Hey guys. I know I said I wouldn't post a new chapter until I had 20 reviews, but I just couldn't resist. Review and wish me luck for my Semester 1 Math Test tomorrow as well as my Digital Tech ICAS Test. Thanks

Alya: They need an extra to pose with Adrien!
Marinette: What? Seriously?
Manon: Is that boy your boyfriend?
Marinette: What? No, I mean, yes? No!

Once again I was flushed to the max, as everyone chuckled at my antics.

Alya: Go on! What are you waiting for?
Marinette: But, what about Manon?
Alya: (Alya wagging finger towards Marinette and hand gesturing her move aside) You take care of Prince Charming, and I'll take care of Miss Unicorn here. You don't know how to control her anyway.
Manon: No way, Marinette's my babysitter!
Alya: Trust me. Unicorns unite! Let's go to Rispa and find us some sad little village kids and grant those wishes! Yee-haw!
Manon: Yee-haw!
Marinette: Huh? (Sees Stormy Weather)
(Stormy Weather fires an icy wind at the civilians. The icy wind surrounds the merry-go-round and freezes it.)
Civilian: Run!

'I think this is the perfect moment to skip ,' Isabelle said, as Nicki nodded her head in agreement.

'Okay now it's really hard to decide whether or not I should reveal Chat Noir's identity,' Nicki said.

'I'll always have a quarter of my heart devoted to Chat Noir, but you know girl power and stuff, so should I show Ladybug Chat Noir's true self,' Isabelle pondered.

Everyone gasped as Alya said,'You mean Ladybug is in this room right now.'

I tensed as everyone in the room sent accusing glares to everyone else.

'Yup, not only LB, but Kitty too,' Isabelle corrected.

What! Chat Noir is in the room right now, and I was this close to finding out who he really was.

Ladybug: (To Alya and Manon) I'll get you out of there! Let's wire cut this icy cake!
(Ladybug uses her yo-yo, but fails.)
Ladybug: Or not? On to plan B! (To Alya and Manon) Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay!
Manon: Where is Marinette?
Ladybug: She hasn't forgotten about you, Manon.
Manon: How did you know my name?
Ladybug: Ah! Uhh... Marinette told me! She's coming right back, okay? (Swings away)

Scene: City. Stormy Weather leaves the park.

Cat Noir: Hey Ice Queen, what's with all the terrorizing? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature?

'I think that is one of his better puns, don't you guys think,' I said.

Isabelle had tears in her eyes as she said,' I'm so proud of you Marinette for admitting that. This is the start of a beautiful friendship between you, me and Chat.'

She strutted up in front of me and whispered,' I think Chat Noir would agree don't you think, Ladybug.'

'Yeah, he would be… wait you know,' I asked amazed.

Tinkling laughter filled my ears as she slyly stated,' Of course I do, I know a lot of things.'

Stormy Weather: My name is not Ice Queen! It's Stormy Weather!
Cat Noir: Listen. I'm feline more generous than usual today. So cool down and we'll call it quits, okay?
Stormy Weather: (fires wind at Cat Noir)
Cat Noir: Waaaaaahhh! (He flies a long way and lands in a nearby street.)

'Well kids this just teaches us that 96.7% of the time being cocky will lead to failure,' Max robotically stated staring at the screen.