are here from the previous one, I'm glad, then. :)

If not, I'm also glad :D

Further information about the plot and the story (like timeline etc) will be known in the first chapter. For now I'll tell you that this is NOT a slash (although some moments may be confusing), just friendship :)

M rating is for safety (if there was something graphic in any chapter, I'd put a warning)

Finally, enjoy please! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

~~~ Prologue ~~~

He felt nothing. His heart was empty. Everyone abandoned him, everyone left him for death. Why?

His legs trembled as another whip pierced his back, but he had faith. He knew the day will come when his chains are broken.

He looked around but there was no one in his sight. His friends haven't arrived so far, they will never rescue him. He should stop living in the illusion of how beautiful his life could be.

He had nothing, just questions. But he will not get any answer.

How could they leave him? Have they ever looked for him? Is he dead or maybe is it just a nightmare? A long, dark nightmare with no end.

No one to trust, only cold death has been awaiting him. But he is strong. And naive. He had thought he would never be alone. But he is now, so he has always been. Why?

Once he was a Jedi, with beloved Master and strong pride. Now, he is nothing but a slave. Again. Breaking his back every day to serve others. Alone, abandoned and broken.

Five months. It has been five months since he saw people he used to call 'friends' or even a 'family'. Not to pretend, he missed them. Especially one person. Where was his Master, does he think about his once a Padawan? Or has he just forgotten and got a new one?

Tears formed in his eyes as he looked at the darkness in front of him. And there is only one thing he must do to save himself.

He must leave the past behind. Even if it means being a Jedi no longer. Since he's been here, he could hear only orders, see only slaves, he was one of slaves. Loads of people around are like him. Poor, hungry, weak and broken. Yes, he couldn't deny it, he was broken. Young Jedi Padawan - Anakin Skywalker - was nothing but a machine, not a human anymore. Trained to listen to the ones he serves, not having courage to protest. Coward, idiot, fallen human. These were words describing him.

He felt another whip and shout. Somebody tells him to make haste, move faster. He got used to that. But his Jedi side, this proud one, didn't.

The Force was still inside him. But no one has ever answered him on his desperate calls for aid. No one's arrived to rescue him. Even his Master, who told him once he is always next to. That was a pity he hasn't seen him for these five months. He sees him in his dreams sometimes, when he can sleep. And it wasn't helpful to survive.

His hope remains but how much longer will he wait? No. He will never wait. A decision has to be made. And it is.

Another broken man falls and dies because of the exhaustion. No one cares about his death, though. No one's here to cry when he draws his last breath. He just leaves this world forgotten by people, by everyone. Meanwhile his family leads a peaceful life. Does the Jedi do it as well? He hates them. If only he had known that he'd be a slave again, he would never have left his Mother.

He sees two shadows in front of him and when he looks up, their faces show smile. And he knew where they want to take him.

His time has come. He will either die, or escape. He will find his courage and pick these pieces together. He has nothing to lose anyway. This is the day he's been waiting for. This is the day of freedom...


So, what do you think? For mistakes I apologise, I'm not English, I'll try my best to improve :)