Author's Note: Hello everyone! Welcome to my next story, "Fire Emblem Awakening: Playthrough of Light". This is Tome (Part) 1 of 3 planned parts. The idea behind this story is twofold: first, Robin falls in love with Emmeryn as he tries to emulate and live up to her ideals of peace, thus the paring; second, after watching the other characters' support conversations, I decided to pick the pairings I felt best represented them finding their chances at happiness without necessarily delving too deep into either partner's past traumas (something I will, instead, be doing if I ever finish this story and write its mirror opposite, the Playthrough of Darkness, with the Robin x Aversa pairing). While this story will have a somewhat lighter, happier feel to it, that doesn't mean it's going to be all "sunshine and puppies" for our protagonists. No, they will still have their shares of troubles, but someone will always be there to help pull them out of the darkness they might find themselves in.

Now, without further ado, on to the story!

Fire Emblem Awakening: Playthrough of Light

Tome I: Emerina Angelus

Premonition: Invisible Ties

He found himself in the midst of a battle for his life. Beside him was his brother in all but blood. Before him was the enemy, his...his own father. His shame at this undesired kinship with a madman who sought to restore to life the very same evil god that his companion's ancestor had sealed away a millennium ago ate away at him. This was a battle they had been preparing for for nigh on a decade. The long, drawn out war with their neighbouring country that had ruined what little gains either of them had made since the last crusade against the desert nation called for by his partner's father 15 years before the two friends had ever met one another. The barely-repelled invasion that crushed almost anything that was still left standing from the long, bloody conflict they had just come off of. All of these events were in someway or another arranged by the svelte warlock they were facing off against, his form almost panther-like as he stalked towards the pair with a murderous smile. And if the two of them failed to stop the dark sorcerer today, he would succeed in summoning the Fell Dragon and destroying the world.

That was, at least, part of the reason they fought him today. There was, however, another reason, motivating both men. One intensely more personal. The sorcerer was responsible for the successful assassination of the queen of their country as well as the failed attempt on the life of the man fighting beside him, which had left him with wounds that would cripple his strength for the rest of his days. But she was not just the ruler of the land they had fought and bled for. Emm was...she was more than that. Much more. She was the elder sister of the man beside him, the woman who had raised him in their parents' stead since she was ten, and...the woman that I loved.

"This is it! Our final battle! You're one of us, Robin, and no "destiny" can change that. Now let's kill this dastard and be done with it!" Chrom's voice broke him out of his reverie.

Chrom flung himself into battle with a furor Robin had not seen in a decade – it seemed his will had managed to triumph over his wounds – at least today – as he and Falchion went after Validar's head.

Unfortunately, Validar proved too much for the royal swordsman, blocking every strike of Chrom's sword with his dark magic. At one point, it seemed like Falchion had been able to score a hit, but as the sword connected, it revealed that the Validar Chrom had hit was just an illusion while the real one was high above, floating in the air, tendrils of corrupted lightning streaming out from his form as he readied an attack on the pair. fathe-

"Up there!" Chrom pointed his blade towards the hovering mage.

Robin let loose with a Thoron as he dove to the side to escape the area of the dark magic attack, but this Validar disappeared as well as the high-powered lightning magic hit.

A burst of dark magic from out of nowhere slammed into Chrom, sending him flying into a pillar that cracked from the force of the blow.

Chrom's wounds were finally starting to catch up with him as he slowly tried to stand up after the hit he had taken, having to lean on Falchion to do so. He had hardly even caught his breath before Validar reappeared and sent a ball of dark energy flying at him.


Robin threw out his hands and let loose a ball of lightning that intercepted the dark mage's attack and drew his attention to the tactician, allowing Chrom to catch his breath, before he swallowed his pain and leapt back into the fray.

Though it had been a long time since Robin had fought by Chrom's side, he found that they rediscovered their old rhythm pretty quickly, and with each other's support, were able to go all out without having to worry about being attacked from behind. Soon, their combined prowess, like a flowing dance of death in which they weaved in and out of their enemy's reach, striking first here, and then above, and then to the side, proved to be too much for Validar to handle. With his silver sword, Chrom broke the sorcerer's guard and slashed diagonally across, cutting into the taller man's torso from his shoulder to his hip as Robin let loose a bolt from his Thoron tome from behind their foe, the twin attacks causing the Grimleal head to crumple to the ground as blood leaked from his chest and smoke rolled off the charred flesh of his back. Validar's body was enveloped in purple flames as he lay dead on the ground.

Chrom turned around to congratulate him on their victory. He was about to relax himself before he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye–

"This isn't over..." he heard the supposed corpse mutter. "Damn you BOTH!"

With barely a second to think as the ball of dark magic bore down on his friend, Robin barreled into Chrom, pushing him aside as the spell cast by his father's dying breath struck him instead.


So much pain. Can't...think straight...

What? I hear...words? Who is?

I don't understand, Chrom, what are you saying? It sounds head...underwater...

Chrom I don't understan- argh! The pain! OhgodsithurtseverythingisturningredChromwhat'sgoingo-

Chrom's eyes grew almost comically wide as he stumbled backwards. Robin looked at the man to see what was wrong only to find a spear of pure lightning shoved through his friend's gut. He looked down to find his hand wreathed in the remaining sparks from the attack's discharge.

N-no, Chrom what...?

"This is not your—" the Lord's breath hitched, "your fault..."

"This isn't your...fault," she whispered as she lay dying on the floor of her chambers. He was staring down at a beautiful woman who only hours before had congratulated them for repelling the bandits that plagued their borders. Her lustrous blonde hair fanned out around her head like a glorious halo, lending her pale face an angelic mien as the lights from the candles on the chandelier above them sparkled down on her locks.

"Promise me you'll escape from this place..." he gasped for a breath that would never come.

"Promise won't be sad..." Her hand reached up towards his face, trembling from the lost blood that pooled around her on the ground as he held her head in his lap. Tears streamed down from his face in an indelible torrent. He felt her hand touch his cheek and wipe them away. He was only vaguely aware of his shouts for her not to go, not to leave him.

"Please, go..." with these words, Chrom fell face down on the ground, motionless.

"Please take care of...Lissa and...Chrom..." With a final sigh, her hand fell back down as she lay there, unmoving.

The dark laughter of a thirsting god echoed through his mind. Only one thought ran through his mind in the moment before it was drowned out by the sound of cruel laughter.

Emmeryn...I'm sorry...