Chapter 9

Thoughout the rest of the classes during the day, I was more distracted than normal. I couldn't stop thinking about meeting Draco later. Finally, it was supper time in the Great Hall. I picked at my food, glancing over while Draco made a scene about his arm.

I sighed. When was he going to stop that? I hoped it would be soon. I was jealous over all of the girls that were trying to touch on him, trying to 'take care' of him. He doesn't need taking care of, he needs to get his head out of his ass. I looked back down at my barely-touched food, and glanced one more time to where the girls were all over Draco. He was looking back at me. I flushed slightly, then pushed back in my seat and left the Great Hall. I decided I would just wait for him in the secret room, where I wouldn't have to see the idiots pandering to him.

When I got to what I assumed was the correct tapestry of the founder of my house, I looked around to make sure no one was around. Of course, they weren't, since they were all eating. I pulled the tapestry aside. I saw...a wall. I frowned, thinking that Draco must've gotten it wrong, or I found the wrong tapestry. Then, I noticed a little groove in the wall, almost like a handle. I pulled on it a little, and the door swung open, revealing darkness inside.

"Lumos," I said, lighting up my wand. I looked around once more, then stepped inside. As soon as I was a few steps into the dark corridor, the door behind me swung shut on its own. I frowned. That was creepy. I turned and started forward, lighting the way with my wand. It was only a moment before I came to the secret room that Draco must've been talking about. I went to a lantern on the wall, whispering, "Incendio." I did the same to a few other lanterns around the room, then looked around. It was a small room, dressed in greens and silvers, which made sense, as it was behind a portrait of Salazar Slytherin. There was a small fireplace, which I did not light. In front of the fireplace was a green couch with silver trim, and a small coffee table. There was a desk in the corner. The place reminded me of a private office, or a study room, which was probably what it was intended for. Everything was coated with a layer of dust that had me sneezing as soon as I tried to brush some of it off the couch.

While I was busy trying to control my sneezing fit, I heard someone chuckle. I looked to the entrance to the room, putting a hand over my heart. "Fucking hell, Draco, you almost gave me a heart attack." I sneezed again. "Damn, it's dusty in here."

He smirked at me, then waved his wand and muttered a spell that had all the dust gathering up into a ball, then poofing into non-existence. I raised my brows. He came over, smirking down at me. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me toward him, and I looked up at him with a sort of pouty look. He was pulling me in, and he needed to know that I was upset, but then he kissed me, and that thought went away.

His lips were moving against mine, and I went pliant against him, relaxing. I put a hand on his shoulder. His tongue came out, asking for entrance, but I stubbornly kept my mouth closed. He nipped my bottom lip a little bit in punishment, and I started to gasp at the slight sting that I wasn't expecting. He took the opportunity and dove into my mouth with his tongue. I kissed him back, just as deep, helpless since he was already there. He moved me over the the couch and we broke apart as I stumbled back into it, sitting down hard. He sat next to me, and leaned in to kiss me again.

I was breathing hard, but I put up a hand to stop him. "Draco, I am upset. You can't just kiss that away."

His eyes glittered. "It seemed like I was doing a pretty good job of it."

I rolled my eyes. He might've been right, but I wasn't going to let him know that. "We haven't seen each other in private in days, and you just want to kiss? I'm starting to feel a little used."

"Shae, snogging you is great, obviously, and I want to take advantage of our alone time together," he said. He looked at me with puppy-dog eyes and I almost gave in.

"No, we need to talk about your arm. By the way, I noticed you don't have the sling on. I knew it was healed that same day!" I looked at him accusingly.

He sighed and sat back, running a hand through his hair. I watched it, wanting to do the same thing, but clenched my hands into fists, stopping myself. He looked at me. "Yes, it's healed. It's been that way ever since the night it happened, it didn't take long to heal."

"Okay, so why are you still laying it on so thick with the idiots in our house?" My face burned with anger as I thought of the girls that were trying to get closer to him with the injury as an excuse. "You just want the attention? Wait, don't answer that, of course you do. You're Draco Malfoy, what absolute tragedy would it be if you didn't have everyone's fucking attention on you for ten minutes." I glared at him.

He leaned over and grabbed my hand. "My father told me to keep saying it's injured, to make a big deal out of it. He wants to get that idiotic giant fired, and the animal that hurt me executed." He pursed his lips. "I don't really have a choice in it, you have to understand. If I defy my father, it won't be pretty."

I frowned at him. "You know it was your fault that it happened, right? It wasn't Hagrid's, and it wasn't Buckbeak's. They shouldn't be punished for you being an attention-whore."

He scowled. "I wasn't being an attention-whore. If Potter could do it, it can't have been that big of a deal. Either way, the oaf shouldn't have brought a dangerous animal in front of students."

I rolled my eyes. "You were jealous of Potter getting the attention, so you sought to get it back on yourself. That's called being an attention-whore, Draco." He opened his mouth to reply, but I spoke over him. "Also, Hagrid's lesson could've been awesome, if you'd listened. You know, instead of being an attention-whore."

"Oh, so you're defending the Golden Boy, and the idiot oaf who parades as a professor?" he sneered. "Maybe you should go talk to them, since you like them so much. I know you were worried when Potter was going up to the bloody chicken, but I bet you weren't nearly as worried for me."

I yanked my hand out of his, flushed with rage. "Hagrid could be a good teacher, if he didn't have an idiot like you in his class. Also, Harry Potter may be an arrogant prick, but newsflash! So are you, Draco! I don't even like him, I like you, you stupid fucking...fucking...bag of dicks!" I flushed again as soon as it was out of my mouth, this time with embarrassment at the insult, rather than anger.

His lips twitched. "Bag of dicks?" he said, sounding amused.

I flushed even more, if possible. I crossed my arms, nodding.

His eyes sparkled, and he came closer to me. I looked up at him as he smirked down at me. "What in bloody hell is a bag of dicks, do tell?"

I looked down, away from him. He moved his hand to chin and moved my face back over to his. "You. That's what it is. It's you."

He laughed, and it was infectious. I reluctantly smiled, smacking at his chest. "Nice insult, though I wouldn't say that around anyone else."

"Shut up, I couldn't think," I muttered, embarrassed. "You know I don't like Potter. You know I like you. You pissed me off on purpose."

He smirked. "You're cute when you're angry, but you're even more adorable when you're embarrassed."

I blushed again. "It's not funny, Draco."

He chuckled. "It is, Shae." He leaned down and kissed me, and this time I let him open my mouth with his tongue.

I enjoyed the way our tongues mingled together, and the taste of him. It made me all hot and bothered, in a way I had never been before. I scooted closer a little, and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap. He tangled a hand into my hair, and one of my hands did the same to his, while my other went to his shoulder, pulling him even closer. His hand on my back pressed me against him, so we were aligned in all the right places. I felt a bulge press against my thigh, my bare thigh because I was wearing a skirt, and suddenly I became very aware of the situation. No one was going to walk in, no interruptions. I pulled back, breathless, blushing beyond belief, and he looked at me, obviously confused.

I climbed off his lap, sitting next to him instead, and saw the protrusion in his pants. I stared for a moment, then looked away quickly, going even redder.

Draco saw this, and laughed a little. "Shae, that's what happens when a guy gets turned on. We're thirteen. Teenagers, not little kids holding hands."

I bit my lip. "Draco, I like making out with you. A lot. But, uhh, I don't think I want anything more than that right now." I was still bright red. The only things I really knew about sex were what were taught to us in health class, the year before Hogwarts, in fifth grade. Which really wasn't anything, as it was more about periods and puberty.

He smirked. "We don't have to do anything more if you don't want to, but don't expect me not to get excited when we're kissing, touching, anything." He looked me in the eye. "Trust me, you're an extremely attractive girl, I can't really help it." He frowned, as if he just thought of something. "Wait, so does that mean you aren't getting excited, turned on, aroused when we're doing stuff? I know I won't be able to see it, obviously, but you have to feel it, too, right?" He looked at me imploringly.

"Of course I get, um...worked up, when we're making out, it'd be impossible not to," I mumbled. "But, I still don't think I want anything more."

His frown went away, replaced by a pleased smile. "That's fine, like I said, I won't push you. I just wanted to make sure you felt it, too."

I nodded and looked away, still red. I was being awkwardly silent, but I couldn't help it. I didn't know what to say after that, and I didn't know what to do.

Finally, Draco broke the silence. "Look, Shae, we can talk, or we can kiss, or we can do whatever you want. I want to snog you senseless, but blame that on me being a guy." He looked at me, serious this time. "How about this, I'll let you be in charge tonight, we'll do anything you want."

I peeked over at him. "Really?"

He nodded. "Really. I'll even stop trying to jump your bones, but only if you want, and only for tonight," he said with a micheivous glint in his eye.

I smiled. "I do like when you, as you put it, 'try to jump my bones.' I just wasn't expecting...that. It surprised me," I admitted.

He smirked, "I'd be happy to continue snogging you all night, but you've got to say it. I won't do it unless you want me to."

I sighed, and blushed again as I said, "Draco, I want you to make out with me."

His smirk grew, and he leaned over and kissed me senseless. We continued like that for I didn't even know how long. When Draco finally pulled us apart, and went about striaghtening his clothes and hair, I was sad. I didn't want it to end, but I got up, and straightened my dissheveled clothes and hair, as well.

He kissed me once more, just a peck to say goodnight, and left the room before me. We had decided to stagger our exits, just in case anyone was outside. Honestly, I didn't care about anyone seeing us leaving the room together, but I knew he did, so I waited. I must've been tired, though, because when I woke up the next morning, I was on the couch of the secret room. I shot up, running out, but I had time to pull it together before the day began.