Hello kitties

I do not own Naruto or Sailor Moon or Ares from Xena and anyone else who appears in the story.

Yeah Raza is getting a rude wakeup call from Ares.

Chapter 14

Off to play in the Land of Waves

Tazuna sat across Ares as he was sweating bullets, he remembered the man. He was no older than his grandson is now.

"So Tazuna-san. You are requesting a protection detail for you on your way home as well as protection for your crew as well from bandits and highwaymen?" Question Ares as his stone-cold black eyes looked at the man that was fidgeting on place.

"Yes. Ares-sama." Said Tazuna as he did not know how to respond to the man before him.

Ares nod his head. "As well the funds you have is only for a C-rank Mission?" He question once more.

"Yes. Ares-sama." Said Tazuna as he felt more like a child before his powerful man.

Land of Wave

Luci wore a hood over her head as she walked down the withered streets of the nameless village as it was mostly just called Port Wave. For no one bothered to name it. Her eyes looked over the people hiding in the shadows and children bagging for food and money as well.

She let out a sigh as she enter the bar at the end of the village. Men and women sat around drinking as the men pulling women on their laps laughing. Pulling her hood back Luci walks up to the bar and removes her cloak.

"You are late girl. Get behind the bar quickly." Hissed the Mistress of the "BAR."


"I will sign off on this mission. But I will be sending two teams as a procession." Said Ares as he looked up at the old drunker before him. "So would you like to stay the night or return right away back to your home?" He question.

"I would like to return as soon we the two teams are able to go." Said Tazuna as he was growing more nervous with the man before him.

"Very well. I will have you leave my office and head into the lobby where my secretary will get you some coffee and something to eat." Said Ares as he nods to one of his crimson hair ANBU. The ANBU appear before the man and lead him away.

"Now who do I send on this mission." Question Ares as he pulled out photos of the Teams that are in the village at this very moment. A small smirk crept across his face. "Yes these two will do." He said as he places the photos down and one is of his grandson's team and the other will be Team 10. 'This will test the young Nara to see if she can plan under pressure and not let her feelings for one or two cloud her judgement.' He thought to himself as his Jonin Commander walked into the office holding files about the up and coming Chunin Exams.

Forest of Death

Anko laughs as she watches her little cute Genin fight off two large bears that had thought of them as an easy meal. "Don't get lazy now. This is like a real fight with an enemy Shinobi. You never know what they might pull on you." She laughed as Kenshin appeared before her.

"Good Morning Anko-san." Said Kenshin as he bows to her.

Anko looks over at the odd like man that addresses her. "What is it Swordsman?" Question Anko as she never knew why this man had become a shinobi. He was best suited as a samurai than a shinobi.

Kenshin just smiles as he looks down at the Genin fighting for their lives. "Ares-sama has sent me to tell you that your team is requested for a mission and must report now to the Hokage Tower." He said with a pleasant but creepy smile on his face.

"Fine." Said Anko as two massive snakes appear and attack the two large bears and wrap their massive bodies around the bears as they vanish in a poof of smoke reversed summoning themselves back to their home so the younger snakes could hunt down the two bears.

"You brats did alright. But I expect better from you next time." Growled out Anko as she jumped down before them all.

Naruto let out a tried sigh. "We almost had them." He told her as he pulled out some water. The girls standing next to Kenshin as he was standing with Anko as well as they took drinks of their water.

"Almost isn't good enough. I want you three to do better. For ALMOST can still get you killed out on a mission." Hissed Anko as he glared at the blonde before her.

"I understand Anko-sensei. We will do better next time." Said Naruto as the girls nodded their heads in agreement with their teammate.

"Good. Now lets head to the two. We have a mission." Chirped Anko as she smiled at the three Genin you looked at her as if she had grown a second head.

'She is bi-polar. Daddy needs to get her in for another review.' Thought Ino as she put her water away and they all ran out of the training ground.

Team 10

Team 10 lazily made their way to the Hokage for their first mission for the day. Asuma figured it would be best to do whatever mission and then train after completing their missions for the day. Also Shikamaru would be more willing to play a game a Shogi with him as the other two spar.

Just than Team 8 appear as Asuma opens the building doors. "Hey smokie." Called out Anko as she knew this annoyed the man to no end.

Asuma turns and looks at the grinning Snake Mistress of Konoha. "Hello Anko." He told her with a pleasant smile on his face. It was best to keep Anko on your good side as she had a habit of sending little visitors if you pissed her off.

"Hey guys." Called out Naruto as he saw his friends all standing there with their sensei.

"Hey Naruto." Said Choji with a large grin on his face as Shino nods his head to the three before them. Shika just smiles and nods her head as well. For it would be too troublesome to wave or speak.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Question Choji as he took a bit out of his chip.

"We got called in for a mission." Said Ino with a smirk. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked her two childhood friends and their teammate.

"We are here for a mission as well." Spoke Shino as he pushed his sunglasses up.

"Then why don't we go in together." Said Hinata with a soft smile on her face.

They nodded their heads and went into the building and walked up the stairs to the Hokage's office.

"Enter." Called Ares before Asuma or Anko could knock on the door. The two teams entered the office and Ares grinned looking at them. "I am glad you both are here." He told the two teams.

"Hey Grandpa. What do you have for the us?" Question Naruto as he put his arms behind his head standing before the God relaxed.

Ares smirked. "I have a mission for your two teams. It will be an escort and protection detail. I figure it would be a good to see for a joint team mission." He told the two teams before him.

"Yes Hokage-sama." Said Anko and Asuma both at once.

Each Genin looked at each other and nods their heads. They had trained together several times at Naruto's house with the Hokage.

"Kenshin please bring in Tazuna." Called Ares as Kenshin bowed at the open door and vanished into the door. To reappear with an old man about 50 with dark grey hair and facial hair on his face and plan looking dark grey clothing.

He paled as he saw the woman that stood with the two Genin Teams. As Anko grinned largely. "You!" Cried Tazuna as he hides behind Kenshin.

Ares arches a brow to this as he looks at his shinobi and the old man. "What have you done to him Anko?" He question.

"I met him in the Land of Tea about a year ago as he was working on a bridge there. He saw me in a bar when I stopped to get something to eat before heading home and he hit on me and he met my little friend." Said Anko with a grin on her face as a black snake slithered out of her trench coat and moved up her arm hissing at the old man.

"Well he is the client and play nice. No attacking the client." Growled out Ares as his eyes lit up with flames in his eyes.

Anko took a step back and the snake vanished in a small cloud of smoke. "Yes, Hokage-sama." She said with fear lacing her voice.

"Good. Now meet at the main gate in one hour." Ares told the two teams. "You, Tazuna. You can return to your meal and Kenshin will make sure your fully supplied for the return trip and show you back to the gate within the hour." He told the man.

Tazuna just nods his head to the man before him. "Thank you Ares-sama." He told the Hokage and bowed to him as he returned to his meal.

Naruto looked back at his grandfather as Ares throw the mission scroll at the boy. "Show up at the gate early and make sure you 6 look over this mission report." He told his grandson.

"Yes Sir." Said Naruto nodding his head and left with the others. Getting ready for the danger that lays in wait for them all.

I hope everyone enjoys this new chapter