Blood & Fire: The Reborn Dragon

Chapter 1: Reborn a Dragon

Dear Journal,

I suppose that's a terrible way to start this off. So, I suppose I should start this off with saying who I am. My name is Martin Volkov and I was once in the Army Rangers for seven years of my life since I joined at nineteen years of age. I was born in a little country town in rural Montana in the USA.

And I died.

Well, I'm not actually dead, but I did die in a car crash on my way home from work. It was a strange thing. When the car crash happened, I didn't feel any pain, just that everything went white and I woke up again. But, not in a hospital. Rather, I woke up as a thirteen-year-old boy with pale silver-blonde hair and purple eyes.

You can see where this is going, don't you?

I died and somehow found myself reborn as a little boy. But, wait, there's more! I didn't wake up as any thirteen-year-old boy. Far from it. I woke up as Aegon Targaryen, sixth of his name and right-born ruler of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and all that other shit. Yep, you heard me right, I've somehow woken up in Game of Thrones as the Son of Rhaegar. Not Jon Snow-Aegon Targaryen, mind you, as I just said I have pale silver blonde hair and purple eyes. Now as a fan of the show and having read a little of the books, I wondered why Aegon Targaryen wasn't in the TV show. And there's some theories about Aegon in the books, one being that he's a Blackfyre. But the theories aren't important right now, the here and now is what's important.

It was a little strange with everyone addressing me as Aegon and what's even stranger is how they look at me. After asking, I learned that I, Aegon, had contracted a high fever and had succumbed to it and they had lain me on a funeral pyre as per Valyrian/Targaryen custom and I emerged from the ashes alive and well. Talk about strange, huh? Some are even calling me the Dragon Reborn or the Fire Prince.

So, here I am reborn as thirteen-year-old Aegon Targaryen VI in the world of Game of Thrones. From what I remember of Aegon in the books, or as he was called when he was first seen, Young Griff, he was shaped from birth to rule the Seven Kingdoms and has been given all sorts of tutelage such as skill at arms, languages of the world of Ice & fire, just to name a few. Seeing as I am now Aegon VI, I'm at a loose end as it might be some time before the events of Game of Thrones happens, or it might be more in with the books and happen next year as in the books, characters such as Jon Snow, Robb Stark and Khaleesi are fourteen, but, in the show, they're around nineteen.

Best case scenario, I've got approximately six years to prepare for all the shit that's to come. Worst case, I've only got the one year to prepare. Pragmatically, I should start preparing right away if I do only the have the one year to prepare, so time to weigh my options and list of potential allies.

The Starks. A good and honourable house that will more than likely stay true to their word, but they have no idea how to play the game and are blinded by their honour to not take the pragmatic option. A good but flawed choice.

The Lannisters. Probably off the cards at this stage what with Tywin, Cersei and Joffrey being alive at this stage. Tyrion seems to be the only decent one who isn't likely to stab me in the back and Jaime might be a good option if only because I sympathise with him and how's he acted since/when he will lose his sword-hand. Kevan Lannister is a possible option but I'm not too sure at this stage. Not the best option, especially with Cersei, Tywin and Joffrey on the cards and their mad dog Gregor the Mountain Clegane.

The Baratheons. Renly is going to die so I won't do anything to stop that, plus he's a smug annoying prick who tried to jump the line of succession, but he does seem friendlier than Stannis the Mannis. Stannis is a hard-case who's had his head twisted by Melisandre and the Red God religion, but at the start he was trying to do some good. Robert, a good man by many accounts, but not the greatest of kings, so I can't rely on him. Ultimately, the Baratheons are unreliable.

Ironborn. Not going there, 'nuff said. Probably going to have to burn them to the ground.

The Tyrells. A good logical option, but I would need to watch them carefully to make sure they don't try to stab me in the back. At the very least, their armies and resources would be useful, and Margaery/Natalie Dormer would be a suitable marriage option (should it come down to that to secure an alliance) and I'm not just saying that just because I once met Natalie/Margaery at Comicon. But on the other hand, they were responsible for Renly trying to jump the line of succession and quickly abandoned him when he died and they joined the Lannisters. A possible option but I'm going to have to be careful in dealing with them.

The Martells/Dorne. Like the Starks, a good but flawed option. I know in the books, they, or at least Doran Martell, were/are planning for the Targaryens to take back the Iron Throne, but they had some hiccups along the way and in the TV show, things haven't really gone their way, no thanks to Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes. Will try to make sure they live, but I'm not sure how to.

The Vale. Not the wisest option since Lysa Arryn is cray-cray with Littlefinger manipulating her, but their armies would be valuable in the long run.

Speaking of Littlefinger, will need to get rid of him as soon as possible as he'll stab me in the back first chance he gets or turn people against me, so I'll have to stab him in the back first, to his face at least. I'm honest like that.

The Boltons and the Freys. Like Littlefinger, they need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

The Tullys. A good choice, but most would be slaughtered at the Red Wedding, unless I can stop it from happening.

The Night's Watch and the Wildlings. They'll need help the most and the wildlings will be the foremost experts on the White Walkers.

The Brotherhood without Banners. Their ultimate goal is to destroy the Night King and the White Walkers and they seem like decent people trying to do some good, so they could prove useful.

Daenerys Targaryen. A good choice, if not for all the shit she's tried to do in ruling Slaver's Bay and Mereen, but she did bring it to heel in the end. And as much as it may disgust some people, including me, she's a possible marriage option. As Aegon VI, she would be my aunt and sleeping with her would technically count as incest. But I do have the vain hope that I/Aegon am not actually a Targaryen but a Blackfyre, but there's no concrete evidence to that theory yet.

So, I've weighed my options as best I could by myself and ultimately, I have the best claim to the Iron Throne than anyone I've listed, barring Jon Snow, but he would technically be younger than me and next in line should something happen to Aegon/me. So, it looks like I'll have to take the Iron Throne for myself. Not because it's Aegon's/my birthright, but because I'm the best option for everyone to live or at least survive.

I'm going to have to do some planning for what's to come as well as build up some useful contacts here in Essos. I might even try to make some gunpowder or improve the tech around here.

I'll end on this note and will come back to write more later.

Martin Volkov/Aegon Targaryen(?).

Martin/Aegon wandered the streets of Pentos with Ser Jon Connington by his side. To go about unnoticed, Martin/Aegon had dyed his silver-blonde hair a deep blue colour. Martin knew of this fact about Aegon/Young Griff already as he had partially read the books. Ser Jon Connington was never not by his side, posing as his father, Old Griff. Jon had been most surprised that the son of Rhaegar had died and come back to life. Rumours were abound at Illyrio's estate that Aegon was reborn in fire and whispers were already spreading around Pentos of the boy who died and was resurrected in his funeral pyre.

"Ser? Would you mind telling me again? How did I die?" Young Griff/Aegon asked him.

"I've told you before, lad, you contracted a high fever and died and when we put you on the pyre and lit it, you emerged from the ashes alive," replied Ser Jon.

"What kind of fever was it?" Aegon asked quizzically.

"Same as any kind of fever, I suppose." Jon shrugged his shoulders. "When it took hold of you, there was naught we could do but let it run its course," he said. "But, I am glad that you are alive," he declared quietly.

"I'm glad too," said Aegon as he examined a trader's wares.

"Y'know… you've been acting different lately," Ser Jon then said. "Not sure why, but you seem different," he added.

Aegon sighed minutely before replying, "I guess after dying and returning to life has changed me a little. I see the world differently now," he said.

"Whaddya mean?"

"Let's just say I've seen some of the things that will come to pass, and I feel I am in a position to change them," Aegon said cryptically.

"What sort of things have you seen?" asked Ser Jon.

"Nothing good that's all I can say," replied Aegon.

"Well, whatever godly visions you've been granted don't change things," said Ser Jon. "You've still a duty before you," he added grimly. "And Gods willing, you'll be seated atop the Iron Throne as King," he declared.

"That might be a while yet," Aegon countered sagely.

"Maybe so, but for now we need to get you to your lessons," said Ser Jon. "Want to make sure you haven't lost anything after dying," he added.

"Let's hope not," Aegon mumbled to himself as they headed back to Illyrio's estate.

Dear Journal,

It's been about a week now since I died and was 'reborn' as Aegon Targaryen. Jon Connington is always by my side and follows after me everywhere. It's a little annoying and my room in Illyrio's estate is the only place where I can get any sort of privacy to document my thoughts. I know for a fact that in the books Jon Connington will contract greyscale, but in the show it was Jorah Mormont who got it. I'm not entirely sure if this is the book version of Game of Thrones or the TV show version or perhaps even the Telltale Games version. I'll need to look into it at some point, and maybe do some asking around.

Lessons have been interesting. Training with weapons such as swords and all that is different than basic training in the Army Rangers back home, but I'm learning to adapt and Ser Jon has even commented that my fighting style is vastly different from most other knights. And whispers are that the Warrior (one of the Seven in case you didn't know) taught me new fighting techniques when I died and was resurrected.

I've begun some experiments in my room lately. Illyrio is curious as to what experiments I'm doing when I asked for specific things such as coal, sulphur and saltpetre. Reason I asked for coal, sulphur and saltpetre is because I know that those specific items were used to create black-powder, an early form of gunpowder. I'm even drawing up blueprints and schematics of firearms and ammunition. I'm starting off small with a basic black-powder revolver. I'll have to find some scientists (sorry, maesters) and blacksmiths to help me with my projects. I've been drawing up schematics for a balloon, or better yet a dirigible, thank god I took an engineering course in the army. My tutor, Haldon the Halfmaester, has been very interested in what ideas I have. I might let Haldon in on some of what I've been working on.

Tired now. Sleep. Will write more later.

Haldon stared at the schematics of what his pupil Aegon called a dirigible. "And this machine can fly across the skies like a bird or dragon?" the Halfmaester asked in interest as he looked at the schematics. It was a very good design, Haldon thought to himself, he'd half-think that someone else drew this schematic and not Aegon, but no-one had ever come up with something as strange as this.

"In some respects, yes, but we'd need hot air, or better yet a gas, vapor, to fill the balloon and we'd need a material to make the balloon out of so that none of the vapor inside escapes," said Aegon as he pointed at some of the parts of the schematic.

"What kind of gases would you be talking about?" Haldon asked. "The kind of gas that one expels out of their own arse?" he japed.

There was no smile on Aegon's lips as he replied, "Haldon, I understand that what I've come up with is outlandish but, considering that I died and came back to life out of my funeral pyre, I think I'm allowed the benefit of the doubt, wouldn't you say?" he said.

Haldon nodded at this. He remembered when the fever took his pupil and how he tried to help the boy overcome it but sadly to no avail and when the boy was put on his funeral pyre and the pyre set alight, Haldon had thought of leaving to find service elsewhere. But when Aegon emerged from the ashes alive and well, it was something extraordinary, something Septa Lemore called a miracle of the Seven. Haldon wanted to dismiss the ramblings of the Septa, but after seeing Aegon emerge from the ashes of his own funeral pyre, it had Haldon's head spinning over how it was possible.

"If this flying machine is at all possible, where would we even get the materials for it?" Haldon then asked pragmatically.

Aegon looked thoughtful for a moment before he looked out the window and said, "The Iron Bank," he said.

Haldon almost choked before he managed to say, "The Iron Bank? You would ask the Titans of Braavos for a loan?" he spluttered.

"A man can get almost anything in Braavos is what they say," replied Aegon. "And the Iron Bank is the most powerful banking centre in the world, so it would be logical to ask them for a loan," he said.

"But what could we offer them?" Haldon said in confusion.

Aegon looked at Haldon and smiled. "Can you imagine how my dirigible would cut down the need for travelling by horse or ship?" he pointed out. "And how we could use it to transport goods across all Essos? And if all goes according to plan, we could even use it in battle," he added.

Haldon looked at Aegon and asked, "You've been working on other things, haven't you?" he asked pointedly his eyes narrowing at the boy.

"I do have a couple of things I'm working on," Aegon said with a mysterious smile. "Would you like me to show you?" he offered.

Haldon accepted the offer and for the next two hours, Haldon's mind was spinning as his pupil showed things that he had never seen before such as explosive black powder and even weapons that utilised the exploding powder. Haldon thought it was all magical that only the Seven could've come up with, but his pupil had assured him that it was simply science. It was a strange word, science, but it rolled of the tongue smoothly Haldon thought as Aegon showed schematics and formulas of things that even the maesters of the Citadel could not have come up with.

Dear Journal,

Haldon was sceptical of my dirigible design and even shocked when I proposed the idea of going to the Iron Bank for a loan, but I explained it all to him in a way he could understand, and in the end, he was hooked. It was also hilarious to see him jump on the spot when he saw what black-powder could do when exposed to naked flame. He must be thinking that the Seven or whatever god he believes in showed me these things, but it's simply science at its earliest stage.

Haldon has spoken with Illyrio and showed him the schematics of the dirigible and the idea of going to the Iron Bank for a loan. Illyrio was initially hesitant, but he seemed amenable to the idea. He's sent a raven to Braavos requesting a meeting with a representative of the Iron Bank to discuss the possibility of a loan. I quite sternly requested that I be included in the negotiations as the dirigible and other things are my ideas. Illyrio and Ser Jon even commented that I was acting like a dragon already, but they acceded as it was my idea.

All that's left to do is wait for word from Braavos.

Dear Journal,

We received a raven from the Iron Bank a few days ago saying that they will send their representative, Tycho Nestoris, to speak with me and negotiate a loan. At least we received a raven back from them, they could've just fobbed us off or not replied at all, so they're at least interested in hearing me out.

Tycho is due to arrive in Pentos in the next couple of weeks, so I have some time to prepare for his arrival and work on some other things to sweeten the deal. Haldon has even volunteered his own services to help me with my projects. He seems interested in what ideas I'm 'inventing' to change the world. Lessons with Ser Jon continue as normal and I'm even beating Jon in sword fighting with him commenting that the Warrior must've taught me new things in the afterlife before I came back to life. I might show Jon the schematics of the black-powder guns and how they can be utilised in combat.

Illyrio has spoken with me a few times and he's hinting that he has some gifts for me. I know in the books, Illyrio gives Aegon/Young Griff a chest of things but it's not revealed what's inside them.

I know of the theory that inside the chest of gifts is the sword Blackfyre. That's one theory of what's inside the chest and it could be integral to my/Aegon's claim to the Iron Throne and/or it could prove that I/Aegon is a Blackfyre as Daemon Blackfyre was the one to wield it when Aegon IV the Unworthy gave the sword to him over Daeron the Good but when Maelys the Monstrous took over the Golden Company, the sword was either stolen or sent away so that Maelys couldn't get his hands on it.

So, it's possible that inside the chest of gifts Illyrio leaves Aegon/Young Griff/me is Blackfyre. Like I said, theories at best, but having the sword would be integral and useful as I know that Valyrian steel can killed White Walkers and their Wights aside from fire and dragon-glass/obsidian. Speaking of the White Walkers and dragon-glass, I've also been working on some dragon-glass bombs so if/when the White Walkers come, the Nights Watch will have some effective weapons of killing the White Walkers and Wights.

But, it's getting late and I need to sleep. Will write more later.

Aegon sat in his chair as Tycho Nestoris entered the hall. "Greetings, Ser," Aegon greeted the Braavosi. "May I offer you some bread and salt or some wine and olives?" he offered.

Tycho stopped at the sight of Aegon before replying. "I wasn't aware the negotiations were to be with a child," he noted.

Aegon smiled lightly and said, "Please don't insult my intelligence, I'm fairly certain that you are aware of my circumstances or are you not aware?" he asked.

"Ah, you are the child resurrected by fire," Tycho said with a predatory smile. "Yes, I am aware of that detail, but I was under the impression I would be speaking with Magister Illyrio," he said.

"As the idea of speaking with the Titans for a loan was my idea in the first place, it was only fitting that I be the one to negotiate the loan," replied Aegon.

Tycho smiled like a shark thinking this would be easy as he sat in front of the boy and said, "Very well, young ser, shall we begin the negotiations?" he suggested.

Aegon then laid out what he needed for his devices and even showed Tycho the schematics and designs of his devices. Tycho was impressed if only slightly, a flying machine that could give one dominion over the air would be very beneficial and if used for combat as the boy suggested, it could decimate armies when used under the right commander. Tycho thought that this negotiation would be easy pickings, but it became quite clear in the first few minutes that the young boy of three and ten years was certainly quite the barterer and Tycho felt a little foolish in underestimating the boy.

After an hour of talking and bargaining, Tycho said he would speak with his superiors on the matter, but said he was confident that his superiors would agree to the loan and materials within the month. Tycho then left the solar to rest for the night. Illyrio waddled into the room. "Astounding! I'd have thought that you would be eaten up by such a man!" the Pentosi magister exclaimed.

"Glad to see I have your confidence," Aegon said dryly.

"Oh, do forgive me, young man!" Illyrio quickly said. "I just didn't expect you to handle the negotiation so well!" he added. "You really have changed, haven't you?" he asked.

"That's what dying and coming back to life does for you," said Aegon as he rolled up the schematics and placed them in his satchel.

"Well, if all goes well, then we should have the materials needed for your flying machine within the month," Illyrio then said with a cunning smile.

"Let's hope so," muttered Aegon as he left the solar to have dinner.

Dear journal,

It's been a month and we've received a raven from Tycho that the Iron Bank has agreed to the loan of gold and materials. And the materials will arrive in Pentos within a fortnight and I can then begin on my dirigible. The next step will be building and putting the dirigible into action. I've also been thinking about how to make semi-modern medicines. Medicine here is slightly better than the medieval medicines back home, but they can be improved upon. I've spoken with Haldon about it and he's curious as to what ideas I have.

Some other ideas I have are travelling to Valyria. At least once I've developed my Dirigible and some basic firearms and medicines as I don't want to contract greyscale when I make my way to Valyria. I know there'd be some treasures there, because Euron Greyjoy is said to possess a suit of Valyrian steel armour in the books and a dragon's egg, so it might be worth a look.

Speaking of Euron Greyjoy, I'll need to get rid of him when he shows up and I know of some theories about him such as him dabbling in black magic and all that, so he'll need to be taken care of as soon as possible.

It's getting late. Need to sleep soon. Will write more later.

"So, this mould… it can cure lethal illnesses?" Haldon asked as he looked at the blue-green powder. He didn't see how a mould grown on bread could cure disease, but given the inventions his pupil had come up with, he was hard pressed to not believe.

"Yep, penicillin is a wonder drug, but we have to make sure that any diseases don't build up any resistance to it," replied Aegon as he scraped some more of the mould off the bread into a bowl.

"Pen-ee-sill-in?" Haldon said trying to say the word his student had said.

"Penicillin," Aegon repeated the word. "Might as well give it a name," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"A strange name, but it rolls off the tongue smoothly," Haldon said nodding his head. "How fares your other projects?" he asked looking over at another bench at what he thought was a crossbow of some kind just without a lathe or bowstring.

"I've made some progress with the blackpowder and the first firearm," replied Aegon as he put the bowl of Penicillin down and walked over to the workbench. "I just need the help of a smith to get the casing and primer of the ammunition right," he said half frustrated.

"Casing? Primer?" Haldon repeated the strange words.

"This firearm can utilise cased ammunition that can fire multiple times before reloading," Aegon explained. He then launched into an explanation of how firearms and black powder worked. Haldon listened intently his mind buzzing with questions and he asked many questions which Aegon answered as best he could. When Aegon finished explaining, Haldon had said, "Perhaps the smiths of Qhohor can be of some assistance? They are among the best smiths in the world," he said.

"yes and a few of them can even reshape Valyrian steel if I heard right," replied Aegon.

"Well, only a few of them can," Haldon said. "But why would you say that?" he asked curiously.

"Some more ideas running through my head," Aegon replied with a smile. "One of which involves travelling to Valyria," he said.

"Valyria!? You would travel to the Smoking Sea?!" Haldon exclaimed in shock.

"I know it's risky," Aegon said calmly. "But there are some treasures there that I think I can make use of," he explained.

"But haven't you heard of the tales of the demons and stone-men that haunt those ruins?" Haldon spluttered. "What if you were to die there?!" he asked.

"I don't plan on going there right away," Aegon replied calmly. "Once my dirigible is built and I've developed some good penicillin and some basic firearms, then I'll travel to Valyria to find what treasures I can," he said.

"We'll talk more of this later, young man," Haldon said sternly.

"I'm sure we will," replied Aegon calmly.

Dear journal,

Haldon has spoken with Jon and Illyrio about my plans to travel to Valyria and both were quite astonished at hearing such a plan and Jon even threatened to spank me. Like he could, otherwise I'd break his arm and I know a few ways how to quite easily. So it's been a fortnight and the materials needed to build the dirigible have arrived and so have the workers, or rather, slaves. Ticks me off that I must use slaves to build my dirigible, but I can't worry about ending slavery right now. I'll save that for when I meet Khaleesi.

The progress is starting slow, but I've been among the slaves and explained to them patiently how to build the dirigible and Illyrio asked me why I walked among the slaves and talked to them. I had told Illyrio that a worker who knows what they're doing is far better than a worker who doesn't.

The slaves are working hard and I'm making sure they get treated fairly, something that annoys the overseers, but since I'm the one in control of the money, they can't do shit or they have their pay docked, but I've won some friends among the slaves. I reckon that the overseers will probably send some of their own boys to show me how things are run around here, but I'll just send them a message back to do things my way, or else they'll be out of a job and buried six feet under.

"Curse that whelp!" one Pentosi overseer cursed as he gulped his cup of wine before slamming the cup down on the bench. "Thinking he can tell us how to do our jobs!" he spat and his fellows agreed with him with mutters of assent and agreement.

"You should be careful how you talk, Lars," one of the other overseers warned. "That whelp died and was resurrected by fire!" the man said fearfully.

Lars sneered and said "Don't tell me you believe those stories! It's all made-up!" he declared.

"Then what are we to do?" one of the other overseers asked.

"I've sent a few boys to corner the whelp and teach him a lesson!" Lars grinned showing two rows of browned dirty teeth. "Then he'll know how we do things around here!" he boasted.

The door swung open and tossed into the room were some rough looking sellswords, all of them sporting bruises, bloodied broken noses and one of them even had a broken arm. Lars and his fellows all stared dumbfounded as striding through the doorway was the whelp along with Ser Jon Connington and another knight.

"So, you all thought to send a few sellswords after to teach me how things were run around here? Does that sound about right?" asked the whelp with a dangerous smile his hands behind his back.

Lars and his friends trembled at how their plan to rough the whelp up had gone badly awry.

"It wasn't too hard to know that it was you lot that sent these poor excuses for mercenaries after since I've been telling you all how to treat your workers better," the whelp commented as he stepped into the room. "I'm sure you can all agree that a good worker is a happy worker, not someone who is beaten within an inch of their lives for not doing the work well enough," he said.

"I'm willing to let this pass, so long as you all remember to not do this again," the whelp then said. Lars breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, and don't even think of tampering with my machines or skimming off the top, because I'll know and I won't be as lenient the second time around," he warned.

The whelp then smiled. "Have a good night, gentlemen. I'll see you all in the morning." With an airy wave, the whelp and his knights left.

Dear journal,

Turns out I was right. The overseers sent some Braavosi sellswords to corner me and rough me up for telling them how to do their jobs. Basic training was very thorough and even though I was physically younger than the sellswords, I handled them well enough. Ser Jon and Ser Rolly Duckfield/Duck were astounded that a boy of thirteen could beat the shit out of some swaggering sellswords, all of whom were all seasoned killers. But given that in my previous life I was an Army Ranger for several years, I had more than enough training and skill to handle a bunch of drunken Braavosi mercs.

After dumping the mercs in the tavern where the overseers were drinking and letting them off with a warning, it's safe to assume that they won't try something like that again. But, I'll be keeping an eye on my dirigible in case they try to tamper or sabotage with it. I'll need to keep the schematics locked up tight or have them with me at all times in case they get any ideas about stealing the schematics and selling them. Already people are talking about the "flying machine". Will have to find a way to keep the rumour mill quiet about the dirigible. I don't doubt that most of Westeros will think a flying machine as the words of drunks and I'm counting on that arrogant disbelief to keep nosey people like the Lannisters away, but there'll be some who won't be able to resist the idea of having a flying ship added to their army.

Dear Journal,

It's taken about three months to build, but the dirigible is finally finished. There were some hiccups here and there from the overseers like I thought, but those problems were dealt with soon enough. The unveiling ceremony is a great fanfare with many of the Pentosi nobility eager to see the "flying machine". I asked Illyrio to keep it all under wraps until it was time. Illyrio agreed to keep it quiet.

The specs of the dirigible? The body of the dirigible is big enough to accommodate the engine which drives the propellers with enough room for storage units and crew quarters as well as some basic black powder cannons, nine for both portside and starboard. The deck can hold about fifteen or so people on it including the pilot and crew. The balloon is filled with hydrogen gas and let me tell you, it was bloody hard to get a hold of hydrogen gas in this world. I thought that I could use hot air, as it would initially be easier but in the long run it would be expensive to buy fuel for the burners, so I ended up using hydrogen gas created from dissolving limestone and other solids in acid and capturing the gas into crude but effective gas tanks to fill the balloon which was made from boiled tanned animal intestines.

Then I added some other features, the engine runs on kerosene. I can tell you I was surprised to see kerosene in this world, but I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. The engine which took a month to design, cast and build was a handful, but it was a good thing I took a mechanical engineering course in the Army, so with the help of some smiths, I was able to build the engine and the part. Of course, getting spark plugs in this world was trouble so I had to do some real digging around for things like copper among other things to build a generator to create the spark needed for ignition to make the fuel ignite. And going from there, I managed to install some crude gas jets for short bursts of speed. I also added some sails on the sides for quieter speed for when the engine will make too much noise.

It's all a bit technical I don't really want to get into it right now, so I'll spare you and myself the agony of going into the details and just say that I finally built a flying machine and leave it that.

Tomorrow will be the unveiling ceremony and Illyrio has told me that nearly all the Pentosi nobility will be here to see the flying machine, so I'll need to get a good night's rest and maybe prepare a speech. Or maybe I wont and just let Illyrio do the talking.

Aegon sat at the large table with Jon and Illyrio sitting either side of him and looked at the sea of Magisters and merchants who had come to see the wonderous first ever flying machine.

Illyrio stood from his chair and got everyone's attention. "My friends and fellow citizens of Pentos!" the portly magister called out and everyone quietened down to listen.

"A few months you would have no doubt heard of a wonderous machine being built here in our fair city and many of you aired your disbelief in the idea," Illyrio began. "I could scarce believe it myself when the idea was presented to me!" he added.

"But what we have heard is all true. Today, we witness the first ever flying machine!" Illyrio declared.

"And with us here, is the young mastermind who designed the flying machine. He is a young boy who I have come to care for and love fondly," Illyrio then said laying a hand on Aegon's shoulder. "So I shall let the architect take the stage," he added as he took his seat and Aegon stood from his chair.

Clearing his voice, Aegon spoke in clear loud tones, "Good Magisters and citizenry of Pentos, I know you're all eager to see this flying machine and whilst I could drone on about how the idea came to me in some drunken dream." The Magisters all chuckled at the jape and Aegon continued, "I shan't do such a thing and without further introduction, I present to you, the first ever dirigible!" Aegon then turned slightly to look out across the city and the nobility looked to see floating into view some kind of flying contraption.

There was a large floating sack almost as big as three elephants put together and hanging below by some ropes and chains was what some thought a ship without any masts. On the back of the ship was some twin bladed windmill spinning steadily. The machine floated over towards the courtyard and some men threw some ropes over the sides before sliding down the ropes and once on the ground they began to pull the flying machine down towards them. Soon the dirigible was almost touching the ground and a rope ladder was hung from the side.

The magisters were all stunned and the Halfmaester began to take some of the magisters aboard the dirigible to explain to them on a level they could understand the specs and functions of the dirigible. Aegon sat at his chair and stifled an amused smile at seeing all the looks of childlike wonder on everyone's face as though they had seen something magical. Some of the magisters had come up to him to ask him if he would allow them to build dirigibles of their own. Aegon's refusal was courteous but there were some disappointed or disgruntled looks on some of the magisters. Then some merchants had asked Aegon if he would allow them to use his dirigible to transport goods to the other Free Cities. Aegon acquiesced to the offers and with Illyrio's help, some deals were made to begin the first flight of the dirigible in transporting goods.

A few hours later when the magisters had all gone home, Illyrio took Aegon aside and said to him "I honestly thought that it couldn't be done!" he said in hushed awestruck tones. "You built a flying machine! Can you imagine what such a thing could provide?" he asked.

"I certainly can, Illyrio," replied Aegon with a grin. "And I'm betting that it can be used effectively in battle," he said cunningly.

"I don't doubt it, my boy," Illyrio agreed. "Having a flying machine would give you an edge for when you take back the Iron Throne," he added thoughtfully.

Illyrio then looked at Aegon for a moment and said, "My boy, I think it's time for your gifts," he said sombrely.

Illyrio then took Aegon into the house with Jon following them. Leading Aegon and Jon into his solar, Illyrio then ordered his servants to fetch "the chest". After a few moments, the servants returned carrying a large wooden chest.

"I was saving this for nine and tenth nameday, but given what you have achieved, I think it's time you received it," Illyrio said seriously.

Urging Aegon to open the chest, Illyrio watched with bated breathe as Aegon opened the lid and pulled out from the depths of the chest a sword.

Aegon's eyes widened slightly as he looked at the sword and the blade which was Valyrian steel. "Is this…" he began to say when Illyrio cut him off.

"Yes. It is the sword Blackfyre. The sword of your house."

Aegon then pulled the sword free from its scabbard and the dark and smoky blade of Valyrian steel gleamed in the candlelight as if drinking it.

"I was waiting for when you were old enough to give you this," Illyrio said catching Aegon's attention again. "It was stolen and sold for a pittance, but with the help of some friends, it was recovered and awaiting the day when one who was worthy of it to wield it," he explained.

"And given the past few months since your death and resurrection I believe that you are more than worthy of the sword of your ancestor," Illyrio said with some quiet almost fatherly pride in his voice.

"Does this mean we'll make our claim to the Iron Throne and challenge the Usurper?" asked Ser Jon.

"We're not ready," Aegon said suddenly.

"But we have your dirigible," Ser Jon reminded Aegon.

"It's far from unbeatable, Jon. Remember the Dance of Dragons?" said Aegon.

"Aye, both the Greens and the Blacks had dragons, changing the rules of warfare," Ser Jon said nodding his head as he remembered what he had read of the turbulent time of Westeros where the eldest child Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Realm's Delight, and her paternal half-brother, Aegon II Targaryen fought a bloody war over the Iron Throne which had led to the deaths of House Targaryen's dragons and was, in many ways, the first sign of the Targaryens' downfall.

"Exactly! If we were to issue a challenge to the Usurper and bring my dirigible and any others we make into battle against the Usurper and his bannermen, they could develop something similar and fight us on even footing," Aegon said.

"But you keep the schematics to your dirigible and the other weapons you've invented with you at all times or locked up," Jon pointed out.

"Even so, the Usurper could capture a dirigible and have his maesters learn the secrets of one and build his own," Aegon countered. "Besides, now is not the right time to issue a challenge to the Usurper," he said thoughtfully.

"But if word of this gets out about your flying machine, what will the Usurper do?" Jon argued.

"If I'm correct, Robert Baratheon has little interest in things unless they involve drinking, feasting, hunting, whoring or my family," Aegon replied. "Since I've been kept secret from the world, Robert's focus will be on my aunt and uncle, Daenerys and Viserys, he won't be looking for me," he explained. "And if he were to be told of a flying machine, he'd simply dismiss the idea as nonsense until he actually sees it for himself which we won't do. At least, not until the time is right," he added.

"So we wait?" Jon said disappointed.

"We need to build up a power base and if we go to war, we need three things. Coin, coin and even more coin," said Aegon.

Jon nodded seeing the wisdom in the boy's words.

"A wise and prudent thing to point ojut," Illyrio said in approval. "With our new flying machine and some of the deals we've made, we'll be able to build our funds and perhaps build more of these flying machines and hire an army," he added.

"Who would we hire? There's no shortage of sellsword companies in Essos," Jon said.

"First one is the Golden Company," said Aegon calmly. "They've never broken a contract, but then, they don't fight battles they can't win," he added grimly.

"But e have the flying machine, as I've said," Jon said. "If Harry Strickland sees what it can do and what advantage it gives us, then he'll be begging to take a contract with us! All the sellsword companies will begging to take up with us!" he declared.

"First we need gold to buy and company of sellswords," Aegon said. "And we need to test the dirigible's capabilities in battle against a suitable enemy," he added.

"What enemy would you suggest?" Jon asked.

"How do you feel about fighting a small Khalasar of Dothraki horselords?" Aegon's grin was wide.


A/N: There it is, the first chapter done and dusted! I admit it's a little rough around the edges, but it was the best I could do and it's fairly long for the first chapter which I'm very pleased with. Hopefully the subsequent chapters will be of equal length or maybe a little shorter. I will say right now this story was inspired by An American In Westeros, but with some differences. In the filters I didn't want to use an OC character filter, so I decided to use Aegon Targaryen as the main character but in a way that he was someone who died in our world and was reborn/resurrected/reincarnated as Aegon Targaryen since for some reason, the TV show cut Aegon/Young Griff out completely for some reason. And this story may possibly be a Self-Insert, but at the same time it's not since some Self-Insert stories are just not that great or just OP the Self-Insert into some unbeatable almost Super-Saiyan like warlord and I'd like to avoid that if I can and if that is possible at all.

Pairing wise, I am aiming for Daenerys or possibly Margaery, but I have set up a voting poll on my profile showing a list of potential romance options which include some characters from the books and the Telltale game as well as a couple of OCs I've created, so feel free to vote on who you want to be the top girl.

The idea of the dirigible came to me and was partially inspired by the hot air balloons in An American in Westeros, but I thought that hot air balloons don't have much in the way of combat/warfare capabilities, so I chose the idea of a dirigible based on a couple of movies that had them in a medieval setting.

And if you're at all wondering, Aegon will be getting a dragon of his own. Perhaps if/when he travels to Valyria, he finds a dragon's egg in the ruins, and as to how he'll hatch it, a little hint, the words of House Targaryen will be a hint.

As the story is set a few years before the event of Game of Thrones, Aegon will be faffing around Essos and maybe Westeros a little building up his power base until such time he is ready to make his claim because he's laid out his options and choices and weighed the pros and cons of each house and faction and he's ultimately decided that because of his foreknowledge of Game of Thrones and how everything hits the fan, he's the only one who can bring some order to the realm, not because it's his birthright, but because he's the only one capable of doing it.

Anyways, I've talked enough so I'll just leave this here and wait for you all to review it and tell me what you thought of it. And be warned, if you have nothing nice to say or you're just abusive, I will take action to remove your reviews and/or block you, but I'm hopeful it won't come to that.

Be kind to one another,

Angry lil' elf.