AN: In which the Blue Paladins play and the Black Paladins hunt.




Surprisingly, Pidge had offered to drop them off.

With Green's cloaking tech Lance and Allura didn't have to worry about hiding the Altean shuttle anywhere. They had never been on this planet before but Nyma had recommended it. Lance doubted she would have told him about it if it wasn't friendly for Voltron coalition members.

"Call me like half a varga before you're ready," Pidge said from her pilot's chair.

"Sure ma," the Red Paladin shot over his shoulder.

Lance and Allura lightly laughed as they quickly scuttled out of Green's mouth before Pidge could retaliate. The invisible Lion kicked up some wind. Lance grumbled as he smoothed over his hair. Allura patted her twisted bun to make sure it was still in place then leaned over to adjust Lance's dark coat. His shirt was a pin striped navy and white with a wide open collar. She smiled as he took over fixing his outfit.

"Blue suits you."

"A lot of colors do," he wagged his brows. "But yeah. I like blue the best."

Her smile waned a little. "At times, I can sense that she misses you."

His eyes lowered. He hadn't meant it like that initially. "I miss her too." He cleared his throat, quickly putting on a lazy grin. "Our night of recklessness awaits." He stuck out his bent arm. "Shall we, princess?"

"Lura," she put her hand in the crook of his elbow. "I think I'll go by that name tonight."

"Secret names. I like it." He muttered some syllables under his breath. A shorter version of his name wasn't sounding as cool. "I'll be Taylor."

"Alright," her smile widened. "Lead the way, Taylor."

He turned them towards the buildings with brilliant lights. The city looked almost like the pictures he'd seen of metropolitan places like Tokyo or New York. There were screens everywhere flashing ads, strings of colored lights and motion every inch of the place. No one paid them much attention. They were just two more people in the shuffle of activity. He oo'ed and aw'ed while Allura quietly admired. She looked at the short skirts and exposed midrifts, she felt a slight blush seeing the ripped shirts of a group of gray skinned but well defined males walking up ahead. This was definitely different than the high collared tunics and long dresses from ten thousand deca-phoebs ago.

"Do you know where this place is?" she murmured lowly.

"Nope. But these people got to be heading somewhere." He gave her a leer. "And if my instincts are correct...I know what kind of place it is too."

"Which is..."

"A surprise."

She gave him a flat look. "Why not tell me?"

"Because," he slowed his steps as technological upbeat music reached his ears. "It's something you'll have to see for yourself."

Her ears twitched as the muffled sounds increased. There was a long line in front of an entrance that flashed multiple colors. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Lance's grin threatening to split his face. They got to the end of the line. Allura curiously watched as some people were allowed in while others were rejected. They moved up rather quickly considering the wait. After another five minutes there was a group walking ahead of the line. They were easily let in. Another couple of people sauntered by but were turned away.

"Strange," she murmured to herself.

"They didn't do it right."

Allura turned her head to the female behind them. She was black scaled with glowing yellow green eyes. Her hair was half shaved on the left side while long yellow locks draped over her shoulder. Her top was shredded, revealing a bright blue covering just barely covering her breasts.

"The bouncer lets in desirables."

"Oh, I see," Lance rubbed his chin. "He lets the hot chicks in for free so guys will stay and buy drinks. My sister Rachel told me about that."

"Chicks?" Allura questioned.

"Ah, attractive females. Sorry, habit."

"Not just females," their new friend smiled, revealing her fangs. "Lose the coat, pop open some more buttons and they'd let you in too."

Lance flushed a little as the stranger leaned over to unbutton his shirt. "No touching," he pushed her hand away, "if you know about this why wait in the line?"

She crossed her arms. "It needs to be more than one person."

"Ah." Allura nodded in understanding. "You wish to join forces."

"Temporarily. But you'll need to do what I say."

Allura and Lance shared a look. Allura put her hands on her hips.

"Within reason."

"And once we have a name," Lance grinned."


"I'm Taylor. She's Lura."

Her forked tongue flicked the air. "No you're not."

"That's not your name either," Allura countered.

The stranger rolled her eyes. "Obviously." She snaked her hand behind Allura's head, quickly tugging her hair loose from the bun. Allura blinked as her dark locks tumbled all around her form. "That's a lot of hair. Good. You can play with that. The dress will only take you so far."

Allura blinked as Yulz tussled her long dark hair until it looked windswept. Allura turned her head, making some strands curve above her forehead. Yulz pulled all of her hair over her shoulder so her back was exposed.

"Wow," Lance let out a low whistle. "That is better."

"You need to walk entitled and confident like you own the place." Yulz tapped under Allura's chin. "Think you can handle that?"

Allura lifted her head away. "I'll handle it."

"And you -"

Lance took off his coat. "I remember what you said." He tossed his coat over his shoulder then popped open three more buttons. "Now I'm hotter."

"Mm. Maybe not that many buttons. I thought you were more toned."

Allura softly laughed behind her hand as Lance fumed.

"My muscles are compact!"

The reptilian leaned over and messed his hair up. "That's better. I need you to -"

"Lead the way and be suave?"

"...Stay silent. Don't utter a word or you'll ruin it." She stepped out of the line. "Let's go before they fill up."

Allura in between them, keeping a measured pacing to match their friend's. Confidence started with the walk. Her training for court will be put to good use tonight.

"Let those hips swing," Yulz muttered her critique low.

Allura forced herself to relax. Walk. Let her body move more naturally rather than controlling it. She spotted a group of females walking ahead. Their forms sashayed attractively in a smooth motion, step by step. She had been wrong.

This isn't like court.

They reached the beginning of the line. A rather large, rocky faced person was in the way. He looked at her companions then her. He was waiting for something so he could pass final judgment. She relaxed into the familiarity of the situation.

This is court.

Allura tilted her chin upwards so she seemed to be looking down at him despite the fact that he towered over them by at least two heads. For extra measure she cocked her hip and put a hand along the swell of her hip.

"It's getting rather cold," she smoothly intoned.

No one moved. Then the bouncer cracked a small grin. "So it is."

He stepped aside. Allura held her head up as she walked by but placed a brief, thankful hand on his arm. She didn't look back or she would have seen the light red glowing on his cheeks. He would have sworn he had been touched by true royalty.

Allura noticed none of that as her senses were immediately flooded.

The coordinates landed Shiro on a new planet of metal and lights.

The grounds of the building he was to go to was vast and gated. He slowed the Altean shuttle as the guard walked up to his plane. He dematerialized a part of the black screen. The guard nodded as he realized who it was. He lifted his hand up. The gate slid open.

"Slow," Keith's voice sounded out from the nano comm behind Shiro's ear.

Shiro took his time switching gears from idle to motion. He kept his eyes forward though he was tempted to look around. Then, the shuttle dipped down a little. Shiro smoothly righted it. He looked at the screens to see if the guard had noticed. There was no motion to indicate he had seen. Shiro let out a breath of relief.

"Gaining weight kiddo?"

Under the belly of the shuttle Keith adjusted his grip. "Only if you're losing your piloting skills."

Shiro grinned though Keith could not see it. Then he smoothed his expression as he was waved to the side. He landed in some sort of courtyard but unlike the Tilipean courtyard this place had zero plant life. There were metallic structures twisted in abstract forms with white spotted lights shining through. Four Tilipean guards waited as he slipped out of the shuttle pod. He locked up his ride and then followed them. The four guards turned into two. He followed them with his eyes only but then lost sight of them.

Then the other two guards stood aside as he stood in front of the tall glass building. There was a thin slot was in the wall. He pulled out the communicator card and slipped it in. The slot lit up white then green. The foggy glass slid open.

He stepped through alone.

The walls of the hallway were of a foggy glass texture but white lights flooded from the ceiling. Up ahead was a white staircase. He took it, his left hand trailing along the cool glass railing. Everything about this place seemed fragile and expensive. He was almost afraid to touch anything with his metal hand.

"Hello? Anyone in here?"

"Over here," came a light, feminine voice.

He walked further in past some transparent curtains. His steps slowed as he spied a white figure lounging above a pool of water. Long white hair draped over an invisible edge, just lightly touching the water while her hand trailed the surface. As he neared he realized she was on a glass deck covering over a third of the pool, giving the illusion she was floating. The water itself was completely clear without any color except for the grayish inner walls of the pool. He hadn't seen that before. Even the Altean pool water had a tint of blue.

The only color in the room were her red irises and red lips.

"Hero. You came."

"Shiro, your highness."

Princess Ikoa turned onto her back, looking at him from upside down. Her almost sheer robe opened a little to show the delicate lines of her collarbone. He calmly kept his eyes on her face.

"So you've said." She languidly sat up. "Why do you shy from that title?"

"Only the arrogant call themselves heroes, princess."

"I don't pretend to understand. Then again," she smiled as if she heard a joke, "I've not seen humility before."

"You misunderstand," he clarified, "Voltron exists thanks to five pilots, not one."

"And the title suggests that you are the sole pilot," she filled in. "That I see. However, as the Head you are the main pilot, thus the leader."

"...I take it her highness has not been in a team before," he calmly intoned.

"You suppose correctly," she tittered. "A monarchy may have its advisors yet when all is said and done, the crown makes the final decisions."

"You are not easily swayed."

"Correct again." She pulled her hair over one shoulder to stroke it. "If only my advisors were so quick to catch on." She tilted her head so he could see the side of her slender white neck. "But I digress. Please, sit."

He took a seat along the edge of the glass deck.

"Why did you invite me in secret?"

"I did not forget about your leash," she quietly sighed. "The secrecy seemed prudent." Her red lips stretched out in a sly smile. "How did you manage to escape?"

"The paladins are allowed free time." He bent a knee so his metal arm draped over it. "So why am I here instead of somewhere else highness?"

She folded a leg under her. "...Perhaps you are not as quick as I thought."

He eyed the pool room and then her. "I thought your favor is fleeting."

"It usually is." She pushed her hair aside then kneeled by him. "Come swim with me."

He shook his head. "It's best I don't get my prosthetic wet."

"Then how do you bathe yourself?"

"Very carefully."

She softly laughed. "I would imagine so." One hand trailed his metal arm. He looked at her hand to make sure there was no glowing of her power. He did not see her other hand slide along the glass. "I would like to see for myself."

The glass disappeared underneath him.

Lights changed into multiple colors against the walls and the moving masses of heads.

The once muffled sound was now booming so loud it made Allura's heart beat with it. Overhead, they walked under a clear tank of some sort of blue liquid. Strange sea creatures swam in it and along the connecting walls. They were see through so they took on whatever color was flashing in the lights around them.

"What is this place?" she loudly muttered.

Lance was right besides her so he had heard. "A space club." His grin broke out as he clenched his hands in victory. "Oh man I'm so excited! I wasn't old enough to join my siblings but now I'm in a club! Thank you Nyma!"

"You two know Nyma?" Yulz put a hand on her hip. "Crop top, long hairtails Nyma?"

"We do." Allura leaned over to the stranger. "Are you friends?"

"Not really. But we tend to sneak in together." Her yellow green eyes darted about. "She usually hangs out over there. It's the closest table to the bar and the dance floor."

"You're leaving?"

"This was temporary."

Lance shrugged. "Fine with me."

The music changed to something louder. Allura put her head right next to his.

"Want to see if Nyma's here?"

"Sure. Then we can dance."

Allura looked at the center. People were pressing up against each other, tossing their arms and heads into the air without much reason.

"That is dancing?"

"Yeah. It's all about feeling the beat. Letting loose."

She followed him closely as they slowly moved through the crowd. She could see his shoulders moving up and down to the beat. It made her smile. She grabbed his hand, making him halt.

"We could find her later."

"You sure?"

"You seem to want to move to this."

"Guilty," he laughed.

Water went into Shiro's mouth.

He quickly closed it out of pure instinct. Suddenly flashes of images shot through his mind. Him, standing in a tube filling with chemical water. His two flesh hands pounding the glass as cold eyes watched him become completely submerged in it. The sensation of his lungs burning as he tried holding his breath before he was forced to open his mouth and choke on the liquid...but strangely it didn't kill him -

'No!' Allura screamed.

The images changed. She was by his prone side. Her hands were getting bloody as she tried stopping the flow of red from his wound on his chest. It was too deep. He was going to die. Tears were pouring out of her eyes so fast he was surprised he could still see the bright blue and magenta colors of her eyes. They had argued a lot. He regretted that immensely.

'Lotor why would you -' her eyes were angry and sad, like she couldn't decide which one to be. "Your coat. Just give me that and I'll fortify any ship you want just please -' her voice choked out, 'help him.'

'Princess.' The Galran merely stood by with his bloody sword. 'Do not waste your time on a fake.'

Shiro lifted his hand up to her cheek. ' I'm sorry.'

Seeing was getting harder but he could see the rawness in her face.

'Gods no, Shiro. Please,' she bent her head down, blood instantly staining her light hair, 'don't -!'

There was a thunder of footsteps as the others arrived. He felt them pick him up and drag him away, most likely to a cryopod. He didn't want to leave. But Lotor had been right, he knew that deep in his gut. He wasn't the real Takashi Sh-

"-iro," Keith's voice was garbled underwater. "Hey!"

The memories halted.

Allura grunted as someone bumped into her.

Lance pulled her over to a relatively open spot. He had tossed his coat somewhere, she hadn't seen where. His shoulders were moving again. Then his arms. She watched as his legs did some fancy footwork before he turned around and then back to her with what Pidge called 'finger guns.'

"Just move!"

"I - I don't understand how!"

"Oh Lura." He grabbed her wrists, making her arms move back and forth. "You're such an over thinker! Just listen to the music." He let go of one of her hands to further mess with his hair. "What does it tell you?"

"I don't know this language."

"Forget the words. What does the sound say?" He got close and rolled his chest forward as a long, distorted note rippled in the air. It was a haunting, beautiful sound. "I hear waves crashing. People splashing." He threw his hands up as the haunting note drifted and gave way to a high note. "Seagulls crying. A party on the beach."

She looked at the people around them, assessing, learning, taking in what they were feeling. Her hand twitched along her thigh. She lifted a hand up and into her hair. She turned her face into her long locks and then lifted some up. She closed her eyes as the locks trailed out of her hand and tickled her arm. Her other arm lifted up and swayed. Lance smiled as her hips moved side to side.

"Now you're getting it!"

For the first time since he's known her, her smile held absolutely no weight. In his excitement he pulled her close. Her eyes widened in surprise. She soon laughed as he moved her to spin around with him. She surprised him by taking over the spinning.

"I'm starting to understand," she beamed.

He put his face in her hair. "You're doing great."

They swayed together, then she twirled out of his reach.

"Nice one!"

The lapse had only been a couple of ticks but it felt like minutes.

Shiro kicked the bottom of the pool so he'd break the surface faster. He coughed out water. Gods. What was that? If it weren't for Keith - He hadn't even thought about the nano comm being in water. Thank God for their overachieving Pidge for making it waterproof. He'll get her all the peanut butter that Earth shop had to offer and then pre-order some more.

Keith said his name again.

" 'm fine," Shiro tried to reassure him but ended up coughing harder.

He felt a hand along his cheek. He looked up with to see Ikoa leaning over the edge.

"I did not think you'd take in so much water." Her lips tilted upwards. "But your arm appears to be fine."

He forced himself not to pull away as Ikoa's fingers went into his hair. His coughs subsided. As much as he'd rather not admit it, her stroking was rather calming. His eyelids lowered as her nails lightly scratched. The sensation brought back the feeling of Allura's hand in his hair as he kissed her back, making her arch away from the couch and against his chest -

"You should come out of the water."

He didn't need to be told twice. Smoothly he pulled himself up and onto the glass platform. Ikoa stared brazenly, taking in the way his wet black shirt clung more than it had when it was dry. He ran his fingers through his dripping hair to get it out of his face. He knew she was watching. How could anyone not feel those burning red eyes?

"Your castle's barrier," he murmured. "It had an unusual crystal powering it."

Her fingers returned into his hair. "A gift from Emperor Lotor."

...He hadn't expect her to admit it so readily. "How generous of him."

"He was. Though not as intriguing as you."

She leaned in. He turned his face just so, making her lips brush the edge of his mouth. He felt her eyes on him. Just a while longer. Keith was still searching. Then he could leave and not keep up with this farce. But for now...He dared to look back. He quirked an amused brow.

"Rather impatient."

"We were interrupted last time."

She moved in again. He only let her brush ever so faintly. Her nails dug into his scalp. For a second he thought he played the wrong move until he looked back at her eyes.

"Hardheaded, aren't we?"

He lowered his eyelids a little. "Only until I'm convinced otherwise."

Her nails eased. He could feel his head throbbing where they pierced. Showering tonight was going to make it sting all over again. He internally sighed. She buried her face into his shoulder.

"Games please me." Her teeth dug into his shirt so he could feel the slight bite of her canines. "But only for so long."

"Rushing kills momentum." Pause. "Is that what happened with Lotor?"

"...I did not take you for the jealous sort."

He let out an indistinguishable sound. "I'm only human."

"I was not complaining."


"I make various trades." She trailed her red nails down the side of his face. "Technology is our most sought after commodity aside from our infamous drinks. We get the most curious information." She ran her forefinger along the edge of his face scar. "The crystal was in exchange for such a trade."

"What did he want?"

"What any male wants. Power. Respect." Her hand flicked his collar. "Fleeting companionship."

"Shiro," he heard Keith murmur in a deadpanned voice, "if I hear details about Lotor's sex life I'm gonna puke."

Shiro let out a quiet chuckle. "Not all men are the same."

"Some things are universal," she trailed down his jawline, "regardless of race."

"Gods," Keith gagged as he realized a worse fate. "If I hear your sex life in real time -"

"Ok," Shiro cut off. "Let's cut to the chase." He moved her hand away from clawing his cheekbones. "I want to know what Lotor asked for but you won't say. You want something from me but I won't give you what you want."

Her red lips pulled into a pout. "Then you are useless to me."

"Now hold on princess. I thought you liked games." His gray eyes glimmered with mischief. "So let's play."

Allura peered curiously at the green and blue drink in front of her. The two colors were separated vertically by absolutely nothing.

"How peculiar."

Lance picked up his matching glass with a grin. "Bottoms up princess."

She humored Lance and clinked her glass against his. She made to take a tentative taste but when she saw Lance gulp his down in one go she felt the urge to do the same. She tipped the glass back as the liquid burned and teased her throat on the way down. They both placed their glasses on the counter.

"Woo! That tastes so weird!" Lance laughed.

Allura paid for two more glasses. She pushed the refill to Lance with a playful smile.


"Let's go! Round two!"

They downed it at the same time.

"What do you propose, hero?"

He hummed out loud, pointedly ignoring what she called him.

"I call the game 'Compromise.'"

Her face went flat. "I do not like the sound of that."

"Giving up already?" He leaned back on his hands. "I thought you were innovative."

She merely crossed her arms.

"I think I found something," Keith quietly murmured. "But I need another pair of eyes."

Shiro sighed. He didn't want to resort to this yet but - He suddenly pushed Ikoa onto her back. She looked up at him wide eyed as his hands were on either side of her head.

Her hand slid up his chest.

They didn't find Nyma but another familiar face had them beaming wide.


"Lance?" Matthew Holt choked on his drink. "P-Princess! Oh wow that dress is - wait," he shook his head hard and then grabbed their arms to pull them close. "You two shouldn't be here."

"Why not?" Allura pouted. "We deserve some fun too."

"Yeah, what 'Ura said," Lance half slurred. "Nyma said this place was great."

"Nyma told you what exactly?" Matt narrowed his eyes.

"She said," Lance squinted as he tried to recall, "this place was a goldmine and we should check it out."

"What were you talking about before she said that?"

"Somethin' 'bout staking out the Galra. Lotor. Boring coalition stuff."

"But we're not thinking of that tonight," Allura said while nodding.

Matt rubbed his forehead. "Well, that's what I'm doing."

"You tell me something important," Shiro lightly bumped her nose, "and I'll give you something for the trouble."

"Such as..."

"You first," he tsked, lifting a finger up to wag in her face. "Play the game right or not at all princess."

She narrowed her eyes, then her gaze drifted down his open collar.

"Lotor sought information. A lead on someone."

"The name is..."

"My reward first." She pointed at his chest and flicked her hand away in a silent command.

He sat up to unbutton his shirt. "The lead?"

"The whereabouts of Zarkon's witch."

"Whatcha you mean?" Lance asked.

"Do you two realize where we are?" At the blank faces, Matt leaned in to murmur. "Club Golta is rich in Zarkon supporters."

"Wait, then -"

"Nyma was suggesting a place to spy," Allura groaned.

"She's meeting with an informant right now."

Lance hummed. "She lizardy with yellow hair?"

"Yeah. How'd you -"

"We came in together."

Matt's eyes drifted over Lance's shoulder. "Nyma's coming. Turn back to the bar but casually."

Shiro kept his face blank despite his surprise.

"Do you know her location?"

"Play the game," Ikoa echoed his words.

He tossed his wet shirt without pause. It landed with a loud plop somewhere off to the side. I knew Lotor was up to something. It had been far too long since they had seen him. Ikoa stayed lying down. She was biting her bottom lip hard.

"I found a hidden wall," Keith sounded out. "No thanks to you. Going through right now."

"Careful," Shiro murmured. "Don't want to hurt yourself."

Ikoa released her lip. "Such concern."

"There's something up ahead. Stand by."

"It's my turn princess. What did you tell Lotor about the witch?"

"It's what I showed him," she corrected, "as I will show you," she sat up to whisper in his ear, "Champion."

Nyma was ordering from the other side of the bar.

Lance let out a low whistle. "Black looks good on her."

"Cool it loverboy," Matt grumbled.

Allura leaned against Matt while she sipped from her glass. She lightly frowned as she watched Nyma walk away with her glass. Then the bartender came over with a yellow drink and a speared purple berry through the stick.

"Compliments from the lady," the bartender said.

"How nice." Matt grinned widely as he put an arm around Allura's waist. "Too bad I got a girl already."

Lance shrugged. "I'll take it."

Matt pushed it his way. Then spoke again when the bartender left.

"This is bad. But it confirms what we already suspected."


"This drink is from Tilipe. We color coded the major baddies." Matt then pointed to the purple berry. "Purple' know who with the crazy dark magic."


Allura laughed loudly, covering up Lance's mistake. "Oh, you are a riot!"

Lance winced as he weakly laughed. Then his face distorted.

"But wait. You and -" he caught the warning look on their faces. No paladin names. "...Space Dad had dinner with the Tilipeans recently."

"Yes." Allura cracked the glass in her hand. "And they made us look like fools."

Matt stood up. "We should continue this elsewhere."

The low, gravelly voice coming out of the princess' mouth made Shiro's shoulders tense.


"Quiznak Shiro," Keith breathed out. "Lotor's in a cryopod. But then who's been leading the Galra?"

"Get out," he tersely bit out. Keith's safety was more important than his cover. "Now."

Before he could slip out of Ikoa's reach she had her glowing hands on his head. Shiro hissed as her power intensified his fear astronomically, freezing him on the spot. Unwillingly he thought of the arena. The rocks, the smell, the taste of copper in his mouth, the stinging bite of claws and blades...He groaned out in pain. It was like he was reliving every single injury all over again.

"Who are you talking to," Ikoa's pupils glowed with that sickly yellow, "my dear champion?"

"I'm coming Shiro."

"Don't," he gasped out as he clenched his right arm.

"Guards," Ikoa's voice returned to normal, "sound the alarms. There's an intruder inside."

"Yes princess."

"Black!" Shiro called out. "Please!"

Haggar looked at the Black Paladin through Ikoa's eyes. Ikoa's voice reverted back to Haggar's.

"Your Lion's too far away to -"

His eyes glowed amber. Ikoa braced herself for the black bayard to appear but it didn't.

"What are you doing?"

"What the - your bayard's in my hand," Keith frowned. "Shiro, are you-"

"Remember your promise," Shiro rasped to Keith then yelled out, "To Green!"

He felt Keith's quintessence disappear from the building but his relief only lasted one tick. Ikoa intensified her power, making each injury tenfold its original pain. He yelled out in absolute agony. She watched with cold eyes as he writhed on the glass floor until he blacked out.

"You can keep my son company."




AN: Whew! Longer chapter so we can get this going. :) I actually lost a third of this chapter thanks to crappy internet connection. ;_; But I ended up with something better so I guess it worked out. XD

I was kind of going for spy Shiro but he still has his boundaries and Space Dad-ness. Sort of. Lol. I imagined Keith hearing his brother fake flirting would make him feel pretty awkward. XD I'll get into what the heck Shiro saw in the pool and of course what Haggar's up to.

Playing around with the black bayard and the abilities the bond with Black could bring. I wish we got to see Shiro use it but oh well. He's got something bigger now in canon. :)