MY CHILDREN. I HAVE RETURNED. Sorry for my long absence. Life has been a little crazy. Never fear though, for I have clamored back onto the wagon! That being said, enjoy! The second part of this chapter is a little weak and for that I apologize. I planned out the first half a LOT more and it shows. x.x

DISCLAIMER: There is a part of this chapter that may not make sense if you have not read a one shot I did called "Mickey's Misfortune". It wont mess with the overall story at all but if you would like the little extra context, give it a read c: All of my Warner Bros/Disney Fanfics are supposed to be assumed to be all in the same universe and this considered to be "cannon" in the TWYS Storyline. (Yeah even Ambrosia. For continuity's sake you can assume that it takes place much later than TWYS and TWYS2)

"I gotta say, doc, this may actually work!"

Mickey, and Bugs stood on Sunset Boulevard handing out fliers for the fundraiser show Wakko had pitched to them earlier that morning. After just two hours, they had already received a large number of support. Aside from the occasional toonist jerk blowing them off or muttering darkly as they passed by, the overall success so far had already done wonders for Bugs' mood. Mickey was delighted to see his old friend in better spirits. It was so rare that he ever saw the side of Bugs he saw hours before; and he made it a general rule to keep it that way.

"I'll say!" Mickey said with a gleeful chuckle. "We're almost out of fliers!"

"I always knew Wakko had some great idea bouncing around in his brain. He sounded just like his brother. Yakko's gonna be real proud when he hears about this show."

Bugs noticed a little girl pull on her mother's hand and gesture with excitement towards the sign further advertising the show propped up next to the old cartoon stars and beamed. The wonder and joy in her eyes was a refreshing sight in the face of the ugliness going around the city as of late. However, the smile faded as Bug had a thought. "While we're on the subject, Mick, have you seen Yakko at all today?"

Mickey frowned a little. Now that he thought about it, he actually hadn't seen nor heard from the eldest Warner all day; and he was sure that he would be wanting to talk about the show with them. In addition, it had already struck him as odd that Yakko wasn't with Wakko and Dot earlier. Even though he had been following through on his promise to ease up on his over protective habits, he preferred the company of his brother and sister over almost anyone else. Mickey could count on one hand the amount of time he saw the head of the trio without at least one of his siblings.

"Now that you mention"

Bugs shared a concerned look with his fellow toon. Thinking back, he hadn't seen Yakko since he told the Warners about the Looney Tunes movie being shut down. The rabbit quickly buried that thought and gave his friend a confident smile.

"Aw, what the heck are we worrying about? It's Yakko Warner! There isn't anyone out there he can't handle. Even I wouldn't want to face off against that kid."

Mickey looked unsure for a moment, but found himself agreeing with Bugs. They HAD left rather quickly after Wakko had his idea. Tweedy hadn't even made it back yet before everyone had raced off with their own task.

"You got that right. He's probably out somewhere giving some poor old crank a headache."

Mickey chuckled at the thought before seeing something that made his entire demeanor fall from happy to horrified. His eyes grew wide and anything he had been thinking was suddenly wiped from his mind and replaced with fragmented, panicked thoughts.

On the other side of the street Mickey had spotted a face he had been trying to forget and, up until now, had only seen lately in occasional nightmares. All at once a waterfall of horrible memories flooded his head. The sound of cruel drunken laughter, the dank smell of sewer water, the burning sensation of a painful mist of D.I.P. Mickey felt his legs begin to buckle, but managed to hold it together and clear his throat. Somehow, the famous mouse managed to get some words out smoothly.

"Bugs? How about we head back and make some more fliers."

Bugs raised a brow at Mickey, confused and a bit worried at the sight of his sudden mood shift.

"You okay, buddy?"

"Yep. Yep, totally fine. It's just that time is money, you know?'

Bugs followed Mickey's gaze as the mouse stole a poorly hidden glance across the street and realized what he was looking at. The rabbits eyes widened for a moment before looking back at his friend.

"Is that the guy?" Bugs asked in a firm, crisp voice.

Mickey didn't answer; but he didn't need to. The look on his face was confirmation enough.

"Let's just go before he-"

"Well look who it is!"

Mickey cringed at the sound of the painfully familiar mocking voice. The man had spotted them and made his way across the street.

"Long time, no see! How ya doing, Inkspot?"

Mickey avoided eye contact with the man and instead was looking anywhere else.

"...Hello." Mickey managed.

Bugs stood beside Mickey and fixed the man with a stare that could freeze the entire ocean.

"Can we help you?" He asked in a dry, calm voice that seemed to give off more danger than yelling ever could. The Looney Tune subconsciously allowed a hand to hover over his Hammerspace. He wasn't going to start any fights; but if this guy chose to escalate things Bugs would be more than happy to swing his mallet.

The man breezed right by Bugs as if he was part of the background and read the sign. He chuckled. "Fundraiser huh? Cute. The boys and I will be there for sure. We love a good show."

Mickey was still avoiding any and all eye contact with this guy but Bugs refused to waver.

"I wouldn't advise that." He said cooly. "It's not a place for people with hateful ideas. Anyone looking to cause trouble would find some they don't want."

"Aw, come on now. That doesn't sound very much like someone looking to, what was it your kind keeps saying...coexist?"

"We both know it's not my kind that's the problem doc."

The man locked eyes with Bugs, who didn't even blink. There was a moment of silence as the two had their own nonverbal face off.

"What's the matter, doc? Not feeling in the mood to fight?" Bugs asked, taking a step closer. "Or can you only fight with toons when you catch them outnumbered after dark?"

The man said nothing for a moment, then brushed past Bugs, checking him a bit with his shoulder. Bugs watched him go and gave a curt nod after him.

"That's what I thought, ya maroon."

Bugs and Mickey watched him disappear into the crowd. Mickey cleared his throat again, composing himself.

"Don't worry about him, Bugs, his type isn't worth it."

He gave Bugs a small smile.

"But...thanks pal."

"Don't mention it, Mick. If we let bozos like him know we aren't intimidated they'll just scurry back to wherever they came from. They're all talk."

Bugs playfully punched Mickey's shoulder.

"Let's go make more fliers. We're burning daylight."

"Voila!" Dot exclaimed proudly, stepping back to admire their handiwork on the soundstage wall. She and Wakko had just finished a huge mural for passersby to see detailing all the information on their show.

Wakko grinned a wide grin as he too took a moment to admire the mural, thinking about how great show was going to be for the toon community. As excited as he was to see everyone warm up to the idea right out of the gate, what he was really looking forward to was telling Yakko. The middle Warner was sure his brother would be ecstatic; and a secret part of Wakko hoped that it was going to make his older brother proud.

"When do you think Yakko will get back? I can't wait for him to get a load of this!" Dot said, practically jumping with joy.

"I dunno." Wakko answered, a small frown coming over his face. It was starting to seem a little odd. Yakko usually didn't stray far from the younger Warner's for very long and usually told them if he was expecting to be gone for a while. "Where did he tell you he was going again?"

"He just said he wanted to take a walk." Dot admitted. She hadn't thought much about it but seeing the sudden look on her brother's face was starting to make her second guess herself. Still, ever the optimist, she smiled. "I'm sure he'll be back soon and we can tell him all about your idea! He's going to love it!"

Wakko smiled back at his sister sheepishly. "You think?"

"Yeah! I don't know where that stroke of brilliance came from," Dot teased playfully, "But you sounded just like him."

Wakko smiled his trademark lopsided grin while his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth. he was about to answer when a sudden interruption in the form of Tweedy came barreling down towards them from the sky.

"Warners! Warners!"

The two younger siblings looked up as Tweedy hovered directly above their heads. The little bird was very distressed and was so tired from searching for them that he looked ready to fall right out of the air.

"Hi, Tweedy!" Dot said, holding out her hand for him to perch on. "Did you see Yakko?"

Tweedy landed in her palm and looked at the both of them in pure panic.

"I...I saw...he...hole...zap...fall down..." Tweedy gasped for air due to his exhaustion, barely able to speak about what he had seen.

Wakko and Dot traded confused looks and shrugged at each other.

"Jeez, Tweedy, get a hold of yourself." Dot said. "What are you talking about?"

Tweedy took a moment to steady himself, before taking a huge breath.

"Yakko was giving these two lunkheads the slip over at soundstage 10 and he got him from behind with a Toon Gun. He never saw it coming. There was nothing I could do. He's got him!"

Both Wakko and Dot felt their ink freeze. Wakko's head had begun to cloud with panic.

No...No...Tweedy had to be mistaken.

"What are you talking about, Tweedy?" Wakko urged. "Who has Yakko?"

Tweedy met Wakko's gaze, his eyes wide as dinner plates.


Dot put a free hand to her mouth to stifle a pained scream of shock and fear. She immediately began drilling the small bird with question after question but Wakko just stood there, staring off into space. Dot's voice grew fainter and fainter to him as a ringing in his ears took over and he completely locked up.

No...he can't be back. He was arrested. This can't be happening. Not Yakko. He couldn't have...No one beats Yakko...No one!

Wakko began to shake and fear enveloped the boy as he realized his worst nightmare was manifesting right before his eyes.