"Okay. Mom. This is going to look shallow and stupid, m'kay?" Keith assured her, crossing his arms as he gazed at the screen.

"Honey, how bad can this be?" Krolia coaxed, wrapping one hand around him gently. "Surely it's not as strange as the time your father had me watch the original trilogy of Star Wars."

Keith snorted out through his nostrils, shaking his head. "Ugh. The prisoner Leia outfit was inappropriate."

"And how the Luke and Leia kissed?! Gross." Krolia shuddered. "Anyway, let's get this over with."

Keith frowned, pressing play.

Almost instantly a dummy rolled into the stage, and he heard Coran, speaking very professionally, announce that they needed Voltron.

Krolia snorted, glancing at him. "Is this a little kid show from Earth?"

"Uh…not…exactly…" Keith groaned, resting his head in his hands again.

A few more second passed. Then Lance's voice.

"I need you help, Keith!"

Allura. "I'm on it!"

"That's not really you…is it?" Krolia asked, staring at shock at the white-haired Altean.

"No. At this point very few people knew I left the team, so…they got a replacement."

"Ah. She's very pretty. Honey…"

"Mom!" Keith snapped, glaring venom at her.

"Right, sorry, honey."

There was a tick of silence before Krolia made another sound. "What about the girl with glasses? She seems intelligent."

"Mom!" Keith squirmed, feeling himself begin to get warm in the cheeks. "We hardly know each other."

Krolia ignored him and the Voltron Show going on, pressuring the topic. "There's plenty of nice Blades around, I met this one very pretty one, Furita, a few days ago. She seems-"

"Mom!" Keith pulled away from her grasp, glaring at her through narrow slits. "Can we PLEASE just watch the show?!"

Krolia watched for another dobosh as Shiro leapt in the air, easily cutting the dummy in half.

"Why didn't he start out with that move?" Krolia asked, squinting at the screen.

"That's what I said! Nobody listened." Keith pouted.

"Ah." Krolia nodded. "That big, yellow one is the comic relief, yes?"

"Naw." Keith shook his head. "Well, I reckon so. Lance has matured a lot, so Hunk is kinda filling his shoes."

"Ooh." Krolia nodded. "I can't believe you were friends with these blathering IDIOTS. Maybe I can hook you up with some better friends."

"I'll think about it." Keith shrugged, and, opposite what his mother believed, he disclaimed it within moments.

He still loved his adopted family, no matter how idiotic they could be.