It was a normal day at the Heights Alliance dormitories, nothing special was happening, until all of the boys of the Class A-1 received a text from Izuku Midoriya telling them all to come to his dorm room...

All of the boys decided to go and see why Midoriya wanted them to meet him in his bedroom, they all met Izuku at the front of his dorm.

"Midoriya, we came as soon as you called, what seems to be the problem!?" Said Iida Tenya.

"This better be freaking important you damn nerd!" Said Bakugo in his usual aggressive manner.

"Sorry for not giving a full explanation, but just take my word for it, it's a lot easier to explain in person" Izuku said.

"Alright, what is this about Midoriya?" Asked Rikido.

"I was just laying in my bed when suddenly I heard a knock at my door, and when I went to check all I found was a very large box in front of my door... " Izuku explained.

"A large box you say, that sounds very strange..." Tokoyami said.

"Maybe you have a secret admirer Midoriya, lucky you!" Mineta said nudging Izuku.

"Umm..." Midoriya was gonna say something before he was interrupted.

"If that were the case, then the only persons who could have left the box in front of Midoriya's room is someone in Class-1" Shoji theorized.

"Maybe someone is just trying to prank us!" Sero exclaimed.

"Actually-" Midoriya began before being interrupted again.

"Or maybe it could all be a villain trap!" Iida said, causing everyone on to tense up.

"We should open it carefully." Kaminari suggested.

"Maybe we should tell the teachers to examine the box before opening it!" Kirisima said.

"I already-" Izuku said before being interrupted one more time.

"Then let me destroy the box!" Bakugo said lifting one hand that started forming sparks.

"GUYS!" Izuku screamed!

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Izuku.

"I already opened the box..." Izuku said.

"What? You opened the box without knowing what was inside of it!?" Iida started.

"Do you know how risky that is!?" Iida continued.

"I admit, I should have been more careful, but it wasn't anything dangerous..." Izuku explained.

"Then what was inside the box, monsieur Midoriya?" Asked Aoyama.

"I think it's easier for you to see then explaining it..." Izuku said before gesturing them all to enter his room...

Inside they all say that inside the box there were several smaller boxes, all with different labels, the boxed labeled "Games" had a bunch of video games boxes and a game console, the box labeled "Comics" had a bunch of comics with characters they weren't familiar with, the same went for the box labeled "Movies".

What caught the boys attention was a box labeled "Death Battle", inside the box there were several numbered DVD's, Izuku decided to play the first one and all the boys nodded, Izuku decided to pull out a laptop to play the DVD, when they placed the DVD with the first episode the screen shows a text that says a message about "Rules to the show".


Combatants possess no non-canon knowledge of each other.

To ensure a fair fight, character personality restraints from killing are ignored.

All other character traits & tactics are ignored and largely to be represented faithfully.

Research source prerequisites are generally determined equally unless specified.

No outside help.

This caught the attention of the boy's, especially those who loves the thrill to fight. It sounds like some kind of competition with a set of rules in the arena. Only one way to find out.

Izuku hits the play button and the young heroes in training prepare to what these DVDs have in store for them...