I could hear my twin brother being his usual annoying loud self, he was still trying to fill out so that he could make first line on the lacrosse team this year but it was really annoying when I was trying to study, I got up angrily and went to his room walking straight in without knocking

"Oh my God, Scott I'm trying to study can you keep it down in here"

"You know I'm trying to make first line"

"So you can still fill out and be quiet, don't make me hurt you again"

"Just because you're five minutes older doesn't mean you-" he was cut off by a large thud and we both looked around for the source but it was coming from outside, he grabbed his bat and we went downstairs trying to find out what it was, then something dropped from the roof and we all screamed but it was only Stiles, our best friend

"Stiles what the hell are you doing" I screamed

"You two weren't answering you phones, why do you have a bat"

"I thought you were a predator" Scott replied and even I laughed at that one

"A pred..." he scoffed "Look I know it's late but you gotta hear this, I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago, dispatch called they're bringing in every officer and even state police"

"For what" I asked excitedly because nothing ever happens in this town

"Two joggers found a body in the woods" Stiles replied as he unhooked himself from the roof and jumped down then jumped onto the porch

"A dead body" Scott asked stupidly

"No a body of water, yes dumbass a dead body" Stiles said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes at him

"So you mean like murdered" I asked getting back to the topic at hand

"Nobody knows yet, all they know is that it was a girl probably in her twenties"

"Wait if they already found the body then what are they looking for" Scott asked

"That's the thing" Stiles paused "They only found half" he gave us a mischievous smile "Were going"

A sign illuminated as we pulled up in Stiles' jeep 'BEACON HILLS RESERVE. NO ENTRY AFTER DARK' we got out and Stiles grabbed a flash light

"Are we seriously doing this" Scott asked as we made our way into the trees

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town" Stiles said giving us a smile and bumped into him playfully

"You know I was trying to get a good night sleep for practise tomorrow"

"Right cause sitting on the bench is such a gruelling effort" Stiles replied leading the way further into the woods

"No, because I'm playing this year in fact I'm making first line"

"Hey that's the spirit, everyone should have a dream even a pathetically unrealistic one" Stiles replied

"You know" I said cutting in "Just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for"

"Huh, I didn't even think about that" Stiles replied

"And what if whatever killed the body is still out here" Scott added

"Also something I didn't even think about" Stiles said, starting to make his way up a hill in front of us

"Comforting to know you planned this out with your usual attention to detail" I said following him up but heard a wheeze behind me, it was Scott trying to keep up

"You know maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight" he said as he stopped at a tree leaning up against it, I stopped noticing he was reaching into his pocket and of course he didn't find what he was looking for I sighed and threw him the inhaler out of my pocket, I always carried one everywhere as well just in case he forgot his, he smiled at me and used the inhaler

We then followed Stiles dropping to the ground next to him, I could make out a few police officers with flashlights and police dogs searching the woods ahead of us, Stiles smiled at us

"I knew I was going to regret this" I mumbled

"Come on" he said taking off again

"STILES" Scott yelled, taking another hit from the inhaler before we ran after Stiles, we ran deeper into the woods and closer to the police group then suddenly Stiles vanished and the sound of a dog barking caused Scott to pull me behind a tree to hide out of sight as Stiles screamed

"Hang on, hang on this little delinquent belongs to me" the sheriff called, it was Stiles father

"Dad, how you doing" Stiles asked

"So, do you listen in to all my phone calls?"

"No…not the boring ones" I held my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing

"And where are your usual partners in crime"

"Who, Scott and Skye they're at home they wanted a good night sleep for school tomorrow, it's just me…in the woods, alone" I heard the sheriff sigh then used his flashlight to search the trees for us

"Scott, Skyler you out there" Scott and I shrunk back into the tree so that we weren't spotted by him "Well young man I'm going to walk you back to your car and you and I are going to have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy" they left and Scott and I came out from behind the tree

"Well there goes our ride" I said and Scott sighed then grabbed my arm

"Let's go"

We began to walk further into the woods and I was beginning to get freaked out, the woods were always scary especially at night and I wanted to be home asleep in my nice warm bed, I was also getting the feeling we were being watched

After walking for a little bit, Scott stopped and pulled out his inhaler and was about to take a hit, when suddenly a herd of deer came out of nowhere and were running at us, I turned and tried to run hoping Scott was behind me but tripped and fell down a hill, I slowly rose up getting on my knees as my whole body began to ache but didn't pay attention to it I needed to find Scott

"Scott!" I yelled, slowly getting to my feet with help from the tree "Scotty!"

"Skye" I heard him yell back "Are you okay?"

"Yeah" suddenly I heard Scott scream and heard the sound of him rolling on the ground "Scott?!" I tried to walk but tripped again put this times I hit my head successfully making my vision blur "Scott!" another scream startled me as I tried to crawl my way to find him but began slowing as the blood was seeping more rapidly from the cut and I could feel myself staring to lose consciousness's, I was about to drop when I came face to feet with a pair of leather boots so I looked up and saw the blurred face of a man, he reached toward me and picked me up bridal style

"Need a hand" he said, before I slowly fell into the darkness my head falling to his chest

I bolted upright in bed the next morning confused as the last thing I remembered was the black boots and a man I think picking me up before I fell asleep so how did I get home, I jumped up and ran into my ensuite bathroom looking in my mirror seeing a single ban-aid on my head

"Skye" I heard Scott say so I turned around and hugged my brother relieved he was okay

"You okay, I heard you scream" I asked just to make sure

"I saw something out there" he said "It bit me"

"What?" I asked he nodded then lifted up his shirt, revealing a bandage taped to his side which was still seeping blood

"How did you get home" he asked me but I shook my head and told him I didn't know because really I had no idea but I'm guessing that guy brought me home and for some reason I felt like I shouldn't tell Scott that some random person had me while I was passed out

I had tried to convince him to stay home but he wouldn't hear it so we both rode to school racing each other and of course the master won, despite the fact that both Scott and I were sixteen neither of us had a car because our mom couldn't afford it so our only modes of transportation was our bikes and our mom's car when she didn't need it

We parked our bikes in the bike rack and just as we were locking up, a very expensive Porsche pulled up beside Scott the door hitting him from behind as the driver got out it was Jackson Whitmore, the most popular guy and biggest jackass in school

"Watch the paint job" he said to Scott, slamming the door then he looked over at me flashing a smirk at me "I could give you a ride you know" I rolled my eyes as he walked away and saw Scott hiding a smile

"Shut up" I said as I walked away with my bag

"Scott, Skye" Stiles yelled, running up to us "Okay, let's see this thing" Scott lifted up his shirt, exposing his blood stained bandage to Stile's "Ooh!" he reached out to touch it but Scott flinched

"It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was wolf" Scott said as we began to walk towards the school

"A wolf bit you?" Stiles asked "No, not a chance"

"I heard a wolf howling" he replied looking at us

"No you didn't"

"What do you mean 'No I didn't' I know what I heard?"

"Because California doesn't have wolves, not in like 60 years" I cut in and they both looked at me with confusion making me roll my eyes, I'm not as stupid as they think I am

"Really?" Scott asked making me roll my eyes again because my twin could really be the dumb one sometimes I definitely got all the brains

"Yes really there are no wolves in California" Stile's replied

"Alright, well if you guys don't believe me about the wolf, then you're defiantly not gonna believe when I say I found the body"

"What?" I asked grabbing his shoulder stopping him from walking since he didn't tell me that earlier "Are freakin you kidding us?"

"I wish, I'm gonna have nightmares for a month"

"Oh God, that is freaking awesome!" Stiles exclaimed "I mean this is seriously gonna be the best thing to happen to this town since…since the birth of Lydia Martin" Stiles looked toward behind Scott towards Lydia "Hey Lydia, you look-" Lydia Martin, the red headed queen bee of Beacon Hills High, walked right past Stiles without giving him a glance "Like you're gonna ignore me" Stiles finished then turned back to us "You two are the cause of this, you know dragging me down to your nerd depths, I'm a nerd by association"

"Whatever you say Stiles" I clapped Stiles on the shoulder before walking away

"I've been scarlet nerded by you two" Scott and I laughed at our friends craziness as we walked into school

The rest of the school day past by but all I could think about was the guy who saved me last night, I only had a clear vision of some of his features because it had been too dark and my vision had been messed up to be sure but I did remember was the outline of his face, his perfectly sculpted jaw, his short dark hair and the feel of his leather jacket on my skin when he picked me up, I only wished I knew who he was so I could meet him and thank him

After class, I met up with Scott and Stiles in the hallway, over the course of the day I had heard the police had a suspect in custody, I saw Scott was looking at a girl I had never seen before so I guess she was new but the surprising thing was that she was talking to Lydia and Jackson already

"I can't believe the new girl is here all of five seconds and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique" I stated

"It's because she's hot" Stiles explained "Beautiful people herd together"

"That's offensive Stiles" I replied leaning against the lockers

"What do you have against Lydia anyway?" he asked me

"She's spoiled, stuck up and only cares about being on top no matter who she hurts in the process"

"No she is a goddess, a gift to Earth"

"Stiles she will never see you unless you grow, fill out, become rich and popular" I let out a sigh and noticed Scott was not listening to the conversation "Scott?" I asked trying to get his attention but he wasn't listening so I waved my hand in front of his face "Scotty!" he shook his head, coming out of his trance like state "You have practice"

After school Scott and Stiles dragged me back out into the forest against all my better judgements since it was only last night that Scott and I were attacked but Scott had dropped his inhaler and we really needed to find it because we couldn't afford another one

"I can't believe we're doing this again" I complained walking through the woods in sneaker heels

"You said you wanted to help" Stiles said laughing at me trying to get across a creek

"I know but I thought I had my normal sneakers with me but obviously I don't so now I'm hiking through the woods in three inch wedge heels" Scott took pity on me and bent down so I could climb onto his back, I jumped up and he carried me across while telling me all about what happened at practise today

"I don't know what it was" Scott explained after he let me down and we continued to trek through the woods "It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball and that's not the only weird thing I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear, smell things"

"Smell things?" Stiles asked, stopping in his tracks "Like what?"

"Like that Mint Mojito gum in your pocket and Skye's perfume" Stiles reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of gum

"So all this started with a bite?" I asked

"What if it's like an infection, like my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"

"You know what, I actually think I heard of this" I said, ready to mess with him "It's a specific kind of infection"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy" Stiles chuckled under his breath at my explanation

"What's that, is that bad?"

"Oh the worst but only once a month"

"Once a month?"

"It's like a period but only happens on the full moon" with that, Stiles and I howled, Scott pushed our shoulders but we just continued to laugh "Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling"

"There could be something seriously wrong with me" Scott protested

"Yeah!" Stiles exclaimed "You're a werewolf!" Stiles growled and we fist bumped "Okay obviously we're kidding but if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the sliver I can find, it's because Friday's a full moon" Scott stopped again, looking down at the ground

"No, I could have sworn this was it I saw the body, the deer came running I dropped my inhaler" Scott knelt down to the ground

"Maybe the killer moved the body" I said, bending down helping him look because we had to find it we couldn't afford another one and mom was going to go ballistic if Scott lost his inhaler again

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler that things worth like $80 bucks" suddenly Stiles hit both of us on our backs we stood up and noticed the stranger who had arrived and he sure was a hot stranger

He wore all black, from head to feet, having his hair match he seemed to be at least six feet and even from afar, I could make out his beautiful piercing forest green eyes I could only dream of what kind of body was underneath those clothes however his face seemed familiar, he walked towards us

"What are you doing here?" he asked, in a voice that triggered my memory "This is private property"

"No it isn't its county property" I replied but Scott grabbed my hand making me look at him silently asking 'what'

"Uh, sorry man, we didn't know" Stiles said scratching behind his head nervous

"Yeah" Scott said "We were just looking for something, but...forget it" the man sighed and threw Scott something when Scott opened his palm, you could see his inhaler then the man turned and walked away

"Alright come on man, I have to get to work" Scott said

"Dude that was Derek Hale" Stiles exclaimed stopping him "You remember right he is only a few years older than us"

"Remember what?" Scott asked

"His family, they all burned to death in a fire like ten years ago"

"Six" I corrected, I remembered a story about the Hale fire six years ago, I had always wondered how the fire started or why it had happened

"I wonder what he's doing back" Scott asked and Stile's scoffed, as I kept my eyes on the direction Derek had disappeared in

"Come on" Stiles said and the three of us started walking back towards Stiles' jeep, I now remembered where I had seen Derek from, it wasn't from school, the paper or from around town he had been the guy last night Derek Hale was the one who saved me

I was sitting on the bench doing my homework the next day at school as Coach was giving the whole team a pep talk, today was try outs and if I was lucky I could actually focus on History instead of watching my brother play lacrosse today, I had just pulled out my textbook when I was let down when a voice startled me

"He shouldn't be playing" I turned startled and came face to face with Derek Hale "Sorry I startled you" he said and I couldn't help fawn a little at what his voice made me feel

"No, It's okay " I said as Derek continued to look at me "Uh... I want to say thank you for saving me the other night" he almost looked surprised that I knew it was him that saved me

"You're welcome" he said and I couldn't help but stare into his beautiful green eyes but then finally shook myself back to reality

"What did you mean Scott shouldn't be playing?" I asked him quickly looking at Scott again who was still killing it out on the field

"Isn't it obvious, you said it yourself" I turned around to look at Scott again who was celebrating with the team, I knew Scott was different but the only thing I had guessed was...not possible, I turned back to ask Derek but wasn't there, I quickly looked around for any sign of him but he was gone

I received a call from Stiles later asking us to come over he seemed very hyper and very determined for us to get there soon so we rode up to the Stilinski house on our bikes and were greeted by the Sheriff, who answered the door

"Scott, Skye, come on in Stiles has been in his room ever since he got home"

"Thanks sheriff" I said, as we climbed up the stairs up to Stile's bedroom, I knocked on the door and Stiles quickly answered the door

"Get in" he told us "You gotta see this thing I have been up all night reading, websites, books, all this information" he scrambled over to his desk, shuffling through papers, Scott and I both looked at each other with smiles

"How much Adderall have you had today?" I asked Stile's laying down on his bed

"A lot, doesn't matter okay just listen"

"Is this about the body?" Scott asked as he threw his bag on Stile's bed next to me "Did they find out who did it?"

"No, they're still questioning people, even Derek Hale" Stile's replied

"Derek Hale" I asked, my attention was now caught

"Oh you mean the guy we saw in the woods the other day" Scott said as he sat down on Stile's bed

"Yeah" Stiles exclaimed "Yes but that's not it, okay"

"What then" I asked

"Remember your joke from the other day" Stiles said, pointing at me "Not a joke anymore"

"What do you mean?" I asked him a little shocked considering Derek had said I already knew what was wrong with Scott

"The wolf, the bite in the woods I started doing all this reading, do you even know why a wolf howls?"

"It's a signal when a wolf is alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack" Stiles and Scott looked at me questioningly "I did a assignment on wolf behaviour last year" I shrugged

"So that means if Scott heard a wolf howling, that means others could have been nearby maybe even a whole pack of them"

"A whole pack of wolves" Scott asked

"No" Stiles paused "Werewolves"

"Are you seriously wasting our time with this" Scott stood up, angry "You know I'm picking up Alison in an hour" Scott had gotten a date to Lydia's party with Allison and I was happy for my brother it's about time one of us got a partner

"I saw you on the field today, Scott" Stiles said, trying to stop Scott from leaving

"I did too" I said, remembering how he jumped and flipped over the group of players "It was pretty amazing" I said, beginning to believe Stile's theory "It was impossible"

"Yeah, so I made a good shot" Scott defended

"No you made an incredible shot" Stiles emphasized "I mean the way you moved, your speed, your reflexes people can't just suddenly do that overnight and there's the vision and the senses and don't even think I don't notice you don't need your inhaler anymore"

"Okay dude" Scott exclaimed "I can't think about this now we'll talk tomorrow"

"Tomorrow what NO, the full moon's tonight!" Stile's yelled

"Don't you get it?" I said, standing

"What are you two trying to do, I just made first line, I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me and everything in my life is somehow perfect why are you trying to ruin it?"

"We're trying to help" Stiles replied "You're cursed Scott, you know and it's not just the moon will cause you to physically change it also just so happens to be when your blood lust will be at its peak"

"Blood lust"

"Your urge to kill" I quietly said

"I'm already starting to feel an urge to kill, you two"

"You gotta hear this" Stiles said, turning to his desk, picking up a book "'The change can be caused by anger of anything that raises your pulse' alright I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does, you gotta cancel this date I'm gonna call her right now" Stiles went toward Scott's bag and began looking for his phone

"What are you doing?" Scott asked, starting to get angry again

"I'm cancelling the date" Stiles said, dialling the phone

"No give it to me!" Scott exclaimed and pinned Stiles against the wall with his fist raised ready to hit Stile's in the face

"Scott stop" I yelled, trying to tear Scott away from Stile's then Scott yelled and threw Stile's chair to the ground and began panting, calming down

"I'm sorry" Scott told Stile's "I gotta go get ready for that party" Scott walked over to the bed and grabbed his bag and he was about to leave when he turned back to me and Stile's "I'm sorry" he said again then left

"Are you okay?" I asked Stiles

"Yeah" he angrily mumbled and went to pick up his chair when he did we were shocked by what we saw on the back were three claw marks ran through the leather

"Oh my god" I gasped, covering my mouth in shock

"What are we gonna do" Stiles asked me even though I had no idea this was impossible but it was true my twin brother was a FREAKIN WEREWOLF!

"We have to go to the party and watch him"

I had Stiles pick me before we headed to Lydia's party so that we could keep an eye on Scott, I decided on a short baby blue dress with my black sneaker heels and a leather jacket over the top then did my hair letting it fall in curls, Stiles whistled at me when I walked to his car

"Don't you look nice" he said smugly, I rolled my eyes as he chuckled and took off towards the party, it was in full swing when we arrived and people were already dancing, drinking and even some of the drunker people began jumping in the pool, I turned to Stile's "I'm gonna go get a drink" I yelled over the loud bass filled music "Do you want one?"

"No thanks" he said so I took off toward the drinks table and grabbed a cup then turned around only to come face to face with Derek making a small gasp slip past my lips


"Hi" he said

"Are you crashing a high school party" I asked him smirking

"I'm here checking up on things" he replied

"You mean checking up on Scott?" I asked him raising an eyebrow

"Yeah" Derek led me over to a more private part of the house and now that we were alone I knew we had to ask him the big question

"What were you doing when you saved me?" I asked him

"I was taking a walk, I do live out there"

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense" I took a drink and Derek began to chuckle "What?" I asked

"Nothing it's just...you make me laugh but in a good way" he replied obviously seeing my distress "I haven't laughed in a while" huh I think he should always be laughing he had a really nice laugh it was more singular not plural

I smiled at that thought and a piece of hair fell into my face but before I could move it Derek used his hand and gently moved it behind my ear, stroking my face but his smile suddenly faded as fast as it came he was looking behind me, I turned and noticed Scott he looked like he was in pain, he walked away from Allison who he had been dancing with holding his head

"Scott" I called but he just took off "I have to go" I told Derek before trying to catch up to Scott, I ran past Stiles who was talking to a couple people and ran outside, I saw Scott get into our car and drive away so I walked up to Allison who had also followed after Scott "Allison, what's going on?" I asked but she shrugged

"I don't know I mean we were dancing then he flinched a couple of times, he looked like he was going to be sick or something, then he just left me"

"Allison, Skye" a voice said behind us, we turned around and came face to face with Derek "I'm a friend of Scott's" he said causing me to raise an eyebrow "My name's Derek, I can give you two a ride if you want" Allison nodded

"Yeah sure, you coming Skye"

"Uh...sure" we followed Derek over to a jet black 2010 Camaro and he held the door open for us, I got into the front after Allison climbed into the back and when he got in he smiled at me

We drove to Allison's first but I was too preoccupied at trying to figure out Derek, there was something about him that I couldn't understand, he had such a dangerous vibe coming off him but I couldn't fight this feeling that I wanted to be closer to him, that i needed to be closer with him and it was very distracting that i didn't even realised the car had stopped until Allison was clearing her throat

"Uh Skye?" Allison asked me making me finally look up and I saw we were at her house "I kinda need to get out now"

"Oh yeah sure" I got out and allowed Allison to get out of the car

"I'll see around you at school" I nodded and got back in where Derek smiled at me again

"I'm just gonna take a little detour" he said before screeching back on onto the road

Derek dragged me into the woods no matter how and no matter how hard I struggled against him he wouldn't let go, I'm about to die in the woods or worse because I made friends with the creepy hot psychopath, great just my luck

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, getting even more scared as we went farther into the woods

"Somewhere Scott can find you, he'll follow yours and Allison's scents" he had Allison's jacket in his other hand

"Scott, find me, what are you talking about?" I begged trying to stay on my feet

"You know exactly what Scott is"

"So it's really true, my twin brother is a werewolf" I asked him

Derek suddenly stopped and hung Allison's jacket on a low tree branch, causing me to fall into his arms, I looked up at him and couldn't help but stare into his eyes, even if he did take me miles into the woods, he slowly helped me stand upright but still held onto me but a low growl interrupted us

I spun around to see what it was and saw Scott but it wasn't really him, this Scott had claws and fangs and my question had been answered Scott was a werewolf, I gasped at the sight of him as he looked around

"Where is she" he growled out

"She's safe from you" Derek replied

"Scott" I said as calmly ignoring Derek's reply but before anything else could happen Derek pushed me behind him a little ruff making me fall on my butt as Scott leaped at him and tackled Derek to the ground the two rolled around for a little bit, until Derek had my twin brother pinned against a tree

"Why did you take them?" Scott asked

"Shh, quiet" Derek said, looking up, pricking his ear up and I knew he was listening so that answered another question I wanted to ask, Derek was a werewolf to "Too late they're already here, run" Derek got up, grabbed my hand and took off but I saw a bright flashing light, followed by a scream it was Scott's scream Derek led me to a small ditch "Don't move" he said then disappeared

"Derek" I whispered quickly then covered my mouth because I had no idea where that came from I almost sounded worried for him

I didn't really know what happened after that but heard people being thrown around before Derek and Scott both came back for me and we ran after that before I finally stopped not being able to run anymore and felt like I was the severe asthmatic now

"What was that?" I exclaimed out of breath

"Who were they" Scott asked Derek

"Hunters" Derek replied still looking around "The kind that have been hunting us for centuries"

"Us!" Scott exclaimed standing up "You mean you, you did this to me" I looked at Derek in shock and walked over to my brother

"It is really so bad Scott, that you can see better, hear more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope you've been given something that most people would kill for, the bite is a gift"

"I don't want it" Scott replied through clenched teeth

"You will and you're gonna need me if you want to learn how to control it" Derek paused putting a hand on the tree behind Scott's head and leaned in "So you and me Scott we're brothers now" I remained quite as Derek disappeared into the darkness

"Are you okay" I asked Scott, looking at the wound on his arm

"Yeah I'm sorry you were brought into this"

"I was just the bait, I'm fine" I mumbled laughing nervously but stopped when Scott looked at me

"You sure"

"Yes, now are you okay" I asked him again

"You're not scared of me, are you?" Scott asked and I shook my head

"What, you're my twin brother Scott being scared of you is like being scared of myself so nothing you do can scare me" we shared a laugh "Come on, let's get out of here, moms probably going to be worried sick if she comes home and were not" I ended up taking off my heels because Scott and I were forced to walk the whole night along the side of the road but when it became light Stiles finally showed up in his jeep

"About time" I said, getting into the back seat

"Hey, you're okay" Stiles exclaimed

"Obviously" I said, holding up my mud and grass caked shoes "But Derek does owe me a new pair of shoes"

"You know what actually worries me the most" Scott quickly came out saying

"If you say Allison, I'm gonna punch you in the head" Stiles replied

"She probably hates me now"

"Ugh!" Stiles and I exclaimed in unison "I doubt that" I added "But you might wanna come up with a pretty amazing apology"

"Or, you know you could just tell her the truth" Stiles said "Revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a fricking werewolf!" Scott and I looked at him "Okay, bad idea"

"We'll get through this" I said, patting my brother on the shoulder "If I have to I will chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice"

"I had a boa once" Stiles added "I could help" Scott scoffed and the three of us laughed as we headed home so we could scrub away any remaining filth from last night

I was laying in my room about to close my eyes as I was exhausted from being dragged into the woods, finding out my twin is a werewolf and having to walk all night but a thud quickly snapped me back and I jumped when I saw Derek Hale in my bedroom

"Are you okay" he asked

"What" I asked backing up against my headboard

"Are you okay" he asked again

"I'm fine" I replied unsure how to reply or why the heck he was in my bedroom "How'd you get in here"

"The window" I looked at my open window

"What do you want?" I asked

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay after having to use you as-"

"Bait" I snapped and he looked down almost looking ashamed of himself


"Well I'm fine except you owe me a pair of heels, by the way they were my favourite pair" he cracked a smile which made me smile as I couldn't help it he was adorable when he smiled, wait what, what the hell is wrong with me this guy is a werewolf and creepy

"I'll get right on that" he replied bringing me out of my thoughts

"You should go I don't think my mom would appreciate someone in my room not to mention Scott" I walked to my door to let him out but when I turned he was gone, I walked over to the open window and looked out, I had no idea what was going to happen now or why Derek seemed so interesting to me, I want to know more about him but had no idea why but I was going to find out