DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything. Just my crazy ideas.A/N: Thanks a lot for your favorites, reviews, etc. Hope you like this chapter.

Sunbeams struck insistently against her eyelids forcing her to open her eyes. But her head hurt as if she'd a thousand DJs inside her brain.

Penelope barely remembered anything from the previous night, but she had one thing for certain: she'd never drink like that again.

After promising herself to become abstemious, she looked around and realized that this wasn't her room.

Bed was huge and covered with white silk sheets. In front of her, a giant Smart TV and a huge but still empty minibar.

Who the hell did she fuck with?

Whoever it was, that suite must have cost a good sum of money. But then who would spend so many dollars with her? She shook her head. Penelope really didn't want to know.

She decided to get up from that bed but a supernatural force seemed to take over her body. Every time she managed to get up, something forced her to go back to bed.

Breathe, Penelope and calm down. This isn't happening, it's you who fall back into bed. Breathe, breathe ... And calm down.

As soon as she finished talking to herself, she realized something: she was handcuffed to the bed. And completely naked.

She thought about screaming, but voice didn't come out. Anyway, she didn't want to be in the limelight of that place, thank you very much.

Penelope flopped down on the mattress and closed her eyes. She decided to wait. After all, that guy would come back sooner or later to say goodbye to her. Or so she hoped.

She opened her eyes and then looked puzzled, a faint whisper coming out of her open mouth.

-What the hell...?

A huge bright mirror returned her reflection from the ceiling. Her aching naked body seemed too vulnerable in the middle of that giant bed.

She smiled almost unwillingly. Maybe Miss Garcia had found her own Christian Grey. Even though she herself didn't know about her kinky side.

Her brown eyes paced the room. Her elegant expensive black dress was tattered on the floor. But then for some fetishistic reason, her highheels were still on her feet. Penelope frowned. The guy must really be a sexual depraved. Maybe even she herself was. Likely she didn't resist making such acts.

-Hello babygirl, did you sleep well?

His voice sounded to her left, right where bathroom door was. Penelope swallowed and began to pray to God, to Allah, to Buddah and even to Visnuh. She almost prayed to the Olympus of the Greek Gods. She prayed that it was just a dream. But his footsteps were getting closer and closer.

-Tell me you're not Derek Morgan.

She pleaded, her eyes still closed. Because if that was the voice of her sweetheart, she didn't want to face reality.

-I'm not Derek Morgan.

For some strange reason, she sighed in relief. The pressure in her chest dissipated as if by magic. Because she was ok with all that hard sex stuff. But under no circumstances did she want to dirty a memory as sweet as her first love.

Penelope opened her eyes as she gave a sensual smile to her lover. But then all traces of flirting vanished.

Right there, in front of her, it was Derek Morgan. If her hands weren't attached to the head of that damn bed, maybe she would have slapped him.

-Why have you lied to me?

He shrugged as walking to the window to lower the blind. Completely naked

-You told me to do it- he said with a choked laugh, just before looking directly into her eyes with a too serious gesture. -Tell me you're not Derek Morgan. And that's what I did.

Penelope opened her mouth to say something, but simply it didn't find words. She only saw him laugh out loud as he dropped his huge muscular body on his side of the bed.

-Can you get dressed, please?- she suggested, making a big effort to look away. -And take off these handcuffs, you asshole.

Derek ignored her completely and put his hands to his head.

-God, how it hurts. I'll not drink like this again.

-I give a fuck about your migraine, you moron. Take these damned handcuffs away from my fucking wrists.

-Look at your mouth, honey- he whispered arching an eyebrow. -If you don't, I'll have to punish you.

-Fuck you, Morgan.

Now he looked at her with a frown. His gaze wandered over her curves, devouring her with his dark eyes.

Penelope swallowed. Having that man so close to her naked body it was making her very horny. Maybe too much. Her voice even sounded ridiculous when she whispered: Go away

Derek gave a deep laugh, an almost erotic sound that sent shivers down her clit.

- Are you sure you want me to leave?

Penelope opened her mouth letting out a weak moan as she felt his warm voice against her ear. Almost unconsciously, she lifted her hips from the bed.

Then her eyes snapped shut at the same time his mouth moistened the curve of her neck.

- Do you want me to free you?

And she opened her eyes suddenly. Derek was on top of her, brushing his erection against her throbbing center. Then she arched her body, hoping to feel him inside her.

Penelope wanted to touch him and feel his strong muscles beneath her fingers. She wanted to hug his back and even scratch his mocha skin in a moment of uncontrolled ecstasy.

But her hands were handcuffed to a damn head. However, she looked up. Blessed mirror

She saw herself reflected in that ceiling, handcuffed and submitted to the wishes of that man. The one who made her enjoy each wild push. To her surprise, Penelope was enjoying that little game. Her eyes couldn't get away from that reflection. The reflection of his hard body pleasing her. That was too much.

But then, four blows were heard at the door of the room.

Derek whispered shit and leaned on his palms. Penelope looked puzzled at him, but he dropped his mouth to her lips again.

Then again, four blows.

-¡Morgan, come out! We're leaving in an hour.

Penelope's eyes widened. It was the voice of a woman and really, she seemed somewhat pissed off. But he never stopped fucking her.

-Who is it?

-Just a moment, Prentiss! Can you wait a few minutes?

-Derek, go talk to whoever that woman is and stop fucking me.- Penelope said with a mortified gesture on her face -You've made it clear that you can do two things at once. Good for you. Now, get up.

-She is a friend. Her name is Emily ...

Penelope rolled her eyes up. She saw him putting on his jeans, but apparently he had no intention of giving her freedom.

-Give me handcuffs keys, Derek.

But he went to the door. And obviously, he opened it. Penelope felt like slapping him.

-What the hell is wrong with you, Prentiss? I told you not to bother me.

The brunette woman narrowed her eyes.

-Shut your mouth up- she said, raising her index finger. -I have your moans stuck on my brain. And I haven't complained about, you stupid.

Derek smiled broadly, crossing his arms.-Well, I can say that we've had a good night. Truth, babygirl?

He turned to look at her with a wicked smile. The other woman simply shook her head. Thank God, she simply looked away.

Penelope covered her naked body as best she could. She was really going to kill that man.

-By the way, Prentiss, will not you have some handcuffs keys? Don't know where are the ones I used last night and ...